/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: $RCSfile: vtkCocoaRenderWindow.mm,v $ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #import "vtkCocoaRenderWindow.h" #import "vtkCocoaRenderWindowInteractor.h" #import "vtkIdList.h" #import "vtkObjectFactory.h" #import "vtkRendererCollection.h" #import "vtkCocoaWindow.h" #import "vtkCocoaGLView.h" #ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 1040 #endif vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkCocoaRenderWindow, "$Revision: $"); vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkCocoaRenderWindow); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkCocoaRenderWindow::vtkCocoaRenderWindow() { // Create an autorelease pool that lives for as long as this object, // which should be more or less the life of the application. this->AutoreleasePool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; this->WindowCreated = 0; this->ViewCreated = 0; this->ContextId = 0; this->MultiSamples = 8; this->WindowId = 0; this->NSViewId = 0; this->SetWindowName("Visualization Toolkit - Cocoa"); this->CursorHidden = 0; this->ForceMakeCurrent = 0; this->Capabilities = 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkCocoaRenderWindow::~vtkCocoaRenderWindow() { if (this->CursorHidden) { this->ShowCursor(); } this->Finalize(); if (this->Capabilities) { delete[] this->Capabilities; this->Capabilities = 0; } if (this->NSViewId && this->ViewCreated) { // If this class created the view, then this class must release it. // Note that this doesn't remove it from the window, as the window // has retained it. [(NSView *)this->NSViewId release]; } this->NSViewId = NULL; if (this->WindowId && this->WindowCreated) { // If this class created the window, then this class must close // it (this will also release its memory) [(NSWindow *)this->WindowId close]; } this->WindowId = NULL; [(NSAutoreleasePool*)this->AutoreleasePool release]; this->AutoreleasePool = 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::Finalize() { GLuint txId; // finish OpenGL rendering if (this->ContextId) { this->MakeCurrent(); // now delete all textures glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); for (int i = 1; i < this->TextureResourceIds->GetNumberOfIds(); i++) { txId = (GLuint) this->TextureResourceIds->GetId(i); #ifdef GL_VERSION_1_1 if (glIsTexture(txId)) { glDeleteTextures(1, &txId); } #else if (glIsList(txId)) { glDeleteLists(txId,1); } #endif } // tell each of the renderers that this render window/graphics context // is being removed (the RendererCollection is removed by vtkRenderWindow's // destructor) vtkCollectionSimpleIterator rsit; vtkRenderer *ren; for ( this->Renderers->InitTraversal(rsit); (ren = this->Renderers->GetNextRenderer(rsit));) { ren->SetRenderWindow(NULL); } [(NSOpenGLContext*)this->ContextId release]; [(NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)this->PixelFormat release]; this->ContextId = NULL; this->PixelFormat = NULL; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetWindowName( const char * _arg ) { vtkWindow::SetWindowName(_arg); if (this->WindowId) { NSString* winTitleStr; #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 winTitleStr = [NSString stringWithCString:_arg encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; #else winTitleStr = [NSString stringWithCString:_arg]; #endif [(NSWindow*)this->WindowId setTitle:winTitleStr]; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkCocoaRenderWindow::GetEventPending() { return 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize the rendering process. void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::Start() { // if the renderer has not been initialized, do so now if (!this->ContextId) { this->Initialize(); } NSOpenGLContext* context = (NSOpenGLContext*)this->ContextId; // the error "invalid drawable" in the console from this call can appear // but only early in the app's lifetime (ie sometime during launch) [context setView:(NSView*)this->NSViewId]; [context update]; // set the current window this->MakeCurrent(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::MakeCurrent() { if (this->ContextId) { [(NSOpenGLContext*)this->ContextId makeCurrentContext]; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::UpdateContext() { if (this->ContextId) { [(NSOpenGLContext*)this->ContextId update]; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* vtkCocoaRenderWindow::ReportCapabilities() { this->MakeCurrent(); const char* glVendor = (const char*) glGetString(GL_VENDOR); const char* glRenderer = (const char*) glGetString(GL_RENDERER); const char* glVersion = (const char*) glGetString(GL_VERSION); const char* glExtensions = (const char*) glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); ostrstream strm; strm << "OpenGL vendor string: " << glVendor << "\nOpenGL renderer string: " << glRenderer << "\nOpenGL version string: " << glVersion << "\nOpenGL extensions: " << glExtensions << endl; // Obtain the OpenGL context in order to keep track of the current screen. NSOpenGLContext* context = (NSOpenGLContext*)this->ContextId; int currentScreen = [context currentVirtualScreen]; // The NSOpenGLPixelFormat can only be queried for one particular // attribute at a time. Just make repeated queries to get the // pertinent settings. NSOpenGLPixelFormat* pixelFormat = (NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)this->PixelFormat; strm << "PixelFormat Descriptor:" << endl; long pfd; [pixelFormat getValues: &pfd forAttribute: NSOpenGLPFAColorSize forVirtualScreen: currentScreen]; strm << " colorSize: " << pfd << endl; [pixelFormat getValues: &pfd forAttribute: NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize forVirtualScreen: currentScreen]; strm << " alphaSize: " << pfd << endl; [pixelFormat getValues: &pfd forAttribute: NSOpenGLPFAStencilSize forVirtualScreen: currentScreen]; strm << " stencilSize: " << pfd << endl; [pixelFormat getValues: &pfd forAttribute: NSOpenGLPFADepthSize forVirtualScreen: currentScreen]; strm << " depthSize: " << pfd << endl; [pixelFormat getValues: &pfd forAttribute: NSOpenGLPFAAccumSize forVirtualScreen: currentScreen]; strm << " accumSize: " << pfd << endl; [pixelFormat getValues: &pfd forAttribute: NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer forVirtualScreen: currentScreen]; strm << " double buffer: " << (pfd == YES ? "Yes" : "No") << endl; [pixelFormat getValues: &pfd forAttribute: NSOpenGLPFAStereo forVirtualScreen: currentScreen]; strm << " stereo: " << (pfd == YES ? "Yes" : "No") << endl; [pixelFormat getValues: &pfd forAttribute: NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated forVirtualScreen: currentScreen]; strm << " hardware acceleration:: " << (pfd == YES ? "Yes" : "No") << endl; strm << ends; delete[] this->Capabilities; this->Capabilities = new char[strlen(strm.str()) + 1]; strcpy(this->Capabilities, strm.str()); return this->Capabilities; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SupportsOpenGL() { this->MakeCurrent(); if (!this->ContextId || !this->PixelFormat) { return 0; } NSOpenGLContext* context = (NSOpenGLContext*)this->ContextId; int currentScreen = [context currentVirtualScreen]; NSOpenGLPixelFormat* pixelFormat = (NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)this->PixelFormat; long pfd; [pixelFormat getValues: &pfd forAttribute: NSOpenGLPFACompliant forVirtualScreen: currentScreen]; return (pfd == YES ? 1 : 0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkCocoaRenderWindow::IsDirect() { this->MakeCurrent(); if (!this->ContextId || !this->PixelFormat) { return 0; } NSOpenGLContext* context = (NSOpenGLContext*)this->ContextId; int currentScreen = [context currentVirtualScreen]; NSOpenGLPixelFormat* pixelFormat = (NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)this->PixelFormat; long pfd; [pixelFormat getValues: &pfd forAttribute: NSOpenGLPFAFullScreen forVirtualScreen: currentScreen]; return (pfd == YES ? 1 : 0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetSize(int* a) { this->SetSize( a[0], a[1] ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetSize(int x, int y) { static int resizing = 0; if ((this->Size[0] != x) || (this->Size[1] != y)) { this->Modified(); this->Size[0] = x; this->Size[1] = y; if (this->WindowId && this->Mapped) { if (!resizing) { resizing = 1; NSSize theSize = NSMakeSize((float)x, (float)y); [(NSWindow*)this->WindowId setContentSize:theSize]; resizing = 0; } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetForceMakeCurrent() { this->ForceMakeCurrent = 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetPosition(int* a) { this->SetPosition( a[0], a[1] ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetPosition(int x, int y) { static int resizing = 0; if ((this->Position[0] != x) || (this->Position[1] != y)) { this->Modified(); this->Position[0] = x; this->Position[1] = y; if (this->WindowId && this->Mapped) { if (!resizing) { resizing = 1; NSPoint origin = NSMakePoint((float)x, (float)y); [(NSWindow*)this->WindowId setFrameOrigin:origin]; resizing = 0; } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // End the rendering process and display the image. void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::Frame() { this->MakeCurrent(); [(NSOpenGLContext*)this->ContextId flushBuffer]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update system if needed due to stereo rendering. void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::StereoUpdate() { // if stereo is on and it wasn't before if (this->StereoRender && (!this->StereoStatus)) { switch (this->StereoType) { case VTK_STEREO_CRYSTAL_EYES: this->StereoStatus = 1; break; case VTK_STEREO_RED_BLUE: this->StereoStatus = 1; break; case VTK_STEREO_ANAGLYPH: this->StereoStatus = 1; break; case VTK_STEREO_DRESDEN: this->StereoStatus = 1; break; case VTK_STEREO_INTERLACED: this->StereoStatus = 1; break; } } else if ((!this->StereoRender) && this->StereoStatus) { switch (this->StereoType) { case VTK_STEREO_CRYSTAL_EYES: this->StereoStatus = 0; break; case VTK_STEREO_RED_BLUE: this->StereoStatus = 0; break; case VTK_STEREO_ANAGLYPH: this->StereoStatus = 0; break; case VTK_STEREO_DRESDEN: this->StereoStatus = 0; break; case VTK_STEREO_INTERLACED: this->StereoStatus = 0; break; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specify various window parameters. void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::WindowConfigure() { // this is all handled by the desiredVisualInfo method } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetupPixelFormat(void*, void*, int, int, int) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetupPixelFormat - IMPLEMENT\n"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetupPalette(void*) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetupPalette - IMPLEMENT\n"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize the window for rendering. void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::WindowInitialize () { static int count = 1; // Due to the crossplatform nature of vtk, NSApplicationMain() is never // called. Ideally, this should be fixed one day. Until then, we call // +sharedApplication which has the side effect of doing some Cocoa // initialisation; we are not actually interested in the return value. // This call is intentionally delayed until this WindowInitialize call // to prevent Cocoa-window related stuff from happening in scenarios // where vtkRenderWindows are created but never shown. (void)[NSApplication sharedApplication]; // create an NSWindow only if neither an NSView nor an NSWindow have // been specified already if (!this->WindowId && !this->NSViewId) { if ((this->Size[0]+this->Size[1])==0) { this->Size[0] = 300; this->Size[1] = 300; } if ((this->Position[0]+this->Position[1])==0) { this->Position[0] = 50; this->Position[1] = 50; } NSRect ctRect = NSMakeRect((float)this->Position[0], (float)this->Position[1], (float)this->Size[0], (float)this->Size[1]); vtkCocoaWindow* theWindow = [[vtkCocoaWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:ctRect styleMask:NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; if (!theWindow) { vtkErrorMacro("Could not create window, serious error!"); return; } [theWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; [theWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES]; this->SetWindowId(theWindow); this->WindowCreated = 1; } // create a vtkCocoaGLView if one has not been specified if (!this->NSViewId) { NSRect glRect = NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, (float)this->Size[0], (float)this->Size[1]); vtkCocoaGLView *glView = [[vtkCocoaGLView alloc] initWithFrame:glRect]; [(NSWindow*)this->GetWindowId() setContentView:glView]; this->SetDisplayId(glView); this->ViewCreated = 1; [glView setVTKRenderWindow:this]; } this->CreateGLContext(); // Set the window title *after* CreateGLContext. We cannot do it earlier // because of a bug in panther's java library (OSX 10.3.9, Java 1.4.2_09) // // Details on Apple bug: // http://lists.apple.com/archives/Quartz-dev/2005/Apr/msg00043.html // Appears to be fixed in Mac OSX 10.4, but we workaround it here anyhow // so that we can still work on 10.3... // NSString * winName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Visualization Toolkit - Cocoa #%i", count++]; #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 this->SetWindowName([winName cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]); #else this->SetWindowName([winName cString]); #endif this->MakeCurrent(); this->OpenGLInit(); this->Mapped = 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::CreateGLContext() { NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attribs[] = { NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated, NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)32, this->DoubleBuffer? NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer : (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)nil, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)nil }; NSOpenGLPixelFormat* pixelFormat = (NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)[[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attribs]; NSOpenGLContext* context = (NSOpenGLContext*)[[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:pixelFormat shareContext:nil]; this->PixelFormat = (void*)pixelFormat; this->ContextId = (void*)context; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize the rendering window. void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::Initialize () { // make sure we havent already been initialized if (this->ContextId) { return; } // now initialize the window this->WindowInitialize(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the current size of the window. int *vtkCocoaRenderWindow::GetSize() { // if we aren't mapped then just return the ivar if (!this->Mapped) { return this->Superclass::GetSize(); } // We want to return the size of 'the window'. But the term 'window' // is overloaded. It's really the NSView that vtk draws into, so we // return its size. NSRect frameRect = [(NSView *)this->NSViewId frame]; this->Size[0] = (int)NSWidth(frameRect); this->Size[1] = (int)NSHeight(frameRect); return this->Superclass::GetSize(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the current size of the screen. int *vtkCocoaRenderWindow::GetScreenSize() { NSOpenGLContext* context = (NSOpenGLContext*)this->ContextId; int currentScreen = [context currentVirtualScreen]; NSScreen* screen = [[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex: currentScreen]; NSRect screenRect = [screen frame]; this->Size[0] = (int)NSWidth(screenRect); this->Size[1] = (int)NSHeight(screenRect); return this->Size; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the position in screen coordinates of the window. int *vtkCocoaRenderWindow::GetPosition() { // if we aren't mapped then just return the ivar if (!this->Mapped) { return this->Position; } // We want to return the position of 'the window'. But the term 'window' // is overloaded. In this case, it's the position of the NSWindow itself // on the screen that we return. We don't much care where the NSView is // within the NSWindow. NSRect winFrameRect = [(NSWindow*)this->WindowId frame]; this->Position[0] = (int)NSMinX(winFrameRect); this->Position[1] = (int)NSMinY(winFrameRect); return this->Position; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Change the window to fill the entire screen. void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetFullScreen(int arg) { int *pos; if (this->FullScreen == arg) { return; } if (!this->Mapped) { this->PrefFullScreen(); return; } // set the mode this->FullScreen = arg; if (this->FullScreen <= 0) { this->Position[0] = this->OldScreen[0]; this->Position[1] = this->OldScreen[1]; this->Size[0] = this->OldScreen[2]; this->Size[1] = this->OldScreen[3]; this->Borders = this->OldScreen[4]; } else { // if window already up get its values if (this->WindowId) { pos = this->GetPosition(); this->OldScreen[0] = pos[0]; this->OldScreen[1] = pos[1]; this->OldScreen[4] = this->Borders; this->PrefFullScreen(); } } // remap the window this->WindowRemap(); this->Modified(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the variable that indicates that we want a stereo capable window // be created. This method can only be called before a window is realized. // void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetStereoCapableWindow(int capable) { if (this->WindowId == 0) { vtkRenderWindow::SetStereoCapableWindow(capable); } else { vtkWarningMacro(<< "Requesting a StereoCapableWindow must be performed " << "before the window is realized, i.e. before a render."); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set the preferred window size to full screen. void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::PrefFullScreen() { int *size = this->GetScreenSize(); vtkWarningMacro(<< "Can't get full screen window of size " << size[0] << 'x' << size[1] << "."); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Remap the window. void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::WindowRemap() { vtkWarningMacro(<< "Can't remap the window."); // Aquire the display and capture the screen. // Create the full-screen window. // Add the context. } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); os << indent << "ContextId: " << this->ContextId << "\n"; os << indent << "MultiSamples: " << this->MultiSamples << "\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkCocoaRenderWindow::GetDepthBufferSize() { GLint size; if ( this->Mapped ) { size = 0; glGetIntegerv( GL_DEPTH_BITS, &size ); return (int) size; } else { vtkDebugMacro(<< "Window is not mapped yet!" ); return 24; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the NSWindow* associated with this vtkRenderWindow. void *vtkCocoaRenderWindow::GetWindowId() { return this->WindowId; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the NSWindow* associated with this vtkRenderWindow. void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetWindowId(void *arg) { this->WindowId = arg; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the NSView* associated with this vtkRenderWindow. void* vtkCocoaRenderWindow::GetDisplayId() { return this->NSViewId; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the NSView* associated with this vtkRenderWindow. void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::SetDisplayId(void *arg) { this->NSViewId = arg; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::HideCursor() { if (this->CursorHidden) { return; } this->CursorHidden = 1; [NSCursor hide]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkCocoaRenderWindow::ShowCursor() { if (!this->CursorHidden) { return; } this->CursorHidden = 0; [NSCursor unhide]; }