/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: $RCSfile: vtkXMLDataReader.cxx,v $ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkXMLDataReader.h" #include "vtkCallbackCommand.h" #include "vtkCellData.h" #include "vtkDataArraySelection.h" #include "vtkDataSet.h" #include "vtkPointData.h" #include "vtkXMLDataElement.h" #include "vtkXMLDataParser.h" #include "vtkInformationVector.h" #include "vtkInformation.h" #include "vtkExecutive.h" #include "assert.h" vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkXMLDataReader, "$Revision: $"); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkXMLDataReader::vtkXMLDataReader() { this->NumberOfPieces = 0; this->PointDataElements = 0; this->CellDataElements = 0; this->Piece = 0; this->NumberOfPointArrays = 0; this->NumberOfCellArrays = 0; this->InReadData = 0; // Setup a callback for when the XMLParser's data reading routines // report progress. this->DataProgressObserver = vtkCallbackCommand::New(); this->DataProgressObserver->SetCallback(&vtkXMLDataReader::DataProgressCallbackFunction); this->DataProgressObserver->SetClientData(this); this->PointDataTimeStep = NULL; this->PointDataOffset = NULL; this->CellDataTimeStep = NULL; this->CellDataOffset = NULL; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkXMLDataReader::~vtkXMLDataReader() { if(this->XMLParser) { this->DestroyXMLParser(); } if(this->NumberOfPieces) { this->DestroyPieces(); } this->DataProgressObserver->Delete(); if( this->NumberOfPointArrays ) { delete[] this->PointDataTimeStep; delete[] this->PointDataOffset; } if( this->NumberOfCellArrays ) { delete[] this->CellDataTimeStep; delete[] this->CellDataOffset; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkXMLDataReader::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkXMLDataReader::CreateXMLParser() { this->Superclass::CreateXMLParser(); this->XMLParser->AddObserver(vtkCommand::ProgressEvent, this->DataProgressObserver); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkXMLDataReader::DestroyXMLParser() { if(this->XMLParser) { this->XMLParser->RemoveObserver(this->DataProgressObserver); } this->Superclass::DestroyXMLParser(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Note that any changes (add or removing information) made to this method // should be replicated in CopyOutputInformation void vtkXMLDataReader::SetupOutputInformation(vtkInformation *outInfo) { if (this->InformationError) { vtkErrorMacro("Should not still be processing output information if have set InformationError"); return; } // Initialize DataArraySelections to enable all that are present this->SetDataArraySelections(this->PointDataElements[0], this->PointDataArraySelection); this->SetDataArraySelections(this->CellDataElements[0], this->CellDataArraySelection); // Setup the Field Information for PointData. We only need the // information from one piece because all pieces have the same set of arrays. vtkInformationVector *infoVector = NULL; if (!this->SetFieldDataInfo(this->PointDataElements[0], vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS, this->GetNumberOfPoints(), infoVector)) { return; } if (infoVector) { outInfo->Set(vtkDataObject::POINT_DATA_VECTOR(), infoVector); infoVector->Delete(); } // now the Cell data infoVector = NULL; if (!this->SetFieldDataInfo(this->CellDataElements[0], vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS, this->GetNumberOfCells(), infoVector)) { return; } if (infoVector) { outInfo->Set(vtkDataObject::CELL_DATA_VECTOR(), infoVector); infoVector->Delete(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkXMLDataReader::CopyOutputInformation(vtkInformation *outInfo, int port) { vtkInformation *localInfo = this->GetExecutive()->GetOutputInformation( port ); if ( localInfo->Has(vtkDataObject::POINT_DATA_VECTOR()) ) { outInfo->CopyEntry( localInfo, vtkDataObject::POINT_DATA_VECTOR() ); } if ( localInfo->Has(vtkDataObject::CELL_DATA_VECTOR()) ) { outInfo->CopyEntry( localInfo, vtkDataObject::CELL_DATA_VECTOR() ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkXMLDataReader::ReadPrimaryElement(vtkXMLDataElement* ePrimary) { if(!this->Superclass::ReadPrimaryElement(ePrimary)) { return 0; } // Count the number of pieces in the file. int numNested = ePrimary->GetNumberOfNestedElements(); int numPieces = 0; int i; for(i=0; i < numNested; ++i) { vtkXMLDataElement* eNested = ePrimary->GetNestedElement(i); if(strcmp(eNested->GetName(), "Piece") == 0) { ++numPieces; } } // Now read each piece. If no "Piece" elements were found, assume // the primary element itself is a single piece. if(numPieces) { this->SetupPieces(numPieces); int piece = 0; for(i=0;i < numNested; ++i) { vtkXMLDataElement* eNested = ePrimary->GetNestedElement(i); if(strcmp(eNested->GetName(), "Piece") == 0) { if(!this->ReadPiece(eNested, piece++)) { return 0; } } } } else { this->SetupPieces(1); if(!this->ReadPiece(ePrimary, 0)) { return 0; } } return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkXMLDataReader::SetupPieces(int numPieces) { if(this->NumberOfPieces) { this->DestroyPieces(); } this->NumberOfPieces = numPieces; if(numPieces > 0) { this->PointDataElements = new vtkXMLDataElement*[numPieces]; this->CellDataElements = new vtkXMLDataElement*[numPieces]; } int i; for(i=0;i < this->NumberOfPieces;++i) { this->PointDataElements[i] = 0; this->CellDataElements[i] = 0; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkXMLDataReader::DestroyPieces() { delete [] this->PointDataElements; delete [] this->CellDataElements; this->PointDataElements = 0; this->CellDataElements = 0; this->NumberOfPieces = 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkXMLDataReader::SetupOutputData() { this->Superclass::SetupOutputData(); vtkPointData* pointData = this->GetOutputAsDataSet(0)->GetPointData(); vtkCellData* cellData = this->GetOutputAsDataSet(0)->GetCellData(); // Get the size of the output arrays. unsigned long pointTuples = this->GetNumberOfPoints(); unsigned long cellTuples = this->GetNumberOfCells(); // Allocate the arrays in the output. We only need the information // from one piece because all pieces have the same set of arrays. vtkXMLDataElement* ePointData = this->PointDataElements[0]; vtkXMLDataElement* eCellData = this->CellDataElements[0]; this->NumberOfPointArrays = 0; if (ePointData) { for (int i = 0; i < ePointData->GetNumberOfNestedElements(); i++) { vtkXMLDataElement* eNested = ePointData->GetNestedElement(i); if (this->PointDataArrayIsEnabled(eNested) && !pointData->HasArray(eNested->GetAttribute("Name"))) { this->NumberOfPointArrays++; vtkDataArray* array = this->CreateDataArray(eNested); if (array) { array->SetNumberOfTuples(pointTuples); pointData->AddArray(array); array->Delete(); } else { this->DataError = 1; } } } } assert( this->NumberOfPointArrays == this->PointDataArraySelection->GetNumberOfArraysEnabled()); this->NumberOfCellArrays = 0; if (eCellData) { for (int i = 0; i < eCellData->GetNumberOfNestedElements(); i++) { vtkXMLDataElement* eNested = eCellData->GetNestedElement(i); if (this->CellDataArrayIsEnabled(eNested) && !cellData->HasArray(eNested->GetAttribute("Name"))) { this->NumberOfCellArrays++; vtkDataArray* array = this->CreateDataArray(eNested); if (array) { array->SetNumberOfTuples(cellTuples); cellData->AddArray(array); array->Delete(); } else { this->DataError = 1; } } } } assert( this->NumberOfCellArrays == this->CellDataArraySelection->GetNumberOfArraysEnabled()); // Setup attribute indices for the point data and cell data. this->ReadAttributeIndices(ePointData, pointData); this->ReadAttributeIndices(eCellData, cellData); // Since NumberOfCellArrays and NumberOfPointArrays are valid // lets allocate PointDataTimeStep, CellDataTimeStep, PointDataOffset // CellDataOffset if( this->NumberOfPointArrays ) { this->PointDataTimeStep = new int[this->NumberOfPointArrays]; this->PointDataOffset = new unsigned long[this->NumberOfPointArrays]; for(int i=0; iNumberOfPointArrays;i++) { this->PointDataTimeStep[i] = -1; this->PointDataOffset[i] = (unsigned long)-1; } } if( this->NumberOfCellArrays ) { this->CellDataTimeStep = new int[this->NumberOfCellArrays]; this->CellDataOffset = new unsigned long[this->NumberOfCellArrays]; for(int i=0; iNumberOfCellArrays;i++) { this->CellDataTimeStep[i] = -1; this->CellDataOffset[i] = (unsigned long)-1; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkXMLDataReader::ReadPiece(vtkXMLDataElement* ePiece, int piece) { this->Piece = piece; return this->ReadPiece(ePiece); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkXMLDataReader::ReadPiece(vtkXMLDataElement* ePiece) { // Find the PointData and CellData in the piece. int i; for(i=0; i < ePiece->GetNumberOfNestedElements(); ++i) { vtkXMLDataElement* eNested = ePiece->GetNestedElement(i); if(strcmp(eNested->GetName(), "PointData") == 0) { this->PointDataElements[this->Piece] = eNested; } else if(strcmp(eNested->GetName(), "CellData") == 0) { this->CellDataElements[this->Piece] = eNested; } } return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkXMLDataReader::ReadPieceData(int piece) { this->Piece = piece; return this->ReadPieceData(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkXMLDataReader::ReadPieceData() { vtkPointData* pointData = this->GetOutputAsDataSet(0)->GetPointData(); vtkCellData* cellData = this->GetOutputAsDataSet(0)->GetCellData(); vtkXMLDataElement* ePointData = this->PointDataElements[this->Piece]; vtkXMLDataElement* eCellData = this->CellDataElements[this->Piece]; // Split current progress range over number of arrays. This assumes // that each array contributes approximately the same amount of data // within this piece. float progressRange[2] = {0,0}; int currentArray=0; int numArrays = this->NumberOfPointArrays + this->NumberOfCellArrays; this->GetProgressRange(progressRange); // Read the data for this piece from each array. int i; if(ePointData) { int a=0; for(i=0;(i < ePointData->GetNumberOfNestedElements() && !this->AbortExecute);++i) { vtkXMLDataElement* eNested = ePointData->GetNestedElement(i); if (this->PointDataArrayIsEnabled(eNested)) { if( strcmp(eNested->GetName(), "DataArray") != 0 ) { vtkErrorMacro("Invalid DataArray"); this->DataError = 1; return 0; } int needToRead = this->PointDataNeedToReadTimeStep(eNested); if( needToRead ) { // Set the range of progress for this array. this->SetProgressRange(progressRange, currentArray++, numArrays); // Read the array. if(!this->ReadArrayForPoints(eNested, pointData->GetArray(a++))) { vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read point data array \"" << pointData->GetArray(a-1)->GetName() << "\" from " << ePointData->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece << ". The data array in the element may be too short."); return 0; } } } } } if(eCellData) { int a=0; for(i=0;(i < eCellData->GetNumberOfNestedElements() && !this->AbortExecute);++i) { vtkXMLDataElement* eNested = eCellData->GetNestedElement(i); if (this->CellDataArrayIsEnabled(eNested)) { if( strcmp(eNested->GetName(), "DataArray") != 0 ) { this->DataError = 1; vtkErrorMacro("Invalid DataArray" ); return 0; } int needToRead = this->CellDataNeedToReadTimeStep(eNested); if( needToRead ) { // Set the range of progress for this array. this->SetProgressRange(progressRange, currentArray++, numArrays); // Read the array. if(!this->ReadArrayForCells(eNested, cellData->GetArray(a++))) { vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read cell data array \"" << cellData->GetArray(a-1)->GetName() << "\" from " << ePointData->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece << ". The data array in the element may be too short."); return 0; } } } } } if(this->AbortExecute) { return 0; } return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkXMLDataReader::ReadXMLData() { // Let superclasses read data. This also allocates output data. this->Superclass::ReadXMLData(); if (this->FieldDataElement) // read the field data information { int i, numTuples; vtkFieldData *fieldData = this->GetOutputDataObject(0)->GetFieldData(); for(i=0; i < this->FieldDataElement->GetNumberOfNestedElements() && !this->AbortExecute; i++) { vtkXMLDataElement* eNested = this->FieldDataElement->GetNestedElement(i); vtkDataArray* array = this->CreateDataArray(eNested); if (array) { if(eNested->GetScalarAttribute("NumberOfTuples", numTuples)) { array->SetNumberOfTuples(numTuples); } else { numTuples = 0; } fieldData->AddArray(array); array->Delete(); if (!this->ReadData(eNested, array->GetVoidPointer(0), array->GetDataType(), 0, numTuples*array->GetNumberOfComponents())) { this->DataError = 1; } } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkXMLDataReader::ReadArrayForPoints(vtkXMLDataElement* da, vtkDataArray* outArray) { vtkIdType components = outArray->GetNumberOfComponents(); vtkIdType numberOfTuples = this->GetNumberOfPoints(); return this->ReadData(da, outArray->GetVoidPointer(0), outArray->GetDataType(), 0, numberOfTuples*components); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkXMLDataReader::ReadArrayForCells(vtkXMLDataElement* da, vtkDataArray* outArray) { vtkIdType components = outArray->GetNumberOfComponents(); vtkIdType numberOfTuples = this->GetNumberOfCells(); return this->ReadData(da, outArray->GetVoidPointer(0), outArray->GetDataType(), 0, numberOfTuples*components); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkXMLDataReader::ReadData(vtkXMLDataElement* da, void* data, int wordType, vtkIdType startWord, vtkIdType numWords) { // Skip real read if aborting. if(this->AbortExecute) { return 0; } this->InReadData = 1; vtkIdType num = numWords; int result; if(da->GetAttribute("offset")) { int offset = 0; da->GetScalarAttribute("offset", offset); result = (this->XMLParser->ReadAppendedData(offset, data, startWord, numWords, wordType) == num); } else { int isAscii = 1; const char* format = da->GetAttribute("format"); if(format && (strcmp(format, "binary") == 0)) { isAscii = 0; } result = (this->XMLParser->ReadInlineData(da, isAscii, data, startWord, numWords, wordType) == num); } this->InReadData = 0; return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkXMLDataReader::DataProgressCallbackFunction(vtkObject*, unsigned long, void* clientdata, void*) { reinterpret_cast(clientdata)->DataProgressCallback(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkXMLDataReader::DataProgressCallback() { if(this->InReadData) { float width = this->ProgressRange[1]-this->ProgressRange[0]; float dataProgress = this->XMLParser->GetProgress(); float progress = this->ProgressRange[0] + dataProgress*width; this->UpdateProgressDiscrete(progress); if(this->AbortExecute) { this->XMLParser->SetAbort(1); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkXMLDataReader::PointDataNeedToReadTimeStep(vtkXMLDataElement *eNested) { // First thing need to find the id of this dataarray from its name: const char* name = eNested->GetAttribute("Name"); int idx = this->PointDataArraySelection->GetEnabledArrayIndex(name); // Easy case no timestep: int numTimeSteps = eNested->GetVectorAttribute("TimeStep", this->NumberOfTimeSteps, this->TimeSteps); if( !(numTimeSteps <= this->NumberOfTimeSteps) ) { vtkErrorMacro("Invalid TimeStep specification"); this->DataError = 1; return 0; } if (!numTimeSteps && !this->NumberOfTimeSteps) { assert( this->PointDataTimeStep[idx] == -1 ); //No timestep in this file return 1; } // else TimeStep was specified but no TimeValues associated were found assert( this->NumberOfTimeSteps ); // case numTimeSteps > 1 int isCurrentTimeInArray = vtkXMLReader::IsTimeStepInArray(this->CurrentTimeStep, this->TimeSteps, numTimeSteps); if( numTimeSteps && !isCurrentTimeInArray) { return 0; } // we know that time steps are specified and that CurrentTimeStep is in the array // we need to figure out if we need to read the array or if it was forwarded // Need to check the current 'offset' unsigned long offset; if( eNested->GetScalarAttribute("offset", offset) ) { if( this->PointDataOffset[idx] != offset ) { // save the pointsOffset assert( this->PointDataTimeStep[idx] == -1 ); //cannot have mixture of binary and appended this->PointDataOffset[idx] = offset; return 1; } } else { // No offset is specified this is a binary file // First thing to check if numTimeSteps == 0: if( !numTimeSteps && this->NumberOfTimeSteps && this->PointDataTimeStep[idx] == -1) { // Update last PointsTimeStep read this->PointDataTimeStep[idx] = this->CurrentTimeStep; return 1; } int isLastTimeInArray = vtkXMLReader::IsTimeStepInArray( this->PointDataTimeStep[idx], this->TimeSteps, numTimeSteps); // If no time is specified or if time is specified and match then read if (isCurrentTimeInArray && !isLastTimeInArray) { // CurrentTimeStep is in TimeSteps but Last is not := need to read // Update last PointsTimeStep read this->PointDataTimeStep[idx] = this->CurrentTimeStep; return 1; } } // all other cases we don't need to read: return 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkXMLDataReader::CellDataNeedToReadTimeStep(vtkXMLDataElement *eNested) { // First thing need to find the id of this dataarray from its name: const char* name = eNested->GetAttribute("Name"); int idx = this->CellDataArraySelection->GetEnabledArrayIndex(name); // Easy case no timestep: int numTimeSteps = eNested->GetVectorAttribute("TimeStep", this->NumberOfTimeSteps, this->TimeSteps); if( !(numTimeSteps <= this->NumberOfTimeSteps) ) { vtkErrorMacro( "Invalid TimeSteps specification"); this->DataError = 1; return 0; } if (!numTimeSteps && !this->NumberOfTimeSteps) { assert( this->CellDataTimeStep[idx] == -1 ); //No timestep in this file return 1; } // else TimeStep was specified but no TimeValues associated were found assert( this->NumberOfTimeSteps ); // case numTimeSteps > 1 int isCurrentTimeInArray = vtkXMLReader::IsTimeStepInArray(this->CurrentTimeStep, this->TimeSteps, numTimeSteps); if( numTimeSteps && !isCurrentTimeInArray) { return 0; } // we know that time steps are specified and that CurrentTimeStep is in the array // we need to figure out if we need to read the array or if it was forwarded // Need to check the current 'offset' unsigned long offset; if( eNested->GetScalarAttribute("offset", offset) ) { if( this->CellDataOffset[idx] != offset ) { // save the pointsOffset assert( this->CellDataTimeStep[idx] == -1 ); //cannot have mixture of binary and appended this->CellDataOffset[idx] = offset; return 1; } } else { // No offset is specified this is a binary file // First thing to check if numTimeSteps == 0: if( !numTimeSteps && this->NumberOfTimeSteps && this->CellDataTimeStep[idx] == -1) { // Update last CellDataTimeStep read this->CellDataTimeStep[idx] = this->CurrentTimeStep; return 1; } int isLastTimeInArray = vtkXMLReader::IsTimeStepInArray( this->CellDataTimeStep[idx], this->TimeSteps, numTimeSteps); // If no time is specified or if time is specified and match then read if (isCurrentTimeInArray && !isLastTimeInArray) { // CurrentTimeStep is in TimeSteps but Last is not := need to read // Update last CellsTimeStep read this->CellDataTimeStep[idx] = this->CurrentTimeStep; return 1; } } // all other cases we don't need to read: return 0; }