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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkInteractorStyle.h,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// .NAME vtkInteractorStyle - provide event-driven interface to the rendering window (defines trackball mode)
// .SECTION Description
// vtkInteractorStyle is a base class implementing the majority of motion
// control routines and defines an event driven interface to support
// vtkRenderWindowInteractor. vtkRenderWindowInteractor implements
// platform dependent key/mouse routing and timer control, which forwards
// events in a neutral form to vtkInteractorStyle.
// vtkInteractorStyle implements the "joystick" style of interaction. That
// is, holding down the mouse keys generates a stream of events that cause
// continuous actions (e.g., rotate, translate, pan, zoom). (The class
// vtkInteractorStyleTrackball implements a grab and move style.) The event
// bindings for this class include the following:
// - Keypress j / Keypress t: toggle between joystick (position sensitive) and
// trackball (motion sensitive) styles. In joystick style, motion occurs
// continuously as long as a mouse button is pressed. In trackball style,
// motion occurs when the mouse button is pressed and the mouse pointer
// moves.
// - Keypress c / Keypress a: toggle between camera and actor modes. In
// camera mode, mouse events affect the camera position and focal point. In
// actor mode, mouse events affect the actor that is under the mouse pointer.
// - Button 1: rotate the camera around its focal point (if camera mode) or
// rotate the actor around its origin (if actor mode). The rotation is in the
// direction defined from the center of the renderer's viewport towards
// the mouse position. In joystick mode, the magnitude of the rotation is
// determined by the distance the mouse is from the center of the render
// window.
// - Button 2: pan the camera (if camera mode) or translate the actor (if
// actor mode). In joystick mode, the direction of pan or translation is
// from the center of the viewport towards the mouse position. In trackball
// mode, the direction of motion is the direction the mouse moves. (Note:
// with 2-button mice, pan is defined as <Shift>-Button 1.)
// - Button 3: zoom the camera (if camera mode) or scale the actor (if
// actor mode). Zoom in/increase scale if the mouse position is in the top
// half of the viewport; zoom out/decrease scale if the mouse position is in
// the bottom half. In joystick mode, the amount of zoom is controlled by the
// distance of the mouse pointer from the horizontal centerline of the
// window.
// - Keypress 3: toggle the render window into and out of stereo mode. By
// default, red-blue stereo pairs are created. Some systems support Crystal
// Eyes LCD stereo glasses; you have to invoke SetStereoTypeToCrystalEyes()
// on the rendering window.
// - Keypress e: exit the application.
// - Keypress f: fly to the picked point
// - Keypress p: perform a pick operation. The render window interactor has
// an internal instance of vtkCellPicker that it uses to pick.
// - Keypress r: reset the camera view along the current view
// direction. Centers the actors and moves the camera so that all actors are
// visible.
// - Keypress s: modify the representation of all actors so that they are
// surfaces.
// - Keypress u: invoke the user-defined function. Typically,
// this keypress will bring up an interactor that you can type commands in.
// - Keypress w: modify the representation of all actors so that they are
// wireframe.
// vtkInteractorStyle can be subclassed to provide new interaction styles and
// a facility to override any of the default mouse/key operations which
// currently handle trackball or joystick styles is provided. Note that this
// class will fire a variety of events that can be watched using an observer,
// such as LeftButtonPressEvent, LeftButtonReleaseEvent,
// MiddleButtonPressEvent, MiddleButtonReleaseEvent, RightButtonPressEvent,
// RightButtonReleaseEvent, EnterEvent, LeaveEvent, KeyPressEvent,
// KeyReleaseEvent, CharEvent, ExposeEvent, ConfigureEvent, TimerEvent,
// MouseMoveEvent,
// .SECTION See Also
// vtkInteractorStyleTrackball
#ifndef __vtkInteractorStyle_h
#define __vtkInteractorStyle_h
#include "vtkInteractorObserver.h"
// Motion flags
#define VTKIS_START 0
#define VTKIS_NONE 0
#define VTKIS_ROTATE 1
#define VTKIS_PAN 2
#define VTKIS_SPIN 3
#define VTKIS_DOLLY 4
#define VTKIS_ZOOM 5
#define VTKIS_USCALE 6
#define VTKIS_TIMER 7
#define VTKIS_ANIM_OFF 0
#define VTKIS_ANIM_ON 1
class vtkActor2D;
class vtkActor;
class vtkCallbackCommand;
class vtkOutlineSource;
class vtkPolyDataMapper;
class vtkProp3D;
class vtkProp;
class VTK_RENDERING_EXPORT vtkInteractorStyle : public vtkInteractorObserver
// Description:
// This class must be supplied with a vtkRenderWindowInteractor wrapper or
// parent. This class should not normally be instantiated by application
// programmers.
static vtkInteractorStyle *New();
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
// Description:
// Set/Get the Interactor wrapper being controlled by this object.
// (Satisfy superclass API.)
virtual void SetInteractor(vtkRenderWindowInteractor *interactor);
// Description:
// Turn on/off this interactor. Interactor styles operate a little
// bit differently than other types of interactor observers. When
// the SetInteractor() method is invoked, the automatically enable
// themselves. This is a legacy requirement, and convenient for the
// user.
virtual void SetEnabled(int);
// Description:
// If AutoAdjustCameraClippingRange is on, then before each render the
// camera clipping range will be adjusted to "fit" the whole scene. Clipping
// will still occur if objects in the scene are behind the camera or
// come very close. If AutoAdjustCameraClippingRange is off, no adjustment
// will be made per render, but the camera clipping range will still
// be reset when the camera is reset.
vtkSetClampMacro(AutoAdjustCameraClippingRange, int, 0, 1 );
vtkGetMacro(AutoAdjustCameraClippingRange, int );
vtkBooleanMacro(AutoAdjustCameraClippingRange, int );
// Description:
// When an event occurs, we must determine which Renderer the event
// occurred within, since one RenderWindow may contain multiple
// renderers.
void FindPokedRenderer(int,int);
// Description:
// Some useful information for interaction
// Description:
// Set/Get timer hint
// Description:
// Does ProcessEvents handle observers on this class or not
// Description:
// Generic event bindings must be overridden in subclasses
virtual void OnMouseMove() {};
virtual void OnLeftButtonDown() {};
virtual void OnLeftButtonUp() {};
virtual void OnMiddleButtonDown() {};
virtual void OnMiddleButtonUp() {};
virtual void OnRightButtonDown() {};
virtual void OnRightButtonUp() {};
virtual void OnMouseWheelForward() {};
virtual void OnMouseWheelBackward() {};
// Description:
// OnChar implements keyboard functions, but subclasses can override this
// behavior
virtual void OnChar();
virtual void OnKeyDown() {};
virtual void OnKeyUp() {};
virtual void OnKeyPress() {};
virtual void OnKeyRelease() {};
// Description:
// These are more esoteric events, but are useful in some cases.
virtual void OnExpose() {};
virtual void OnConfigure() {};
virtual void OnEnter() {};
virtual void OnLeave() {};
// Description:
// OnTimer calls Rotate, Rotate etc which should be overridden by
// style subclasses.
virtual void OnTimer();
// Description:
// These methods for the different interactions in different modes
// are overridden in subclasses to perform the correct motion. Since
// they might be called from OnTimer, they do not have mouse coord parameters
// (use interactor's GetEventPosition and GetLastEventPosition)
virtual void Rotate() {};
virtual void Spin() {};
virtual void Pan() {};
virtual void Dolly() {};
virtual void Zoom() {};
virtual void UniformScale() {};
// Description:
// utility routines used by state changes
virtual void StartState(int newstate);
virtual void StopState();
// Description:
// Interaction mode entry points used internally.
virtual void StartAnimate();
virtual void StopAnimate();
virtual void StartRotate();
virtual void EndRotate();
virtual void StartZoom();
virtual void EndZoom();
virtual void StartPan();
virtual void EndPan();
virtual void StartSpin();
virtual void EndSpin();
virtual void StartDolly();
virtual void EndDolly();
virtual void StartUniformScale();
virtual void EndUniformScale();
virtual void StartTimer();
virtual void EndTimer();
// Description:
// When picking successfully selects an actor, this method highlights the
// picked prop appropriately. Currently this is done by placing a bounding
// box around a picked vtkProp3D, and using the PickColor to highlight a
// vtkProp2D.
virtual void HighlightProp(vtkProp *prop);
virtual void HighlightActor2D(vtkActor2D *actor2D);
virtual void HighlightProp3D(vtkProp3D *prop3D);
// Description:
// Set/Get the pick color (used by default to color vtkActor2D's).
// The color is expressed as red/green/blue values between (0.0,1.0).
vtkGetVectorMacro(PickColor, double, 3);
// Description:
// Set/Get the mouse wheel motion factor. Default to 1.0. Set it to a
// different value to emphasize or de-emphasize the action triggered by
// mouse wheel motion.
vtkSetMacro(MouseWheelMotionFactor, double);
vtkGetMacro(MouseWheelMotionFactor, double);
// Description:
// Main process event method
static void ProcessEvents(vtkObject* object,
unsigned long event,
void* clientdata,
void* calldata);
// Keep track of current state
int State;
int AnimState;
// Should observers be handled here, should we fire timers
int HandleObservers;
int UseTimers;
int AutoAdjustCameraClippingRange;
// For picking and highlighting props
vtkOutlineSource *Outline;
vtkPolyDataMapper *OutlineMapper;
vtkActor *OutlineActor;
vtkRenderer *PickedRenderer;
vtkProp *CurrentProp;
vtkActor2D *PickedActor2D;
int PropPicked; // bool: prop picked?
double PickColor[3]; // support 2D picking
double MouseWheelMotionFactor;
vtkInteractorStyle(const vtkInteractorStyle&); // Not implemented.
void operator=(const vtkInteractorStyle&); // Not implemented.