package require vtk # A script to test the threshold filter. # Values above 2000 are set to 255. # Values below 2000 are set to 0. # Image pipeline vtkImageCanvasSource2D imageCanvas imageCanvas SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar imageCanvas SetExtent 0 339 0 339 0 0 # background black imageCanvas SetDrawColor 0 imageCanvas FillBox 0 511 0 511 # thick box imageCanvas SetDrawColor 255 imageCanvas FillBox 10 110 10 110 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 0 imageCanvas FillBox 30 90 30 90 # put a stop sign in the box imageCanvas SetDrawColor 255 imageCanvas DrawSegment 52 80 68 80 imageCanvas DrawSegment 68 80 80 68 imageCanvas DrawSegment 80 68 80 52 imageCanvas DrawSegment 80 52 68 40 imageCanvas DrawSegment 68 40 52 40 imageCanvas DrawSegment 52 40 40 52 imageCanvas DrawSegment 40 52 40 68 imageCanvas DrawSegment 40 68 52 80 imageCanvas FillPixel 60 60 # diamond imageCanvas SetDrawColor 255 imageCanvas FillTube 145 145 195 195 34 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 0 imageCanvas FillTube 165 165 175 175 7 # H imageCanvas SetDrawColor 255 imageCanvas FillBox 230 250 230 330 imageCanvas FillBox 310 330 230 330 imageCanvas FillBox 230 330 270 290 # circle imageCanvas SetDrawColor 255 imageCanvas DrawCircle 280 170 50.0 # point as center of circle imageCanvas SetDrawColor 255 imageCanvas DrawPoint 280 170 # lines + imageCanvas DrawSegment 60 120 60 220 imageCanvas DrawSegment 10 170 110 170 # lines X imageCanvas DrawSegment 10 230 110 330 imageCanvas DrawSegment 110 230 10 330 # sloped lines imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 230 220 230 imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 230 220 250 imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 230 220 270 imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 230 220 290 imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 230 220 310 imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 230 220 330 imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 230 200 330 imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 230 180 330 imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 230 160 330 imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 230 140 330 imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 230 120 330 # double thickness lines + imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 60 220 60 imageCanvas DrawSegment 120 61 220 61 imageCanvas DrawSegment 170 10 170 110 imageCanvas DrawSegment 171 10 171 110 # lines X imageCanvas DrawSegment 230 10 330 110 imageCanvas DrawSegment 231 10 331 110 imageCanvas DrawSegment 230 110 330 10 imageCanvas DrawSegment 231 110 331 10 vtkImageSkeleton2D skeleton1 #skeleton1 BypassOn skeleton1 SetInputConnection [imageCanvas GetOutputPort] skeleton1 SetPrune 0 skeleton1 SetNumberOfIterations 20 skeleton1 ReleaseDataFlagOff vtkImageClip clip clip SetInputConnection [skeleton1 GetOutputPort] clip SetOutputWholeExtent 0 120 0 120 0 0 vtkImageMagnify magnify magnify SetInputConnection [clip GetOutputPort] magnify SetMagnificationFactors 5 5 1 magnify InterpolateOff magnify ReleaseDataFlagOff vtkImageViewer viewer1 viewer1 SetInputConnection [imageCanvas GetOutputPort] viewer1 SetColorWindow 5 viewer1 SetColorLevel 1 vtkImageViewer viewer #viewer SetInputConnection [magnify GetOutputPort] viewer SetInputConnection [skeleton1 GetOutputPort] viewer SetColorWindow 5 viewer SetColorLevel 1 viewer Render