package require vtk # A script to test the island removal filter. # first the image is thresholded, then small islands are removed. # Image pipeline vtkPNGReader reader reader SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/fullhead15.png" vtkImageThreshold thresh thresh SetInputConnection [reader GetOutputPort] thresh ThresholdByUpper 2000.0 thresh SetInValue 255 thresh SetOutValue 0 thresh ReleaseDataFlagOff vtkImageIslandRemoval2D island island SetInputConnection [thresh GetOutputPort] island SetIslandValue 255 island SetReplaceValue 128 island SetAreaThreshold 100 island SquareNeighborhoodOn vtkImageViewer viewer viewer SetInputConnection [island GetOutputPort] viewer SetColorWindow 255 viewer SetColorLevel 127.5 #viewer DebugOn viewer Render