Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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44 KiB

Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkQuadricClustering.cxx,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#include "vtkQuadricClustering.h"
#include "vtkCellArray.h"
#include "vtkCellData.h"
#include "vtkExecutive.h"
#include "vtkFeatureEdges.h"
#include "vtkInformation.h"
#include "vtkInformationVector.h"
#include "vtkMath.h"
#include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
#include "vtkPointData.h"
#include "vtkPolyData.h"
#include "vtkTimerLog.h"
#include "vtkTriangle.h"
vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkQuadricClustering, "$Revision: 1.77 $");
// Construct with default NumberOfDivisions to 50, DivisionSpacing to 1
// in all (x,y,z) directions. AutoAdjustNumberOfDivisions is set to ON.
// ComputeNumberOfDivisions to OFF. UseFeatureEdges and UseFeaturePoints
// are set to OFF by default
// The default behavior is also to compute an optimal position in each
// bin to produce the output triangles (this is also recommended)
this->Bounds[0] = this->Bounds[1] = this->Bounds[2] = 0.0;
this->Bounds[3] = this->Bounds[4] = this->Bounds[5] = 0.0;
this->NumberOfXDivisions = 50;
this->NumberOfYDivisions = 50;
this->NumberOfZDivisions = 50;
this->QuadricArray = NULL;
this->NumberOfBinsUsed = 0;
this->AbortExecute = 0;
this->AutoAdjustNumberOfDivisions = 1;
this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions = 0;
this->DivisionOrigin[0] = 0.0;
this->DivisionOrigin[1] = 0.0;
this->DivisionOrigin[2] = 0.0;
this->DivisionSpacing[0] = 1.0;
this->DivisionSpacing[1] = 1.0;
this->DivisionSpacing[2] = 1.0;
this->UseFeatureEdges = 0;
this->UseFeaturePoints = 0;
this->FeaturePointsAngle = 30.0;
this->UseInternalTriangles = 1;
this->UseInputPoints = 0;
this->OutputTriangleArray = NULL;
this->OutputLines = NULL;
// Used for matching boundaries.
this->FeatureEdges = vtkFeatureEdges::New();
this->FeaturePoints = vtkPoints::New();
this->InCellCount = this->OutCellCount = 0;
this->CopyCellData = 0;
this->FeatureEdges = NULL;
this->FeaturePoints = NULL;
if (this->QuadricArray)
delete [] this->QuadricArray;
this->QuadricArray = NULL;
if (this->OutputTriangleArray)
this->OutputTriangleArray = NULL;
if (this->OutputLines)
this->OutputLines = NULL;
int vtkQuadricClustering::RequestData(
vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request),
vtkInformationVector **inputVector,
vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
// get the info objects
vtkInformation *inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
// get the input and ouptut
vtkPolyData *input = 0;
if (inInfo)
input = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
vtkPolyData *output = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
vtkTimerLog *tlog=NULL;
if (!input || (input->GetNumberOfPoints() == 0))
// The user may be calling StartAppend, Append, and EndAppend explicitly.
return 1;
if (input->CheckAttributes())
// avoid crashing if input is not all we expect (is not consistent).
return 1;
if (this->Debug)
tlog = vtkTimerLog::New();
// Lets limit the number of divisions based on
// the number of points in the input.
int target = input->GetNumberOfPoints();
int numDiv = (this->NumberOfXDivisions * this->NumberOfYDivisions
* this->NumberOfZDivisions) / 2;
if (this->AutoAdjustNumberOfDivisions && numDiv > target)
double factor = pow(((double)numDiv/(double)target),0.33333);
this->NumberOfDivisions[0] =
this->NumberOfDivisions[1] =
this->NumberOfDivisions[2] =
this->NumberOfDivisions[0] = this->NumberOfXDivisions;
this->NumberOfDivisions[1] = this->NumberOfYDivisions;
this->NumberOfDivisions[2] = this->NumberOfZDivisions;
this->SliceSize = this->NumberOfDivisions[0]*this->NumberOfDivisions[1];
if (this->UseFeatureEdges)
{ // Adjust bin points that contain boundary edges.
this->AppendFeatureQuadrics(input, output);
if (this->UseInputPoints)
this->EndAppendUsingPoints(input, output);
// Free up some memory.
if (this->QuadricArray)
delete [] this->QuadricArray;
this->QuadricArray = NULL;
if ( this->Debug )
vtkDebugMacro(<<"Execution took: "<<tlog->GetElapsedTime()<<" seconds.");
return 1;
void vtkQuadricClustering::StartAppend(double *bounds)
vtkIdType i;
// Copy over the bounds.
for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
this->Bounds[i]= bounds[i];
if (this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions)
// extend the bounds so that it will not produce fractions of bins.
double x, y, z;
x = floor((bounds[0]-this->DivisionOrigin[0])/this->DivisionSpacing[0]);
y = floor((bounds[2]-this->DivisionOrigin[1])/this->DivisionSpacing[1]);
z = floor((bounds[4]-this->DivisionOrigin[2])/this->DivisionSpacing[2]);
this->Bounds[0] = this->DivisionOrigin[0]+(x * this->DivisionSpacing[0]);
this->Bounds[2] = this->DivisionOrigin[1]+(y * this->DivisionSpacing[1]);
this->Bounds[4] = this->DivisionOrigin[2]+(z * this->DivisionSpacing[2]);
x = ceil((bounds[1]-this->Bounds[0])/this->DivisionSpacing[0]);
y = ceil((bounds[3]-this->Bounds[2])/this->DivisionSpacing[1]);
z = ceil((bounds[5]-this->Bounds[4])/this->DivisionSpacing[2]);
this->Bounds[1] = this->Bounds[0] + (x * this->DivisionSpacing[0]);
this->Bounds[3] = this->Bounds[2] + (y * this->DivisionSpacing[1]);
this->Bounds[5] = this->Bounds[4] + (z * this->DivisionSpacing[2]);
this->NumberOfDivisions[0] = (int)x > 0 ? (int)x : 1;
this->NumberOfDivisions[1] = (int)y > 0 ? (int)y : 1;
this->NumberOfDivisions[2] = (int)z > 0 ? (int)z : 1;
this->DivisionOrigin[0] = bounds[0];
this->DivisionOrigin[1] = bounds[2];
this->DivisionOrigin[2] = bounds[4];
this->DivisionSpacing[0] = (bounds[1]-bounds[0])/this->NumberOfDivisions[0];
this->DivisionSpacing[1] = (bounds[3]-bounds[2])/this->NumberOfDivisions[1];
this->DivisionSpacing[2] = (bounds[5]-bounds[4])/this->NumberOfDivisions[2];
// Check for conditions that can occur if the Append methods
// are not called in the correct order.
if (this->OutputTriangleArray)
this->OutputTriangleArray = NULL;
//vtkWarningMacro("Array already created. Did you call EndAppend?");
if (this->OutputLines)
this->OutputLines = NULL;
//vtkWarningMacro("Array already created. Did you call EndAppend?");
this->OutputTriangleArray = vtkCellArray::New();
this->OutputLines = vtkCellArray::New();
this->XBinSize = (this->Bounds[1]-this->Bounds[0])/this->NumberOfDivisions[0];
this->YBinSize = (this->Bounds[3]-this->Bounds[2])/this->NumberOfDivisions[1];
this->ZBinSize = (this->Bounds[5]-this->Bounds[4])/this->NumberOfDivisions[2];
this->NumberOfBinsUsed = 0;
if (this->QuadricArray)
delete [] this->QuadricArray;
this->QuadricArray = NULL;
this->QuadricArray =
new vtkQuadricClustering::PointQuadric[this->NumberOfDivisions[0] *
this->NumberOfDivisions[1] *
if (this->QuadricArray == NULL)
vtkErrorMacro("Could not allocate quadric grid.");
vtkInformation *inInfo = this->GetExecutive()->GetInputInformation(0, 0);
vtkInformation *outInfo = this->GetExecutive()->GetOutputInformation(0);
vtkPolyData *input = 0;
if (inInfo)
input = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
vtkPolyData *output = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
// Allocate CellData here.
if (this->CopyCellData && input)
input->GetCellData(), this->NumberOfBinsUsed);
this->InCellCount = this->OutCellCount = 0;
void vtkQuadricClustering::Append(vtkPolyData *pd)
vtkCellArray *inputPolys, *inputStrips, *inputLines, *inputVerts;
vtkPoints *inputPoints = pd->GetPoints();
// Check for mis-use of the Append methods.
if (this->OutputTriangleArray == NULL || this->OutputLines == NULL)
vtkDebugMacro("Missing Array: Did you call StartAppend?");
vtkInformation *outInfo =
vtkPolyData *output = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
inputVerts = pd->GetVerts();
if (inputVerts)
this->AddVertices(inputVerts, inputPoints, 1, pd, output);
inputLines = pd->GetLines();
if (inputLines)
this->AddEdges(inputLines, inputPoints, 1, pd, output);
inputPolys = pd->GetPolys();
if (inputPolys)
this->AddPolygons(inputPolys, inputPoints, 1, pd, output);
inputStrips = pd->GetStrips();
if (inputStrips)
this->AddStrips(inputStrips, inputPoints, 1, pd, output);
void vtkQuadricClustering::AddPolygons(vtkCellArray *polys, vtkPoints *points,
int geometryFlag,
vtkPolyData *input, vtkPolyData *output)
int j;
vtkIdType *ptIds = 0;
vtkIdType numPts = 0;
double pts0[3], pts1[3], pts2[3];
vtkIdType binIds[3];
double total = polys->GetNumberOfCells();
double curr = 0;
double step = total / 10;
if (step < 1000.0)
step = 1000.0;
double cstep = step;
for ( polys->InitTraversal(); polys->GetNextCell(numPts, ptIds); )
binIds[0] = this->HashPoint(pts0);
for (j=0; j < numPts-2; j++)//creates triangles; assumes poly is convex
binIds[1] = this->HashPoint(pts1);
binIds[2] = this->HashPoint(pts2);
this->AddTriangle(binIds, pts0, pts1, pts2, geometryFlag, input, output);
if ( curr > cstep )
this->UpdateProgress(.6 + .2 * curr / total);
cstep += step;
curr += 1;
}//for all polygons
void vtkQuadricClustering::AddStrips(vtkCellArray *strips, vtkPoints *points,
int geometryFlag,
vtkPolyData *input, vtkPolyData *output)
int j;
vtkIdType *ptIds = 0;
vtkIdType numPts = 0;
double pts[3][3];
vtkIdType binIds[3];
int odd; // Used to flip order of every other triangle in a strip.
for ( strips->InitTraversal(); strips->GetNextCell(numPts, ptIds); )
points->GetPoint(ptIds[0], pts[0]);
binIds[0] = this->HashPoint(pts[0]);
points->GetPoint(ptIds[1], pts[1]);
binIds[1] = this->HashPoint(pts[1]);
// This internal loop handles triangle strips.
odd = 0;
for (j = 2; j < numPts; ++j)
points->GetPoint(ptIds[j], pts[2]);
binIds[2] = this->HashPoint(pts[2]);
this->AddTriangle(binIds, pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], geometryFlag, input,
pts[odd][0] = pts[2][0];
pts[odd][1] = pts[2][1];
pts[odd][2] = pts[2][2];
binIds[odd] = binIds[2];
// Toggle odd.
odd = odd ? 0 : 1;
inline void vtkQuadricClustering::InitializeQuadric(double quadric[9])
quadric[0] = 0.0;
quadric[1] = 0.0;
quadric[2] = 0.0;
quadric[3] = 0.0;
quadric[4] = 0.0;
quadric[5] = 0.0;
quadric[6] = 0.0;
quadric[7] = 0.0;
quadric[8] = 0.0;
// The error function is the volume (squared) of the tetrahedron formed by the
// triangle and the point. We ignore constant factors across all coefficents,
// and the constant coefficient.
// If geomertyFlag is 1 then the triangle is added to the output. Otherwise,
// only the quadric is affected.
void vtkQuadricClustering::AddTriangle(vtkIdType *binIds, double *pt0, double *pt1,
double *pt2, int geometryFlag,
vtkPolyData *input, vtkPolyData *output)
int i;
vtkIdType triPtIds[3];
double quadric[9], quadric4x4[4][4];
// Compute the quadric.
vtkTriangle::ComputeQuadric(pt0, pt1, pt2, quadric4x4);
quadric[0] = quadric4x4[0][0];
quadric[1] = quadric4x4[0][1];
quadric[2] = quadric4x4[0][2];
quadric[3] = quadric4x4[0][3];
quadric[4] = quadric4x4[1][1];
quadric[5] = quadric4x4[1][2];
quadric[6] = quadric4x4[1][3];
quadric[7] = quadric4x4[2][2];
quadric[8] = quadric4x4[2][3];
// Special condition for fast execution.
// Only add triangles that traverse three bins to quadrics.
if (this->UseInternalTriangles == 0)
if (binIds[0] == binIds[1] || binIds[0] == binIds[2] ||
binIds[1] == binIds[2])
// Add the quadric to each of the three corner bins.
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
// If the current quadric is not initialized, then clear it out.
if (this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].Dimension > 2)
this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].Dimension = 2;
// Initialize the coeff
if (this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].Dimension == 2)
{ // Points and segments supercede triangles.
this->AddQuadric(binIds[i], quadric);
if (geometryFlag)
// Now add the triangle to the geometry.
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// Get the vertex from each bin.
if (this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].VertexId == -1)
this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].VertexId = this->NumberOfBinsUsed;
triPtIds[i] = this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].VertexId;
// This comparison could just as well be on triPtIds.
if (binIds[0] != binIds[1] && binIds[0] != binIds[2] &&
binIds[1] != binIds[2])
this->OutputTriangleArray->InsertNextCell(3, triPtIds);
if (this->CopyCellData && input)
CopyData(input->GetCellData(), this->InCellCount,
void vtkQuadricClustering::AddEdges(vtkCellArray *edges, vtkPoints *points,
int geometryFlag,
vtkPolyData *input, vtkPolyData *output)
int j;
vtkIdType numCells, i;
vtkIdType *ptIds = 0;
vtkIdType numPts = 0;
double pt0[3], pt1[3];
vtkIdType binIds[2];
// Add the edges to the error fuction.
numCells = edges->GetNumberOfCells();
for (i = 0; i < numCells; ++i)
edges->GetNextCell(numPts, ptIds);
points->GetPoint(ptIds[0], pt0);
binIds[0] = this->HashPoint(pt0);
// This internal loop handles line strips.
for (j = 1; j < numPts; ++j)
points->GetPoint(ptIds[j], pt1);
binIds[1] = this->HashPoint(pt1);
this->AddEdge(binIds, pt0, pt1, geometryFlag, input, output);
pt0[0] = pt1[0];
pt0[1] = pt1[1];
pt0[2] = pt1[2];
binIds[0] = binIds[1];
// The error function is the square of the area of the triangle formed by the
// edge and the point. We ignore constants across all terms.
// If geometryFlag is 1 then the edge is added to the output. Otherwise,
// only the quadric is affected.
void vtkQuadricClustering::AddEdge(vtkIdType *binIds, double *pt0, double *pt1,
int geometryFlag,
vtkPolyData *input, vtkPolyData *output)
int i;
vtkIdType edgePtIds[2];
double length2, tmp;
double d[3];
double m[3]; // The mid point of the segement.(p1 or p2 could be used also).
double md; // The dot product of m and d.
double q[9];
// Compute quadric for line segment.
// Line segment quadric is the area (squared) of the triangle (seg,pt)
// Compute the direction vector of the segment.
d[0] = pt1[0] - pt0[0];
d[1] = pt1[1] - pt0[1];
d[2] = pt1[2] - pt0[2];
// Compute the length^2 of the line segement.
length2 = d[0]*d[0] + d[1]*d[1] + d[2]*d[2];
if (length2 == 0.0)
{ // Coincident points. Avoid divide by zero.
// Normalize the direction vector.
tmp = 1.0 / sqrt(length2);
d[0] = d[0] * tmp;
d[1] = d[1] * tmp;
d[2] = d[2] * tmp;
// Compute the mid point of the segment.
m[0] = 0.5 * (pt1[0] + pt0[0]);
m[1] = 0.5 * (pt1[1] + pt0[1]);
m[2] = 0.5 * (pt1[2] + pt0[2]);
// Compute dot(m, d);
md = m[0]*d[0] + m[1]*d[1] + m[2]*d[2];
// We save nine coefficients of the error function cooresponding to:
// 0: Px^2
// 1: PxPy
// 2: PxPz
// 3: Px
// 4: Py^2
// 5: PyPz
// 6: Py
// 7: Pz^2
// 8: Pz
// We ignore the constant because it disappears with the derivative.
q[0] = length2*(1.0 - d[0]*d[0]);
q[1] = -length2*(d[0]*d[1]);
q[2] = -length2*(d[0]*d[2]);
q[3] = length2*(d[0]*md - m[0]);
q[4] = length2*(1.0 - d[1]*d[1]);
q[5] = -length2*(d[1]*d[2]);
q[6] = length2*(d[1]*md - m[1]);
q[7] = length2*(1.0 - d[2]*d[2]);
q[8] = length2*(d[2]*md - m[2]);
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
// If the current quadric is from triangles (or not initialized), then clear it out.
if (this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].Dimension > 1)
this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].Dimension = 1;
// Initialize the coeff
if (this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].Dimension == 1)
{ // Points supercede segements.
this->AddQuadric(binIds[i], q);
if (geometryFlag)
// Now add the edge to the geometry.
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
// Get the vertex from each bin.
if (this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].VertexId == -1)
this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].VertexId = this->NumberOfBinsUsed;
edgePtIds[i] = this->QuadricArray[binIds[i]].VertexId;
// This comparison could just as well be on edgePtIds.
if (binIds[0] != binIds[1])
this->OutputLines->InsertNextCell(2, edgePtIds);
if (this->CopyCellData && input)
void vtkQuadricClustering::AddVertices(vtkCellArray *verts, vtkPoints *points,
int geometryFlag, vtkPolyData *input,
vtkPolyData *output)
int j;
vtkIdType numCells, i;
vtkIdType *ptIds = 0;
vtkIdType numPts = 0;
double pt[3];
vtkIdType binId;
numCells = verts->GetNumberOfCells();
double cstep = (double)numCells / 10.0;
if (cstep < 1000.0)
cstep = 1000.0;
double next = cstep;
double curr = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numCells; ++i)
verts->GetNextCell(numPts, ptIds);
// Can there be poly vertices?
for (j = 0; j < numPts; ++j)
points->GetPoint(ptIds[j], pt);
binId = this->HashPoint(pt);
this->AddVertex(binId, pt, geometryFlag, input, output);
if ( curr > next )
this->UpdateProgress(.2 + .2 * curr / (double)numCells);
next += cstep;
curr += 1;
// The error function is the length (point to vert) squared.
// We ignore constants across all terms.
// If geomertyFlag is 1 then the vert is added to the output. Otherwise,
// only the quadric is affected.
void vtkQuadricClustering::AddVertex(vtkIdType binId, double *pt,
int geometryFlag,
vtkPolyData *input, vtkPolyData *output)
double q[9];
// Compute quadric for the vertex.
// We save nine coefficients of the error function cooresponding to:
// 0: Px^2
// 1: PxPy
// 2: PxPz
// 3: Px
// 4: Py^2
// 5: PyPz
// 6: Py
// 7: Pz^2
// 8: Pz
// We ignore the constant because it disappears with the derivative.
q[0] = 1.0;
q[1] = 0.0;
q[2] = 0.0;
q[3] = -pt[0];
q[4] = 1.0;
q[5] = 0.0;
q[6] = -pt[1];
q[7] = 1.0;
q[8] = -pt[2];
// If the current quadric is from triangles, edges (or not initialized),
// then clear it out.
if (this->QuadricArray[binId].Dimension > 0)
this->QuadricArray[binId].Dimension = 0;
// Initialize the coeff
if (this->QuadricArray[binId].Dimension == 0)
{ // Points supercede all other types of quadrics.
this->AddQuadric(binId, q);
if (geometryFlag)
// Now add the vert to the geometry.
// Get the vertex from the bin.
if (this->QuadricArray[binId].VertexId == -1)
this->QuadricArray[binId].VertexId = this->NumberOfBinsUsed;
if (this->CopyCellData && input)
CopyData(output->GetCellData(), this->InCellCount,
void vtkQuadricClustering::AddQuadric(vtkIdType binId, double quadric[9])
double *q = this->QuadricArray[binId].Quadric;
for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
q[i] += (quadric[i] * 100000000.0);
vtkIdType vtkQuadricClustering::HashPoint(double point[3])
vtkIdType binId;
int xBinCoord = 0;
int yBinCoord = 0;
int zBinCoord = 0;
if (this->XBinSize > 0.0)
xBinCoord =
static_cast<int>((point[0] - this->Bounds[0]) / this->XBinSize);
if (xBinCoord < 0)
xBinCoord = 0;
else if (xBinCoord >= this->NumberOfDivisions[0])
xBinCoord = this->NumberOfDivisions[0] - 1;
if (this->YBinSize > 0.0)
yBinCoord =
static_cast<int>((point[1] - this->Bounds[2]) / this->YBinSize);
if (yBinCoord < 0)
yBinCoord = 0;
else if (yBinCoord >= this->NumberOfDivisions[1])
yBinCoord = this->NumberOfDivisions[1] - 1;
if (this->ZBinSize > 0.0)
zBinCoord =
static_cast<int>((point[2] - this->Bounds[4]) / this->ZBinSize);
if (zBinCoord < 0)
zBinCoord = 0;
else if (zBinCoord >= this->NumberOfDivisions[2])
zBinCoord = this->NumberOfDivisions[2] - 1;
// vary x fastest, then y, then z
binId = xBinCoord + yBinCoord*this->NumberOfDivisions[0] +
return binId;
void vtkQuadricClustering::EndAppend()
vtkInformation *inInfo = this->GetExecutive()->GetInputInformation(0, 0);
vtkInformation *outInfo = this->GetExecutive()->GetOutputInformation(0);
vtkPolyData *input = 0;
if (inInfo)
input = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
vtkPolyData *output = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
vtkIdType i, numBuckets;
int abortExecute=0;
vtkPoints *outputPoints;
double newPt[3];
numBuckets = this->NumberOfDivisions[0] * this->NumberOfDivisions[1] *
double step = (double)numBuckets / 10.0;
if (step < 1000.0)
step = 1000.0;
double cstep = 0;
// Check for mis use of the Append methods.
if (this->OutputTriangleArray == NULL || this->OutputLines == NULL)
vtkDebugMacro("Missing Array: Did you call StartAppend?");
outputPoints = vtkPoints::New();
for (i = 0; !abortExecute && i < numBuckets; i++ )
if (cstep > step)
cstep = 0;
vtkDebugMacro(<<"Finding point in bin #" << i);
this->UpdateProgress (0.8+0.2*i/numBuckets);
abortExecute = this->GetAbortExecute();
if (this->QuadricArray[i].VertexId != -1)
this->ComputeRepresentativePoint(this->QuadricArray[i].Quadric, i, newPt);
outputPoints->InsertPoint(this->QuadricArray[i].VertexId, newPt);
// Set up the output data object.
if (this->OutputTriangleArray->GetNumberOfCells() > 0)
this->OutputTriangleArray = NULL;
if (this->OutputLines->GetNumberOfCells() > 0)
this->OutputLines = NULL;
this->EndAppendVertexGeometry(input, output);
// Tell the data is is up to date
// (in case the user calls this method directly).
// Free the quadric array.
if (this->QuadricArray)
delete [] this->QuadricArray;
this->QuadricArray = NULL;
void vtkQuadricClustering::ComputeRepresentativePoint(double quadric[9],
vtkIdType binId,
double point[3])
int i, j;
double A[3][3], U[3][3], UT[3][3], VT[3][3], V[3][3];
double b[3], w[3];
double W[3][3], tempMatrix[3][3];
double cellCenter[3], tempVector[3];
double cellBounds[6];
int x, y, z;
double quadric4x4[4][4];
quadric4x4[0][0] = quadric[0];
quadric4x4[0][1] = quadric4x4[1][0] = quadric[1];
quadric4x4[0][2] = quadric4x4[2][0] = quadric[2];
quadric4x4[0][3] = quadric4x4[3][0] = quadric[3];
quadric4x4[1][1] = quadric[4];
quadric4x4[1][2] = quadric4x4[2][1] = quadric[5];
quadric4x4[1][3] = quadric4x4[3][1] = quadric[6];
quadric4x4[2][2] = quadric[7];
quadric4x4[2][3] = quadric4x4[3][2] = quadric[8];
quadric4x4[3][3] = 1; // arbitrary value
x = binId % this->NumberOfDivisions[0];
y = (binId / this->NumberOfDivisions[0]) % this->NumberOfDivisions[1];
z = binId / this->SliceSize;
cellBounds[0] = this->Bounds[0] + x * this->XBinSize;
cellBounds[1] = this->Bounds[0] + (x+1) * this->XBinSize;
cellBounds[2] = this->Bounds[2] + y * this->YBinSize;
cellBounds[3] = this->Bounds[2] + (y+1) * this->YBinSize;
cellBounds[4] = this->Bounds[4] + z * this->ZBinSize;
cellBounds[5] = this->Bounds[4] + (z+1) * this->ZBinSize;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
b[i] = -quadric4x4[3][i];
cellCenter[i] = (cellBounds[i*2+1] + cellBounds[i*2]) / 2.0;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
A[i][j] = quadric4x4[i][j];
// Compute diagonal matrix W
#define VTK_SVTHRESHOLD 1.0E-3
double maxW = 0.0, temp;
vtkMath::SingularValueDecomposition3x3(A, U, w, VT);
// Find maximum (magnitude) eigenvalue from SVD
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if ((temp = fabs(w[i])) > maxW)
maxW = temp;
// Initialize matrix
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (i == j)
if ( fabs(w[i] / maxW) > VTK_SVTHRESHOLD)
// If this is true, then w[i] != 0, so this division is ok.
W[i][j] = 1.0/w[i];
W[i][j] = 0.0;
W[i][j] = 0.0;
vtkMath::Transpose3x3(U, UT);
vtkMath::Transpose3x3(VT, V);
vtkMath::Multiply3x3(W, UT, tempMatrix);
vtkMath::Multiply3x3(V, tempMatrix, tempMatrix);
vtkMath::Multiply3x3(A, cellCenter, tempVector);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
tempVector[i] = b[i] - tempVector[i];
vtkMath::Multiply3x3(tempMatrix, tempVector, tempVector);
// Make absolutely sure that the point lies in the vicinity (enclosing
// sphere) of the bin. If not, then clamp the point to the enclosing sphere.
double deltaMag = vtkMath::Norm(tempVector);
double radius = sqrt(this->XBinSize*this->XBinSize +
this->YBinSize*this->YBinSize +
this->ZBinSize*this->ZBinSize) / 2.0;
if (deltaMag > radius)
tempVector[0] *= radius / deltaMag;
tempVector[1] *= radius / deltaMag;
tempVector[2] *= radius / deltaMag;
point[0] = cellCenter[0] + tempVector[0];
point[1] = cellCenter[1] + tempVector[1];
point[2] = cellCenter[2] + tempVector[2];
void vtkQuadricClustering::SetNumberOfDivisions(int div0, int div1, int div2)
void vtkQuadricClustering::SetNumberOfXDivisions(int num)
if (this->NumberOfXDivisions == num && this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions == 0)
if (num < 2)
vtkErrorMacro("You cannot use less than two divisions.");
this->NumberOfXDivisions = num;
this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions = 0;
void vtkQuadricClustering::SetNumberOfYDivisions(int num)
if (this->NumberOfYDivisions == num && this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions == 0)
if (num < 2)
vtkErrorMacro("You cannot use less than two divisions.");
this->NumberOfYDivisions = num;
this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions = 0;
void vtkQuadricClustering::SetNumberOfZDivisions(int num)
if (this->NumberOfZDivisions == num && this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions == 0)
if (num < 2)
vtkErrorMacro("You cannot use less than two divisions.");
this->NumberOfZDivisions = num;
this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions = 0;
int *vtkQuadricClustering::GetNumberOfDivisions()
static int divs[3];
return divs;
void vtkQuadricClustering::GetNumberOfDivisions(int divs[3])
divs[0] = this->NumberOfXDivisions;
divs[1] = this->NumberOfYDivisions;
divs[2] = this->NumberOfZDivisions;
void vtkQuadricClustering::SetDivisionOrigin(double x, double y, double z)
if (this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions && this->DivisionOrigin[0] == x &&
this->DivisionOrigin[1] == y && this->DivisionOrigin[2] == z)
this->DivisionOrigin[0] = x;
this->DivisionOrigin[1] = y;
this->DivisionOrigin[2] = z;
this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions = 1;
void vtkQuadricClustering::SetDivisionSpacing(double x, double y, double z)
if (this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions && this->DivisionSpacing[0] == x &&
this->DivisionSpacing[1] == y && this->DivisionSpacing[2] == z)
if ( x <= 0 )
vtkErrorMacro( << "Spacing (x) should be larger than 0.0, setting to 1.0" );
x = 1.0;
if ( y <= 0 )
vtkErrorMacro( << "Spacing (y) should be larger than 0.0, setting to 1.0" );
y = 1.0;
if ( z <= 0 )
vtkErrorMacro( << "Spacing (z) should be larger than 0.0, setting to 1.0" );
z = 1.0;
this->DivisionSpacing[0] = x;
this->DivisionSpacing[1] = y;
this->DivisionSpacing[2] = z;
this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions = 1;
void vtkQuadricClustering::EndAppendUsingPoints(vtkPolyData *input,
vtkPolyData *output)
vtkIdType i;
vtkIdType outPtId;
vtkPoints *inputPoints;
vtkPoints *outputPoints;
vtkIdType numPoints, numBins;
vtkIdType binId;
double *minError, e, pt[3];
double *q;
inputPoints = input->GetPoints();
if (inputPoints == NULL)
// Check for misuse of the Append methods.
if (this->OutputTriangleArray == NULL || this->OutputLines == NULL)
vtkDebugMacro("Missing Array: Did you call StartAppend?");
outputPoints = vtkPoints::New();
// Prepare to copy point data to output
CopyAllocate(input->GetPointData(), this->NumberOfBinsUsed);
// Allocate and initialize an array to hold errors for each bin.
numBins = this->NumberOfDivisions[0] * this->NumberOfDivisions[1]
* this->NumberOfDivisions[2];
minError = new double[numBins];
for (i = 0; i < numBins; ++i)
minError[i] = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
// Loop through the input points.
numPoints = inputPoints->GetNumberOfPoints();
for (i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
inputPoints->GetPoint(i, pt);
binId = this->HashPoint(pt);
outPtId = this->QuadricArray[binId].VertexId;
// Sanity check.
if (outPtId == -1)
// This condition happens when there are points in the input that are
// not used in any triangles, and therefore are never added to the
// 3D hash structure.
// Compute the error for this point. Note: the constant term is ignored.
// It will be the same for every point in this bin, and it
// is not stored in the quadric array anyway.
q = this->QuadricArray[binId].Quadric;
e = q[0]*pt[0]*pt[0] + 2.0*q[1]*pt[0]*pt[1] + 2.0*q[2]*pt[0]*pt[2] + 2.0*q[3]*pt[0]
+ q[4]*pt[1]*pt[1] + 2.0*q[5]*pt[1]*pt[2] + 2.0*q[6]*pt[1]
+ q[7]*pt[2]*pt[2] + 2.0*q[8]*pt[2];
if (e < minError[binId])
minError[binId] = e;
outputPoints->InsertPoint(outPtId, pt);
// Since this is the same point as the input point, copy point data here too.
this->OutputTriangleArray = NULL;
if (this->OutputLines->GetNumberOfCells() > 0)
this->OutputLines = NULL;
this->EndAppendVertexGeometry(input, output);
if (this->QuadricArray)
delete [] this->QuadricArray;
this->QuadricArray = NULL;
delete [] minError;
// This is not a perfect implementation, because it does not determine
// which vertex cell is the best for a bin. The first detected is used.
void vtkQuadricClustering::EndAppendVertexGeometry(vtkPolyData *input,
vtkPolyData *output)
vtkCellArray *inVerts, *outVerts;
vtkIdType *tmp = NULL;
int tmpLength = 0;
int tmpIdx;
double pt[3];
int j;
vtkIdType *ptIds = 0;
vtkIdType numPts = 0;
vtkIdType outPtId;
vtkIdType binId, cellId, outCellId;
inVerts = input->GetVerts();
outVerts = vtkCellArray::New();
for (cellId=0, inVerts->InitTraversal(); inVerts->GetNextCell(numPts, ptIds); cellId++)
if (tmpLength < numPts)
if (tmp)
delete tmp;
tmp = new vtkIdType[numPts];
tmpLength = numPts;
tmpIdx = 0;
for (j = 0; j < numPts; ++j)
input->GetPoint(ptIds[j], pt);
binId = this->HashPoint(pt);
outPtId = this->QuadricArray[binId].VertexId;
if (outPtId >= 0)
// Do not use this point. Destroy infomration in Quadric array.
this->QuadricArray[binId].VertexId = -1;
tmp[tmpIdx] = outPtId;
if (tmpIdx > 0)
// add poly vertex to output.
outCellId = outVerts->InsertNextCell(tmpIdx, tmp);
CopyData(input->GetCellData(), cellId, outCellId);
if (tmp)
delete [] tmp;
if (outVerts->GetNumberOfCells() > 0)
// This method is called after the execution, but before the vertex array
// is deleted. It changes some points to be based on the boundary edges.
void vtkQuadricClustering::AppendFeatureQuadrics(vtkPolyData *pd,
vtkPolyData *output)
vtkPolyData *input = vtkPolyData::New();
vtkPoints *edgePts;
vtkCellArray *edges;
vtkIdType i;
vtkIdType binId;
double featurePt[3];
// Find the boundary edges.
edgePts = this->FeatureEdges->GetOutput()->GetPoints();
edges = this->FeatureEdges->GetOutput()->GetLines();
if (edges && edges->GetNumberOfCells() && edgePts)
this->AddEdges(edges, edgePts, 0, pd, output);
if (this->UseFeaturePoints)
this->FindFeaturePoints(edges, edgePts, this->FeaturePointsAngle);
for (i = 0; i < this->FeaturePoints->GetNumberOfPoints(); i++)
this->FeaturePoints->GetPoint(i, featurePt);
binId = this->HashPoint(featurePt);
this->AddVertex(binId, featurePt, 0, input, output);
// Release data.
this->FeatureEdges->SetInputConnection(0, 0);
// Find the feature points of a given set of edges.
// The points returned are (1) those used by only one edge, (2) those
// used by > 2 edges, and (3) those where the angle between 2 edges
// using this point is < angle.
void vtkQuadricClustering::FindFeaturePoints(vtkCellArray *edges,
vtkPoints *edgePts,
double vtkNotUsed(angle))
vtkIdType i, pointIds[2];
int j;
vtkIdType *cellPts = 0;
vtkIdType numCellPts;
vtkIdList *pointIdList = vtkIdList::New();
vtkIdType numPts = edgePts->GetNumberOfPoints();
vtkIdType numEdges = edges->GetNumberOfCells();
vtkIdType edgeCount;
vtkIdType **pointTable = new vtkIdType *[numPts];
double featurePoint[3];
double featureEdges[2][3];
double point1[3], point2[3];
vtkIdType *cellPointIds;
double radAngle = vtkMath::DegreesToRadians() * this->FeaturePointsAngle;
for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++)
pointTable[i] = new vtkIdType[4];
pointTable[i][1] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numEdges; i++)
edges->GetNextCell(numCellPts, cellPts);
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
pointIds[j] = pointIdList->InsertUniqueId(cellPts[j]);
pointTable[pointIds[j]][0] = cellPts[j];
edgeCount = pointTable[pointIds[j]][1];
if (edgeCount < 2)
pointTable[pointIds[j]][edgeCount+2] = i;
for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++)
if (pointTable[i][1] == 1)
edgePts->GetPoint(pointTable[i][0], featurePoint);
else if (pointTable[i][1] > 2)
edgePts->GetPoint(pointTable[i][0], featurePoint);
else if (pointTable[i][1] == 2)
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
edges->GetCell(3*pointTable[i][j+2], numCellPts, cellPointIds);
if (cellPointIds[0] == pointTable[i][0])
edgePts->GetPoint(cellPointIds[0], point1);
edgePts->GetPoint(cellPointIds[1], point2);
edgePts->GetPoint(cellPointIds[1], point1);
edgePts->GetPoint(cellPointIds[0], point2);
featureEdges[j][0] = point2[0] - point1[0];
featureEdges[j][1] = point2[1] - point1[1];
featureEdges[j][2] = point2[2] - point1[2];
if (acos(vtkMath::Dot(featureEdges[0], featureEdges[1])) < radAngle)
edgePts->GetPoint(pointTable[i][0], featurePoint);
for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++)
delete [] pointTable[i];
delete [] pointTable;
int vtkQuadricClustering::FillInputPortInformation(int port,
vtkInformation *info)
int retval = this->Superclass::FillInputPortInformation(port, info);
info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_IS_OPTIONAL(), 1);
return retval;
void vtkQuadricClustering::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
os << indent << "Bounds: " << this->Bounds[0] << " " << this->Bounds[1]
<< " " << this->Bounds[2] << " " << this->Bounds[3] << " "
<< this->Bounds[4] << " " << this->Bounds[5] << "\n";
os << indent << "Use Input Points: "
<< (this->UseInputPoints ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
if (this->ComputeNumberOfDivisions)
os << indent << "Using Spacing and Origin to construct bins\n";
os << indent << "Using input bounds and NumberOfDivisions to construct bins\n";
os << indent << "Division Spacing: " << this->DivisionSpacing[0] << ", "
<< this->DivisionSpacing[1] << ", " << this->DivisionSpacing[2] << endl;
os << indent << "Division Origin: " << this->DivisionOrigin[0] << ", "
<< this->DivisionOrigin[1] << ", " << this->DivisionOrigin[2] << endl;
os << indent << "Number of X Divisions: " << this->NumberOfXDivisions
<< "\n";
os << indent << "Number of Y Divisions: " << this->NumberOfYDivisions
<< "\n";
os << indent << "Number of Z Divisions: " << this->NumberOfZDivisions
<< "\n";
os << indent << "Auto Adjust Number Of Divisions: "
<< (this->AutoAdjustNumberOfDivisions ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
os << indent << "Use Internal Triangles: "
<< (this->UseInternalTriangles ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
os << indent << "Use Feature Edges: " << this->UseFeatureEdges << endl;
os << indent << "FeatureEdges: (" << this->FeatureEdges << ")\n";
os << indent << "Feature Points Angle: " << this->FeaturePointsAngle << endl;
os << indent << "Use Feature Points: "
<< (this->UseFeaturePoints ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
os << indent << "Copy Cell Data : " << this->CopyCellData << endl;