/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: $RCSfile: vtkImageStencilData.cxx,v $ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkImageStencilData.h" #include "vtkImageStencilSource.h" #include "vtkInformation.h" #include "vtkInformationVector.h" #include "vtkObjectFactory.h" #include vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkImageStencilData, "$Revision: $"); vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkImageStencilData); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkImageStencilData::vtkImageStencilData() { this->Spacing[0] = this->OldSpacing[0] = 1; this->Spacing[1] = this->OldSpacing[1] = 1; this->Spacing[2] = this->OldSpacing[2] = 1; this->Origin[0] = this->OldOrigin[0] = 0; this->Origin[1] = this->OldOrigin[1] = 0; this->Origin[2] = this->OldOrigin[2] = 0; this->NumberOfExtentEntries = 0; this->ExtentLists = NULL; this->ExtentListLengths = NULL; int extent[6] = {0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1}; memcpy(this->Extent, extent, 6*sizeof(int)); this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_EXTENT_TYPE(), VTK_3D_EXTENT); this->Information->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_EXTENT(), this->Extent, 6); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkImageStencilData::~vtkImageStencilData() { this->Initialize(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkImageStencilData::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); int extent[6]; this->GetExtent(extent); os << indent << "Extent: (" << extent[0] << ", " << extent[1] << ", " << extent[2] << ", " << extent[3] << ", " << extent[4] << ", " << extent[5] << ")\n"; os << indent << "Spacing: (" << this->Spacing[0] << ", " << this->Spacing[1] << ", " << this->Spacing[2] << ")\n"; os << indent << "Origin: (" << this->Origin[0] << ", " << this->Origin[1] << ", " << this->Origin[2] << ")\n"; os << indent << "OldSpacing: (" << this->OldSpacing[0] << ", " << this->OldSpacing[1] << ", " << this->OldSpacing[2] << ")\n"; os << indent << "OldOrigin: (" << this->OldOrigin[0] << ", " << this->OldOrigin[1] << ", " << this->OldOrigin[2] << ")\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkImageStencilData::Initialize() { if (this->ExtentLists) { int n = this->NumberOfExtentEntries; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { delete [] this->ExtentLists[i]; } delete [] this->ExtentLists; } this->ExtentLists = NULL; this->NumberOfExtentEntries = 0; if (this->ExtentListLengths) { delete [] this->ExtentListLengths; } this->ExtentListLengths = NULL; if(this->Information) { int extent[6] = {0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1}; memcpy(this->Extent, extent, 6*sizeof(int)); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkImageStencilData::SetExtent(int* extent) { memcpy(this->Extent, extent, 6*sizeof(int)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkImageStencilData::SetExtent(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2) { int ext[6]; ext[0] = x1; ext[1] = x2; ext[2] = y1; ext[3] = y2; ext[4] = z1; ext[5] = z2; this->SetExtent(ext); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkImageStencilData::ShallowCopy(vtkDataObject *o) { vtkImageStencilData *s = vtkImageStencilData::SafeDownCast(o); if (s) { this->InternalImageStencilDataCopy(s); } vtkDataObject::ShallowCopy(o); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkImageStencilData::DeepCopy(vtkDataObject *o) { vtkImageStencilData *s = vtkImageStencilData::SafeDownCast(o); if (s) { this->InternalImageStencilDataCopy(s); } vtkDataObject::DeepCopy(o); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkImageStencilData::InternalImageStencilDataCopy(vtkImageStencilData *s) { // copy information that accompanies the data this->SetSpacing(s->Spacing); this->SetOrigin(s->Origin); // delete old data if (this->ExtentLists) { int n = this->NumberOfExtentEntries; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { delete [] this->ExtentLists[i]; } delete [] this->ExtentLists; } this->ExtentLists = NULL; this->NumberOfExtentEntries = 0; if (this->ExtentListLengths) { delete [] this->ExtentListLengths; } this->ExtentListLengths = NULL; // copy new data if (s->NumberOfExtentEntries != 0) { this->NumberOfExtentEntries = s->NumberOfExtentEntries; int n = this->NumberOfExtentEntries; this->ExtentListLengths = new int[n]; this->ExtentLists = new int *[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { this->ExtentListLengths[i] = s->ExtentListLengths[i]; int m = this->ExtentListLengths[i]; this->ExtentLists[i] = new int[m]; for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { this->ExtentLists[i][j] = s->ExtentLists[i][j]; } } } memcpy(this->Extent, s->GetExtent(), 6*sizeof(int)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Override from vtkDataObject because we have to handle the Spacing // and Origin as well as the UpdateExtent. void vtkImageStencilData::PropagateUpdateExtent() { #if 0 // If we need to update due to PipelineMTime, or the fact that our // data was released, then propagate the update extent to the source // if there is one. if ( this->UpdateTime < this->PipelineMTime || this->DataReleased || this->UpdateExtentIsOutsideOfTheExtent() || this->SpacingOrOriginHasChanged() || this->LastUpdateExtentWasOutsideOfTheExtent) { if (this->Source) { this->Source->PropagateUpdateExtent(this); } } // update the value of this ivar this->LastUpdateExtentWasOutsideOfTheExtent = this->UpdateExtentIsOutsideOfTheExtent(); #else this->Superclass::PropagateUpdateExtent(); #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Override from vtkDataObject because we have to handle the Spacing // and Origin as well as the UpdateExtent. void vtkImageStencilData::TriggerAsynchronousUpdate() { #if 0 // If we need to update due to PipelineMTime, or the fact that our // data was released, then propagate the trigger to the source // if there is one. if ( this->UpdateTime < this->PipelineMTime || this->DataReleased || this->UpdateExtentIsOutsideOfTheExtent() || this->SpacingOrOriginHasChanged()) { if (this->Source) { this->Source->TriggerAsynchronousUpdate(); } } #else this->Superclass::TriggerAsynchronousUpdate(); #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkImageStencilData::UpdateData() { #if 0 // If we need to update due to PipelineMTime, or the fact that our // data was released, then propagate the UpdateData to the source // if there is one. if (this->UpdateTime < this->PipelineMTime || this->DataReleased || this->UpdateExtentIsOutsideOfTheExtent() || this->SpacingOrOriginHasChanged()) { if (this->Source) { this->Source->UpdateData(this); } } #else this->Superclass::UpdateData(); #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkImageStencilData::SpacingOrOriginHasChanged() { double *spacing = this->Spacing; double *origin = this->Origin; double *ospacing = this->OldSpacing; double *oorigin = this->OldOrigin; return (spacing[0] != ospacing[0] || origin[0] != oorigin[0] || spacing[1] != ospacing[1] || origin[1] != oorigin[1] || spacing[2] != ospacing[2] || origin[2] != oorigin[2]); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkImageStencilData::AllocateExtents() { int extent[6]; this->GetExtent(extent); int numEntries = (extent[3] - extent[2] + 1)*(extent[5] - extent[4] + 1); if (numEntries != this->NumberOfExtentEntries) { if (this->NumberOfExtentEntries != 0) { int n = this->NumberOfExtentEntries; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { delete [] this->ExtentLists[i]; } delete [] this->ExtentLists; delete [] this->ExtentListLengths; } this->NumberOfExtentEntries = numEntries; this->ExtentLists = NULL; this->ExtentListLengths = NULL; if (numEntries) { this->ExtentLists = new int *[numEntries]; this->ExtentListLengths = new int[numEntries]; for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { this->ExtentListLengths[i] = 0; this->ExtentLists[i] = NULL; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { if (this->ExtentListLengths[i] != 0) { this->ExtentListLengths[i] = 0; delete this->ExtentLists[i]; this->ExtentLists[i] = NULL; } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Given the output x extent [rmin,rmax] and the current y, z indices, // return the sub extents [r1,r2] for which transformation/interpolation // are to be done. The variable 'iter' should be initialized to zero // before the first call. The return value is zero if there are no // extents remaining. int vtkImageStencilData::GetNextExtent(int &r1, int &r2, int rmin, int rmax, int yIdx, int zIdx, int &iter) { int extent[6]; this->GetExtent(extent); int yExt = extent[3] - extent[2] + 1; int zExt = extent[5] - extent[4] + 1; yIdx -= extent[2]; zIdx -= extent[4]; // initialize r1, r2 to defaults r1 = rmax + 1; r2 = rmax; if (yIdx < 0 || yIdx >= yExt || zIdx < 0 || zIdx >= zExt) { // out-of-bounds in y or z, use null extent return 0; } // get the ExtentList and ExtentListLength for this yIdx,zIdx int incr = zIdx*yExt + yIdx; int *clist = this->ExtentLists[incr]; int clistlen = this->ExtentListLengths[incr]; if (iter <= 0) { int state = 1; // start outside if (iter < 0) // unless iter is negative at start { iter = 0; state = -1; } r1 = VTK_INT_MIN; for ( ; iter < clistlen; iter++) { if (clist[iter] >= rmin) { if (state > 0) { r1 = clist[iter++]; } break; } state = -state; } if (r1 == VTK_INT_MIN) { r1 = rmin; if (state > 0) { r1 = rmax + 1; } } } else { if (iter >= clistlen) { return 0; } r1 = clist[iter++]; } if (r1 > rmax) { r1 = rmax + 1; return 0; } if (iter >= clistlen) { return 1; } r2 = clist[iter++] - 1; if (r2 > rmax) { r2 = rmax; } return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Insert a sub extent [r1,r2] on to the list for the x row at (yIdx,zIdx). void vtkImageStencilData::InsertNextExtent(int r1, int r2, int yIdx, int zIdx) { // calculate the index into the extent array int extent[6]; this->GetExtent(extent); int yExt = extent[3] - extent[2] + 1; int incr = (zIdx - extent[4])*yExt + (yIdx - extent[2]); int &clistlen = this->ExtentListLengths[incr]; int *&clist = this->ExtentLists[incr]; if (clistlen == 0) { // no space has been allocated yet clist = new int[2]; } else { // check whether more space is needed // the allocated space is always the smallest power of two // that is not less than the number of stored items, therefore // we need to allocate space when clistlen is a power of two int clistmaxlen = 2; while (clistlen > clistmaxlen) { clistmaxlen *= 2; } if (clistmaxlen == clistlen) { // need to allocate more space clistmaxlen *= 2; int *newclist = new int[clistmaxlen]; for (int k = 0; k < clistlen; k++) { newclist[k] = clist[k]; } delete [] clist; clist = newclist; } } clist[clistlen++] = r1; clist[clistlen++] = r2 + 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkImageStencilData* vtkImageStencilData::GetData(vtkInformation* info) { return info? vtkImageStencilData::SafeDownCast(info->Get(DATA_OBJECT())) : 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkImageStencilData* vtkImageStencilData::GetData(vtkInformationVector* v, int i) { return vtkImageStencilData::GetData(v->GetInformationObject(i)); }