Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

100 lines
2.4 KiB

package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
# Color points with scalars
# get the interactor ui
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
# create some points with scalars
vtkUnsignedCharArray colors
colors SetName "Colors"
colors SetNumberOfComponents 3
colors SetNumberOfTuples 3
colors InsertComponent 0 0 255
colors InsertComponent 0 1 99
colors InsertComponent 0 2 71
colors InsertComponent 1 0 125
colors InsertComponent 1 1 255
colors InsertComponent 1 2 0
colors InsertComponent 2 0 226
colors InsertComponent 2 1 207
colors InsertComponent 2 2 87
vtkUnsignedCharArray sizes
sizes SetName "Sizes"
sizes SetNumberOfComponents 1
sizes SetNumberOfTuples 3
sizes SetValue 0 1
sizes SetValue 1 2
sizes SetValue 2 3
vtkPoints polyVertexPoints
polyVertexPoints SetNumberOfPoints 3
polyVertexPoints InsertPoint 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
polyVertexPoints InsertPoint 1 2.5 0.0 0.0
polyVertexPoints InsertPoint 2 5.0 0.0 0.0
vtkPolyVertex aPolyVertex
[aPolyVertex GetPointIds] SetNumberOfIds 3
[aPolyVertex GetPointIds] SetId 0 0
[aPolyVertex GetPointIds] SetId 1 1
[aPolyVertex GetPointIds] SetId 2 2
vtkUnstructuredGrid aPolyVertexGrid
aPolyVertexGrid Allocate 1 1
aPolyVertexGrid InsertNextCell [aPolyVertex GetCellType] [aPolyVertex GetPointIds]
aPolyVertexGrid SetPoints polyVertexPoints
[aPolyVertexGrid GetPointData] SetScalars sizes
[aPolyVertexGrid GetPointData] AddArray colors
vtkSphereSource sphere
sphere SetRadius 1.0
vtkGlyph3D glyphs
glyphs ScalingOn
glyphs SetColorModeToColorByScalar
glyphs SetScaleModeToScaleByScalar
glyphs SetScaleFactor 1
glyphs SetInput aPolyVertexGrid
glyphs SetSource [sphere GetOutput]
glyphs SetInputArrayToProcess 0 0 0 0 "Sizes"
glyphs SetInputArrayToProcess 3 0 0 0 "Colors"
#puts [ glyphs GetScaleModeAsString]
vtkDataSetMapper glyphsMapper
glyphsMapper SetInputConnection [glyphs GetOutputPort]
vtkActor glyphsActor
glyphsActor SetMapper glyphsMapper
[glyphsActor GetProperty] BackfaceCullingOn
ren1 SetBackground .1 .2 .4
ren1 AddActor glyphsActor; [glyphsActor GetProperty] SetDiffuseColor 1 1 1
ren1 ResetCamera
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Azimuth 30
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Elevation 20
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Dolly 1.25
ren1 ResetCameraClippingRange
renWin Render
# render the image
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
iren Initialize
wm withdraw .