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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkImageRFFT.cxx,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#include "vtkImageRFFT.h"
#include "vtkImageData.h"
#include "vtkInformation.h"
#include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
#include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h"
#include <math.h>
vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkImageRFFT, "$Revision: 1.36 $");
// This extent of the components changes to real and imaginary values.
int vtkImageRFFT::IterativeRequestInformation(
vtkInformation* vtkNotUsed(input), vtkInformation* output)
vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(output, VTK_DOUBLE, 2);
return 1;
void vtkImageRFFTInternalRequestUpdateExtent(int *inExt, int *outExt,
int *wExt,
int iteration)
memcpy(inExt, outExt, 6 * sizeof(int));
inExt[iteration*2] = wExt[iteration*2];
inExt[iteration*2 + 1] = wExt[iteration*2 + 1];
// This method tells the superclass that the whole input array is needed
// to compute any output region.
int vtkImageRFFT::IterativeRequestUpdateExtent(
vtkInformation* input, vtkInformation* output)
int *outExt = output->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_EXTENT());
int *wExt = input->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_EXTENT());
int inExt[6];
return 1;
// This templated execute method handles any type input, but the output
// is always doubles.
template <class T>
void vtkImageRFFTExecute(vtkImageRFFT *self,
vtkImageData *inData, int inExt[6], T *inPtr,
vtkImageData *outData, int outExt[6], double *outPtr,
int id)
vtkImageComplex *inComplex;
vtkImageComplex *outComplex;
vtkImageComplex *pComplex;
int inMin0, inMax0;
vtkIdType inInc0, inInc1, inInc2;
T *inPtr0, *inPtr1, *inPtr2;
int outMin0, outMax0, outMin1, outMax1, outMin2, outMax2;
vtkIdType outInc0, outInc1, outInc2;
double *outPtr0, *outPtr1, *outPtr2;
int idx0, idx1, idx2, inSize0, numberOfComponents;
unsigned long count = 0;
unsigned long target;
double startProgress;
startProgress = self->GetIteration()/(double)(self->GetNumberOfIterations());
// Reorder axes (The outs here are just placeholdes
self->PermuteExtent(inExt, inMin0, inMax0, outMin1,outMax1,outMin2,outMax2);
self->PermuteExtent(outExt, outMin0,outMax0,outMin1,outMax1,outMin2,outMax2);
self->PermuteIncrements(inData->GetIncrements(), inInc0, inInc1, inInc2);
self->PermuteIncrements(outData->GetIncrements(), outInc0, outInc1, outInc2);
inSize0 = inMax0 - inMin0 + 1;
// Input has to have real components at least.
numberOfComponents = inData->GetNumberOfScalarComponents();
if (numberOfComponents < 1)
vtkGenericWarningMacro("No real components");
// Allocate the arrays of complex numbers
inComplex = new vtkImageComplex[inSize0];
outComplex = new vtkImageComplex[inSize0];
target = (unsigned long)((outMax2-outMin2+1)*(outMax1-outMin1+1)
* self->GetNumberOfIterations() / 50.0);
// loop over other axes
inPtr2 = inPtr;
outPtr2 = outPtr;
for (idx2 = outMin2; idx2 <= outMax2; ++idx2)
inPtr1 = inPtr2;
outPtr1 = outPtr2;
for (idx1 = outMin1; !self->AbortExecute && idx1 <= outMax1; ++idx1)
if (!id)
if (!(count%target))
self->UpdateProgress(count/(50.0*target) + startProgress);
// copy into complex numbers
inPtr0 = inPtr1;
pComplex = inComplex;
for (idx0 = inMin0; idx0 <= inMax0; ++idx0)
pComplex->Real = (double)(*inPtr0);
pComplex->Imag = 0.0;
if (numberOfComponents > 1)
{ // yes we have an imaginary input
pComplex->Imag = (double)(inPtr0[1]);;
inPtr0 += inInc0;
// Call the method that performs the RFFT
self->ExecuteRfft(inComplex, outComplex, inSize0);
// copy into output
outPtr0 = outPtr1;
pComplex = outComplex + (outMin0 - inMin0);
for (idx0 = outMin0; idx0 <= outMax0; ++idx0)
*outPtr0 = (double)pComplex->Real;
outPtr0[1] = (double)pComplex->Imag;
outPtr0 += outInc0;
inPtr1 += inInc1;
outPtr1 += outInc1;
inPtr2 += inInc2;
outPtr2 += outInc2;
delete [] inComplex;
delete [] outComplex;
// This method is passed input and output Datas, and executes the RFFT
// algorithm to fill the output from the input.
// Not threaded yet.
void vtkImageRFFT::ThreadedExecute(vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData,
int outExt[6], int threadId)
void *inPtr, *outPtr;
int inExt[6];
int *wExt = inData->GetWholeExtent();
inPtr = inData->GetScalarPointerForExtent(inExt);
outPtr = outData->GetScalarPointerForExtent(outExt);
// this filter expects that the output be doubles.
if (outData->GetScalarType() != VTK_DOUBLE)
vtkErrorMacro(<< "Execute: Output must be be type double.");
// this filter expects input to have 1 or two components
if (outData->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() != 1 &&
outData->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() != 2)
vtkErrorMacro(<< "Execute: Cannot handle more than 2 components");
// choose which templated function to call.
switch (inData->GetScalarType())
vtkImageRFFTExecute(this, inData, inExt,
(VTK_TT *)(inPtr), outData, outExt,
(double *)(outPtr), threadId));
vtkErrorMacro(<< "Execute: Unknown ScalarType");
// For streaming and threads. Splits output update extent into num pieces.
// This method needs to be called num times. Results must not overlap for
// consistent starting extent. Subclass can override this method.
// This method returns the number of peices resulting from a successful split.
// This can be from 1 to "total".
// If 1 is returned, the extent cannot be split.
int vtkImageRFFT::SplitExtent(int splitExt[6], int startExt[6],
int num, int total)
int splitAxis;
int min, max;
vtkDebugMacro("SplitExtent: ( " << startExt[0] << ", " << startExt[1] << ", "
<< startExt[2] << ", " << startExt[3] << ", "
<< startExt[4] << ", " << startExt[5] << "), "
<< num << " of " << total);
// start with same extent
memcpy(splitExt, startExt, 6 * sizeof(int));
splitAxis = 2;
min = startExt[4];
max = startExt[5];
while ((splitAxis == this->Iteration) || (min == max))
if (splitAxis < 0)
{ // cannot split
vtkDebugMacro(" Cannot Split");
return 1;
min = startExt[splitAxis*2];
max = startExt[splitAxis*2+1];
// determine the actual number of pieces that will be generated
if ((max - min + 1) < total)
total = max - min + 1;
if (num >= total)
vtkDebugMacro(" SplitRequest (" << num
<< ") larger than total: " << total);
return total;
// determine the extent of the piece
splitExt[splitAxis*2] = min + (max - min + 1)*num/total;
if (num == total - 1)
splitExt[splitAxis*2+1] = max;
splitExt[splitAxis*2+1] = (min-1) + (max - min + 1)*(num+1)/total;
vtkDebugMacro(" Split Piece: ( " <<splitExt[0]<< ", " <<splitExt[1]<< ", "
<< splitExt[2] << ", " << splitExt[3] << ", "
<< splitExt[4] << ", " << splitExt[5] << ")");
return total;