package require vtk package require vtkinteraction # This example demonstrates how to use the vtkImagePlaneWidget # and a vtkSplineWidger to do profile probing of a 3D image # dataset. The use of vtkAnnotatedCubeActor, vtkAxesActor and # vtkOrientationMarkerWidget is also demostrated. # # GUI controls are provided as follows: # a) x,y,z buttons set the widgets to orthonormal # positioning, set the horizontal slider to move the # widgets along their common plane normal, and set the # camera to face the widgets # b) right clicking on x,y,z buttons pops up a menu to set # the widget's reslice interpolation mode # c) when in axes aligned, orthogonal orientation, the slider # will move the widget by slice index within the appropriate range # # Start by loading some data. # vtkVolume16Reader v16 v16 SetDataDimensions 64 64 v16 SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian v16 SetImageRange 1 93 v16 SetDataSpacing 3.2 3.2 1.5 v16 SetFilePrefix "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/headsq/quarter" v16 Update scan [[v16 GetOutput] GetWholeExtent] "%d %d %d %d %d %d" \ xMin xMax yMin yMax zMin zMax set spacing [[v16 GetOutput] GetSpacing] set sx [lindex $spacing 0] set sy [lindex $spacing 1] set sz [lindex $spacing 2] set origin [[v16 GetOutput] GetOrigin] set ox [lindex $origin 0] set oy [lindex $origin 1] set oz [lindex $origin 2] # Create an outline of the 3D image data bounds. # vtkOutlineFilter outline outline SetInput [ v16 GetOutput ] vtkPolyDataMapper outlineMapper outlineMapper SetInput [ outline GetOutput ] vtkActor outlineActor outlineActor SetMapper outlineMapper # Set up two renderers in one render window: one for the # vtkImagePlaneWidget, vtkSplineWidget, and outline, and # one for the profile plot. # vtkRenderer ren1 ren1 SetBackground 0.4 0.4 0.5 vtkRenderer ren2 ren2 SetBackground 0.8 0.8 0.8 vtkRenderWindow renWin renWin AddRenderer ren1 renWin AddRenderer ren2 renWin SetSize 800 400 ren1 SetViewport 0 0 0.5 1 ren2 SetViewport 0.5 0 1 1 # Create a vtkImagePlaneWidget to slice through the data. # vtkImagePlaneWidget ipw ipw DisplayTextOn ipw TextureInterpolateOff ipw UserControlledLookupTableOff ipw SetInput [ v16 GetOutput ] ipw SetResliceInterpolateToNearestNeighbour ipw KeyPressActivationOff [ ipw GetPlaneProperty ] SetColor 1 0 0 set xmode [ ipw GetResliceInterpolate ] set ymode [ ipw GetResliceInterpolate ] set zmode [ ipw GetResliceInterpolate ] ipw SetPlaneOrientationToXAxes ipw SetSliceIndex 32 ipw AddObserver InteractionEvent UpdateIPW # Create a vtkSplineWidget to interactively probe the data. # vtkSplineWidget spline spline SetInput [ v16 GetOutput ] spline PlaceWidget spline SetPriority 1.0 spline KeyPressActivationOff spline ProjectToPlaneOn spline SetProjectionNormal 0 spline SetProjectionPosition 102.4 spline SetNumberOfHandles 5 spline SetResolution 500 spline AddObserver InteractionEvent UpdateSW # A vtkPolyData will be continuously updated from the spline # during interaction. # vtkPolyData poly spline GetPolyData poly # The filter to probe the image data. # vtkProbeFilter probe probe SetInput poly probe SetSource [ v16 GetOutput ] # The plot of the profile data. # vtkXYPlotActor profile profile AddInput [ probe GetOutput ] [ profile GetPositionCoordinate ] SetValue 0.05 0.05 0 [ profile GetPosition2Coordinate ] SetValue 0.95 0.95 0 profile SetXValuesToNormalizedArcLength profile SetNumberOfXLabels 6 profile SetTitle "Profile Data " profile SetXTitle "s" profile SetYTitle "I(s)" profile SetXRange 0 1 set range [[v16 GetOutput] GetScalarRange] profile SetYRange [lindex $range 0] [lindex $range 1] [ profile GetProperty ] SetColor 0 0 0 [ profile GetProperty ] SetLineWidth 2 profile SetLabelFormat "%g" [ profile GetTitleTextProperty ] SetColor 0.02 0.06 0.62 [ profile GetTitleTextProperty ] SetFontFamilyToArial profile SetAxisTitleTextProperty [ profile GetTitleTextProperty ] profile SetAxisLabelTextProperty [ profile GetTitleTextProperty ] profile SetTitleTextProperty [ profile GetTitleTextProperty ] # Create a composite orientation marker using # vtkAnnotatedCubeActor and vtkAxesActor. # vtkAnnotatedCubeActor cube cube SetXPlusFaceText "R" cube SetXMinusFaceText "L" cube SetYPlusFaceText "A" cube SetYMinusFaceText "P" cube SetZPlusFaceText "I" cube SetZMinusFaceText "S" cube SetXFaceTextRotation 180 cube SetYFaceTextRotation 180 cube SetZFaceTextRotation -90 cube SetFaceTextScale 0.65 set property [ cube GetCubeProperty ] $property SetColor 0.5 1 1 set property [ cube GetTextEdgesProperty ] $property SetLineWidth 1 $property SetDiffuse 0 $property SetAmbient 1 $property SetColor 0.18 0.28 0.23 cube TextEdgesOn cube CubeOn cube FaceTextOn set property [ cube GetXPlusFaceProperty ] $property SetColor 0 0 1 $property SetInterpolationToFlat set property [ cube GetXMinusFaceProperty ] $property SetColor 0 0 1 $property SetInterpolationToFlat set property [ cube GetYPlusFaceProperty ] $property SetColor 0 1 0 $property SetInterpolationToFlat set property [ cube GetYMinusFaceProperty ] $property SetColor 0 1 0 $property SetInterpolationToFlat set property [ cube GetZPlusFaceProperty ] $property SetColor 1 0 0 $property SetInterpolationToFlat set property [ cube GetZMinusFaceProperty ] $property SetColor 1 0 0 $property SetInterpolationToFlat vtkAxesActor axes axes SetShaftTypeToCylinder axes SetXAxisLabelText "x" axes SetYAxisLabelText "y" axes SetZAxisLabelText "z" axes SetTotalLength 1.5 1.5 1.5 vtkTextProperty tprop tprop ItalicOn tprop ShadowOn tprop SetFontFamilyToTimes [ axes GetXAxisCaptionActor2D ] SetCaptionTextProperty tprop vtkTextProperty tprop2 tprop2 ShallowCopy tprop [ axes GetYAxisCaptionActor2D ] SetCaptionTextProperty tprop2 vtkTextProperty tprop3 tprop3 ShallowCopy tprop [ axes GetZAxisCaptionActor2D ] SetCaptionTextProperty tprop3 # Combine the two actors into one with vtkPropAssembly ... # vtkPropAssembly assembly assembly AddPart axes assembly AddPart cube # Add the composite marker to the widget. The widget # should be kept in non-interactive mode and the aspect # ratio of the render window taken into account explicitly, # since the widget currently does not take this into # account in a multi-renderer environment. # vtkOrientationMarkerWidget marker marker SetOutlineColor 0.93 0.57 0.13 marker SetOrientationMarker assembly marker SetViewport 0.0 0.0 0.15 0.3 # Add the actors. # ren1 AddActor outlineActor ren2 AddActor2D profile # Prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop. wm withdraw . # Build a tcl GUI. # toplevel .top wm title .top "Probe With vtkSplineWidget Example" wm protocol .top WM_DELETE_WINDOW ::vtk::cb_exit set popm [menu -tearoff 0] set interpmode 0 $popm add radiobutton -label "nearest" -variable interpmode -value 0 \ -command SetInterpolation $popm add radiobutton -label "linear" -variable interpmode -value 1 \ -command SetInterpolation $popm add radiobutton -label "cubic" -variable interpmode -value 2 \ -command SetInterpolation set display_frame [frame .top.f1] set ctrl_buttons [frame .top.btns] pack $display_frame $ctrl_buttons \ -side top -anchor n \ -fill both -expand f set quit_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn1 \ -text "Quit" \ -command ::vtk::cb_exit] set x_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn2 \ -text "x" \ -command AlignXaxis] set y_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn3 \ -text "y" \ -command AlignYaxis] set z_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn4 \ -text "z" \ -command AlignZaxis] set last_btn -1 bind $x_button "set last_btn 0; ConfigMenu; $popm post %X %Y" bind $y_button "set last_btn 1; ConfigMenu; $popm post %X %Y" bind $z_button "set last_btn 2; ConfigMenu; $popm post %X %Y" # Share the popup menu among buttons, keeping # track of associated plane's interpolation mode # proc ConfigMenu { } { global last_btn popm interpmode xmode ymode zmode if { $last_btn == 0 } { set interpmode $xmode } elseif { $last_btn == 1 } { set interpmode $ymode } else { set interpmode $zmode } $popm entryconfigure $last_btn -variable interpmode } pack $quit_button $x_button $y_button $z_button \ -side left \ -expand t -fill both # Create the render widget # set renderer_frame [frame $display_frame.rFm] pack $renderer_frame \ -padx 3 -pady 3 \ -side left -anchor n \ -fill both -expand f set render_widget [vtkTkRenderWidget $renderer_frame.r \ -width 800 \ -height 400 \ -rw renWin] pack $render_widget $display_frame \ -side top -anchor n \ -fill both -expand f # Add a slice scale to browse the current slice stack # set slice_number [ipw GetSliceIndex] scale .top.slice \ -from $xMin \ -to $xMax \ -orient horizontal \ -command SetSlice \ -variable slice_number \ -label "Slice" pack .top.slice \ -fill x -expand f proc SetSlice {slice} { ipw SetSliceIndex $slice UpdateIPW renWin Render } ::vtk::bind_tk_render_widget $render_widget # Set the interactor for the widgets # set iact [[$render_widget GetRenderWindow] GetInteractor] vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera style $iact SetInteractorStyle style ipw SetInteractor $iact ipw On spline SetInteractor $iact spline SetPlaneSource [ ipw GetPolyDataAlgorithm ] spline SetProjectionNormal 3 spline On marker SetInteractor $iact marker SetEnabled 1 marker InteractiveOff # Create an initial interesting view # set cam1 [ren1 GetActiveCamera] $cam1 Elevation 110 $cam1 SetViewUp 0 0 -1 $cam1 Azimuth 45 ren1 ResetCamera # Render it # $render_widget Render # Supporting procedures # # Align the camera so that it faces the desired widget # proc AlignCamera { } { global ox oy oz sx sy sz xMax xMin yMax yMin zMax zMin slice_number set cx [expr $ox + (0.5*($xMax - $xMin))*$sx] set cy [expr $oy + (0.5*($yMax - $yMin))*$sy] set cz [expr $oy + (0.5*($zMax - $zMin))*$sz] set vx 0 set vy 0 set vz 0 set nx 0 set ny 0 set nz 0 set iaxis [ipw GetPlaneOrientation] if { $iaxis == 0 } { set vz -1 set nx [expr $ox + $xMax*$sx] set cx [expr $ox + $slice_number*$sx] } elseif { $iaxis == 1 } { set vz -1 set ny [expr $oy + $yMax*$sy] set cy [expr $oy + $slice_number*$sy] } else { set vy 1 set nz [expr $oz + $zMax*$sz] set cz [expr $oz + $slice_number*$sz] } set px [expr $cx + $nx*2] set py [expr $cy + $ny*2] set pz [expr $cz + $nz*3] set camera [ ren1 GetActiveCamera ] $camera SetViewUp $vx $vy $vz $camera SetFocalPoint $cx $cy $cz $camera SetPosition $px $py $pz $camera OrthogonalizeViewUp ren1 ResetCamera renWin Render } # Align the widget back into orthonormal position, # set the slider to reflect the widget's position, # call AlignCamera to set the camera facing the widget # proc AlignXaxis { } { global xMax xMin slice_number interpmode xmode set ori [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ] if { $ori != 0 } { ipw SetPlaneOrientationToXAxes set slice_number [expr ($xMax - $xMin)/2] ipw SetSliceIndex $slice_number } else { set slice_number [ipw GetSliceIndex] } .top.slice config -from $xMin -to $xMax .top.slice set $slice_number UpdateSplinePosition AlignCamera set interpmode $xmode SetInterpolation } proc AlignYaxis { } { global yMin yMax slice_number interpmode ymode set po [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ] set ori [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ] if { $ori != 1 } { ipw SetPlaneOrientationToYAxes set slice_number [expr ($yMax - $yMin)/2] ipw SetSliceIndex $slice_number } else { set slice_number [ipw GetSliceIndex] } .top.slice config -from $yMin -to $yMax .top.slice set $slice_number UpdateSplinePosition AlignCamera set interpmode $ymode SetInterpolation } proc AlignZaxis { } { global zMin zMax slice_number interpmode zmode set ori [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ] if { $ori != 2 } { ipw SetPlaneOrientationToZAxes set slice_number [expr ($zMax - $zMin)/2] ipw SetSliceIndex $slice_number } else { set slice_number [ipw GetSliceIndex] } .top.slice config -from $zMin -to $zMax .top.slice set $slice_number UpdateSplinePosition AlignCamera set interpmode $zmode SetInterpolation } proc UpdateSplinePosition { } { set ori [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ] spline ProjectToPlaneOff spline PlaceWidget spline ProjectToPlaneOn spline SetProjectionNormal $ori spline SetProjectionNormal 3 UpdateIPW } # Set the vtkImagePlaneWidget's reslice interpolation mode # to the corresponding popup menu choice and store # it for subsequent orientation changes. # proc SetInterpolation { } { global interpmode xmode ymode zmode if { $interpmode == 0 } { ipw TextureInterpolateOff } else { ipw TextureInterpolateOn } ipw SetResliceInterpolate $interpmode set ori [ipw GetPlaneOrientation] if { $ori == 0 } { set xmode $interpmode } elseif { $ori == 1 } { set ymode $interpmode } else { set zmode $interpmode } renWin Render } # Procedure to update the placement of the vtkSplineWidget on the # plane defined by the vtkImagePlaneWidget. # proc UpdateIPW { } { set ori [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ] if { $ori == 3 } { spline SetProjectionPosition 0 } else { set pos [ ipw GetSlicePosition ] spline SetProjectionPosition $pos } UpdateSW } # Procedure to update the spline geometry fed into the probe filter. # proc UpdateSW { } { spline GetPolyData poly }