/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: $RCSfile: vtkTransform.h,v $ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ // .NAME vtkTransform - describes linear transformations via a 4x4 matrix // .SECTION Description // A vtkTransform can be used to describe the full range of linear (also // known as affine) coordinate transformations in three dimensions, // which are internally represented as a 4x4 homogeneous transformation // matrix. When you create a new vtkTransform, it is always initialized // to the identity transformation. //
The SetInput() method allows you to set another transform, // instead of the identity transform, to be the base transformation. // There is a pipeline mechanism to ensure that when the input is // modified, the current transformation will be updated accordingly. // This pipeline mechanism is also supported by the Concatenate() method. //
Most of the methods for manipulating this transformation, // e.g. Translate, Rotate, and Concatenate, can operate in either // PreMultiply (the default) or PostMultiply mode. In PreMultiply // mode, the translation, concatenation, etc. will occur before any // transformations which are represented by the current matrix. In // PostMultiply mode, the additional transformation will occur after // any transformations represented by the current matrix. //
This class performs all of its operations in a right handed
// coordinate system with right handed rotations. Some other graphics
// libraries use left handed coordinate systems and rotations.
// .SECTION See Also
// vtkPerspectiveTransform vtkGeneralTransform vtkMatrix4x4
// vtkTransformCollection vtkTransformFilter vtkTransformPolyDataFilter
// vtkImageReslice
#ifndef __vtkTransform_h
#define __vtkTransform_h
#include "vtkLinearTransform.h"
#include "vtkMatrix4x4.h" // Needed for inline methods
class VTK_COMMON_EXPORT vtkTransform : public vtkLinearTransform
static vtkTransform *New();
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
// Description:
// Set the transformation to the identity transformation. If
// the transform has an Input, then the transformation will be
// reset so that it is the same as the Input.
void Identity();
// Description:
// Invert the transformation. This will also set a flag so that
// the transformation will use the inverse of its Input, if an Input
// has been set.
void Inverse();
// Description:
// Create a translation matrix and concatenate it with the current
// transformation according to PreMultiply or PostMultiply semantics.
void Translate(double x, double y, double z) {
this->Concatenation->Translate(x,y,z); };
void Translate(const double x[3]) { this->Translate(x[0], x[1], x[2]); };
void Translate(const float x[3]) { this->Translate(x[0], x[1], x[2]); };
// Description:
// Create a rotation matrix and concatenate it with the current
// transformation according to PreMultiply or PostMultiply semantics.
// The angle is in degrees, and (x,y,z) specifies the axis that the
// rotation will be performed around.
void RotateWXYZ(double angle, double x, double y, double z) {
this->Concatenation->Rotate(angle,x,y,z); };
void RotateWXYZ(double angle, const double axis[3]) {
this->RotateWXYZ(angle, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]); };
void RotateWXYZ(double angle, const float axis[3]) {
this->RotateWXYZ(angle, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]); };
// Description:
// Create a rotation matrix about the X, Y, or Z axis and concatenate
// it with the current transformation according to PreMultiply or
// PostMultiply semantics. The angle is expressed in degrees.
void RotateX(double angle) { this->RotateWXYZ(angle, 1, 0, 0); };
void RotateY(double angle) { this->RotateWXYZ(angle, 0, 1, 0); };
void RotateZ(double angle) { this->RotateWXYZ(angle, 0, 0, 1); };
// Description:
// Create a scale matrix (i.e. set the diagonal elements to x, y, z)
// and concatenate it with the current transformation according to
// PreMultiply or PostMultiply semantics.
void Scale(double x, double y, double z) {
this->Concatenation->Scale(x,y,z); };
void Scale(const double s[3]) { this->Scale(s[0], s[1], s[2]); };
void Scale(const float s[3]) { this->Scale(s[0], s[1], s[2]); };
// Description:
// Set the current matrix directly. This actually calls Identity(),
// followed by Concatenate(matrix).
void SetMatrix(vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix) {
this->SetMatrix(*matrix->Element); };
void SetMatrix(const double elements[16]) {
this->Identity(); this->Concatenate(elements); };
// Description:
// Concatenates the matrix with the current transformation according
// to PreMultiply or PostMultiply semantics.
void Concatenate(vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix) {
this->Concatenate(*matrix->Element); };
void Concatenate(const double elements[16]) {
this->Concatenation->Concatenate(elements); };
// Description:
// Concatenate the specified transform with the current transformation
// according to PreMultiply or PostMultiply semantics.
// The concatenation is pipelined, meaning that if any of the
// transformations are changed, even after Concatenate() is called,
// those changes will be reflected when you call TransformPoint().
void Concatenate(vtkLinearTransform *transform);
// Description:
// Sets the internal state of the transform to PreMultiply. All subsequent
// operations will occur before those already represented in the
// current transformation. In homogeneous matrix notation, M = M*A where
// M is the current transformation matrix and A is the applied matrix.
// The default is PreMultiply.
void PreMultiply() {
if (this->Concatenation->GetPreMultiplyFlag()) { return; }
this->Concatenation->SetPreMultiplyFlag(1); this->Modified(); };
// Description:
// Sets the internal state of the transform to PostMultiply. All subsequent
// operations will occur after those already represented in the
// current transformation. In homogeneous matrix notation, M = A*M where
// M is the current transformation matrix and A is the applied matrix.
// The default is PreMultiply.
void PostMultiply() {
if (!this->Concatenation->GetPreMultiplyFlag()) { return; }
this->Concatenation->SetPreMultiplyFlag(0); this->Modified(); };
// Description:
// Get the total number of transformations that are linked into this
// one via Concatenate() operations or via SetInput().
int GetNumberOfConcatenatedTransforms() {
return this->Concatenation->GetNumberOfTransforms() +
(this->Input == NULL ? 0 : 1); };
// Description
// Get one of the concatenated transformations as a vtkAbstractTransform.
// These transformations are applied, in series, every time the
// transformation of a coordinate occurs. This method is provided
// to make it possible to decompose a transformation into its
// constituents, for example to save a transformation to a file.
vtkLinearTransform *GetConcatenatedTransform(int i) {
if (this->Input == NULL) {
return (vtkLinearTransform *)this->Concatenation->GetTransform(i); }
else if (i < this->Concatenation->GetNumberOfPreTransforms()) {
return (vtkLinearTransform *)this->Concatenation->GetTransform(i); }
else if (i > this->Concatenation->GetNumberOfPreTransforms()) {
return (vtkLinearTransform *)this->Concatenation->GetTransform(i-1); }
else if (this->GetInverseFlag()) {
return (vtkLinearTransform *)this->Input->GetInverse(); }
else {
return (vtkLinearTransform *)this->Input; } };
// Description:
// Get the x, y, z orientation angles from the transformation matrix as an
// array of three floating point values.
void GetOrientation(double orient[3]);
void GetOrientation(float orient[3]) {
double temp[3]; this->GetOrientation(temp);
orient[0] = static_cast