/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: $RCSfile: otherStringArray.cxx,v $ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkDebugLeaks.h" #include "vtkCharArray.h" #include "vtkIdTypeArray.h" #include "vtkStringArray.h" #include "vtkIdList.h" #define SIZE 1000 int doStringArrayTest(ostream& strm, int size) { int errors = 0; vtkStringArray *ptr = vtkStringArray::New(); vtkStdString *strings = new vtkStdString[SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) { char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf, "string entry %d", i); strings[i] = vtkStdString(buf); } strm << "\tResize(0)..."; ptr->Resize(0); strm << "OK" << endl; strm << "\tResize(10)..."; ptr->Resize(10); strm << "OK" << endl; strm << "\tResize(5)..."; ptr->Resize(5); strm << "OK" << endl; strm << "\tResize(size)..."; ptr->Resize(size); strm << "OK" << endl; strm << "\tSetNumberOfValues..."; ptr->SetNumberOfValues(100); if (ptr->GetNumberOfValues() == 100) strm << "OK" << endl; else { ++errors; strm << "FAILED" << endl; } strm << "\tSetVoidArray..."; ptr->SetVoidArray(strings, size, 1); strm << "OK" << endl; strm << "\tGetValue..."; vtkStdString value = ptr->GetValue(123); if (value == "string entry 123") { strm << "OK" << endl; } else { ++errors; strm << "FAILED. Expected 'string entry 123', got '" << value << "'" << endl; #ifdef DUMP_VALUES for (int i = 0; i < ptr->GetNumberOfValues(); ++i) { strm << "\t\tValue " << i << ": " << ptr->GetValue(i) << endl; } #endif } strm << "\tSetValue..."; ptr->SetValue(124, "jabberwocky"); if (ptr->GetValue(124) == "jabberwocky") { strm << "OK" << endl; } else { ++errors; strm << "FAILED" << endl; } strm << "\tInsertValue..."; ptr->InsertValue(500, "There and Back Again"); if (ptr->GetValue(500) == "There and Back Again") { strm << "OK" << endl; } else { ++errors; strm << "FAILED" << endl; } strm << "\tInsertNextValue..."; if (ptr->GetValue(ptr->InsertNextValue("3.141592653589")) == "3.141592653589") { strm << "OK" << endl; } else { ++errors; strm << "FAILED" << endl; } strm << "\tvtkAbstractArray::GetValues(vtkIdList)..."; vtkIdList *indices = vtkIdList::New(); indices->InsertNextId(10); indices->InsertNextId(20); indices->InsertNextId(314); vtkStringArray *newValues = vtkStringArray::New(); newValues->SetNumberOfValues(3); ptr->GetValues(indices, newValues); if (newValues->GetValue(0) == "string entry 10" && newValues->GetValue(1) == "string entry 20" && newValues->GetValue(2) == "string entry 314") { strm << "OK" << endl; } else { ++errors; strm << "FAILED. Results:" << endl; strm << "\tExpected: 'string entry 10'\tActual: '" << newValues->GetValue(0) << "'" << endl; strm << "\tExpected: 'string entry 20'\tActual: '" << newValues->GetValue(1) << "'" << endl; strm << "\tExpected: 'string entry 314'\tActual: '" << newValues->GetValue(2) << "'" << endl; } newValues->Reset(); strm << "\tvtkAbstractArray::GetValues(vtkIdType, vtkIdType)..."; newValues->SetNumberOfValues(3); ptr->GetValues(30, 32, newValues); if (newValues->GetValue(0) == "string entry 30" && newValues->GetValue(1) == "string entry 31" && newValues->GetValue(2) == "string entry 32") { strm << "OK" << endl; } else { ++errors; strm << "FAILED" << endl; } strm << "\tvtkAbstractArray::CopyValue..."; ptr->CopyValue(150, 2, newValues); if (ptr->GetValue(150) == "string entry 32") { strm << "OK" << endl; } else { ++errors; strm << "FAILED" << endl; } newValues->Delete(); indices->Delete(); strm << "PrintSelf..." << endl; strm << *ptr; ptr->Delete(); delete [] strings; strm << "\tvtkAbstractArray::ConvertToContiguous..."; vtkStringArray *srcArray = vtkStringArray::New(); vtkStringArray *destArray = vtkStringArray::New(); srcArray->InsertNextValue("First"); srcArray->InsertNextValue("Second"); srcArray->InsertNextValue("Third"); vtkDataArray *data; vtkIdTypeArray *offsets; srcArray->ConvertToContiguous(&data, &offsets); char combinedString[] = "FirstSecondThird"; vtkCharArray *charData = vtkCharArray::SafeDownCast(data); if (charData == NULL) { ++errors; strm << "FAILED: couldn't downcast data array" << endl; } else { for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(strlen(combinedString)); ++i) { if (charData->GetValue(i) != combinedString[i]) { strm << "FAILED: array element " << i << " is wrong. Expected " << combinedString[i] << ", got " << charData->GetValue(i) << endl; ++errors; } } destArray->ConvertFromContiguous(data, offsets); if (destArray->GetNumberOfValues() != srcArray->GetNumberOfValues()) { ++errors; strm << "FAILED: reconstructed lengths don't match" << endl; } else { for (int i = 0; i < srcArray->GetNumberOfValues(); ++i) { if (destArray->GetValue(i) != srcArray->GetValue(i)) { strm << "FAILED: element " << i << " doesn't match" << endl; ++errors; } } } } srcArray->Delete(); destArray->Delete(); data->Delete(); offsets->Delete(); return errors; } int otherStringArrayTest(ostream& strm) { int errors = 0; { strm << "Test StringArray" << endl; errors += doStringArrayTest(strm, SIZE); } return errors; } int otherStringArray(int, char *[]) { ostrstream vtkmsg_with_warning_C4701; // return otherArraysTest(vtkmsg_with_warning_C4701); return otherStringArrayTest(cerr); }