/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: $RCSfile: vtkStructuredGrid.cxx,v $ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkStructuredGrid.h" #include "vtkCellData.h" #include "vtkEmptyCell.h" #include "vtkExtentTranslator.h" #include "vtkGenericCell.h" #include "vtkHexahedron.h" #include "vtkInformation.h" #include "vtkInformationVector.h" #include "vtkLine.h" #include "vtkMath.h" #include "vtkObjectFactory.h" #include "vtkPointData.h" #include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h" #include "vtkStructuredVisibilityConstraint.h" #include "vtkQuad.h" #include "vtkVertex.h" vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkStructuredGrid, "$Revision: $"); vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkStructuredGrid); vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkStructuredGrid, PointVisibility, vtkStructuredVisibilityConstraint); vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkStructuredGrid, CellVisibility, vtkStructuredVisibilityConstraint); #define vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( A, B ) \ A[0] = (B[0] < A[0] ? B[0] : A[0]); A[1] = (B[0] > A[1] ? B[0] : A[1]); \ A[2] = (B[1] < A[2] ? B[1] : A[2]); A[3] = (B[1] > A[3] ? B[1] : A[3]); \ A[4] = (B[2] < A[4] ? B[2] : A[4]); A[5] = (B[2] > A[5] ? B[2] : A[5]) vtkStructuredGrid::vtkStructuredGrid() { this->Vertex = vtkVertex::New(); this->Line = vtkLine::New(); this->Quad = vtkQuad::New(); this->Hexahedron = vtkHexahedron::New(); this->EmptyCell = vtkEmptyCell::New(); this->Dimensions[0] = 0; this->Dimensions[1] = 0; this->Dimensions[2] = 0; this->DataDescription = VTK_EMPTY; this->PointVisibility = vtkStructuredVisibilityConstraint::New(); this->CellVisibility = vtkStructuredVisibilityConstraint::New(); this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_EXTENT_TYPE(), VTK_3D_EXTENT); this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_EXTENT(), this->Extent, 6); int extent[6] = {0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1}; memcpy(this->Extent, extent, 6*sizeof(int)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkStructuredGrid::~vtkStructuredGrid() { this->Initialize(); this->Vertex->Delete(); this->Line->Delete(); this->Quad->Delete(); this->Hexahedron->Delete(); this->EmptyCell->Delete(); this->PointVisibility->Delete(); this->CellVisibility->Delete(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy the geometric and topological structure of an input structured grid. void vtkStructuredGrid::CopyStructure(vtkDataSet *ds) { vtkStructuredGrid *sg=(vtkStructuredGrid *)ds; vtkPointSet::CopyStructure(ds); int i; for (i=0; i<3; i++) { this->Dimensions[i] = sg->Dimensions[i]; } this->SetExtent(sg->GetExtent()); this->DataDescription = sg->DataDescription; this->PointVisibility->Delete(); this->PointVisibility = vtkStructuredVisibilityConstraint::New(); this->PointVisibility->ShallowCopy(sg->PointVisibility); this->CellVisibility->Delete(); this->CellVisibility = vtkStructuredVisibilityConstraint::New(); this->CellVisibility->ShallowCopy(sg->CellVisibility); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkStructuredGrid::Initialize() { this->Superclass::Initialize(); this->PointVisibility->Delete(); this->PointVisibility = vtkStructuredVisibilityConstraint::New(); this->CellVisibility->Delete(); this->CellVisibility = vtkStructuredVisibilityConstraint::New(); if(this->Information) { this->SetDimensions(0,0,0); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkStructuredGrid::GetCellType(vtkIdType cellId) { // see whether the cell is blanked if ( (this->PointVisibility->IsConstrained() || this->CellVisibility->IsConstrained()) && !this->IsCellVisible(cellId) ) { return VTK_EMPTY_CELL; } switch (this->DataDescription) { case VTK_EMPTY: return VTK_EMPTY_CELL; case VTK_SINGLE_POINT: return VTK_VERTEX; case VTK_X_LINE: case VTK_Y_LINE: case VTK_Z_LINE: return VTK_LINE; case VTK_XY_PLANE: case VTK_YZ_PLANE: case VTK_XZ_PLANE: return VTK_QUAD; case VTK_XYZ_GRID: return VTK_HEXAHEDRON; default: vtkErrorMacro(<<"Bad data description!"); return VTK_EMPTY_CELL; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkCell *vtkStructuredGrid::GetCell(vtkIdType cellId) { vtkCell *cell = NULL; vtkIdType idx; int i, j, k; int d01, offset1, offset2; // Make sure data is defined if ( ! this->Points ) { vtkErrorMacro (<<"No data"); return NULL; } // see whether the cell is blanked if ( (this->PointVisibility->IsConstrained() || this->CellVisibility->IsConstrained()) && !this->IsCellVisible(cellId) ) { return this->EmptyCell; } // Update dimensions this->GetDimensions(); switch (this->DataDescription) { case VTK_EMPTY: return this->EmptyCell; case VTK_SINGLE_POINT: // cellId can only be = 0 cell = this->Vertex; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,0); break; case VTK_X_LINE: cell = this->Line; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,cellId); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,cellId+1); break; case VTK_Y_LINE: cell = this->Line; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,cellId); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,cellId+1); break; case VTK_Z_LINE: cell = this->Line; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,cellId); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,cellId+1); break; case VTK_XY_PLANE: cell = this->Quad; i = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0]-1); j = cellId / (this->Dimensions[0]-1); idx = i + j*this->Dimensions[0]; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[0]; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,idx); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,idx+offset1); cell->PointIds->SetId(2,idx+offset1+offset2); cell->PointIds->SetId(3,idx+offset2); break; case VTK_YZ_PLANE: cell = this->Quad; j = cellId % (this->Dimensions[1]-1); k = cellId / (this->Dimensions[1]-1); idx = j + k*this->Dimensions[1]; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[1]; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,idx); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,idx+offset1); cell->PointIds->SetId(2,idx+offset1+offset2); cell->PointIds->SetId(3,idx+offset2); break; case VTK_XZ_PLANE: cell = this->Quad; i = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0]-1); k = cellId / (this->Dimensions[0]-1); idx = i + k*this->Dimensions[0]; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[0]; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,idx); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,idx+offset1); cell->PointIds->SetId(2,idx+offset1+offset2); cell->PointIds->SetId(3,idx+offset2); break; case VTK_XYZ_GRID: cell = this->Hexahedron; d01 = this->Dimensions[0]*this->Dimensions[1]; i = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0] - 1); j = (cellId / (this->Dimensions[0] - 1)) % (this->Dimensions[1] - 1); k = cellId / ((this->Dimensions[0] - 1) * (this->Dimensions[1] - 1)); idx = i+ j*this->Dimensions[0] + k*d01; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[0]; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,idx); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,idx+offset1); cell->PointIds->SetId(2,idx+offset1+offset2); cell->PointIds->SetId(3,idx+offset2); idx += d01; cell->PointIds->SetId(4,idx); cell->PointIds->SetId(5,idx+offset1); cell->PointIds->SetId(6,idx+offset1+offset2); cell->PointIds->SetId(7,idx+offset2); break; } // Extract point coordinates and point ids. NOTE: the ordering of the vtkQuad // and vtkHexahedron cells are tricky. int NumberOfIds = cell->PointIds->GetNumberOfIds(); for (i=0; iPointIds->GetId(i); cell->Points->SetPoint(i,this->Points->GetPoint(idx)); } return cell; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkStructuredGrid::GetCell(vtkIdType cellId, vtkGenericCell *cell) { vtkIdType idx; int i, j, k; int d01, offset1, offset2; double x[3]; // Make sure data is defined if ( ! this->Points ) { vtkErrorMacro (<<"No data"); } // see whether the cell is blanked if ( (this->PointVisibility->IsConstrained() || this->CellVisibility->IsConstrained()) && !this->IsCellVisible(cellId) ) { cell->SetCellTypeToEmptyCell(); return; } // Update dimensions this->GetDimensions(); switch (this->DataDescription) { case VTK_EMPTY: cell->SetCellTypeToEmptyCell(); return; case VTK_SINGLE_POINT: // cellId can only be = 0 cell->SetCellTypeToVertex(); cell->PointIds->SetId(0,0); break; case VTK_X_LINE: cell->SetCellTypeToLine(); cell->PointIds->SetId(0,cellId); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,cellId+1); break; case VTK_Y_LINE: cell->SetCellTypeToLine(); cell->PointIds->SetId(0,cellId); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,cellId+1); break; case VTK_Z_LINE: cell->SetCellTypeToLine(); cell->PointIds->SetId(0,cellId); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,cellId+1); break; case VTK_XY_PLANE: cell->SetCellTypeToQuad(); i = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0]-1); j = cellId / (this->Dimensions[0]-1); idx = i + j*this->Dimensions[0]; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[0]; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,idx); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,idx+offset1); cell->PointIds->SetId(2,idx+offset1+offset2); cell->PointIds->SetId(3,idx+offset2); break; case VTK_YZ_PLANE: cell->SetCellTypeToQuad(); j = cellId % (this->Dimensions[1]-1); k = cellId / (this->Dimensions[1]-1); idx = j + k*this->Dimensions[1]; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[1]; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,idx); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,idx+offset1); cell->PointIds->SetId(2,idx+offset1+offset2); cell->PointIds->SetId(3,idx+offset2); break; case VTK_XZ_PLANE: cell->SetCellTypeToQuad(); i = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0]-1); k = cellId / (this->Dimensions[0]-1); idx = i + k*this->Dimensions[0]; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[0]; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,idx); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,idx+offset1); cell->PointIds->SetId(2,idx+offset1+offset2); cell->PointIds->SetId(3,idx+offset2); break; case VTK_XYZ_GRID: cell->SetCellTypeToHexahedron(); d01 = this->Dimensions[0]*this->Dimensions[1]; i = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0] - 1); j = (cellId / (this->Dimensions[0] - 1)) % (this->Dimensions[1] - 1); k = cellId / ((this->Dimensions[0] - 1) * (this->Dimensions[1] - 1)); idx = i+ j*this->Dimensions[0] + k*d01; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[0]; cell->PointIds->SetId(0,idx); cell->PointIds->SetId(1,idx+offset1); cell->PointIds->SetId(2,idx+offset1+offset2); cell->PointIds->SetId(3,idx+offset2); idx += d01; cell->PointIds->SetId(4,idx); cell->PointIds->SetId(5,idx+offset1); cell->PointIds->SetId(6,idx+offset1+offset2); cell->PointIds->SetId(7,idx+offset2); break; } // Extract point coordinates and point ids. NOTE: the ordering of the vtkQuad // and vtkHexahedron cells are tricky. int NumberOfIds = cell->PointIds->GetNumberOfIds(); for (i=0; iPointIds->GetId(i); this->Points->GetPoint(idx, x); cell->Points->SetPoint(i, x); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fast implementation of GetCellBounds(). Bounds are calculated without // constructing a cell. void vtkStructuredGrid::GetCellBounds(vtkIdType cellId, double bounds[6]) { vtkIdType idx = 0; int i, j, k; vtkIdType d01; int offset1 = 0; int offset2 = 0; double x[3]; // Make sure data is defined if ( ! this->Points ) { vtkErrorMacro (<<"No data"); return; } vtkMath::UninitializeBounds(bounds); // Update dimensions this->GetDimensions(); switch (this->DataDescription) { case VTK_EMPTY: return; case VTK_SINGLE_POINT: // cellId can only be = 0 this->Points->GetPoint( 0, x ); bounds[0] = bounds[1] = x[0]; bounds[2] = bounds[3] = x[1]; bounds[4] = bounds[5] = x[2]; break; case VTK_X_LINE: case VTK_Y_LINE: case VTK_Z_LINE: this->Points->GetPoint( cellId, x ); bounds[0] = bounds[1] = x[0]; bounds[2] = bounds[3] = x[1]; bounds[4] = bounds[5] = x[2]; this->Points->GetPoint( cellId +1, x ); vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( bounds, x ); break; case VTK_XY_PLANE: case VTK_YZ_PLANE: case VTK_XZ_PLANE: if (this->DataDescription == VTK_XY_PLANE) { i = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0]-1); j = cellId / (this->Dimensions[0]-1); idx = i + j*this->Dimensions[0]; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[0]; } else if (this->DataDescription == VTK_YZ_PLANE) { j = cellId % (this->Dimensions[1]-1); k = cellId / (this->Dimensions[1]-1); idx = j + k*this->Dimensions[1]; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[1]; } else if (this->DataDescription == VTK_XZ_PLANE) { i = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0]-1); k = cellId / (this->Dimensions[0]-1); idx = i + k*this->Dimensions[0]; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[0]; } this->Points->GetPoint(idx, x); bounds[0] = bounds[1] = x[0]; bounds[2] = bounds[3] = x[1]; bounds[4] = bounds[5] = x[2]; this->Points->GetPoint( idx+offset1, x); vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( bounds, x ); this->Points->GetPoint( idx+offset1+offset2, x); vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( bounds, x ); this->Points->GetPoint( idx+offset2, x); vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( bounds, x ); break; case VTK_XYZ_GRID: d01 = this->Dimensions[0]*this->Dimensions[1]; i = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0] - 1); j = (cellId / (this->Dimensions[0] - 1)) % (this->Dimensions[1] - 1); k = cellId / ((this->Dimensions[0] - 1) * (this->Dimensions[1] - 1)); idx = i+ j*this->Dimensions[0] + k*d01; offset1 = 1; offset2 = this->Dimensions[0]; this->Points->GetPoint(idx, x); bounds[0] = bounds[1] = x[0]; bounds[2] = bounds[3] = x[1]; bounds[4] = bounds[5] = x[2]; this->Points->GetPoint( idx+offset1, x); vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( bounds, x ); this->Points->GetPoint( idx+offset1+offset2, x); vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( bounds, x ); this->Points->GetPoint( idx+offset2, x); vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( bounds, x ); idx += d01; this->Points->GetPoint(idx, x); vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( bounds, x ); this->Points->GetPoint( idx+offset1, x); vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( bounds, x ); this->Points->GetPoint( idx+offset1+offset2, x); vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( bounds, x ); this->Points->GetPoint( idx+offset2, x); vtkAdjustBoundsMacro( bounds, x ); break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Turn off a particular data point. void vtkStructuredGrid::BlankPoint(vtkIdType ptId) { this->PointVisibility->Initialize(this->Dimensions); this->PointVisibility->Blank(ptId); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Turn on a particular data point. void vtkStructuredGrid::UnBlankPoint(vtkIdType ptId) { this->PointVisibility->Initialize(this->Dimensions); this->PointVisibility->UnBlank(ptId); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkStructuredGrid::SetPointVisibilityArray(vtkUnsignedCharArray *ptVis) { this->PointVisibility->SetVisibilityById(ptVis); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkUnsignedCharArray* vtkStructuredGrid::GetPointVisibilityArray() { return this->PointVisibility->GetVisibilityById(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Turn off a particular data cell. void vtkStructuredGrid::BlankCell(vtkIdType cellId) { this->CellVisibility->Initialize(this->Dimensions); this->CellVisibility->Blank(cellId); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Turn on a particular data cell. void vtkStructuredGrid::UnBlankCell(vtkIdType cellId) { this->CellVisibility->Initialize(this->Dimensions); this->CellVisibility->UnBlank(cellId); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkStructuredGrid::SetCellVisibilityArray(vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellVis) { this->CellVisibility->SetVisibilityById(cellVis); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkUnsignedCharArray* vtkStructuredGrid::GetCellVisibilityArray() { return this->CellVisibility->GetVisibilityById(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char vtkStructuredGrid::IsPointVisible(vtkIdType pointId) { return this->PointVisibility->IsVisible(pointId); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return non-zero if the specified cell is visible (i.e., not blanked) unsigned char vtkStructuredGrid::IsCellVisible(vtkIdType cellId) { if ( !this->CellVisibility->IsVisible(cellId) ) { return 0; } // Update dimensions this->GetDimensions(); int numIds=0; vtkIdType ptIds[8]; int iMin, iMax, jMin, jMax, kMin, kMax; vtkIdType d01 = this->Dimensions[0]*this->Dimensions[1]; iMin = iMax = jMin = jMax = kMin = kMax = 0; switch (this->DataDescription) { case VTK_EMPTY: return 0; case VTK_SINGLE_POINT: // cellId can only be = 0 numIds = 1; ptIds[0] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; break; case VTK_X_LINE: iMin = cellId; iMax = cellId + 1; numIds = 2; ptIds[0] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[1] = iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; break; case VTK_Y_LINE: jMin = cellId; jMax = cellId + 1; numIds = 2; ptIds[0] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[1] = iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; break; case VTK_Z_LINE: kMin = cellId; kMax = cellId + 1; numIds = 2; ptIds[0] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[1] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01; break; case VTK_XY_PLANE: iMin = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0]-1); iMax = iMin + 1; jMin = cellId / (this->Dimensions[0]-1); jMax = jMin + 1; numIds = 4; ptIds[0] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[1] = iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[2] = iMax + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[3] = iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; break; case VTK_YZ_PLANE: jMin = cellId % (this->Dimensions[1]-1); jMax = jMin + 1; kMin = cellId / (this->Dimensions[1]-1); kMax = kMin + 1; numIds = 4; ptIds[0] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[1] = iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[2] = iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01; ptIds[3] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01; break; case VTK_XZ_PLANE: iMin = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0]-1); iMax = iMin + 1; kMin = cellId / (this->Dimensions[0]-1); kMax = kMin + 1; numIds = 4; ptIds[0] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[1] = iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[2] = iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01; ptIds[3] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01; break; case VTK_XYZ_GRID: iMin = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0] - 1); iMax = iMin + 1; jMin = (cellId / (this->Dimensions[0] - 1)) % (this->Dimensions[1] - 1); jMax = jMin + 1; kMin = cellId / ((this->Dimensions[0] - 1) * (this->Dimensions[1] - 1)); kMax = kMin + 1; numIds = 8; ptIds[0] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[1] = iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[2] = iMax + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[3] = iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01; ptIds[4] = iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01; ptIds[5] = iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01; ptIds[6] = iMax + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01; ptIds[7] = iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01; break; } for (int i=0; iIsPointVisible(ptIds[i]) ) { return 0; } } return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set dimensions of structured grid dataset. void vtkStructuredGrid::SetDimensions(int i, int j, int k) { this->SetExtent(0, i-1, 0, j-1, 0, k-1); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set dimensions of structured grid dataset. void vtkStructuredGrid::SetDimensions(int dim[3]) { this->SetExtent(0, dim[0]-1, 0, dim[1]-1, 0, dim[2]-1); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the points defining a cell. (See vtkDataSet for more info.) void vtkStructuredGrid::GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds) { // Update dimensions this->GetDimensions(); int iMin, iMax, jMin, jMax, kMin, kMax; vtkIdType d01 = this->Dimensions[0]*this->Dimensions[1]; ptIds->Reset(); iMin = iMax = jMin = jMax = kMin = kMax = 0; switch (this->DataDescription) { case VTK_EMPTY: return; case VTK_SINGLE_POINT: // cellId can only be = 0 ptIds->SetNumberOfIds(1); ptIds->SetId(0, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); break; case VTK_X_LINE: iMin = cellId; iMax = cellId + 1; ptIds->SetNumberOfIds(2); ptIds->SetId(0, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(1, iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); break; case VTK_Y_LINE: jMin = cellId; jMax = cellId + 1; ptIds->SetNumberOfIds(2); ptIds->SetId(0, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(1, iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); break; case VTK_Z_LINE: kMin = cellId; kMax = cellId + 1; ptIds->SetNumberOfIds(2); ptIds->SetId(0, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(1, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01); break; case VTK_XY_PLANE: iMin = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0]-1); iMax = iMin + 1; jMin = cellId / (this->Dimensions[0]-1); jMax = jMin + 1; ptIds->SetNumberOfIds(4); ptIds->SetId(0, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(1, iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(2, iMax + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(3, iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); break; case VTK_YZ_PLANE: jMin = cellId % (this->Dimensions[1]-1); jMax = jMin + 1; kMin = cellId / (this->Dimensions[1]-1); kMax = kMin + 1; ptIds->SetNumberOfIds(4); ptIds->SetId(0, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(1, iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(2, iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01); ptIds->SetId(3, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01); break; case VTK_XZ_PLANE: iMin = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0]-1); iMax = iMin + 1; kMin = cellId / (this->Dimensions[0]-1); kMax = kMin + 1; ptIds->SetNumberOfIds(4); ptIds->SetId(0, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(1, iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(2, iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01); ptIds->SetId(3, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01); break; case VTK_XYZ_GRID: iMin = cellId % (this->Dimensions[0] - 1); iMax = iMin + 1; jMin = (cellId / (this->Dimensions[0] - 1)) % (this->Dimensions[1] - 1); jMax = jMin + 1; kMin = cellId / ((this->Dimensions[0] - 1) * (this->Dimensions[1] - 1)); kMax = kMin + 1; ptIds->SetNumberOfIds(8); ptIds->SetId(0, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(1, iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(2, iMax + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(3, iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMin*d01); ptIds->SetId(4, iMin + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01); ptIds->SetId(5, iMax + jMin*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01); ptIds->SetId(6, iMax + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01); ptIds->SetId(7, iMin + jMax*this->Dimensions[0] + kMax*d01); break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkStructuredGrid::SetExtent(int extent[6]) { int description; description = vtkStructuredData::SetExtent(extent, this->Extent); if ( description < 0 ) //improperly specified { vtkErrorMacro (<< "Bad Extent, retaining previous values"); } if (description == VTK_UNCHANGED) { return; } this->DataDescription = description; this->Modified(); this->Dimensions[0] = extent[1] - extent[0] + 1; this->Dimensions[1] = extent[3] - extent[2] + 1; this->Dimensions[2] = extent[5] - extent[4] + 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkStructuredGrid::SetExtent(int xMin, int xMax, int yMin, int yMax, int zMin, int zMax) { int extent[6]; extent[0] = xMin; extent[1] = xMax; extent[2] = yMin; extent[3] = yMax; extent[4] = zMin; extent[5] = zMax; this->SetExtent(extent); } int *vtkStructuredGrid::GetDimensions () { this->GetDimensions(this->Dimensions); return this->Dimensions; } void vtkStructuredGrid::GetDimensions (int dim[3]) { const int* extent = this->Extent; dim[0] = extent[1] - extent[0] + 1; dim[1] = extent[3] - extent[2] + 1; dim[2] = extent[5] - extent[4] + 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkStructuredGrid::GetCellNeighbors(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkIdList *cellIds) { int numPtIds=ptIds->GetNumberOfIds(); // Use special methods for speed switch (numPtIds) { case 0: cellIds->Reset(); return; case 1: case 2: case 4: //vertex, edge, face neighbors vtkStructuredData::GetCellNeighbors(cellId, ptIds, cellIds, this->GetDimensions()); break; default: this->vtkDataSet::GetCellNeighbors(cellId, ptIds, cellIds); } // If blanking, remove blanked cells. if ( this->PointVisibility->IsConstrained() ) { int xcellId; for (int i=0; iGetNumberOfIds(); i++) { xcellId = cellIds->GetId(i); if ( !this->IsCellVisible(xcellId) ) { cellIds->DeleteId(xcellId); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned long vtkStructuredGrid::GetActualMemorySize() { return this->vtkPointSet::GetActualMemorySize(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkStructuredGrid::ShallowCopy(vtkDataObject *dataObject) { vtkStructuredGrid *grid = vtkStructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(dataObject); if ( grid != NULL ) { this->InternalStructuredGridCopy(grid); this->PointVisibility->ShallowCopy(grid->PointVisibility); this->CellVisibility->ShallowCopy(grid->CellVisibility); } // Do superclass this->vtkPointSet::ShallowCopy(dataObject); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkStructuredGrid::DeepCopy(vtkDataObject *dataObject) { vtkStructuredGrid *grid = vtkStructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(dataObject); if ( grid != NULL ) { this->InternalStructuredGridCopy(grid); this->PointVisibility->DeepCopy(grid->PointVisibility); this->CellVisibility->DeepCopy(grid->CellVisibility); } // Do superclass this->vtkPointSet::DeepCopy(dataObject); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This copies all the local variables (but not objects). void vtkStructuredGrid::InternalStructuredGridCopy(vtkStructuredGrid *src) { int idx; this->DataDescription = src->DataDescription; // Update dimensions this->GetDimensions(); for (idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx) { this->Dimensions[idx] = src->Dimensions[idx]; } memcpy(this->Extent, src->GetExtent(), 6*sizeof(int)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Override this method because of blanking void vtkStructuredGrid::GetScalarRange(double range[2]) { vtkDataArray *ptScalars = this->PointData->GetScalars(); vtkDataArray *cellScalars = this->CellData->GetScalars(); double ptRange[2]; double cellRange[2]; double s; int id, num; ptRange[0] = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX; ptRange[1] = VTK_DOUBLE_MIN; if ( ptScalars ) { num = this->GetNumberOfPoints(); for (id=0; id < num; id++) { if ( this->IsPointVisible(id) ) { s = ptScalars->GetComponent(id,0); if ( s < ptRange[0] ) { ptRange[0] = s; } if ( s > ptRange[1] ) { ptRange[1] = s; } } } } cellRange[0] = ptRange[0]; cellRange[1] = ptRange[1]; if ( cellScalars ) { num = this->GetNumberOfCells(); for (id=0; id < num; id++) { if ( this->IsCellVisible(id) ) { s = cellScalars->GetComponent(id,0); if ( s < cellRange[0] ) { cellRange[0] = s; } if ( s > cellRange[1] ) { cellRange[1] = s; } } } } range[0] = (cellRange[0] >= VTK_DOUBLE_MAX ? 0.0 : cellRange[0]); range[1] = (cellRange[1] <= VTK_DOUBLE_MIN ? 1.0 : cellRange[1]); this->ComputeTime.Modified(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkStructuredGrid::Crop() { int i, j, k; int uExt[6]; const int* extent = this->Extent; int updateExtent[6] = {0,-1,0,-1,0,-1}; this->GetUpdateExtent(updateExtent); // If the update extent is larger than the extent, // we cannot do anything about it here. for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { uExt[i*2] = updateExtent[i*2]; if (uExt[i*2] < extent[i*2]) { uExt[i*2] = extent[i*2]; } uExt[i*2+1] = updateExtent[i*2+1]; if (uExt[i*2+1] > extent[i*2+1]) { uExt[i*2+1] = extent[i*2+1]; } } // If extents already match, then we need to do nothing. if (extent[0] == uExt[0] && extent[1] == uExt[1] && extent[2] == uExt[2] && extent[3] == uExt[3] && extent[4] == uExt[4] && extent[5] == uExt[5]) { return; } else { vtkStructuredGrid *newGrid; vtkPointData *inPD, *outPD; vtkCellData *inCD, *outCD; int outSize, jOffset, kOffset; vtkIdType idx, newId; vtkPoints *newPts, *inPts; int inInc1, inInc2; // Get the points. Protect against empty data objects. inPts = this->GetPoints(); if (inPts == NULL) { return; } vtkDebugMacro(<< "Cropping Grid"); newGrid = vtkStructuredGrid::New(); inPD = this->GetPointData(); inCD = this->GetCellData(); outPD = newGrid->GetPointData(); outCD = newGrid->GetCellData(); // Allocate necessary objects // newGrid->SetExtent(uExt); outSize = (uExt[1]-uExt[0]+1)*(uExt[3]-uExt[2]+1)*(uExt[5]-uExt[4]+1); newPts = inPts->NewInstance(); newPts->SetDataType(inPts->GetDataType()); newPts->SetNumberOfPoints(outSize); outPD->CopyAllocate(inPD,outSize,outSize); outCD->CopyAllocate(inCD,outSize,outSize); // Traverse this data and copy point attributes to output newId = 0; inInc1 = (extent[1]-extent[0]+1); inInc2 = inInc1*(extent[3]-extent[2]+1); for ( k=uExt[4]; k <= uExt[5]; ++k) { kOffset = (k - extent[4]) * inInc2; for ( j=uExt[2]; j <= uExt[3]; ++j) { jOffset = (j - extent[2]) * inInc1; for ( i=uExt[0]; i <= uExt[1]; ++i) { idx = (i - extent[0]) + jOffset + kOffset; newPts->SetPoint(newId,inPts->GetPoint(idx)); outPD->CopyData(inPD, idx, newId++); } } } // Traverse input data and copy cell attributes to output newId = 0; inInc1 = (extent[1] - extent[0]); inInc2 = inInc1*(extent[3] - extent[2]); for ( k=uExt[4]; k < uExt[5]; ++k ) { kOffset = (k - extent[4]) * inInc2; for ( j=uExt[2]; j < uExt[3]; ++j ) { jOffset = (j - extent[2]) * inInc1; for ( i=uExt[0]; i < uExt[1]; ++i ) { idx = (i - extent[0]) + jOffset + kOffset; outCD->CopyData(inCD, idx, newId++); } } } this->SetExtent(uExt); this->SetPoints(newPts); newPts->Delete(); inPD->ShallowCopy(outPD); inCD->ShallowCopy(outCD); newGrid->Delete(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkStructuredGrid::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); int dim[3]; this->GetDimensions(dim); os << indent << "Dimensions: (" << dim[0] << ", " << dim[1] << ", " << dim[2] << ")\n"; const int* extent = this->Extent; os << indent << "Extent: " << extent[0] << ", " << extent[1] << ", " << extent[2] << ", " << extent[3] << ", " << extent[4] << ", " << extent[5] << endl; os << ")\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char vtkStructuredGrid::GetPointBlanking() { return this->PointVisibility->IsConstrained(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char vtkStructuredGrid::GetCellBlanking() { return this->PointVisibility->IsConstrained() || this->CellVisibility->IsConstrained(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkStructuredGrid* vtkStructuredGrid::GetData(vtkInformation* info) { return info? vtkStructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(info->Get(DATA_OBJECT())) : 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkStructuredGrid* vtkStructuredGrid::GetData(vtkInformationVector* v, int i) { return vtkStructuredGrid::GetData(v->GetInformationObject(i)); }