# Use the painter to draw using colors. # This is not a pipeline object. It will support pipeline objects. # Please do not use this object directly. package require vtk vtkImageCanvasSource2D imageCanvas imageCanvas SetNumberOfScalarComponents 3 imageCanvas SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar imageCanvas SetExtent 0 320 0 320 0 0 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 0 0 0 imageCanvas FillBox 0 511 0 511 # r, g, b imageCanvas SetDrawColor 255 0 0 imageCanvas FillBox 0 50 0 100 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 128 128 0 imageCanvas FillBox 50 100 0 100 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 0 255 0 imageCanvas FillBox 100 150 0 100 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 0 128 128 imageCanvas FillBox 150 200 0 100 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 0 0 255 imageCanvas FillBox 200 250 0 100 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 128 0 128 imageCanvas FillBox 250 300 0 100 # intensity scale imageCanvas SetDrawColor 5 5 5 imageCanvas FillBox 0 50 110 210 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 55 55 55 imageCanvas FillBox 50 100 110 210 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 105 105 105 imageCanvas FillBox 100 150 110 210 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 155 155 155 imageCanvas FillBox 150 200 110 210 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 205 205 205 imageCanvas FillBox 200 250 110 210 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 255 255 255 imageCanvas FillBox 250 300 110 210 # saturation scale imageCanvas SetDrawColor 245 0 0 imageCanvas FillBox 0 50 220 320 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 213 16 16 imageCanvas FillBox 50 100 220 320 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 181 32 32 imageCanvas FillBox 100 150 220 320 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 149 48 48 imageCanvas FillBox 150 200 220 320 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 117 64 64 imageCanvas FillBox 200 250 220 320 imageCanvas SetDrawColor 85 80 80 imageCanvas FillBox 250 300 220 320 vtkImageRGBToHSI convert convert SetInputConnection [imageCanvas GetOutputPort] vtkImageHSIToRGB convertBack convertBack SetInputConnection [convert GetOutputPort] vtkImageCast cast cast SetInputConnection [convertBack GetOutputPort] cast SetOutputScalarTypeToFloat cast ReleaseDataFlagOff vtkImageViewer viewer viewer SetInputConnection [convertBack GetOutputPort] #viewer SetInputConnection [imageCanvas GetOutputPort] viewer SetColorWindow 256 viewer SetColorLevel 127.5 viewer Render