IF (UNIX) PROJECT (MotifExamples) INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CheckIncludeFileCXX.cmake) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX("Xm/PushB.h" HAVE_XM_PUSHB_H) IF (HAVE_XM_PUSHB_H) # WARNING: The Motif library HAS to be placed BEFORE the Xt library # brought in by VTK (see Motif FAQ item 335) LINK_LIBRARIES(-lXm) FIND_PACKAGE(VTK) IF(NOT VTK_DIR) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Please set VTK_DIR.") ENDIF(NOT VTK_DIR) INCLUDE(${VTK_USE_FILE}) LINK_LIBRARIES( vtkRendering vtkGraphics vtkImaging vtkIO vtkFiltering vtkCommon ) ADD_EXECUTABLE(Example1 Example1.cxx) ADD_EXECUTABLE(Example2 Example2.cxx) ELSE (HAVE_XM_PUSHB_H) MESSAGE(STATUS "Could not find required Motif header Xm/PushB.h. Not building Motif examples.") ENDIF (HAVE_XM_PUSHB_H) ENDIF (UNIX)