Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkDataSetAttributes.h,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// .NAME vtkDataSetAttributes - represent and manipulate attribute data in a dataset
// .SECTION Description
// vtkDataSetAttributes is a class that is used to represent and manipulate
// attribute data (e.g., scalars, vectors, normals, texture coordinates,
// tensors, and field data) Special methods are provided to work with filter
// objects, such as passing data through filter, copying data from one
// attribute set to another, and interpolating data given cell interpolation
// weights.
#ifndef __vtkDataSetAttributes_h
#define __vtkDataSetAttributes_h
#include "vtkFieldData.h"
class VTK_FILTERING_EXPORT vtkDataSetAttributes : public vtkFieldData
// Description:
// Construct object with copying turned on for all data.
static vtkDataSetAttributes *New();
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
// Description:
// Initialize all of the object's data to NULL
// Also, clear the copy flags.
virtual void Initialize();
// Description:
// Attributes have a chance to bring themselves up to date; right
// now this is ignored.
virtual void Update() {}
// Description:
// Pass entire arrays of input data through to output. Obey the "copy"
// flags. When passing a field, the following copying rules are
// followed: 1) Check if a field is an attribute, if yes and if there
// is a copy flag for that attribute (on or off), obey the flag for
// that attribute, ignore (2) and (3), 2) if there is a copy field for
// that field (on or off), obey the flag, ignore (3) 3) obey
// CopyAllOn/Off
virtual void PassData(vtkFieldData* fd);
// Description:
// Allocates point data for point-by-point (or cell-by-cell) copy operation.
// If sze=0, then use the input DataSetAttributes to create (i.e., find
// initial size of) new objects; otherwise use the sze variable.
// Note that pd HAS to be the vtkDataSetAttributes object which
// will later be used with CopyData. If this is not the case,
// consider using the alternative forms of CopyAllocate and CopyData.
// ext is no longer used.
void CopyAllocate(vtkDataSetAttributes* pd, vtkIdType sze=0,
vtkIdType ext=1000);
// Description:
// Copy the attribute data from one id to another. Make sure CopyAllocate()
// has been invoked before using this method. When copying a field,
// the following copying rules are
// followed: 1) Check if a field is an attribute, if yes and if there
// is a copy flag for that attribute (on or off), obey the flag for
// that attribute, ignore (2) and (3), 2) if there is a copy field for
// that field (on or off), obey the flag, ignore (3) 3) obey
// CopyAllOn/Off
void CopyData(vtkDataSetAttributes *fromPd, vtkIdType fromId, vtkIdType toId);
// Description:
// Initialize point interpolation method.
// Note that pd HAS to be the vtkDataSetAttributes object which
// will later be used with InterpolatePoint or InterpolateEdge.
// ext is no longer used.
void InterpolateAllocate(vtkDataSetAttributes* pd, vtkIdType sze=0,
vtkIdType ext=1000);
// Description:
// This method is used to copy data arrays in images.
// You should not call "CopyAllocate" before calling this method.
// This method is called once to copy all of the data.
// If the two extents are the same, this method calls "PassData".
void CopyStructuredData(vtkDataSetAttributes *inDsa,
const int *inExt, const int *outExt);
// Description:
// Interpolate data set attributes from other data set attributes
// given cell or point ids and associated interpolation weights.
void InterpolatePoint(vtkDataSetAttributes *fromPd, vtkIdType toId,
vtkIdList *ids, double *weights);
// Description:
// Interpolate data from the two points p1,p2 (forming an edge) and an
// interpolation factor, t, along the edge. The weight ranges from (0,1),
// with t=0 located at p1. Make sure that the method InterpolateAllocate()
// has been invoked before using this method.
void InterpolateEdge(vtkDataSetAttributes *fromPd, vtkIdType toId,
vtkIdType p1, vtkIdType p2, double t);
// Description:
// Interpolate data from the same id (point or cell) at different points
// in time (parameter t). Two input data set attributes objects are input.
// The parameter t lies between (0<=t<=1). IMPORTANT: it is assumed that
// the number of attributes and number of components is the same for both
// from1 and from2, and the type of data for from1 and from2 are the same.
// Make sure that the method InterpolateAllocate() has been invoked before
// using this method.
void InterpolateTime(vtkDataSetAttributes *from1,
vtkDataSetAttributes *from2,
vtkIdType id, double t);
// Description:
// Deep copy of data (i.e., create new data arrays and
// copy from input data).
virtual void DeepCopy(vtkFieldData *pd);
// Description:
// Shallow copy of data (i.e., use reference counting).
virtual void ShallowCopy(vtkFieldData *pd);
// Description:
// Set/Get the scalar data.
int SetScalars(vtkDataArray* da);
int SetActiveScalars(const char* name);
vtkDataArray* GetScalars();
// Description:
// Set/Get the vector data.
int SetVectors(vtkDataArray* da);
int SetActiveVectors(const char* name);
vtkDataArray* GetVectors();
// Description:
// Set/get the normal data.
int SetNormals(vtkDataArray* da);
int SetActiveNormals(const char* name);
vtkDataArray* GetNormals();
// Description:
// Set/Get the texture coordinate data.
int SetTCoords(vtkDataArray* da);
int SetActiveTCoords(const char* name);
vtkDataArray* GetTCoords();
// Description:
// Set/Get the tensor data.
int SetTensors(vtkDataArray* da);
int SetActiveTensors(const char* name);
vtkDataArray* GetTensors();
// Description:
// This will first look for an array with the correct name.
// If one exists, it is returned. Otherwise, the name argument
// is ignored, and the active attribute is returned.
vtkDataArray* GetScalars(const char* name);
vtkDataArray* GetVectors(const char* name);
vtkDataArray* GetNormals(const char* name);
vtkDataArray* GetTCoords(const char* name);
vtkDataArray* GetTensors(const char* name);
// Description:
// Make the array with the given name the active attribute.
// Attribute types are:
// vtkDataSetAttributes::SCALARS = 0
// vtkDataSetAttributes::VECTORS = 1
// vtkDataSetAttributes::NORMALS = 2
// vtkDataSetAttributes::TCOORDS = 3
// vtkDataSetAttributes::TENSORS = 4
// Returns the index of the array if succesful, -1 if the array
// is not in the list of arrays.
int SetActiveAttribute(const char* name, int attributeType);
// Description:
// Make the array with the given index the active attribute.
int SetActiveAttribute(int index, int attributeType);
// Description:
// Specify whether to copy the data attribute referred to by index i.
void SetCopyAttribute (int index, int value);
// Description:
// Turn on/off the copying of scalar data.
// During the copy/pass, the following rules are followed for each
// array:
// 1. If the copy flag for an attribute is set (on or off), it is applied.
// This overrides rules 2 and 3.
// 2. If the copy flag for an array is set (on or off), it is applied
// This overrides rule 3.
// 3. If CopyAllOn is set, copy the array.
// If CopyAllOff is set, do not copy the array
void SetCopyScalars(int i);
int GetCopyScalars();
vtkBooleanMacro(CopyScalars, int);
// Description:
// Turn on/off the copying of vector data.
// During the copy/pass, the following rules are followed for each
// array:
// 1. If the copy flag for an attribute is set (on or off), it is applied.
// This overrides rules 2 and 3.
// 2. If the copy flag for an array is set (on or off), it is applied
// This overrides rule 3.
// 3. If CopyAllOn is set, copy the array.
// If CopyAllOff is set, do not copy the array
void SetCopyVectors(int i);
int GetCopyVectors();
vtkBooleanMacro(CopyVectors, int);
// Description:
// Turn on/off the copying of normals data.
// During the copy/pass, the following rules are followed for each
// array:
// 1. If the copy flag for an attribute is set (on or off), it is applied.
// This overrides rules 2 and 3.
// 2. If the copy flag for an array is set (on or off), it is applied
// This overrides rule 3.
// 3. If CopyAllOn is set, copy the array.
// If CopyAllOff is set, do not copy the array
void SetCopyNormals(int i);
int GetCopyNormals();
vtkBooleanMacro(CopyNormals, int);
// Description:
// Turn on/off the copying of texture coordinates data.
// During the copy/pass, the following rules are followed for each
// array:
// 1. If the copy flag for an attribute is set (on or off), it is applied.
// This overrides rules 2 and 3.
// 2. If the copy flag for an array is set (on or off), it is applied
// This overrides rule 3.
// 3. If CopyAllOn is set, copy the array.
// If CopyAllOff is set, do not copy the array
void SetCopyTCoords(int i);
int GetCopyTCoords();
vtkBooleanMacro(CopyTCoords, int);
// Description:
// Turn on/off the copying of tensor data.
// During the copy/pass, the following rules are followed for each
// array:
// 1. If the copy flag for an attribute is set (on or off), it is applied.
// This overrides rules 2 and 3.
// 2. If the copy flag for an array is set (on or off), it is applied
// This overrides rule 3.
// 3. If CopyAllOn is set, copy the array.
// If CopyAllOff is set, do not copy the array
void SetCopyTensors(int i);
int GetCopyTensors();
vtkBooleanMacro(CopyTensors, int);
// Description:
// Turn on copying of all data.
// During the copy/pass, the following rules are followed for each
// array:
// 1. If the copy flag for an attribute is set (on or off), it is applied.
// This overrides rules 2 and 3.
// 2. If the copy flag for an array is set (on or off), it is applied
// This overrides rule 3.
// 3. If CopyAllOn is set, copy the array.
// If CopyAllOff is set, do not copy the array
virtual void CopyAllOn();
// Description:
// Turn off copying of all data.
// During the copy/pass, the following rules are followed for each
// array:
// 1. If the copy flag for an attribute is set (on or off), it is applied.
// This overrides rules 2 and 3.
// 2. If the copy flag for an array is set (on or off), it is applied
// This overrides rule 3.
// 3. If CopyAllOn is set, copy the array.
// If CopyAllOff is set, do not copy the array
virtual void CopyAllOff();
// Description:
// Copy a tuple of data from one data array to another. This method (and
// following ones) assume that the fromData and toData objects are of the
// same type, and have the same number of components. This is true if you
// invoke CopyAllocate() or InterpolateAllocate().
void CopyTuple(vtkDataArray *fromData, vtkDataArray *toData,
vtkIdType fromId, vtkIdType toId);
// Description:
// Get the field data array indices corresponding to scalars,
// vectors, tensors, etc.
void GetAttributeIndices(int* indexArray);
// Description:
// Determine whether a data array of index idx is considered a data set
// attribute (i.e., scalar, vector, tensor, etc). Return less-than zero
// if it is, otherwise an index 0<=idx<NUM_ATTRIBUTES to indicate
// which attribute.
int IsArrayAnAttribute(int idx);
// Description:
// Return an attribute given the attribute type
// (see vtkDataSetAttributes::AttributeTypes).
vtkDataArray* GetAttribute(int attributeType);
// Description:
// Remove an array (with the given name) from the list of arrays.
virtual void RemoveArray(const char *name);
// Description:
// Given an integer attribute type, this static method returns a string type
// for the attribute (i.e. type = 0: returns "Scalars").
static const char* GetAttributeTypeAsString(int attributeType);
static const char* GetLongAttributeTypeAsString(int attributeType);
// Always keep NUM_ATTRIBUTES as the last entry
enum AttributeTypes
enum AttributeLimitTypes
class FieldList;
// Description:
// A special form of CopyAllocate() to be used with FieldLists. Use it
// when you are copying data from a set of vtkDataSetAttributes.
void CopyAllocate(vtkDataSetAttributes::FieldList& list, vtkIdType sze=0,
vtkIdType ext=1000);
// Description:
// A special form of CopyData() to be used with FieldLists. Use it when
// you are copying data from a set of vtkDataSetAttributes. Make sure
// that you have called the special form of CopyAllocate that accepts
// FieldLists.
void CopyData(vtkDataSetAttributes::FieldList& list,
vtkDataSetAttributes* dsa, int idx, vtkIdType fromId,
vtkIdType toId);
friend class vtkDataSetAttributes::FieldList;
// special methods to support managing data
void InterpolateTuple(vtkDataArray *fromData, vtkDataArray *toData,
vtkIdType toId, vtkIdList *ptIds, double *weights);
void InterpolateTuple(vtkDataArray *fromData, vtkDataArray *toData,
vtkIdType toId, vtkIdType id1, vtkIdType id2,
double t);
void InterpolateTuple(vtkDataArray *fromData1, vtkDataArray *fromData2,
vtkDataArray *toData, vtkIdType id, double t);
// Description:
// Initialize all of the object's data to NULL
virtual void InitializeFields();
int AttributeIndices[NUM_ATTRIBUTES]; //index to attribute array in field data
int CopyAttributeFlags[NUM_ATTRIBUTES]; //copy flag for attribute data
vtkFieldData::BasicIterator RequiredArrays;
int* TargetIndices;
virtual void RemoveArray(int index);
static const int NumberOfAttributeComponents[NUM_ATTRIBUTES];
static const int AttributeLimits[NUM_ATTRIBUTES];
static const char AttributeNames[NUM_ATTRIBUTES][10];
static const char LongAttributeNames[NUM_ATTRIBUTES][35];
int SetAttribute(vtkDataArray* da, int attributeType);
static int CheckNumberOfComponents(vtkDataArray* da, int attributeType);
vtkFieldData::BasicIterator ComputeRequiredArrays(vtkDataSetAttributes* pd);
vtkDataSetAttributes(const vtkDataSetAttributes&); // Not implemented.
void operator=(const vtkDataSetAttributes&); // Not implemented.
// This public class is used to perform set operations, other misc.
// operations on fields. For example, vtkAppendFilter uses it to
// determine which attributes the input datasets share in common.
FieldList(int numInputs);
void InitializeFieldList(vtkDataSetAttributes* dsa);
void IntersectFieldList(vtkDataSetAttributes* dsa);
//Determine whether data is available
int IsAttributePresent(int attrType); //true/false attributes specified
// Accessor methods.
int GetNumberOfFields() { return this->NumberOfFields; }
int GetFieldIndex(int i) { return this->FieldIndices[i]; }
int GetDSAIndex(int index, int i) { return this->DSAIndices[index][i]; }
friend class vtkDataSetAttributes;
FieldList(const FieldList&) {} //prevent these methods from being used
void operator=(const FieldList&) {}
void SetField(int index, vtkDataArray *da);
void RemoveField(const char *name);
void ClearFields();
//These keep track of what is common across datasets
char** Fields; //the names of the fields (first five are named attributes)
int *FieldTypes; //the types of the fields (first five are named
int *FieldComponents; //the number of components in each fields
// (first five are named attributes)
int *FieldIndices; //output data array index
// (first five are named attributes)
vtkLookupTable **LUT; //luts associated with each array
vtkIdType NumberOfTuples; //a running total of values
int NumberOfFields; //the number of fields
//For every vtkDataSetAttributes that are processed, keep track of the
//indices into various things. The indices are organized so that the
//first NUM_ATTRIBUTES refer to attributes, the next refer to the
//non-attribute fields, for a total of NUM_ATTRIBUTES + NumberOfFields.
//CurrentInput is the current input being processed.
int **DSAIndices;
int NumberOfDSAIndices;
int CurrentInput;