Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
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"""Evalues a tcl expr expression."""
import math
def expr(caller_globals_dict, caller_localvars_dict, arguments):
"""the arguments to expr in tcl are passed as individual arguments to this
eg [expr sin(20)*$a] becomes expr.expr("sin","(","20",")","*", a)"""
eval_str = "eval(\"\"\""
for arg in arguments:
if arg in caller_localvars_dict.keys():
#arg is a local variable. First, get its value
arg = caller_localvars_dict[arg]
if type(arg) == type("string"):
#this will obtain value in the variable.
if arg in dir(math):
eval_str += "math.%s" % arg
if arg == "(":
eval_str += arg
if arg.strip() == "double":
arg = "float" #tcl double is python float
eval_str += " " + arg
eval_str += " " + `arg`
eval_str += "\"\"\")"
#print "eval_str : %s" % eval_str
return eval(eval_str, caller_globals_dict, caller_localvars_dict)