#!/usr/bin/env perl # Time-stamp: <2001-10-05 11:49:40 barre> # # Remove path to intermediate Doxygen dir from html doc # # barre : Sebastien Barre # # 0.1 (barre) # - first release use Carp; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use Getopt::Long; use Fcntl; use File::Find; use strict; my ($VERSION, $PROGNAME, $AUTHOR) = (0.1, $0, "Sebastien Barre"); $PROGNAME =~ s/^.*[\\\/]//; print "$PROGNAME $VERSION, by $AUTHOR\n"; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Defaults (add options as you want : "verbose" => 1 for default verbose mode) my %default = ( html => "../../../doc/html", to => "../../../VTK-doxygen" ); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse options my %args; Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); GetOptions (\%args, "help", "verbose|v", "html=s", "to=s"); if (exists $args{"help"}) { print <<"EOT"; Usage : $PROGNAME [--help] [--verbose|-v] [--html path] [--to path] --help : this message --verbose|-v : verbose (display filenames while processing) --html path : 'path' the Doxygen generated HTML doc (default : $default{html}) --to path : 'path' to intermediate Doxygen dir (default : $default{to}) Example: $PROGNAME EOT exit; } $args{"to"} = $default{"to"} if ! exists $args{"to"}; $args{"to"} =~ s/[\\\/]*$// if exists $args{"to"}; $args{"html"} = $default{"html"} if ! exists $args{"html"}; $args{"html"} =~ s/[\\\/]*$// if exists $args{"html"}; my $os_is_win = ($^O =~ m/(MSWin32|Cygwin)/i); my $open_file_as_text = $os_is_win ? O_TEXT : 0; my $start_time = time(); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collect all HTML files print "Collecting HTML files in ", $args{"html"}, "\n"; my @files; find sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if -f $_ && $_ =~ /\.html$/; }, $args{"html"}; print " => ", scalar @files, " file(s) collected in ", time() - $start_time, " s.\n"; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove path my ($nb_files, $htmlpath) = (0, abs_path($args{"to"}) . '/'); undef $/; # slurp mode print "Removing $htmlpath and writing...\n"; my $intermediate_time = time(); foreach my $filename (@files) { print " $filename\n" if exists $args{"verbose"}; # Open the file, read it entirely sysopen(HTMLFILE, $filename, O_RDONLY|$open_file_as_text) or croak "$PROGNAME: unable to open $filename\n"; my $html = ; close(HTMLFILE); # Remove all paths if ($html =~ s/$htmlpath//gms) { ++$nb_files; sysopen(HTMLFILE, $filename, O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT|$open_file_as_text) or croak "$PROGNAME: unable to open destination file $filename\n"; print HTMLFILE $html; close(HTMLFILE); } } print " => $nb_files file(s) processed and written in ", time() - $intermediate_time, " s.\n"; print "Finished in ", time() - $start_time, " s.\n";