/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: $RCSfile: vtkImageWriter.cxx,v $ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkImageWriter.h" #include "vtkCommand.h" #include "vtkErrorCode.h" #include "vtkInformation.h" #include "vtkInformationVector.h" #include "vtkObjectFactory.h" #include "vtkPointData.h" #include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h" #include "vtkImageData.h" #if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) # include /* unlink */ #else # include /* unlink */ #endif vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkImageWriter, "$Revision: 1.60 $"); vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkImageWriter); #ifdef write #undef write #endif #ifdef close #undef close #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkImageWriter::vtkImageWriter() { this->FilePrefix = NULL; this->FilePattern = NULL; this->FileName = NULL; this->InternalFileName = NULL; this->FileNumber = 0; this->FileDimensionality = 2; this->FilePattern = new char[strlen("%s.%d") + 1]; strcpy(this->FilePattern, "%s.%d"); this->FileLowerLeft = 0; this->MinimumFileNumber = this->MaximumFileNumber = 0; this->FilesDeleted = 0; this->SetNumberOfOutputPorts(0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkImageWriter::~vtkImageWriter() { // get rid of memory allocated for file names if (this->FilePrefix) { delete [] this->FilePrefix; this->FilePrefix = NULL; } if (this->FilePattern) { delete [] this->FilePattern; this->FilePattern = NULL; } if (this->FileName) { delete [] this->FileName; this->FileName = NULL; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkImageWriter::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); os << indent << "FileName: " << (this->FileName ? this->FileName : "(none)") << "\n"; os << indent << "FilePrefix: " << (this->FilePrefix ? this->FilePrefix : "(none)") << "\n"; os << indent << "FilePattern: " << (this->FilePattern ? this->FilePattern : "(none)") << "\n"; os << indent << "FileDimensionality: " << this->FileDimensionality << "\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkImageData *vtkImageWriter::GetInput() { if (this->GetNumberOfInputConnections(0) < 1) { return 0; } return vtkImageData::SafeDownCast( this->GetExecutive()->GetInputData(0, 0)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkImageWriter::RequestData( vtkInformation* vtkNotUsed( request ), vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* vtkNotUsed( outputVector) ) { this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::NoError); vtkInformation *inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0); vtkImageData *input = vtkImageData::SafeDownCast(inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); // Error checking if (input == NULL ) { vtkErrorMacro(<<"Write:Please specify an input!"); return 0; } if ( !this->FileName && !this->FilePattern) { vtkErrorMacro(<<"Write:Please specify either a FileName or a file prefix and pattern"); this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::NoFileNameError); return 0; } // Make sure the file name is allocated this->InternalFileName = new char[(this->FileName ? strlen(this->FileName) : 1) + (this->FilePrefix ? strlen(this->FilePrefix) : 1) + (this->FilePattern ? strlen(this->FilePattern) : 1) + 10]; // Fill in image information. int *wExt = inInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_EXTENT()); this->FileNumber = wExt[4]; this->MinimumFileNumber = this->MaximumFileNumber = this->FileNumber; this->FilesDeleted = 0; // Write this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::StartEvent); this->UpdateProgress(0.0); this->RecursiveWrite(2, input, NULL); if (this->ErrorCode == vtkErrorCode::OutOfDiskSpaceError) { this->DeleteFiles(); } this->UpdateProgress(1.0); this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::EndEvent); delete [] this->InternalFileName; this->InternalFileName = NULL; return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Writes all the data from the input. void vtkImageWriter::Write() { // we always write, even if nothing has changed, so send a modified this->Modified(); this->UpdateInformation(); this->GetInput()->SetUpdateExtent(this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent()); this->Update(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Breaks region into pieces with correct dimensionality. void vtkImageWriter::RecursiveWrite(int axis, vtkImageData *cache, ofstream *file) { vtkImageData *data; int fileOpenedHere = 0; int *ext; // if we need to open another slice, do it if (!file && (axis + 1) == this->FileDimensionality) { // determine the name if (this->FileName) { sprintf(this->InternalFileName,"%s",this->FileName); } else { if (this->FilePrefix) { sprintf(this->InternalFileName, this->FilePattern, this->FilePrefix, this->FileNumber); } else { sprintf(this->InternalFileName, this->FilePattern,this->FileNumber); } if (this->FileNumber < this->MinimumFileNumber) { this->MinimumFileNumber = this->FileNumber; } else if (this->FileNumber > this->MaximumFileNumber) { this->MaximumFileNumber = this->FileNumber; } } // Open the file #ifdef _WIN32 file = new ofstream(this->InternalFileName, ios::out | ios::binary); #else file = new ofstream(this->InternalFileName, ios::out); #endif fileOpenedHere = 1; if (file->fail()) { vtkErrorMacro("RecursiveWrite: Could not open file " << this->InternalFileName); this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::CannotOpenFileError); delete file; return; } // Subclasses can write a header with this method call. this->WriteFileHeader(file, cache); file->flush(); if (file->fail()) { file->close(); delete file; this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::OutOfDiskSpaceError); return; } ++this->FileNumber; } // Propagate the update extent so we can determine pipeline size this->GetInput()->PropagateUpdateExtent(); // just get the data and write it out ext = cache->GetUpdateExtent(); vtkDebugMacro("Getting input extent: " << ext[0] << ", " << ext[1] << ", " << ext[2] << ", " << ext[3] << ", " << ext[4] << ", " << ext[5] << endl); cache->Update(); data = cache; this->RecursiveWrite(axis,cache,data,file); if (this->ErrorCode == vtkErrorCode::OutOfDiskSpaceError) { this->DeleteFiles(); return; } if (file && fileOpenedHere) { this->WriteFileTrailer(file,cache); file->flush(); if (file->fail()) { this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::OutOfDiskSpaceError); } file->close(); delete file; } return; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // same idea as the previous method, but it knows that the data is ready void vtkImageWriter::RecursiveWrite(int axis, vtkImageData *cache, vtkImageData *data, ofstream *file) { int idx, min, max; // if the file is already open then just write to it if (file) { this->WriteFile(file,data,cache->GetUpdateExtent()); file->flush(); if (file->fail()) { file->close(); delete file; this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::OutOfDiskSpaceError); } return; } // if we need to open another slice, do it if (!file && (axis + 1) == this->FileDimensionality) { // determine the name if (this->FileName) { sprintf(this->InternalFileName,"%s",this->FileName); } else { if (this->FilePrefix) { sprintf(this->InternalFileName, this->FilePattern, this->FilePrefix, this->FileNumber); } else { sprintf(this->InternalFileName, this->FilePattern,this->FileNumber); } if (this->FileNumber < this->MinimumFileNumber) { this->MinimumFileNumber = this->FileNumber; } else if (this->FileNumber > this->MaximumFileNumber) { this->MaximumFileNumber = this->FileNumber; } } // Open the file #ifdef _WIN32 file = new ofstream(this->InternalFileName, ios::out | ios::binary); #else file = new ofstream(this->InternalFileName, ios::out); #endif if (file->fail()) { vtkErrorMacro("RecursiveWrite: Could not open file " << this->InternalFileName); this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::CannotOpenFileError); delete file; return; } // Subclasses can write a header with this method call. this->WriteFileHeader(file, cache); file->flush(); if (file->fail()) { file->close(); delete file; this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::OutOfDiskSpaceError); return; } this->WriteFile(file,data,cache->GetUpdateExtent()); file->flush(); if (file->fail()) { file->close(); delete file; this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::OutOfDiskSpaceError); return; } ++this->FileNumber; this->WriteFileTrailer(file,cache); file->flush(); if (file->fail()) { this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::OutOfDiskSpaceError); } file->close(); delete file; return; } // if the current region is too high a dimension forthe file // the we will split the current axis cache->GetAxisUpdateExtent(axis, min, max); // if it is the y axis then flip by default if (axis == 1 && !this->FileLowerLeft) { for(idx = max; idx >= min; idx--) { cache->SetAxisUpdateExtent(axis, idx, idx); if (this->ErrorCode != vtkErrorCode::OutOfDiskSpaceError) { this->RecursiveWrite(axis - 1, cache, data, file); } else { this->DeleteFiles(); } } } else { for(idx = min; idx <= max; idx++) { cache->SetAxisUpdateExtent(axis, idx, idx); if (this->ErrorCode != vtkErrorCode::OutOfDiskSpaceError) { this->RecursiveWrite(axis - 1, cache, data, file); } else { this->DeleteFiles(); } } } // restore original extent cache->SetAxisUpdateExtent(axis, min, max); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- template unsigned long vtkImageWriterGetSize(T*) { return sizeof(T); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Writes a region in a file. Subclasses can override this method // to produce a header. This method only hanldes 3d data (plus components). void vtkImageWriter::WriteFile(ofstream *file, vtkImageData *data, int extent[6]) { int idxY, idxZ; int rowLength; // in bytes void *ptr; unsigned long count = 0; unsigned long target; float progress = this->Progress; float area; int *wExtent; // Make sure we actually have data. if ( !data->GetPointData()->GetScalars()) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Could not get data from input."); return; } // take into consideration the scalar type switch (data->GetScalarType()) { vtkTemplateMacro( rowLength = vtkImageWriterGetSize(static_cast(0)) ); default: vtkErrorMacro(<< "Execute: Unknown output ScalarType"); return; } rowLength *= data->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); rowLength *= (extent[1] - extent[0] + 1); wExtent = this->GetInput()->GetWholeExtent(); area = (float) ((extent[5] - extent[4] + 1)* (extent[3] - extent[2] + 1)* (extent[1] - extent[0] + 1)) / (float) ((wExtent[5] -wExtent[4] + 1)* (wExtent[3] -wExtent[2] + 1)* (wExtent[1] -wExtent[0] + 1)); target = (unsigned long)((extent[5]-extent[4]+1)* (extent[3]-extent[2]+1)/(50.0*area)); target++; int ystart = extent[3]; int yend = extent[2] - 1; int yinc = -1; if (this->FileLowerLeft) { ystart = extent[2]; yend = extent[3]+1; yinc = 1; } for (idxZ = extent[4]; idxZ <= extent[5]; ++idxZ) { for (idxY = ystart; idxY != yend; idxY = idxY + yinc) { if (!(count%target)) { this->UpdateProgress(progress + count/(50.0*target)); } count++; ptr = data->GetScalarPointer(extent[0], idxY, idxZ); if ( ! file->write((char *)ptr, rowLength)) { return; } } } } void vtkImageWriter::DeleteFiles() { if (this->FilesDeleted) { return; } int i; char *fileName; vtkErrorMacro("Ran out of disk space; deleting file(s) already written"); if (this->FileName) { unlink(this->FileName); } else { if (this->FilePrefix) { fileName = new char[strlen(this->FilePrefix) + strlen(this->FilePattern) + 10]; for (i = this->MinimumFileNumber; i <= this->MaximumFileNumber; i++) { sprintf(fileName, this->FilePattern, this->FilePrefix, i); unlink(fileName); } delete [] fileName; } else { fileName = new char[strlen(this->FilePattern) + 10]; for (i = this->MinimumFileNumber; i <= this->MaximumFileNumber; i++) { sprintf(fileName, this->FilePattern, i); unlink(fileName); } delete [] fileName; } } this->FilesDeleted = 1; }