/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: $RCSfile: vtkPolyData.cxx,v $ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkPolyData.h" #include "vtkCellArray.h" #include "vtkCellData.h" #include "vtkCriticalSection.h" #include "vtkEmptyCell.h" #include "vtkGenericCell.h" #include "vtkInformation.h" #include "vtkInformationVector.h" #include "vtkLine.h" #include "vtkObjectFactory.h" #include "vtkPointData.h" #include "vtkPointLocator.h" #include "vtkPolyLine.h" #include "vtkPolyVertex.h" #include "vtkPolygon.h" #include "vtkQuad.h" #include "vtkTriangle.h" #include "vtkTriangleStrip.h" #include "vtkVertex.h" vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkPolyData, "$Revision: $"); vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkPolyData); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize static member. This member is used to simplify traversal // of verts, lines, polygons, and triangle strips lists. It basically // "marks" empty lists so that the traveral method "GetNextCell" // works properly. vtkCellArray *vtkPolyData::Dummy = NULL; static vtkSimpleCriticalSection DummyCritSect; vtkPolyData::vtkPolyData () { // Create these guys only when needed. This saves a huge amount // of memory and time spent in memory allocation. this->Vertex = NULL; this->PolyVertex = NULL; this->Line = NULL; this->PolyLine = NULL; this->Triangle = NULL; this->Quad = NULL; this->Polygon = NULL; this->TriangleStrip = NULL; this->EmptyCell = NULL; this->Verts = NULL; this->Lines = NULL; this->Polys = NULL; this->Strips = NULL; this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_EXTENT_TYPE(), VTK_PIECES_EXTENT); this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_PIECE_NUMBER(), -1); this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_NUMBER_OF_PIECES(), 1); this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_NUMBER_OF_GHOST_LEVELS(), 0); // static variable, initialized only once. DummyCritSect.Lock(); if (this->Dummy == NULL) { this->Dummy = vtkCellArray::New(); this->Dummy->Register(this); this->Dummy->Delete(); } else { this->Dummy->Register(this); } DummyCritSect.Unlock(); this->Cells = NULL; this->Links = NULL; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkPolyData::~vtkPolyData() { vtkPolyData::Initialize(); // Reference to static dummy persists. // Keep destructed dummy from being used again. DummyCritSect.Lock(); if (this->Dummy->GetReferenceCount() == 1) { this->Dummy->UnRegister(this); this->Dummy = NULL; } else { this->Dummy->UnRegister(this); } DummyCritSect.Unlock(); if (this->Vertex) { this->Vertex->Delete(); } if (this->PolyVertex) { this->PolyVertex->Delete(); } if (this->Line) { this->Line->Delete(); } if (this->PolyLine) { this->PolyLine->Delete(); } if (this->Triangle) { this->Triangle->Delete(); } if (this->Quad) { this->Quad->Delete(); } if (this->Polygon) { this->Polygon->Delete(); } if (this->TriangleStrip) { this->TriangleStrip->Delete(); } if (this->EmptyCell) { this->EmptyCell->Delete(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkPolyData::GetPiece() { return this->Information->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_PIECE_NUMBER()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkPolyData::GetNumberOfPieces() { return this->Information->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_NUMBER_OF_PIECES()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkPolyData::GetGhostLevel() { return this->Information->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_NUMBER_OF_GHOST_LEVELS()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy the geometric and topological structure of an input poly data object. void vtkPolyData::CopyStructure(vtkDataSet *ds) { vtkPolyData *pd=(vtkPolyData *)ds; vtkPointSet::CopyStructure(ds); if (this->Verts != pd->Verts) { if (this->Verts) { this->Verts->UnRegister(this); } this->Verts = pd->Verts; if (this->Verts) { this->Verts->Register(this); } } if (this->Lines != pd->Lines) { if (this->Lines) { this->Lines->UnRegister(this); } this->Lines = pd->Lines; if (this->Lines) { this->Lines->Register(this); } } if (this->Polys != pd->Polys) { if (this->Polys) { this->Polys->UnRegister(this); } this->Polys = pd->Polys; if (this->Polys) { this->Polys->Register(this); } } if (this->Strips != pd->Strips) { if (this->Strips) { this->Strips->UnRegister(this); } this->Strips = pd->Strips; if (this->Strips) { this->Strips->Register(this); } } if ( this->Cells ) { this->Cells->UnRegister(this); this->Cells = NULL; } if ( this->Links ) { this->Links->UnRegister(this); this->Links = NULL; } // Reset this information to mantain the functionality that was present when // CopyStructure called Initialize, which incorrectly wiped out attribute // data. Someone MIGHT argue that this isn't the right thing to do. this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_PIECE_NUMBER(), -1); this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_NUMBER_OF_PIECES(), 0); this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_NUMBER_OF_GHOST_LEVELS(), 0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkPolyData::GetCellType(vtkIdType cellId) { if ( !this->Cells ) { this->BuildCells(); } return this->Cells->GetCellType(cellId); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkCell *vtkPolyData::GetCell(vtkIdType cellId) { int i, loc; vtkIdType *pts, numPts; vtkCell *cell = NULL; unsigned char type; if ( !this->Cells ) { this->BuildCells(); } type = this->Cells->GetCellType(cellId); loc = this->Cells->GetCellLocation(cellId); switch (type) { case VTK_VERTEX: if (!this->Vertex) { this->Vertex = vtkVertex::New(); } cell = this->Vertex; this->Verts->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; case VTK_POLY_VERTEX: if (! this->PolyVertex) { this->PolyVertex = vtkPolyVertex::New(); } cell = this->PolyVertex; this->Verts->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); cell->PointIds->SetNumberOfIds(numPts); //reset number of points cell->Points->SetNumberOfPoints(numPts); break; case VTK_LINE: if (! this->Line ) { this->Line = vtkLine::New(); } cell = this->Line; this->Lines->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; case VTK_POLY_LINE: if (!this->PolyLine) { this->PolyLine = vtkPolyLine::New(); } cell = this->PolyLine; this->Lines->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); cell->PointIds->SetNumberOfIds(numPts); //reset number of points cell->Points->SetNumberOfPoints(numPts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE: if (!this->Triangle) { this->Triangle = vtkTriangle::New(); } cell = this->Triangle; this->Polys->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; case VTK_QUAD: if (!this->Quad) { this->Quad = vtkQuad::New(); } cell = this->Quad; this->Polys->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; case VTK_POLYGON: if (!this->Polygon) { this->Polygon = vtkPolygon::New(); } cell = this->Polygon; this->Polys->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); cell->PointIds->SetNumberOfIds(numPts); //reset number of points cell->Points->SetNumberOfPoints(numPts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP: if (!this->TriangleStrip) { this->TriangleStrip = vtkTriangleStrip::New(); } cell = this->TriangleStrip; this->Strips->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); cell->PointIds->SetNumberOfIds(numPts); //reset number of points cell->Points->SetNumberOfPoints(numPts); break; default: if (!this->EmptyCell) { this->EmptyCell = vtkEmptyCell::New(); } cell = this->EmptyCell; numPts = 0; return cell; } for (i=0; i < numPts; i++) { cell->PointIds->SetId(i,pts[i]); cell->Points->SetPoint(i,this->Points->GetPoint(pts[i])); } return cell; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkPolyData::GetCell(vtkIdType cellId, vtkGenericCell *cell) { int i, loc; vtkIdType *pts=0; vtkIdType numPts; unsigned char type; double x[3]; if ( !this->Cells ) { this->BuildCells(); } type = this->Cells->GetCellType(cellId); loc = this->Cells->GetCellLocation(cellId); switch (type) { case VTK_VERTEX: cell->SetCellTypeToVertex(); this->Verts->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; case VTK_POLY_VERTEX: cell->SetCellTypeToPolyVertex(); this->Verts->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); cell->PointIds->SetNumberOfIds(numPts); //reset number of points cell->Points->SetNumberOfPoints(numPts); break; case VTK_LINE: cell->SetCellTypeToLine(); this->Lines->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; case VTK_POLY_LINE: cell->SetCellTypeToPolyLine(); this->Lines->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); cell->PointIds->SetNumberOfIds(numPts); //reset number of points cell->Points->SetNumberOfPoints(numPts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE: cell->SetCellTypeToTriangle(); this->Polys->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; case VTK_QUAD: cell->SetCellTypeToQuad(); this->Polys->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; case VTK_POLYGON: cell->SetCellTypeToPolygon(); this->Polys->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); cell->PointIds->SetNumberOfIds(numPts); //reset number of points cell->Points->SetNumberOfPoints(numPts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP: cell->SetCellTypeToTriangleStrip(); this->Strips->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); cell->PointIds->SetNumberOfIds(numPts); //reset number of points cell->Points->SetNumberOfPoints(numPts); break; default: cell->SetCellTypeToEmptyCell(); numPts = 0; } for (i=0; i < numPts; i++) { cell->PointIds->SetId(i,pts[i]); this->Points->GetPoint(pts[i], x); cell->Points->SetPoint(i, x); } } void vtkPolyData::CopyCells(vtkPolyData *pd, vtkIdList *idList, vtkPointLocator *locator) { vtkIdType cellId, ptId, newId, newCellId, locatorPtId; int numPts, numCellPts, i; vtkPoints *newPoints; vtkIdList *pointMap = vtkIdList::New(); //maps old pt ids into new vtkIdList *cellPts, *newCellPts = vtkIdList::New(); vtkGenericCell *cell = vtkGenericCell::New(); double x[3]; vtkPointData *outPD = this->GetPointData(); vtkCellData *outCD = this->GetCellData(); numPts = pd->GetNumberOfPoints(); if (this->GetPoints() == NULL) { this->Points = vtkPoints::New(); } newPoints = this->GetPoints(); pointMap->SetNumberOfIds(numPts); for (i=0; i < numPts; i++) { pointMap->SetId(i,-1); } // Filter the cells for (cellId=0; cellId < idList->GetNumberOfIds(); cellId++) { pd->GetCell(idList->GetId(cellId), cell); cellPts = cell->GetPointIds(); numCellPts = cell->GetNumberOfPoints(); for (i=0; i < numCellPts; i++) { ptId = cellPts->GetId(i); if ( (newId = pointMap->GetId(ptId)) < 0 ) { pd->GetPoint(ptId, x); if (locator != NULL) { if ((locatorPtId = locator->IsInsertedPoint(x)) == -1) { newId = newPoints->InsertNextPoint(x); locator->InsertNextPoint(x); pointMap->SetId(ptId, newId); outPD->CopyData(pd->GetPointData(), ptId, newId); } else { newId = locatorPtId; } } else { newId = newPoints->InsertNextPoint(x); pointMap->SetId(ptId, newId); outPD->CopyData(pd->GetPointData(), ptId, newId); } } newCellPts->InsertId(i,newId); } newCellId = this->InsertNextCell(cell->GetCellType(), newCellPts); outCD->CopyData(pd->GetCellData(), idList->GetId(cellId), newCellId); newCellPts->Reset(); } // for all cells newCellPts->Delete(); pointMap->Delete(); cell->Delete(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fast implementation of GetCellBounds(). Bounds are calculated without // constructing a cell. void vtkPolyData::GetCellBounds(vtkIdType cellId, double bounds[6]) { int i, loc; vtkIdType *pts, numPts; unsigned char type; double x[3]; if ( !this->Cells ) { this->BuildCells(); } type = this->Cells->GetCellType(cellId); loc = this->Cells->GetCellLocation(cellId); switch (type) { case VTK_VERTEX: case VTK_POLY_VERTEX: this->Verts->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; case VTK_LINE: case VTK_POLY_LINE: this->Lines->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE: case VTK_QUAD: case VTK_POLYGON: this->Polys->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP: this->Strips->GetCell(loc,numPts,pts); break; default: bounds[0] = bounds[1] = bounds[2] = bounds[3] = bounds[4] = bounds[5] = 0.0; return; } // carefully compute the bounds if (numPts) { this->Points->GetPoint( pts[0], x ); bounds[0] = x[0]; bounds[2] = x[1]; bounds[4] = x[2]; bounds[1] = x[0]; bounds[3] = x[1]; bounds[5] = x[2]; for (i=1; i < numPts; i++) { this->Points->GetPoint( pts[i], x ); bounds[0] = (x[0] < bounds[0] ? x[0] : bounds[0]); bounds[1] = (x[0] > bounds[1] ? x[0] : bounds[1]); bounds[2] = (x[1] < bounds[2] ? x[1] : bounds[2]); bounds[3] = (x[1] > bounds[3] ? x[1] : bounds[3]); bounds[4] = (x[2] < bounds[4] ? x[2] : bounds[4]); bounds[5] = (x[2] > bounds[5] ? x[2] : bounds[5]); } } else { vtkMath::UninitializeBounds(bounds); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkPolyData::ComputeBounds() { if (this->GetMTime() > this->ComputeTime) { // If there are no cells, but there are points, back to the // bounds of the points set. if (this->GetNumberOfCells() == 0 && this->GetNumberOfPoints()) { vtkPointSet::ComputeBounds(); return; } int t, i; vtkIdType *pts = 0; vtkIdType npts = 0; double x[3]; vtkCellArray *cella[4]; cella[0] = this->GetVerts(); cella[1] = this->GetLines(); cella[2] = this->GetPolys(); cella[3] = this->GetStrips(); // carefully compute the bounds int doneOne = 0; this->Bounds[0] = this->Bounds[2] = this->Bounds[4] = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX; this->Bounds[1] = this->Bounds[3] = this->Bounds[5] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX; // Iterate over cells's points for (t = 0; t < 4; t++) { for (cella[t]->InitTraversal(); cella[t]->GetNextCell(npts,pts); ) { for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) { this->Points->GetPoint( pts[i], x ); this->Bounds[0] = (x[0] < this->Bounds[0] ? x[0] : this->Bounds[0]); this->Bounds[1] = (x[0] > this->Bounds[1] ? x[0] : this->Bounds[1]); this->Bounds[2] = (x[1] < this->Bounds[2] ? x[1] : this->Bounds[2]); this->Bounds[3] = (x[1] > this->Bounds[3] ? x[1] : this->Bounds[3]); this->Bounds[4] = (x[2] < this->Bounds[4] ? x[2] : this->Bounds[4]); this->Bounds[5] = (x[2] > this->Bounds[5] ? x[2] : this->Bounds[5]); doneOne = 1; } } } if (!doneOne) { vtkMath::UninitializeBounds(this->Bounds); } this->ComputeTime.Modified(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set the cell array defining vertices. void vtkPolyData::SetVerts (vtkCellArray* v) { if (v == this->Dummy) { v = NULL; } if ( v != this->Verts) { if (this->Verts) { this->Verts->UnRegister(this); } this->Verts = v; if (this->Verts) { this->Verts->Register(this); } this->Modified(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the cell array defining vertices. If there are no vertices, an // empty array will be returned (convenience to simplify traversal). vtkCellArray* vtkPolyData::GetVerts() { if ( !this->Verts ) { return this->Dummy; } else { return this->Verts; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set the cell array defining lines. void vtkPolyData::SetLines (vtkCellArray* l) { if (l == this->Dummy) { l = NULL; } if ( l != this->Lines) { if (this->Lines) { this->Lines->UnRegister(this); } this->Lines = l; if (this->Lines) { this->Lines->Register(this); } this->Modified(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the cell array defining lines. If there are no lines, an // empty array will be returned (convenience to simplify traversal). vtkCellArray* vtkPolyData::GetLines() { if ( !this->Lines ) { return this->Dummy; } else { return this->Lines; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set the cell array defining polygons. void vtkPolyData::SetPolys (vtkCellArray* p) { if(p == this->Dummy) { p = NULL; } if ( p != this->Polys) { if (this->Polys) { this->Polys->UnRegister(this); } this->Polys = p; if (this->Polys) { this->Polys->Register(this); } this->Modified(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the cell array defining polygons. If there are no polygons, an // empty array will be returned (convenience to simplify traversal). vtkCellArray* vtkPolyData::GetPolys() { if ( !this->Polys ) { return this->Dummy; } else { return this->Polys; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set the cell array defining triangle strips. void vtkPolyData::SetStrips (vtkCellArray* s) { if ( s == this->Dummy) { s = NULL; } if ( s != this->Strips) { if (this->Strips) { this->Strips->UnRegister(this); } this->Strips = s; if (this->Strips) { this->Strips->Register(this); } this->Modified(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the cell array defining triangle strips. If there are no // triangle strips, an empty array will be returned (convenience to // simplify traversal). vtkCellArray* vtkPolyData::GetStrips() { if ( !this->Strips ) { return this->Dummy; } else { return this->Strips; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Restore object to initial state. Release memory back to system. void vtkPolyData::Initialize() { vtkPointSet::Initialize(); if ( this->Verts ) { this->Verts->UnRegister(this); this->Verts = NULL; } if ( this->Lines ) { this->Lines->UnRegister(this); this->Lines = NULL; } if ( this->Polys ) { this->Polys->UnRegister(this); this->Polys = NULL; } if ( this->Strips ) { this->Strips->UnRegister(this); this->Strips = NULL; } if ( this->Cells ) { this->Cells->UnRegister(this); this->Cells = NULL; } if ( this->Links ) { this->Links->UnRegister(this); this->Links = NULL; } if(this->Information) { this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_PIECE_NUMBER(), -1); this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_NUMBER_OF_PIECES(), 0); this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_NUMBER_OF_GHOST_LEVELS(), 0); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkPolyData::GetMaxCellSize() { int maxCellSize=0, cellSize; if ( this->Verts ) { cellSize = this->Verts->GetMaxCellSize(); if ( cellSize > maxCellSize ) { maxCellSize = cellSize; } } if ( this->Lines ) { cellSize = this->Lines->GetMaxCellSize(); if ( cellSize > maxCellSize ) { maxCellSize = cellSize; } } if ( this->Polys ) { cellSize = this->Polys->GetMaxCellSize(); if ( cellSize > maxCellSize ) { maxCellSize = cellSize; } } if ( this->Strips ) { cellSize = this->Strips->GetMaxCellSize(); if ( cellSize > maxCellSize ) { maxCellSize = cellSize; } } return maxCellSize; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkIdType vtkPolyData::GetNumberOfCells() { return this->GetNumberOfVerts() + this->GetNumberOfLines() + this->GetNumberOfPolys() + this->GetNumberOfStrips(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkIdType vtkPolyData::GetNumberOfVerts() { return (this->Verts ? this->Verts->GetNumberOfCells() : 0); } vtkIdType vtkPolyData::GetNumberOfLines() { return (this->Lines ? this->Lines->GetNumberOfCells() : 0); } vtkIdType vtkPolyData::GetNumberOfPolys() { return (this->Polys ? this->Polys->GetNumberOfCells() : 0); } vtkIdType vtkPolyData::GetNumberOfStrips() { return (this->Strips ? this->Strips->GetNumberOfCells() : 0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkPolyData::DeleteCells() { // if we have Links, we need to delete them (they are no longer valid) if (this->Links) { this->Links->UnRegister( this ); this->Links = NULL; } if (this->Cells) { this->Cells->UnRegister( this ); this->Cells = NULL; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create data structure that allows random access of cells. void vtkPolyData::BuildCells() { vtkIdType numCells; vtkCellArray *inVerts=this->GetVerts(); vtkCellArray *inLines=this->GetLines(); vtkCellArray *inPolys=this->GetPolys(); vtkCellArray *inStrips=this->GetStrips(); vtkIdType npts=0; vtkIdType *pts=0; vtkCellTypes *cells; vtkDebugMacro (<< "Building PolyData cells."); if ( (numCells = this->GetNumberOfCells()) < 1 ) { numCells = 1000; //may be allocating empty list to begin with } if (this->Cells) { this->DeleteCells(); } this->Cells = cells = vtkCellTypes::New(); this->Cells->Allocate(numCells,3*numCells); this->Cells->Register(this); cells->Delete(); // // Traverse various lists to create cell array // for (inVerts->InitTraversal(); inVerts->GetNextCell(npts,pts); ) { if ( npts > 1 ) { cells->InsertNextCell(VTK_POLY_VERTEX, inVerts->GetTraversalLocation(npts)); } else { cells->InsertNextCell(VTK_VERTEX,inVerts->GetTraversalLocation(npts)); } } for (inLines->InitTraversal(); inLines->GetNextCell(npts,pts); ) { if ( npts > 2 ) { cells->InsertNextCell(VTK_POLY_LINE,inLines->GetTraversalLocation(npts)); } else { cells->InsertNextCell(VTK_LINE,inLines->GetTraversalLocation(npts)); } } for (inPolys->InitTraversal(); inPolys->GetNextCell(npts,pts); ) { if ( npts == 3 ) { cells->InsertNextCell(VTK_TRIANGLE,inPolys->GetTraversalLocation(npts)); } else if ( npts == 4 ) { cells->InsertNextCell(VTK_QUAD,inPolys->GetTraversalLocation(npts)); } else { cells->InsertNextCell(VTK_POLYGON,inPolys->GetTraversalLocation(npts)); } } for (inStrips->InitTraversal(); inStrips->GetNextCell(npts,pts); ) { cells->InsertNextCell(VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP, inStrips->GetTraversalLocation(npts)); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkPolyData::DeleteLinks() { if (this->Links) { this->Links->UnRegister( this ); this->Links = NULL; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create upward links from points to cells that use each point. Enables // topologically complex queries. void vtkPolyData::BuildLinks(int initialSize) { if ( this->Links ) { this->DeleteLinks(); } if ( this->Cells == NULL ) { this->BuildCells(); } this->Links = vtkCellLinks::New(); if ( initialSize > 0 ) { this->Links->Allocate(initialSize); } else { this->Links->Allocate(this->GetNumberOfPoints()); } this->Links->Register(this); this->Links->Delete(); this->Links->BuildLinks(this); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy a cells point ids into list provided. (Less efficient.) void vtkPolyData::GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds) { vtkIdType i; vtkIdType *pts, npts; ptIds->Reset(); if ( this->Cells == NULL ) { this->BuildCells(); } this->vtkPolyData::GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, pts); ptIds->InsertId (npts-1,pts[npts-1]); for (i=0; iSetId(i,pts[i]); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return a pointer to a list of point ids defining cell. (More efficient.) // Assumes that cells have been built (with BuildCells()). void vtkPolyData::GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType& npts, vtkIdType* &pts) { int loc; unsigned char type; type = this->Cells->GetCellType(cellId); loc = this->Cells->GetCellLocation(cellId); switch (type) { case VTK_VERTEX: case VTK_POLY_VERTEX: this->Verts->GetCell(loc,npts,pts); break; case VTK_LINE: case VTK_POLY_LINE: this->Lines->GetCell(loc,npts,pts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE: case VTK_QUAD: case VTK_POLYGON: this->Polys->GetCell(loc,npts,pts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP: this->Strips->GetCell(loc,npts,pts); break; default: npts = 0; pts = NULL; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkPolyData::GetPointCells(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdList *cellIds) { vtkIdType *cells; vtkIdType numCells; vtkIdType i; if ( ! this->Links ) { this->BuildLinks(); } cellIds->Reset(); numCells = this->Links->GetNcells(ptId); cells = this->Links->GetCells(ptId); for (i=0; i < numCells; i++) { cellIds->InsertId(i,cells[i]); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method allocates initial storage for vertex, line, polygon, and // triangle strip arrays. Use this method before the method // PolyData::InsertNextCell(). (Or, provide vertex, line, polygon, and // triangle strip cell arrays.) void vtkPolyData::Allocate(vtkIdType numCells, int extSize) { vtkCellArray *cells; if (!this->Cells) { this->Cells = vtkCellTypes::New(); this->Cells->Allocate(numCells,3*numCells); // Consistent Register/UnRegister. (ShallowCopy). this->Cells->Register(this); this->Cells->Delete(); } cells = vtkCellArray::New(); cells->Allocate(numCells,extSize); this->SetVerts(cells); cells->Delete(); cells = vtkCellArray::New(); cells->Allocate(numCells,extSize); this->SetLines(cells); cells->Delete(); cells = vtkCellArray::New(); cells->Allocate(numCells,extSize); this->SetPolys(cells); cells->Delete(); cells = vtkCellArray::New(); cells->Allocate(numCells,extSize); this->SetStrips(cells); cells->Delete(); } void vtkPolyData::Allocate(vtkPolyData *inPolyData, vtkIdType numCells, int extSize) { vtkCellArray *cells; int numVerts=inPolyData->GetVerts()->GetNumberOfCells(); int numLines=inPolyData->GetLines()->GetNumberOfCells(); int numPolys=inPolyData->GetPolys()->GetNumberOfCells(); int numStrips=inPolyData->GetStrips()->GetNumberOfCells(); int total=numVerts+numLines+numPolys+numStrips; if ( total <= 0 ) { return; } if (!this->Cells) { this->Cells = vtkCellTypes::New(); this->Cells->Allocate(numCells,3*numCells); // Consistent Register/UnRegister. (ShallowCopy). this->Cells->Register(this); this->Cells->Delete(); } if ( numVerts > 0 ) { cells = vtkCellArray::New(); cells->Allocate((int)((double)numVerts/total*numCells),extSize); this->SetVerts(cells); cells->Delete(); } if ( numLines > 0 ) { cells = vtkCellArray::New(); cells->Allocate((int)((double)numLines/total*numCells),extSize); this->SetLines(cells); cells->Delete(); } if ( numPolys > 0 ) { cells = vtkCellArray::New(); cells->Allocate((int)((double)numPolys/total*numCells),extSize); this->SetPolys(cells); cells->Delete(); } if ( numStrips > 0 ) { cells = vtkCellArray::New(); cells->Allocate((int)((double)numStrips/total*numCells),extSize); this->SetStrips(cells); cells->Delete(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Insert a cell of type VTK_VERTEX, VTK_POLY_VERTEX, VTK_LINE, VTK_POLY_LINE, // VTK_TRIANGLE, VTK_QUAD, VTK_POLYGON, or VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP. Make sure that // the PolyData::Allocate() function has been called first or that vertex, // line, polygon, and triangle strip arrays have been supplied. // Note: will also insert VTK_PIXEL, but converts it to VTK_QUAD. int vtkPolyData::InsertNextCell(int type, int npts, vtkIdType *pts) { int id; if ( !this->Cells ) { // if we get to this point, the user has not made any guess at the // number of cells, so this guess is as good as any this->Cells = vtkCellTypes::New(); this->Cells->Allocate(5000,10000); } switch (type) { case VTK_VERTEX: case VTK_POLY_VERTEX: this->Verts->InsertNextCell(npts,pts); id = this->Cells->InsertNextCell(type, this->Verts->GetInsertLocation(npts)); break; case VTK_LINE: case VTK_POLY_LINE: this->Lines->InsertNextCell(npts,pts); id = this->Cells->InsertNextCell(type, this->Lines->GetInsertLocation(npts)); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE: case VTK_QUAD: case VTK_POLYGON: this->Polys->InsertNextCell(npts,pts); id = this->Cells->InsertNextCell(type, this->Polys->GetInsertLocation(npts)); break; case VTK_PIXEL: //need to rearrange vertices { static vtkIdType pixPts[4]; pixPts[0] = pts[0]; pixPts[1] = pts[1]; pixPts[2] = pts[3]; pixPts[3] = pts[2]; this->Polys->InsertNextCell(npts,pixPts); id = this->Cells->InsertNextCell(VTK_QUAD, this->Polys->GetInsertLocation(npts)); break; } case VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP: this->Strips->InsertNextCell(npts,pts); id = this->Cells->InsertNextCell(type, this->Strips->GetInsertLocation(npts)); break; default: id = -1; vtkErrorMacro(<<"Bad cell type! Can't insert!"); } return id; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Insert a cell of type VTK_VERTEX, VTK_POLY_VERTEX, VTK_LINE, VTK_POLY_LINE, // VTK_TRIANGLE, VTK_QUAD, VTK_POLYGON, or VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP. Make sure that // the PolyData::Allocate() function has been called first or that vertex, // line, polygon, and triangle strip arrays have been supplied. // Note: will also insert VTK_PIXEL, but converts it to VTK_QUAD. int vtkPolyData::InsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdList *pts) { int id; int npts=pts->GetNumberOfIds(); if ( !this->Cells ) { this->Cells = vtkCellTypes::New(); this->Cells->Allocate(5000,10000); } switch (type) { case VTK_VERTEX: case VTK_POLY_VERTEX: this->Verts->InsertNextCell(pts); id = this->Cells->InsertNextCell(type, this->Verts->GetInsertLocation(npts)); break; case VTK_LINE: case VTK_POLY_LINE: this->Lines->InsertNextCell(pts); id = this->Cells->InsertNextCell(type, this->Lines->GetInsertLocation(npts)); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE: case VTK_QUAD: case VTK_POLYGON: this->Polys->InsertNextCell(pts); id = this->Cells->InsertNextCell(type, this->Polys->GetInsertLocation(npts)); break; case VTK_PIXEL: //need to rearrange vertices { static vtkIdType pixPts[4]; pixPts[0] = pts->GetId(0); pixPts[1] = pts->GetId(1); pixPts[2] = pts->GetId(3); pixPts[3] = pts->GetId(2); this->Polys->InsertNextCell(4,pixPts); id = this->Cells->InsertNextCell(VTK_QUAD, this->Polys->GetInsertLocation(npts)); break; } case VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP: this->Strips->InsertNextCell(pts); id = this->Cells->InsertNextCell(type, this->Strips->GetInsertLocation(npts)); break; case VTK_EMPTY_CELL: id = -1; // do nothing break; default: id = -1; vtkErrorMacro(<<"Bad cell type! Can't insert!"); } return id; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Recover extra allocated memory when creating data whose initial size // is unknown. Examples include using the InsertNextCell() method, or // when using the CellArray::EstimateSize() method to create vertices, // lines, polygons, or triangle strips. void vtkPolyData::Squeeze() { if ( this->Verts != NULL ) { this->Verts->Squeeze(); } if ( this->Lines != NULL ) { this->Lines->Squeeze(); } if ( this->Polys != NULL ) { this->Polys->Squeeze(); } if ( this->Strips != NULL ) { this->Strips->Squeeze(); } vtkPointSet::Squeeze(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Begin inserting data all over again. Memory is not freed but otherwise // objects are returned to their initial state. void vtkPolyData::Reset() { if ( this->Verts != NULL ) { this->Verts->Reset(); } if ( this->Lines != NULL ) { this->Lines->Reset(); } if ( this->Polys != NULL ) { this->Polys->Reset(); } if ( this->Strips != NULL ) { this->Strips->Reset(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reverse the order of point ids defining the cell. void vtkPolyData::ReverseCell(vtkIdType cellId) { int loc, type; if ( this->Cells == NULL ) { this->BuildCells(); } loc = this->Cells->GetCellLocation(cellId); type = this->Cells->GetCellType(cellId); switch (type) { case VTK_VERTEX: case VTK_POLY_VERTEX: this->Verts->ReverseCell(loc); break; case VTK_LINE: case VTK_POLY_LINE: this->Lines->ReverseCell(loc); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE: case VTK_QUAD: case VTK_POLYGON: this->Polys->ReverseCell(loc); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP: this->Strips->ReverseCell(loc); break; default: break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add a point to the cell data structure (after cell pointers have been // built). This method allocates memory for the links to the cells. (To // use this method, make sure points are available and BuildLinks() has been invoked.) int vtkPolyData::InsertNextLinkedPoint(int numLinks) { return this->Links->InsertNextPoint(numLinks); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add a point to the cell data structure (after cell pointers have been // built). This method adds the point and then allocates memory for the // links to the cells. (To use this method, make sure points are available // and BuildLinks() has been invoked.) int vtkPolyData::InsertNextLinkedPoint(double x[3], int numLinks) { this->Links->InsertNextPoint(numLinks); return this->Points->InsertNextPoint(x); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add a new cell to the cell data structure (after cell pointers have been // built). This method adds the cell and then updates the links from the points // to the cells. (Memory is allocated as necessary.) int vtkPolyData::InsertNextLinkedCell(int type, int npts, vtkIdType *pts) { int i, id; id = this->InsertNextCell(type,npts,pts); for (i=0; iLinks->ResizeCellList(pts[i],1); this->Links->AddCellReference(id,pts[i]); } return id; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Remove a reference to a cell in a particular point's link list. You may also // consider using RemoveCellReference() to remove the references from all the // cell's points to the cell. This operator does not reallocate memory; use the // operator ResizeCellList() to do this if necessary. void vtkPolyData::RemoveReferenceToCell(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType cellId) { this->Links->RemoveCellReference(cellId, ptId); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add a reference to a cell in a particular point's link list. (You may also // consider using AddCellReference() to add the references from all the // cell's points to the cell.) This operator does not realloc memory; use the // operator ResizeCellList() to do this if necessary. void vtkPolyData::AddReferenceToCell(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType cellId) { this->Links->AddCellReference(cellId, ptId); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Replace the points defining cell "cellId" with a new set of points. This // operator is (typically) used when links from points to cells have not been // built (i.e., BuildLinks() has not been executed). Use the operator // ReplaceLinkedCell() to replace a cell when cell structure has been built. void vtkPolyData::ReplaceCell(vtkIdType cellId, int npts, vtkIdType *pts) { int loc, type; if ( this->Cells == NULL ) { this->BuildCells(); } loc = this->Cells->GetCellLocation(cellId); type = this->Cells->GetCellType(cellId); switch (type) { case VTK_VERTEX: case VTK_POLY_VERTEX: this->Verts->ReplaceCell(loc,npts,pts); break; case VTK_LINE: case VTK_POLY_LINE: this->Lines->ReplaceCell(loc,npts,pts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE: case VTK_QUAD: case VTK_POLYGON: this->Polys->ReplaceCell(loc,npts,pts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP: this->Strips->ReplaceCell(loc,npts,pts); break; default: break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Replace one cell with another in cell structure. This operator updates the // connectivity list and the point's link list. It does not delete references // to the old cell in the point's link list. Use the operator // RemoveCellReference() to delete all references from points to (old) cell. // You may also want to consider using the operator ResizeCellList() if the // link list is changing size. void vtkPolyData::ReplaceLinkedCell(vtkIdType cellId, int npts, vtkIdType *pts) { int loc = this->Cells->GetCellLocation(cellId); int type = this->Cells->GetCellType(cellId); switch (type) { case VTK_VERTEX: case VTK_POLY_VERTEX: this->Verts->ReplaceCell(loc,npts,pts); break; case VTK_LINE: case VTK_POLY_LINE: this->Lines->ReplaceCell(loc,npts,pts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE: case VTK_QUAD: case VTK_POLYGON: this->Polys->ReplaceCell(loc,npts,pts); break; case VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP: this->Strips->ReplaceCell(loc,npts,pts); break; default: npts = 0; } for (int i=0; i < npts; i++) { this->Links->InsertNextCellReference(pts[i],cellId); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the neighbors at an edge. More efficient than the general // GetCellNeighbors(). Assumes links have been built (with BuildLinks()), // and looks specifically for edge neighbors. void vtkPolyData::GetCellEdgeNeighbors(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType p1, vtkIdType p2, vtkIdList *cellIds) { vtkIdType *cells; vtkIdType numCells; vtkIdType i,j; vtkIdType *pts, npts; cellIds->Reset(); numCells = this->Links->GetNcells(p1); cells = this->Links->GetCells(p1); for (i=0; i < numCells; i++) { if ( cells[i] != cellId ) { this->GetCellPoints(cells[i],npts,pts); for (j=0; j < npts; j++) { if ( pts[j] == p2 ) { break; } } if ( j < npts ) { cellIds->InsertNextId(cells[i]); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkPolyData::GetCellNeighbors(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkIdList *cellIds) { vtkIdType i, j, numPts, cellNum; int allFound, oneFound; if ( ! this->Links ) { this->BuildLinks(); } cellIds->Reset(); // load list with candidate cells, remove current cell vtkIdType ptId = ptIds->GetId(0); int numPrime = this->Links->GetNcells(ptId); vtkIdType *primeCells = this->Links->GetCells(ptId); numPts = ptIds->GetNumberOfIds(); // for each potential cell for (cellNum = 0; cellNum < numPrime; cellNum++) { // ignore the original cell if (primeCells[cellNum] != cellId) { // are all the remaining points in the cell ? for (allFound=1, i=1; i < numPts && allFound; i++) { ptId = ptIds->GetId(i); int numCurrent = this->Links->GetNcells(ptId); vtkIdType *currentCells = this->Links->GetCells(ptId); oneFound = 0; for (j = 0; j < numCurrent; j++) { if (primeCells[cellNum] == currentCells[j]) { oneFound = 1; break; } } if (!oneFound) { allFound = 0; } } if (allFound) { cellIds->InsertNextId(primeCells[cellNum]); } } } } int vtkPolyData::IsEdge(vtkIdType p1, vtkIdType p2) { unsigned short int ncells; vtkIdType cellType; vtkIdType npts; vtkIdType i, j; vtkIdType *cells, *pts; this->GetPointCells(p1,ncells,cells); for (i=0; iGetCellType(cells[i]); switch (cellType) { case VTK_EMPTY_CELL: case VTK_VERTEX: case VTK_POLY_VERTEX: case VTK_LINE: case VTK_POLY_LINE: break; case VTK_TRIANGLE: if ( this->IsPointUsedByCell(p2,cells[i]) ) { return 1; } break; case VTK_QUAD: this->GetCellPoints(cells[i],npts,pts); for (j=0; jGetCellPoints(cells[i],npts,pts); for (j=0; jGetCellPoints(cells[i],npts,pts); for (j=0; jGetUpdatePiece(); numPieces = this->GetUpdateNumberOfPieces(); ghostLevel = this->GetUpdateGhostLevel(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int* vtkPolyData::GetUpdateExtent() { return this->Superclass::GetUpdateExtent(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkPolyData::GetUpdateExtent(int& x0, int& x1, int& y0, int& y1, int& z0, int& z1) { this->Superclass::GetUpdateExtent(x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkPolyData::GetUpdateExtent(int extent[6]) { this->Superclass::GetUpdateExtent(extent); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned long vtkPolyData::GetActualMemorySize() { unsigned long size=this->vtkPointSet::GetActualMemorySize(); if ( this->Verts ) { size += this->Verts->GetActualMemorySize(); } if ( this->Lines ) { size += this->Lines->GetActualMemorySize(); } if ( this->Polys ) { size += this->Polys->GetActualMemorySize(); } if ( this->Strips ) { size += this->Strips->GetActualMemorySize(); } if ( this->Cells ) { size += this->Cells->GetActualMemorySize(); } if ( this->Links ) { size += this->Links->GetActualMemorySize(); } return size; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkPolyData::ShallowCopy(vtkDataObject *dataObject) { vtkPolyData *polyData = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(dataObject); if ( polyData != NULL ) { this->SetVerts(polyData->GetVerts()); this->SetLines(polyData->GetLines()); this->SetPolys(polyData->GetPolys()); this->SetStrips(polyData->GetStrips()); // I do not know if this is correct but. if (this->Cells) { this->Cells->UnRegister(this); } this->Cells = polyData->Cells; if (this->Cells) { this->Cells->Register(this); } if (this->Links) { this->Links->Delete(); } this->Links = polyData->Links; if (this->Links) { this->Links->Register(this); } } // Do superclass this->vtkPointSet::ShallowCopy(dataObject); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkPolyData::DeepCopy(vtkDataObject *dataObject) { // Do superclass // We have to do this BEFORE we call BuildLinks, else there are no points // to build the links on (the parent DeepCopy copies the points) this->vtkPointSet::DeepCopy(dataObject); vtkPolyData *polyData = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(dataObject); if ( polyData != NULL ) { vtkCellArray *ca; ca = vtkCellArray::New(); ca->DeepCopy(polyData->GetVerts()); this->SetVerts(ca); ca->Delete(); ca = vtkCellArray::New(); ca->DeepCopy(polyData->GetLines()); this->SetLines(ca); ca->Delete(); ca = vtkCellArray::New(); ca->DeepCopy(polyData->GetPolys()); this->SetPolys(ca); ca->Delete(); ca = vtkCellArray::New(); ca->DeepCopy(polyData->GetStrips()); this->SetStrips(ca); ca->Delete(); if ( this->Cells ) { this->Cells->UnRegister(this); this->Cells = NULL; } if (polyData->Cells) { this->BuildCells(); } if ( this->Links ) { this->Links->UnRegister(this); this->Links = NULL; } if (polyData->Links) { this->BuildLinks(); } } } void vtkPolyData::Crop() { } void vtkPolyData::RemoveGhostCells(int level) { vtkCellData *newCellData; vtkCellArray *newVerts; vtkCellArray *newLines; vtkCellArray *newPolys; vtkCellArray *newStrips; vtkIdType inCellId, outCellId; vtkIdType npts=0; vtkIdType *pts=0; // Get a pointer to the cell ghost level array. vtkDataArray* temp = this->CellData->GetArray("vtkGhostLevels"); if (temp == NULL) { vtkDebugMacro("Could not find cell ghost level array."); return; } if ( (temp->GetDataType() != VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) || (temp->GetNumberOfComponents() != 1) || (temp->GetNumberOfTuples() < this->GetNumberOfCells())) { vtkErrorMacro("Poorly formed ghost level array."); return; } unsigned char* cellGhostLevels =((vtkUnsignedCharArray*)temp)->GetPointer(0); // We may be able to get away wil just creating a CellData object. newCellData = vtkCellData::New(); newCellData->CopyAllocate(this->CellData, this->GetNumberOfCells()); inCellId = outCellId = 0; if (this->Verts) { newVerts = vtkCellArray::New(); newVerts->Allocate(this->Verts->GetSize()); for (this->Verts->InitTraversal(); this->Verts->GetNextCell(npts, pts); ) { if (int(cellGhostLevels[inCellId]) < level) { // Keep the cell. newVerts->InsertNextCell(npts, pts); newCellData->CopyData(this->CellData, inCellId, outCellId); ++outCellId; } // Keep this cell. ++inCellId; } // for all cells this->SetVerts(newVerts); newVerts->Delete(); newVerts = NULL; } if (this->Lines) { newLines = vtkCellArray::New(); newLines->Allocate(this->Lines->GetSize()); for (this->Lines->InitTraversal(); this->Lines->GetNextCell(npts, pts); ) { if (int(cellGhostLevels[inCellId]) < level) { // Keep the cell. newLines->InsertNextCell(npts, pts); newCellData->CopyData(this->CellData, inCellId, outCellId); ++outCellId; } // Keep this cell. ++inCellId; } // for all cells this->SetLines(newLines); newLines->Delete(); newLines = NULL; } if (this->Polys) { newPolys = vtkCellArray::New(); newPolys->Allocate(this->Polys->GetSize()); for (this->Polys->InitTraversal(); this->Polys->GetNextCell(npts, pts); ) { if (int(cellGhostLevels[inCellId]) < level) { // Keep the cell. newPolys->InsertNextCell(npts, pts); newCellData->CopyData(this->CellData, inCellId, outCellId); ++outCellId; } // Keep this cell. ++inCellId; } // for all cells this->SetPolys(newPolys); newPolys->Delete(); newPolys = NULL; } if (this->Strips) { newStrips = vtkCellArray::New(); newStrips->Allocate(this->Strips->GetSize()); for (this->Strips->InitTraversal(); this->Strips->GetNextCell(npts, pts); ) { if (int(cellGhostLevels[inCellId]) < level) { // Keep the cell. newStrips->InsertNextCell(npts, pts); newCellData->CopyData(this->CellData, inCellId, outCellId); ++outCellId; } // Keep this cell. ++inCellId; } // for all cells this->SetStrips(newStrips); newStrips->Delete(); newStrips = NULL; } // Save the results. this->CellData->ShallowCopy(newCellData); newCellData->Delete(); // If there are no more ghost levels, then remove all arrays. if (level <= 1) { this->CellData->RemoveArray("vtkGhostLevels"); this->PointData->RemoveArray("vtkGhostLevels"); } this->Squeeze(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkPolyData* vtkPolyData::GetData(vtkInformation* info) { return info? vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(info->Get(DATA_OBJECT())) : 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkPolyData* vtkPolyData::GetData(vtkInformationVector* v, int i) { return vtkPolyData::GetData(v->GetInformationObject(i)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkPolyData::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); os << indent << "Number Of Vertices: " << this->GetNumberOfVerts() << "\n"; os << indent << "Number Of Lines: " << this->GetNumberOfLines() << "\n"; os << indent << "Number Of Polygons: " << this->GetNumberOfPolys() << "\n"; os << indent << "Number Of Triangle Strips: " << this->GetNumberOfStrips() << "\n"; os << indent << "Number Of Pieces: " << this->GetNumberOfPieces() << endl; os << indent << "Piece: " << this->GetPiece() << endl; os << indent << "Ghost Level: " << this->GetGhostLevel() << endl; }