for {set i 0} {$i < [expr $argc - 1]} {incr i} { if {[lindex $argv $i] == "-A"} { set auto_path "$auto_path [lindex $argv [expr $i +1]]" } } package require vtk vtkObject a a GlobalWarningDisplayOff a Delete proc rtOtherTest { fileid } { #actual test set all [lsort [info command vtk*]] foreach a $all { if {$a == "vtkIndent"} { continue } if {$a == "vtkOutputPort"} { continue } if {$a == "vtkTimeStamp"} { continue } if {$a == "vtkOutputWindow"} { continue } catch { $a b b Print if {[b IsA $a] == 0} {puts stderr "$a failed IsA test!!!"} if {[b IsA "vtkObject"] == 0} {puts stdout "$a is not a sub-class of vtkObject"} b GetClassName b Delete } catch { $a b $a c set d [b SafeDownCast c] b Delete c Delete } catch { b Delete c Delete } } } # All tests should end with the following... rtOtherTest stdout exit