/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: $RCSfile: vtkImageTracerWidget.cxx,v $ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkImageTracerWidget.h" #include "vtkAbstractPicker.h" #include "vtkActor.h" #include "vtkAssemblyPath.h" #include "vtkAssemblyNode.h" #include "vtkCallbackCommand.h" #include "vtkCamera.h" #include "vtkCellArray.h" #include "vtkCellPicker.h" #include "vtkFloatArray.h" #include "vtkGlyphSource2D.h" #include "vtkImageData.h" #include "vtkMath.h" #include "vtkObjectFactory.h" #include "vtkPolyData.h" #include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h" #include "vtkPolyLine.h" #include "vtkProperty.h" #include "vtkPropPicker.h" #include "vtkRenderer.h" #include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h" #include "vtkTransformPolyDataFilter.h" #include "vtkTransform.h" vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkImageTracerWidget, "$Revision: $"); vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkImageTracerWidget); vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkImageTracerWidget, HandleProperty, vtkProperty); vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkImageTracerWidget, SelectedHandleProperty, vtkProperty); vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkImageTracerWidget, LineProperty, vtkProperty); vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkImageTracerWidget, SelectedLineProperty, vtkProperty); vtkImageTracerWidget::vtkImageTracerWidget() { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Start; this->EventCallbackCommand->SetCallback(vtkImageTracerWidget::ProcessEvents); this->Interaction = 1; this->ViewProp = NULL; this->PickCount = 0; this->SnapToImage = 0; this->AutoClose = 0; this->CaptureRadius = 1.0; this->IsSnapping = 0; this->ImageSnapType = VTK_ITW_SNAP_CELLS; this->CurrentPicker = NULL; this->CurrentHandle = NULL; this->CurrentHandleIndex = -1; this->ProjectionNormal = VTK_ITW_PROJECTION_XY; this->ProjectionPosition = 0.0; this->ProjectToPlane = 0; this->NumberOfHandles = 0; this->LastX = 0; this->LastY = 0; this->PropPicker = vtkPropPicker::New(); this->PropPicker->PickFromListOn(); // Build the representation of the widget this->HandleGenerator = vtkGlyphSource2D::New(); this->HandleGenerator->SetGlyphTypeToCross(); this->HandleGenerator->FilledOff(); this->HandleGenerator->SetCenter(0,0,0); this->TransformFilter = vtkTransformPolyDataFilter::New(); this->Transform = vtkTransform::New(); this->TransformFilter->SetTransform(this->Transform); this->Transform->Identity(); this->TransformFilter->SetInput(this->HandleGenerator->GetOutput()); this->TransformFilter->Update(); this->TemporaryHandlePoints = vtkFloatArray::New(); this->TemporaryHandlePoints->SetNumberOfComponents(3); this->LinePoints = vtkPoints::New(); this->LinePoints->Allocate(1001); this->LineCells = vtkCellArray::New(); this->LineCells->Allocate(this->LineCells->EstimateSize(1000,2)); this->LineActor = vtkActor::New(); vtkPolyDataMapper* lineMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New(); this->LineData = vtkPolyData::New(); lineMapper->SetInput(this->LineData); lineMapper->SetResolveCoincidentTopologyToPolygonOffset(); lineMapper->ScalarVisibilityOff(); this->LineActor->SetMapper(lineMapper); this->LineActor->PickableOff(); this->LineActor->VisibilityOff(); lineMapper->Delete(); // Manage the picking stuff this->HandlePicker = vtkCellPicker::New(); this->HandlePicker->SetTolerance(0.005); this->HandlePicker->PickFromListOn(); this->LinePicker = vtkCellPicker::New(); this->LinePicker->SetTolerance(0.005); this->LinePicker->PickFromListOn(); // Set up the initial properties this->HandleProperty = NULL; this->SelectedHandleProperty = NULL; this->LineProperty = NULL; this->SelectedLineProperty = NULL; this->CreateDefaultProperties(); // Initialize ivars this->Handle = NULL; this->HandleGeometry = NULL; // Create one handle this->AllocateHandles(1); this->AdjustHandlePosition(0,this->HandleGenerator->GetCenter()); // Initial creation of the widget, serves to initialize it // using default bounds to get started double bounds[6]; vtkMath::UninitializeBounds(bounds); this->PlaceFactor = 1.0; this->PlaceWidget(bounds); } vtkImageTracerWidget::~vtkImageTracerWidget() { for ( int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->HandleGeometry[i]->Delete(); this->Handle[i]->Delete(); } if ( this->Handle ) { delete [] this->Handle; this->Handle = NULL; } if ( this->HandleGeometry ) { delete [] this->HandleGeometry; this->HandleGeometry = NULL; } if ( this->HandleProperty ) { this->HandleProperty->Delete(); } if ( this->SelectedHandleProperty ) { this->SelectedHandleProperty->Delete(); } if ( this->LineProperty ) { this->LineProperty->Delete(); } if ( this->SelectedLineProperty ) { this->SelectedLineProperty->Delete(); } if ( this->ViewProp ) { this->ViewProp->UnRegister(this); } this->LinePoints->Delete(); this->LineCells->Delete(); this->LineActor->Delete(); this->LineData->Delete(); this->LinePicker->Delete(); this->HandlePicker->Delete(); this->CurrentPicker = NULL; this->CurrentHandle = NULL; this->PropPicker->Delete(); this->TransformFilter->Delete(); this->Transform->Delete(); this->TemporaryHandlePoints->Delete(); this->HandleGenerator->Delete(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkImageTracerWidget::SetViewProp(vtkProp* prop) { if ( this->ViewProp != prop ) { // Avoid destructor recursion vtkProp *temp = this->ViewProp; this->ViewProp = prop; if ( temp ) { temp->UnRegister(this); } if ( this->ViewProp ) { this->ViewProp->Register(this); this->PropPicker->InitializePickList(); this->PropPicker->AddPickList(this->ViewProp); } } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::SetEnabled(int enabling) { if ( !this->Interactor ) { vtkErrorMacro(<<"The interactor must be set prior to enabling/disabling widget"); return; } if ( !this->ViewProp ) { vtkErrorMacro(<<"The external prop must be set prior to enabling/disabling widget"); return; } if ( enabling ) { vtkDebugMacro(<<"Enabling line widget"); if ( this->Enabled ) //already enabled, just return { return; } if ( !this->CurrentRenderer ) { this->SetCurrentRenderer(this->Interactor->FindPokedRenderer( this->Interactor->GetLastEventPosition()[0], this->Interactor->GetLastEventPosition()[1])); if ( !this->CurrentRenderer ) { return; } } this->Enabled = 1; this->AddObservers(); // Turn on the handles for ( int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->CurrentRenderer->AddViewProp(this->Handle[i]); this->Handle[i]->SetProperty(this->HandleProperty); this->Handle[i]->PickableOff(); } this->SizeHandles(); this->CurrentRenderer->AddViewProp(this->LineActor); this->LineActor->SetProperty(this->LineProperty); this->LineActor->PickableOff(); this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::EnableEvent,NULL); } else // disabling { vtkDebugMacro(<<"Disabling tracer widget"); if ( !this->Enabled ) //already disabled, just return { return; } // if disabling occurs without finishing an activity, cleanup states if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Tracing ) { this->OnLeftButtonUp(); } else if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Snapping ) { this->Interactor->SetControlKey( 1 ); this->OnMiddleButtonUp(); } this->Enabled = 0; // Don't listen for events any more this->Interactor->RemoveObserver(this->EventCallbackCommand); // Turn off the handles for ( int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->CurrentRenderer->RemoveViewProp(this->Handle[i]); } this->CurrentRenderer->RemoveViewProp(this->LineActor); this->CurrentHandle = NULL; this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::DisableEvent,NULL); this->SetCurrentRenderer(NULL); } this->Interactor->Render(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::ProcessEvents(vtkObject* vtkNotUsed(object), unsigned long event, void* clientdata, void* vtkNotUsed(calldata)) { vtkImageTracerWidget* self = reinterpret_cast( clientdata ); switch ( event ) { case vtkCommand::LeftButtonPressEvent: self->OnLeftButtonDown(); break; case vtkCommand::LeftButtonReleaseEvent: self->OnLeftButtonUp(); break; case vtkCommand::MiddleButtonPressEvent: self->OnMiddleButtonDown(); break; case vtkCommand::MiddleButtonReleaseEvent: self->OnMiddleButtonUp(); break; case vtkCommand::RightButtonPressEvent: self->OnRightButtonDown(); break; case vtkCommand::RightButtonReleaseEvent: self->OnRightButtonUp(); break; case vtkCommand::MouseMoveEvent: self->OnMouseMove(); break; } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::AddObservers(void) { // Listen for the following events vtkRenderWindowInteractor *i = this->Interactor; if (i) { i->AddObserver(vtkCommand::MouseMoveEvent, this->EventCallbackCommand, this->Priority); i->AddObserver(vtkCommand::LeftButtonPressEvent, this->EventCallbackCommand, this->Priority); i->AddObserver(vtkCommand::LeftButtonReleaseEvent, this->EventCallbackCommand, this->Priority); i->AddObserver(vtkCommand::MiddleButtonPressEvent, this->EventCallbackCommand, this->Priority); i->AddObserver(vtkCommand::MiddleButtonReleaseEvent, this->EventCallbackCommand, this->Priority); i->AddObserver(vtkCommand::RightButtonPressEvent, this->EventCallbackCommand, this->Priority); i->AddObserver(vtkCommand::RightButtonReleaseEvent, this->EventCallbackCommand, this->Priority); } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::SetInteraction(int interact) { if ( this->Interactor && this->Enabled ) { if ( this->Interaction == interact ) { return; } if ( interact == 0 ) { this->Interactor->RemoveObserver(this->EventCallbackCommand); } else { this->AddObservers(); } this->Interaction = interact; } else { vtkGenericWarningMacro(<<"Set interactor and Enabled before changing interaction..."); } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); if ( this->HandleProperty ) { os << indent << "Handle Property: " << this->HandleProperty << "\n"; } else { os << indent << "Handle Property: (none)\n"; } if ( this->SelectedHandleProperty ) { os << indent << "Selected Handle Property: " << this->SelectedHandleProperty << "\n"; } else { os << indent << "Selected Handle Property: (none)\n"; } if ( this->LineProperty ) { os << indent << "Line Property: " << this->LineProperty << "\n"; } else { os << indent << "Line Property: (none)\n"; } if ( this->SelectedLineProperty ) { os << indent << "Selected Line Property: " << this->SelectedLineProperty << "\n"; } else { os << indent << "Selected Line Property: (none)\n"; } if ( this->ViewProp ) { os << indent << "ViewProp: " << this->ViewProp << "\n"; } else { os << indent << "ViewProp: (none)\n"; } os << indent << "Interaction: " << (this->Interaction ? "On\n" : "Off\n") ; os << indent << "ProjectionNormal: " << this->ProjectionNormal << "\n"; os << indent << "ProjectionPosition: " << this->ProjectionPosition << "\n"; os << indent << "ProjectToPlane: " << (this->ProjectToPlane ? "On\n" : "Off\n") ; os << indent << "ImageSnapType: " << this->ImageSnapType << "\n"; os << indent << "SnapToImage: " << (this->SnapToImage ? "On\n" : "Off\n") ; os << indent << "CaptureRadius: " << this->CaptureRadius << "\n"; os << indent << "NumberOfHandles: " << this->NumberOfHandles << "\n"; os << indent << "AutoClose: " << (this->AutoClose ? "On\n" : "Off\n") ; } int vtkImageTracerWidget::HighlightHandle(vtkProp* prop) { // First unhighlight anything picked if ( this->CurrentHandle ) { this->CurrentHandle->SetProperty(this->HandleProperty); this->Interactor->Render(); } this->CurrentHandle = (vtkActor *)prop; if ( this->CurrentHandle ) { this->ValidPick = 1; this->CurrentPicker->GetPickPosition(this->LastPickPosition); this->CurrentHandle->SetProperty(this->SelectedHandleProperty); for ( int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) // find handle { if ( this->CurrentHandle == this->Handle[i] ) { return i; } } } return -1; } void vtkImageTracerWidget::HighlightLine(const int& highlight) { if ( highlight ) { this->ValidPick = 1; this->CurrentPicker->GetPickPosition(this->LastPickPosition); this->LineActor->SetProperty(this->SelectedLineProperty); } else { this->LineActor->SetProperty(this->LineProperty); } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::AdjustHandlePosition(const int& handle, double pos[3]) { if ( handle < 0 || handle >= this->NumberOfHandles ){ return; } if ( this->ProjectToPlane ) { pos[this->ProjectionNormal] = this->ProjectionPosition; } this->HandleGenerator->SetCenter(0.0,0.0,0.0); this->Transform->Identity(); this->Transform->PostMultiply(); if ( this->ProjectionNormal == VTK_ITW_PROJECTION_YZ ) { this->Transform->RotateY(90.0); } else if ( this->ProjectionNormal == VTK_ITW_PROJECTION_XZ ) { this->Transform->RotateX(90.0); } this->Transform->Translate(pos); this->TransformFilter->Update(); this->HandleGeometry[handle]->CopyStructure(this->TransformFilter->GetOutput()); this->HandleGeometry[handle]->Modified(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::SetProjectionPosition(double position) { this->ProjectionPosition = position; int i; for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->AdjustHandlePosition(i,this->HandleGeometry[i]->GetCenter()); } double pt[3]; for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->LinePoints->GetPoint(i,pt); pt[ this->ProjectionNormal ] = this->ProjectionPosition; this->LinePoints->SetPoint(i,pt); } this->LinePoints->GetData()->Modified(); this->LineData->Modified(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::SetHandlePosition(int handle, double xyz[3]) { this->AdjustHandlePosition(handle, xyz); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::SetHandlePosition(int handle, double x, double y, double z) { double xyz[3] = {x,y,z}; this->AdjustHandlePosition(handle, xyz); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::GetHandlePosition(int handle, double xyz[3]) { if ( handle < 0 || handle >= this->NumberOfHandles ){ return; } this->HandleGeometry[handle]->GetCenter(xyz); } double* vtkImageTracerWidget::GetHandlePosition(int handle) { if ( handle < 0 || handle >= this->NumberOfHandles ){ return NULL; } return this->HandleGeometry[handle]->GetCenter(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::OnLeftButtonDown() { // If the user is snap defining a line by middle mouse button, // ignore this button if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Snapping ){ return; } int X = this->Interactor->GetEventPosition()[0]; int Y = this->Interactor->GetEventPosition()[1]; // Okay, make sure that the pick is in the current renderer if ( !this->CurrentRenderer || !this->CurrentRenderer->IsInViewport(X,Y) ) { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside; return; } int found = 0; if ( this->PropPicker->PickProp(X,Y,this->CurrentRenderer) ) { if ( this->ViewProp == this->PropPicker->GetViewProp() ) { found = 1; this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Tracing; } } if ( !found ) { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside; return; } // first erase any handles if there any if ( this->NumberOfHandles > 1 ) { this->AllocateHandles(1); } this->CurrentPicker = this->PropPicker; //collect the pick position from the prop picker this->CurrentHandleIndex = this->HighlightHandle((vtkProp*)this->Handle[0]); if ( this->CurrentHandleIndex == -1 ) //this should never happen { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside; return; } // set the handle to the picked position this->AdjustHandlePosition(this->CurrentHandleIndex,this->LastPickPosition); // erase the line and initialize it this->ResetLine(this->LastPickPosition); this->LastX = X; this->LastY = Y; this->EventCallbackCommand->SetAbortFlag(1); this->StartInteraction(); this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::StartInteractionEvent,NULL); this->Interactor->Render(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::OnLeftButtonUp() { if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside || this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Start || this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Snapping ) { return; } this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Start; this->CurrentHandleIndex = this->HighlightHandle(NULL); if ( this->AutoClose ) // attempt to close by tolerance { this->ClosePath(); if ( this->IsClosed() ) // if successful, remove the overlapping handle { this->EraseHandle(this->NumberOfHandles - 1); } } this->SizeHandles(); this->EventCallbackCommand->SetAbortFlag(1); this->EndInteraction(); this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::EndInteractionEvent,NULL); this->Interactor->Render(); this->CurrentPicker = NULL; } void vtkImageTracerWidget::OnMiddleButtonDown() { int X = this->Interactor->GetEventPosition()[0]; int Y = this->Interactor->GetEventPosition()[1]; if ( !this->CurrentRenderer || !this->CurrentRenderer->IsInViewport(X,Y) ) { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside; return; } int found = 0; if ( this->PropPicker->PickProp(X,Y,this->CurrentRenderer) ) { if ( this->ViewProp == this->PropPicker->GetViewProp() ) { found = 1; this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Snapping; // do snap tracing } } if ( !found ) { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside; return; } if ( !this->IsSnapping ) // this is the first time so reset the handles { if ( this->NumberOfHandles > 1 ) { this->AllocateHandles(1); } } this->CurrentPicker = this->PropPicker; // highlight the last handle this->CurrentHandleIndex = this->HighlightHandle((vtkProp*)this->Handle[this->NumberOfHandles - 1]); if ( this->CurrentHandleIndex == -1 ) // sanity check: this should never happen { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside; return; } this->AdjustHandlePosition(this->CurrentHandleIndex,this->LastPickPosition); if ( !this->IsSnapping ) // this is the first time so initialize the line { this->ResetLine(this->GetHandlePosition(this->CurrentHandleIndex)); } this->IsSnapping = this->NumberOfHandles; this->EventCallbackCommand->SetAbortFlag(1); this->StartInteraction(); this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::StartInteractionEvent,NULL); this->Interactor->Render(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::OnMiddleButtonUp() { if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside || this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Start ) { return; } if ( this->Interactor->GetControlKey() ) // finished the snapping { this->IsSnapping = 0; } else // continue snap drawing { return; } this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Start; this->CurrentHandleIndex = this->HighlightHandle(NULL); if ( this->AutoClose ) { this->ClosePath(); if ( this->IsClosed() ) // if successful, remove the last overlapping handle { this->EraseHandle(this->NumberOfHandles - 1); } } this->SizeHandles(); this->EventCallbackCommand->SetAbortFlag(1); this->EndInteraction(); this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::EndInteractionEvent,NULL); this->Interactor->Render(); this->CurrentPicker = NULL; } void vtkImageTracerWidget::OnRightButtonDown() { if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Snapping ){ return; } int X = this->Interactor->GetEventPosition()[0]; int Y = this->Interactor->GetEventPosition()[1]; if ( !this->CurrentRenderer || !this->CurrentRenderer->IsInViewport(X,Y) ) { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside; return; } if ( this->Interactor->GetControlKey() && (this->NumberOfHandles > 1) ) { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Erasing; // pick a handle to delete for ( int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->Handle[i]->PickableOn(); } this->CurrentPicker = this->HandlePicker; } else if ( this->Interactor->GetShiftKey() && (this->NumberOfHandles > 1) ) { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Inserting; // pick a line to insert on this->LineActor->PickableOn(); this->LinePicker->AddPickList(this->LineActor); this->CurrentPicker = this->LinePicker; } else { if ( this->NumberOfHandles < 3 && this->LinePoints->GetNumberOfPoints() > this->NumberOfHandles ) { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Translating; } else { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Moving; } for ( int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->Handle[i]->PickableOn(); } this->CurrentPicker = this->HandlePicker; } if ( this->ViewProp ) // don't pick the prop { this->ViewProp->PickableOff(); } int found = 0; if ( this->CurrentPicker->Pick(X,Y,0.0,this->CurrentRenderer) ) { vtkAssemblyPath* path = this->CurrentPicker->GetPath(); if ( path ) { found = 1; if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Erasing || this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Moving || this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Translating ) { this->CurrentHandleIndex = this->HighlightHandle(path->GetFirstNode()->GetViewProp()); if ( this->CurrentHandleIndex == -1 ) { found = 0; // we didn't hit a handle for ( int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->Handle[i]->PickableOff(); } } } else if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Inserting ) { if ( (vtkActor*)path->GetFirstNode()->GetViewProp() == this->LineActor ) { this->HighlightLine(1); } else { found = 0; this->LineActor->PickableOff(); } } } } if ( !found ) { this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside; if ( this->ViewProp ) { this->ViewProp->PickableOn(); } this->CurrentPicker = NULL; return; } this->EventCallbackCommand->SetAbortFlag(1); this->StartInteraction(); this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::StartInteractionEvent,NULL); this->Interactor->Render(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::OnRightButtonUp() { if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside || this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Start || this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Snapping) { return; } if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Erasing ) { int index = this->CurrentHandleIndex; this->CurrentHandleIndex = this->HighlightHandle(NULL); int closed = this->IsClosed(); this->EraseHandle(index); this->BuildLinesFromHandles(); if ( closed && this->NumberOfHandles > 2 ) { this->AppendLine(this->HandleGeometry[0]->GetCenter()); } } else if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Inserting ) { this->HighlightLine(0); int closed = this->IsClosed(); this->InsertHandleOnLine(this->LastPickPosition); this->BuildLinesFromHandles(); if ( closed ) { this->AppendLine(this->HandleGeometry[0]->GetCenter()); } } else if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Moving ) { this->CurrentHandleIndex = this->HighlightHandle(NULL); if ( this->AutoClose && !this->IsClosed() ) { this->ClosePath(); if ( this->IsClosed() ) // if successful, remove the last overlapping handle { this->EraseHandle(this->NumberOfHandles - 1); } } } else if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Translating ) { this->CurrentHandleIndex = this->HighlightHandle(NULL); } this->State = vtkImageTracerWidget::Start; this->SizeHandles(); if ( this->ViewProp ) { this->ViewProp->PickableOn(); } this->EventCallbackCommand->SetAbortFlag(1); this->EndInteraction(); this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::EndInteractionEvent,NULL); this->Interactor->Render(); this->CurrentPicker = NULL; } void vtkImageTracerWidget::OnMouseMove() { // See whether we're active if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Outside || this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Start ) { return; } int X = this->Interactor->GetEventPosition()[0]; int Y = this->Interactor->GetEventPosition()[1]; double z; // Process the motion if ( this->CurrentHandle ) { if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Tracing || this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Snapping ) { this->Trace(X,Y); } else if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Moving || this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Translating ) { double focalPoint[4], pickPoint[4], prevPickPoint[4]; vtkCamera *camera = this->CurrentRenderer->GetActiveCamera(); if ( !camera ){ return; } // Compute the two points defining the motion vector this->ComputeWorldToDisplay(this->LastPickPosition[0], this->LastPickPosition[1], this->LastPickPosition[2], focalPoint); z = focalPoint[2]; this->ComputeDisplayToWorld( double(this->Interactor->GetLastEventPosition()[0]), double(this->Interactor->GetLastEventPosition()[1]), z, prevPickPoint); this->ComputeDisplayToWorld(double(X), double(Y), z, pickPoint); if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Moving ) { this->MovePoint(prevPickPoint, pickPoint); } else { this->Translate(prevPickPoint, pickPoint); } } } // Interact, if desired this->EventCallbackCommand->SetAbortFlag(1); this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::InteractionEvent,NULL); this->Interactor->Render(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::Trace(int X, int Y) { if ( !this->PropPicker->PickProp(X,Y,this->CurrentRenderer) ){ return; } if ( this->ViewProp != this->PropPicker->GetViewProp() ){ return; } double pos[3]; this->PropPicker->GetPickPosition(pos); if ( this->SnapToImage ) { this->Snap(pos); } if ( this->ProjectToPlane ) { pos[this->ProjectionNormal] = this->ProjectionPosition; } if ( this->LastX != X || this->LastY != Y ) { if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Tracing ) { if ( this->NumberOfHandles == 1 ) { this->AppendHandles(pos); } else { this->AdjustHandlePosition(this->CurrentHandleIndex,pos); } this->AppendLine(pos); } else if ( this->State == vtkImageTracerWidget::Snapping ) { if ( this->IsSnapping != this->CurrentHandleIndex ) { this->AppendHandles(pos); this->AppendLine(pos); this->IsSnapping = this->CurrentHandleIndex; } else { this->AdjustHandlePosition(this->CurrentHandleIndex,pos); this->LinePoints->SetPoint(this->PickCount,pos); this->LinePoints->GetData()->Modified(); this->LineData->Modified(); } } } this->LastX = X; this->LastY = Y; } void vtkImageTracerWidget::MovePoint(const double *p1, const double *p2) { // Get the motion vector double v[3]; v[0] = p2[0] - p1[0]; v[1] = p2[1] - p1[1]; v[2] = p2[2] - p1[2]; double *ctr = this->HandleGeometry[this->CurrentHandleIndex]->GetCenter(); double newCtr[3]; newCtr[0] = ctr[0] + v[0]; newCtr[1] = ctr[1] + v[1]; newCtr[2] = ctr[2] + v[2]; // Move the widget handle this->AdjustHandlePosition(this->CurrentHandleIndex,newCtr); // Enforce consistency with the line int closed = this->IsClosed(); this->LinePoints->SetPoint(this->CurrentHandleIndex, this->HandleGeometry[this->CurrentHandleIndex]->GetCenter()); // Special case when moving the first point if ( closed && (this->CurrentHandleIndex == 0) ) { this->LinePoints->SetPoint(this->LinePoints->GetNumberOfPoints()-1, this->HandleGeometry[0]->GetCenter()); } this->LinePoints->GetData()->Modified(); this->LineData->Modified(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::Translate(const double *p1, const double *p2) { // Get the motion vector double v[3]; v[0] = p2[0] - p1[0]; v[1] = p2[1] - p1[1]; v[2] = p2[2] - p1[2]; double newCtr[3]; int i; for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { double *ctr = this->HandleGeometry[i]->GetCenter(); newCtr[0] = ctr[0] + v[0]; newCtr[1] = ctr[1] + v[1]; newCtr[2] = ctr[2] + v[2]; this->AdjustHandlePosition(i,newCtr); } for ( i = 0; i < this->LinePoints->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++i ) { double *ctr = this->LinePoints->GetPoint(i); newCtr[0] = ctr[0] + v[0]; newCtr[1] = ctr[1] + v[1]; newCtr[2] = ctr[2] + v[2]; if ( this->ProjectToPlane ) { newCtr[this->ProjectionNormal] = this->ProjectionPosition; } this->LinePoints->SetPoint(i,newCtr); } this->LinePoints->GetData()->Modified(); this->LineData->Modified(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::ResetHandles(void) { if ( this->NumberOfHandles == 0 ){ return; } if ( this->CurrentHandle ) { this->CurrentHandle = NULL; } this->HandlePicker->InitializePickList(); int i; if ( this->CurrentRenderer ) { for (i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->CurrentRenderer->RemoveViewProp(this->Handle[i]); } } for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->HandleGeometry[i]->Delete(); this->Handle[i]->Delete(); } this->NumberOfHandles = 0; if ( this->Handle ) { delete [] this->Handle; this->Handle = NULL; } if ( this->HandleGeometry ) { delete [] this->HandleGeometry; this->HandleGeometry = NULL; } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::AllocateHandles(const int& nhandles) { if ( (this->NumberOfHandles == nhandles) || (nhandles < 1) ){ return; } // De-allocate the handles this->ResetHandles(); this->NumberOfHandles = nhandles; // Create the handles this->Handle = new vtkActor* [this->NumberOfHandles]; this->HandleGeometry = new vtkPolyData* [this->NumberOfHandles]; int i; for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->HandleGeometry[i] = vtkPolyData::New(); vtkPolyDataMapper* handleMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New(); handleMapper->SetInput(this->HandleGeometry[i]); this->Handle[i] = vtkActor::New(); this->Handle[i]->SetMapper(handleMapper); handleMapper->Delete(); this->Handle[i]->SetProperty(this->HandleProperty); this->Handle[i]->PickableOff(); this->HandlePicker->AddPickList(this->Handle[i]); } if ( this->CurrentRenderer && this->Enabled ) { for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->CurrentRenderer->AddViewProp(this->Handle[i]); } } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::AppendHandles(double* pos) { this->TemporaryHandlePoints->Reset(); this->TemporaryHandlePoints->SetNumberOfTuples(this->NumberOfHandles+1); int i; for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->TemporaryHandlePoints->SetTuple(i,this->HandleGeometry[i]->GetCenter()); } this->TemporaryHandlePoints->SetTuple(this->NumberOfHandles,pos); this->AllocateHandles(this->TemporaryHandlePoints->GetNumberOfTuples()); for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->AdjustHandlePosition(i,this->TemporaryHandlePoints->GetTuple(i)); } if ( this->CurrentHandleIndex != -1 ) { this->CurrentHandleIndex = this->NumberOfHandles - 1; this->CurrentHandle = this->Handle[this->CurrentHandleIndex]; this->CurrentHandle->SetProperty(this->SelectedHandleProperty); } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::InsertHandleOnLine(double* pos) { if ( this->NumberOfHandles < 3 && this->LinePoints->GetNumberOfPoints() > 2 ) { return; // don't insert on a continuously traced line } int id = this->LinePicker->GetCellId(); if ( id == -1 ){ return; } this->TemporaryHandlePoints->Reset(); this->TemporaryHandlePoints->SetNumberOfTuples(this->NumberOfHandles+1); int i; for ( i = 0; i <= id; i++ ) { this->TemporaryHandlePoints->SetTuple(i,this->HandleGeometry[i]->GetCenter()); } this->TemporaryHandlePoints->SetTuple(id+1,pos); for ( i = id + 1; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->TemporaryHandlePoints->SetTuple(i+1,this->HandleGeometry[i]->GetCenter()); } this->AllocateHandles(this->TemporaryHandlePoints->GetNumberOfTuples()); for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->AdjustHandlePosition(i,this->TemporaryHandlePoints->GetTuple(i)); } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::InitializeHandles(vtkPoints* points) { if ( !points ){ return; } int npts = points->GetNumberOfPoints(); if ( npts == 0 ){ return; } this->AllocateHandles( npts ); for ( int i = 0; i < npts; ++i ) { this->AdjustHandlePosition(i,points->GetPoint(i)); } if ( npts > 1 ) { this->BuildLinesFromHandles(); if ( this->AutoClose ) { this->ClosePath(); if ( this->IsClosed() ) // if successful, remove the overlapping handle { this->EraseHandle(this->NumberOfHandles - 1); } } } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::EraseHandle(const int& index) { if ( this->NumberOfHandles == 1 ){ return; } this->TemporaryHandlePoints->Reset(); this->TemporaryHandlePoints->SetNumberOfTuples(this->NumberOfHandles-1); int i; int count = 0; for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { if ( i != index ) { this->TemporaryHandlePoints->SetTuple(count++,this->HandleGeometry[i]->GetCenter()); } } this->AllocateHandles(this->TemporaryHandlePoints->GetNumberOfTuples()); for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->AdjustHandlePosition(i,this->TemporaryHandlePoints->GetTuple(i)); } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::ResetLine(double* pos) { this->LinePicker->DeletePickList(this->LineActor); this->LineActor->VisibilityOff(); this->LineActor->PickableOff(); this->LinePoints->Delete(); this->LineCells->Delete(); this->LineData->Initialize(); this->LineData->Squeeze(); this->LinePoints = vtkPoints::New(); this->LineCells = vtkCellArray::New(); this->LineData->SetPoints( this->LinePoints ); this->LineData->SetLines( this->LineCells ); this->PickCount = 0; this->LinePoints->InsertPoint(this->PickCount,pos); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::AppendLine(double* pos) { this->CurrentPoints[0] = this->PickCount++; this->CurrentPoints[1] = this->PickCount; this->LinePoints->InsertPoint(this->PickCount,pos); this->LineCells->InsertNextCell(2,this->CurrentPoints); this->LinePoints->GetData()->Modified(); this->LineData->SetPoints(this->LinePoints); this->LineData->SetLines(this->LineCells); this->LineData->Modified(); this->LineActor->VisibilityOn(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::BuildLinesFromHandles() { this->ResetLine(this->HandleGeometry[0]->GetCenter()); for ( int i = 1; i < this->NumberOfHandles; ++i ) { this->AppendLine(this->HandleGeometry[i]->GetCenter()); } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::ClosePath() { int npts = this->LinePoints->GetNumberOfPoints(); if ( npts < 4 ){ return; } double p0[3]; this->LinePoints->GetPoint(0,p0); double p1[3]; this->LinePoints->GetPoint(npts-1,p1); if ( sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(p0,p1)) <= this->CaptureRadius ) { this->LinePoints->SetPoint(npts-1,p0); this->LinePoints->GetData()->Modified(); this->LineData->Modified(); } } int vtkImageTracerWidget::IsClosed() // can only be based on line data { int npts = this->LinePoints->GetNumberOfPoints(); if ( npts < 4 ) { return 0; } double p0[3]; this->LinePoints->GetPoint(0,p0); double p1[3]; this->LinePoints->GetPoint(npts-1,p1); return (p0[0] == p1[0] && p0[1] == p1[1] && p0[2] == p1[2]); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::GetPath(vtkPolyData *pd) { pd->ShallowCopy(this->LineData); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::SetSnapToImage(int snap) { if ( this->Input ) { if ( this->Input->GetDataObjectType() != VTK_IMAGE_DATA ) { vtkErrorMacro(<<"Input data must be of type vtkImageData"); return; } else { this->SnapToImage = snap; } } else { vtkGenericWarningMacro(<<"SetInput with type vtkImageData first"); return; } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::Snap(double* pos) // overwrites pos { vtkImageData* ptr = vtkImageData::SafeDownCast(this->GetInput()); if ( !ptr ){ return; } if ( this->ImageSnapType == VTK_ITW_SNAP_CELLS ) // snap to cell center { double bounds[6]; double weights[8]; double pcoords[3]; int subId; vtkIdType cellId = ptr->FindCell(pos,NULL,-1,0.0,subId,pcoords,weights); if ( cellId != -1 ) { ptr->GetCellBounds(cellId,bounds); for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { pos[i] = bounds[i*2]+ 0.5*(bounds[i*2+1]-bounds[i*2]); } } } else // snap to nearest point { vtkIdType ptId = ptr->FindPoint(pos); if ( ptId != -1 ) { ptr->GetPoint(ptId,pos); } } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::CreateDefaultProperties() { if ( !this->HandleProperty ) { this->HandleProperty = vtkProperty::New(); this->HandleProperty->SetAmbient(1.0); this->HandleProperty->SetDiffuse(0.0); this->HandleProperty->SetColor(1,0,1); this->HandleProperty->SetLineWidth(2); this->HandleProperty->SetRepresentationToWireframe(); this->HandleProperty->SetInterpolationToFlat(); } if ( !this->SelectedHandleProperty ) { this->SelectedHandleProperty = vtkProperty::New(); this->SelectedHandleProperty->SetAmbient(1.0); this->SelectedHandleProperty->SetDiffuse(0.0); this->SelectedHandleProperty->SetColor(0,1,0); this->SelectedHandleProperty->SetLineWidth(2); this->SelectedHandleProperty->SetRepresentationToWireframe(); this->SelectedHandleProperty->SetInterpolationToFlat(); } if ( !this->LineProperty ) { this->LineProperty = vtkProperty::New(); this->LineProperty->SetAmbient(1.0); this->LineProperty->SetDiffuse(0.0); this->LineProperty->SetColor(0,1,0); this->LineProperty->SetLineWidth(2); this->LineProperty->SetRepresentationToWireframe(); this->LineProperty->SetInterpolationToFlat(); } if ( !this->SelectedLineProperty ) { this->SelectedLineProperty = vtkProperty::New(); this->SelectedLineProperty->SetAmbient(1.0); this->SelectedLineProperty->SetDiffuse(0.0); this->SelectedLineProperty->SetColor(0,1,1); this->SelectedLineProperty->SetLineWidth(2); this->SelectedLineProperty->SetRepresentationToWireframe(); this->SelectedLineProperty->SetInterpolationToFlat(); } } void vtkImageTracerWidget::PlaceWidget(double bds[6]) { double bounds[6], center[3]; this->AdjustBounds(bds, bounds, center); // create a default handle within the data bounds double x0 = bounds[0]; double x1 = bounds[1]; double y0 = bounds[2]; double y1 = bounds[3]; double z0 = bounds[4]; double z1 = bounds[5]; double xyz[3]; double position = 0.5; xyz[0] = (1.0-position)*x0 + position*x1; xyz[1] = (1.0-position)*y0 + position*y1; xyz[2] = (1.0-position)*z0 + position*z1; this->AdjustHandlePosition(0,xyz); for ( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i ) { this->InitialBounds[i] = bounds[i]; } this->InitialLength = sqrt((bounds[1]-bounds[0])*(bounds[1]-bounds[0]) + (bounds[3]-bounds[2])*(bounds[3]-bounds[2]) + (bounds[5]-bounds[4])*(bounds[5]-bounds[4])); this->SizeHandles(); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::SizeHandles() { // TODO... return; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef VTK_LEGACY_REMOVE # ifdef VTK_WORKAROUND_WINDOWS_MANGLE # undef SetProp void vtkImageTracerWidget::SetPropA(vtkProp* prop) { VTK_LEGACY_REPLACED_BODY(vtkImageTracerWidget::SetProp, "VTK 5.0", vtkImageTracerWidget::SetViewProp); this->SetViewProp(prop); } void vtkImageTracerWidget::SetPropW(vtkProp* prop) { VTK_LEGACY_REPLACED_BODY(vtkImageTracerWidget::SetProp, "VTK 5.0", vtkImageTracerWidget::SetViewProp); this->SetViewProp(prop); } # endif void vtkImageTracerWidget::SetProp(vtkProp* prop) { VTK_LEGACY_REPLACED_BODY(vtkImageTracerWidget::SetProp, "VTK 5.0", vtkImageTracerWidget::SetViewProp); this->SetViewProp(prop); } #endif