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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper.cxx,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#include "vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper.h"
#include "vtkCamera.h"
#include "vtkColorTransferFunction.h"
#include "vtkEncodedGradientShader.h"
#include "vtkFiniteDifferenceGradientEstimator.h"
#include "vtkImageData.h"
#include "vtkCommand.h"
#include "vtkGraphicsFactory.h"
#include "vtkSphericalDirectionEncoder.h"
#include "vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeGOHelper.h"
#include "vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeGOShadeHelper.h"
#include "vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeHelper.h"
#include "vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeShadeHelper.h"
#include "vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMIPHelper.h"
#include "vtkMath.h"
#include "vtkMultiThreader.h"
#include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
#include "vtkPiecewiseFunction.h"
#include "vtkPlaneCollection.h"
#include "vtkPointData.h"
#include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
#include "vtkRenderer.h"
#include "vtkTimerLog.h"
#include "vtkTransform.h"
#include "vtkVolumeProperty.h"
#include "vtkRayCastImageDisplayHelper.h"
#include "vtkFixedPointRayCastImage.h"
#include <math.h>
vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper, "$Revision: $");
vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper, RayCastImage, vtkFixedPointRayCastImage);
// Macro for tri-linear interpolation - do four linear interpolations on
// edges, two linear interpolations between pairs of edges, then a final
// interpolation between faces
#define vtkTrilinFuncMacro(v,x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
t00 = a + (x)*(b-a); \
t01 = c + (x)*(d-c); \
t10 = e + (x)*(f-e); \
t11 = g + (x)*(h-g); \
t0 = t00 + (y)*(t01-t00); \
t1 = t10 + (y)*(t11-t10); \
v = t0 + (z)*(t1-t0);
#define vtkVRCMultiplyPointMacro( A, B, M ) \
B[0] = A[0]*M[0] + A[1]*M[1] + A[2]*M[2] + M[3]; \
B[1] = A[0]*M[4] + A[1]*M[5] + A[2]*M[6] + M[7]; \
B[2] = A[0]*M[8] + A[1]*M[9] + A[2]*M[10] + M[11]; \
B[3] = A[0]*M[12] + A[1]*M[13] + A[2]*M[14] + M[15]; \
if ( B[3] != 1.0 ) { B[0] /= B[3]; B[1] /= B[3]; B[2] /= B[3]; }
#define vtkVRCMultiplyViewPointMacro( A, B, M ) \
B[0] = A[0]*M[0] + A[1]*M[1] + A[2]*M[2] + M[3]; \
B[1] = A[0]*M[4] + A[1]*M[5] + A[2]*M[6] + M[7]; \
B[3] = A[0]*M[12] + A[1]*M[13] + A[2]*M[14] + M[15]; \
if ( B[3] != 1.0 ) { B[0] /= B[3]; B[1] /= B[3]; }
#define vtkVRCMultiplyNormalMacro( A, B, M ) \
B[0] = A[0]*M[0] + A[1]*M[4] + A[2]*M[8]; \
B[1] = A[0]*M[1] + A[1]*M[5] + A[2]*M[9]; \
B[2] = A[0]*M[2] + A[1]*M[6] + A[2]*M[10]
template <class T>
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapperFillInMinMaxVolume( T *dataPtr, unsigned short *minMaxVolume,
int fullDim[3], int smallDim[4],
int independent, int components,
float *shift, float *scale )
int i, j, k, c;
int sx1, sx2, sy1, sy2, sz1, sz2;
int x, y, z;
T *dptr = dataPtr;
for ( k = 0; k < fullDim[2]; k++ )
sz1 = (k < 1)?(0):(static_cast<int>((k-1)/4));
sz2 = static_cast<int>((k )/4);
sz2 = ( k == fullDim[2]-1 )?(sz1):(sz2);
for ( j = 0; j < fullDim[1]; j++ )
sy1 = (j < 1)?(0):(static_cast<int>((j-1)/4));
sy2 = static_cast<int>((j )/4);
sy2 = ( j == fullDim[1]-1 )?(sy1):(sy2);
for ( i = 0; i < fullDim[0]; i++ )
sx1 = (i < 1)?(0):(static_cast<int>((i-1)/4));
sx2 = static_cast<int>((i )/4);
sx2 = ( i == fullDim[0]-1 )?(sx1):(sx2);
for ( c = 0; c < smallDim[3]; c++ )
unsigned short val;
if ( independent )
val = static_cast<unsigned short>((*dptr + shift[c]) * scale[c]);
val = static_cast<unsigned short>((*(dptr+components-1) +
shift[components-1]) * scale[components-1]);
dptr += components;
for ( z = sz1; z <= sz2; z++ )
for ( y = sy1; y <= sy2; y++ )
for ( x = sx1; x <= sx2; x++ )
unsigned short *tmpPtr = minMaxVolume +
3*( z*smallDim[0]*smallDim[1]*smallDim[3] +
y*smallDim[0]*smallDim[3] +
x*smallDim[3] + c);
tmpPtr[0] = (val<tmpPtr[0])?(val):(tmpPtr[0]);
tmpPtr[1] = (val>tmpPtr[1])?(val):(tmpPtr[1]);
template <class T>
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapperComputeGradients( T *dataPtr,
int dim[3],
double spacing[3],
int components,
int independent,
double scalarRange[4][2],
unsigned short **gradientNormal,
unsigned char **gradientMagnitude,
vtkDirectionEncoder *directionEncoder,
vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper *me )
int x, y, z, c;
int x_start, x_limit;
int y_start, y_limit;
int z_start, z_limit;
T *dptr, *cdptr;
float n[3], t;
float gvalue=0;
int xlow, xhigh;
double aspect[3];
int xstep, ystep, zstep;
float scale[4];
unsigned short *dirPtr, *cdirPtr;
unsigned char *magPtr, *cmagPtr;
me->InvokeEvent( vtkCommand::StartEvent, NULL );
double avgSpacing = (spacing[0]+spacing[1]+spacing[2])/3.0;
// adjust the aspect
aspect[0] = spacing[0] * 2.0 / avgSpacing;
aspect[1] = spacing[1] * 2.0 / avgSpacing;
aspect[2] = spacing[2] * 2.0 / avgSpacing;
// Compute steps through the volume in x, y, and z
xstep = components;
ystep = components*dim[0];
zstep = components*dim[0] * dim[1];
if ( !independent )
if ( scalarRange[components-1][1] - scalarRange[components-1][0] )
scale[0] = 255.0 / (0.25*(scalarRange[components-1][1] - scalarRange[components-1][0]));
scale[0] = 0.0;
for (c = 0; c < components; c++ )
if ( scalarRange[c][1] - scalarRange[c][0] )
scale[c] = 255.0 / (0.25*(scalarRange[c][1] - scalarRange[c][0]));
scale[c] = 1.0;
int thread_id = 0;
int thread_count = 1;
x_start = 0;
x_limit = dim[0];
y_start = 0;
y_limit = dim[1];
z_start = (int)(( (float)thread_id / (float)thread_count ) *
dim[2] );
z_limit = (int)(( (float)(thread_id + 1) / (float)thread_count ) *
dim[2] );
// Do final error checking on limits - make sure they are all within bounds
// of the scalar input
x_start = (x_start<0)?(0):(x_start);
y_start = (y_start<0)?(0):(y_start);
z_start = (z_start<0)?(0):(z_start);
x_limit = (x_limit>dim[0])?(dim[0]):(x_limit);
y_limit = (y_limit>dim[1])?(dim[1]):(y_limit);
z_limit = (z_limit>dim[2])?(dim[2]):(z_limit);
int increment = (independent)?(components):(1);
float tolerance[4];
for ( c = 0; c < components; c++ )
tolerance[c] = .00001 * (scalarRange[c][1] - scalarRange[c][0]);
// Loop through all the data and compute the encoded normal and
// gradient magnitude for each scalar location
for ( z = z_start; z < z_limit; z++ )
unsigned short *gradientDirPtr = gradientNormal[z];
unsigned char *gradientMagPtr = gradientMagnitude[z];
for ( y = y_start; y < y_limit; y++ )
xlow = x_start;
xhigh = x_limit;
dptr = dataPtr + components*(z * dim[0] * dim[1] + y * dim[0] + xlow);
dirPtr = gradientDirPtr + (y * dim[0] + xlow)*increment;
magPtr = gradientMagPtr + (y * dim[0] + xlow)*increment;
for ( x = xlow; x < xhigh; x++ )
for ( c = 0; ( independent && c < components ) || c == 0; c++ )
cdptr = dptr + ((independent)?(c):(components-1));
cdirPtr = dirPtr + ((independent)?(c):(0));
cmagPtr = magPtr + ((independent)?(c):(0));
// Allow up to 3 tries to find the gadient - looking out at a distance of
// 1, 2, and 3 units.
int foundGradient = 0;
for ( int d = 1; d <= 3 && !foundGradient; d++ )
// Use a central difference method if possible,
// otherwise use a forward or backward difference if
// we are on the edge
// Compute the X component
if ( x < d )
n[0] = 2.0*((float)*(cdptr) - (float)*(cdptr+d*xstep));
else if ( x >= dim[0] - d )
n[0] = 2.0*((float)*(cdptr-d*xstep) - (float)*(cdptr));
n[0] = (float)*(cdptr-d*xstep) - (float)*(cdptr+d*xstep);
// Compute the Y component
if ( y < d )
n[1] = 2.0*((float)*(cdptr) - (float)*(cdptr+d*ystep));
else if ( y >= dim[1] - d )
n[1] = 2.0*((float)*(cdptr-d*ystep) - (float)*(cdptr));
n[1] = (float)*(cdptr-d*ystep) - (float)*(cdptr+d*ystep);
// Compute the Z component
if ( z < d )
n[2] = 2.0*((float)*(cdptr) - (float)*(cdptr+d*zstep));
else if ( z >= dim[2] - d )
n[2] = 2.0*((float)*(cdptr-d*zstep) - (float)*(cdptr));
n[2] = (float)*(cdptr-d*zstep) - (float)*(cdptr+d*zstep);
// Take care of the aspect ratio of the data
// Scaling in the vtkVolume is isotropic, so this is the
// only place we have to worry about non-isotropic scaling.
n[0] /= d*aspect[0];
n[1] /= d*aspect[1];
n[2] /= d*aspect[2];
// Compute the gradient magnitude
t = sqrt( (double)( n[0]*n[0] +
n[1]*n[1] +
n[2]*n[2] ) );
// Encode this into an 8 bit value
gvalue = t * scale[c];
if ( d > 1 )
gvalue = 0;
gvalue = (gvalue<0.0)?(0.0):(gvalue);
gvalue = (gvalue>255.0)?(255.0):(gvalue);
// Normalize the gradient direction
if ( t > tolerance[c] )
n[0] /= t;
n[1] /= t;
n[2] /= t;
foundGradient = 1;
n[0] = n[1] = n[2] = 0.0;
*cmagPtr = static_cast<unsigned char>(gvalue + 0.5);
*cdirPtr = directionEncoder->GetEncodedDirection( n );
dptr += components;
dirPtr += increment;
magPtr += increment;
if ( z%8 == 7 )
float args[1];
args[0] =
static_cast<float>(z - z_start) /
static_cast<float>(z_limit - z_start - 1);
me->InvokeEvent( vtkCommand::ProgressEvent, args );
me->InvokeEvent( vtkCommand::EndEvent, NULL );
// Construct a new vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper with default values
this->SampleDistance = 1.0;
this->InteractiveSampleDistance = 2.0;
this->ImageSampleDistance = 1.0;
this->MinimumImageSampleDistance = 1.0;
this->MaximumImageSampleDistance = 10.0;
this->AutoAdjustSampleDistances = 1;
// Should never be used without initialization, but
// set here to avoid compiler warnings
this->OldSampleDistance = 1.0;
this->OldImageSampleDistance = 1.0;
this->PerspectiveMatrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
this->ViewToWorldMatrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
this->ViewToVoxelsMatrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
this->VoxelsToViewMatrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
this->WorldToVoxelsMatrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
this->VoxelsToWorldMatrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
this->VolumeMatrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
this->PerspectiveTransform = vtkTransform::New();
this->VoxelsTransform = vtkTransform::New();
this->VoxelsToViewTransform = vtkTransform::New();
this->Threader = vtkMultiThreader::New();
this->RayCastImage = vtkFixedPointRayCastImage::New();
this->RowBounds = NULL;
this->OldRowBounds = NULL;
this->RenderTimeTable = NULL;
this->RenderVolumeTable = NULL;
this->RenderRendererTable = NULL;
this->RenderTableSize = 0;
this->RenderTableEntries = 0;
this->RenderWindow = NULL;
this->MIPHelper = vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMIPHelper::New();
this->CompositeHelper = vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeHelper::New();
this->CompositeGOHelper = vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeGOHelper::New();
this->CompositeShadeHelper = vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeShadeHelper::New();
this->CompositeGOShadeHelper = vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeGOShadeHelper::New();
this->IntermixIntersectingGeometry = 1;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
this->SavedRGBFunction[i] = NULL;
this->SavedGrayFunction[i] = NULL;
this->SavedScalarOpacityFunction[i] = NULL;
this->SavedGradientOpacityFunction[i] = NULL;
this->SavedColorChannels[i] = 0;
this->SavedScalarOpacityDistance[i] = 0;
this->SavedSampleDistance = 0;
this->SavedBlendMode = -1;
this->SavedGradientsInput = NULL;
this->SavedParametersInput = NULL;
this->NumberOfGradientSlices = 0;
this->GradientNormal = NULL;
this->GradientMagnitude = NULL;
this->ContiguousGradientNormal = NULL;
this->ContiguousGradientMagnitude = NULL;
this->DirectionEncoder = vtkSphericalDirectionEncoder::New();
this->GradientShader = vtkEncodedGradientShader::New();
this->GradientEstimator = vtkFiniteDifferenceGradientEstimator::New();
this->GradientEstimator->SetDirectionEncoder( this->DirectionEncoder );
this->ShadingRequired = 0;
this->GradientOpacityRequired = 0;
this->CroppingRegionMask[0] = 1;
for ( i = 1; i < 27; i++ )
this->CroppingRegionMask[i] = this->CroppingRegionMask[i-1]*2;
this->NumTransformedClippingPlanes = 0;
this->TransformedClippingPlanes = NULL;
this->ImageDisplayHelper = vtkRayCastImageDisplayHelper::New();
this->ImageDisplayHelper->SetPixelScale( 2.0 );
// This is the min max volume used for space leaping. Each 4x4x4 cell from
// the original input volume has three values per component - a minimum scalar
// index, maximum scalar index, and a values used for both the maximum gradient
// magnitude and a flag. The flag is used to indicate for the
// current transfer function whether any non-zero opacity exists between the
// minimum and maximum scalar values and up to the maximum gradient magnitude
this->MinMaxVolume = NULL;
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[0] = 0;
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[1] = 0;
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[2] = 0;
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[3] = 0;
this->SavedMinMaxInput = NULL;
this->Volume = NULL;
// Destruct a vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper - clean up any memory used
if ( this->RayCastImage )
this->RayCastImage = NULL;
delete [] this->RenderTimeTable;
delete [] this->RenderVolumeTable;
delete [] this->RenderRendererTable;
delete [] this->RowBounds;
delete [] this->OldRowBounds;
int i;
if ( this->GradientNormal )
// Contiguous? Delete in one chunk otherwise delete slice by slice
if ( this->ContiguousGradientNormal )
delete [] this->ContiguousGradientNormal;
this->ContiguousGradientNormal = NULL;
for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfGradientSlices; i++ )
delete [] this->GradientNormal[i];
delete [] this->GradientNormal;
this->GradientNormal = NULL;
if ( this->GradientMagnitude )
// Contiguous? Delete in one chunk otherwise delete slice by slice
if ( this->ContiguousGradientMagnitude )
delete [] this->ContiguousGradientMagnitude;
this->ContiguousGradientMagnitude = NULL;
for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfGradientSlices; i++ )
delete [] this->GradientMagnitude[i];
delete [] this->GradientMagnitude;
this->GradientMagnitude = NULL;
delete [] this->TransformedClippingPlanes;
// Delete storage used by min/max volume
delete [] this->MinMaxVolume;
float vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::ComputeRequiredImageSampleDistance( float desiredTime,
vtkRenderer *ren )
return this->ComputeRequiredImageSampleDistance( desiredTime, ren, NULL );
float vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::ComputeRequiredImageSampleDistance( float desiredTime,
vtkRenderer *ren,
vtkVolume *vol )
float result;
float oldTime;
if ( vol )
oldTime = this->RetrieveRenderTime( ren, vol );
oldTime = this->RetrieveRenderTime( ren );
float newTime = desiredTime;
if ( oldTime == 0.0 )
if ( newTime > 10 )
result = this->MinimumImageSampleDistance;
result = this->MaximumImageSampleDistance / 2.0;
oldTime /= (this->ImageSampleDistance * this->ImageSampleDistance);
result = this->ImageSampleDistance * sqrt(oldTime / newTime);
result = (result > this->MaximumImageSampleDistance)?
result =
return result;
float vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::RetrieveRenderTime( vtkRenderer *ren,
vtkVolume *vol )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < this->RenderTableEntries; i++ )
if ( this->RenderVolumeTable[i] == vol &&
this->RenderRendererTable[i] == ren )
return this->RenderTimeTable[i];
return 0.0;
float vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::RetrieveRenderTime( vtkRenderer *ren )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < this->RenderTableEntries; i++ )
if ( this->RenderRendererTable[i] == ren )
return this->RenderTimeTable[i];
return 0.0;
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::StoreRenderTime( vtkRenderer *ren,
vtkVolume *vol,
float time )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < this->RenderTableEntries; i++ )
if ( this->RenderVolumeTable[i] == vol &&
this->RenderRendererTable[i] == ren )
this->RenderTimeTable[i] = time;
// Need to increase size
if ( this->RenderTableEntries >= this->RenderTableSize )
if ( this->RenderTableSize == 0 )
this->RenderTableSize = 10;
this->RenderTableSize *= 2;
float *oldTimePtr = this->RenderTimeTable;
vtkVolume **oldVolumePtr = this->RenderVolumeTable;
vtkRenderer **oldRendererPtr = this->RenderRendererTable;
this->RenderTimeTable = new float [this->RenderTableSize];
this->RenderVolumeTable = new vtkVolume *[this->RenderTableSize];
this->RenderRendererTable = new vtkRenderer *[this->RenderTableSize];
for (i = 0; i < this->RenderTableEntries; i++ )
this->RenderTimeTable[i] = oldTimePtr[i];
this->RenderVolumeTable[i] = oldVolumePtr[i];
this->RenderRendererTable[i] = oldRendererPtr[i];
delete [] oldTimePtr;
delete [] oldVolumePtr;
delete [] oldRendererPtr;
this->RenderTimeTable[this->RenderTableEntries] = time;
this->RenderVolumeTable[this->RenderTableEntries] = vol;
this->RenderRendererTable[this->RenderTableEntries] = ren;
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::SetNumberOfThreads( int num )
this->Threader->SetNumberOfThreads( num );
int vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::GetNumberOfThreads()
if (this->Threader)
return this->Threader->GetNumberOfThreads();
return 0;
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::FillInMaxGradientMagnitudes( int fullDim[3],
int smallDim[4] )
int i, j, k, c;
int sx1, sx2, sy1, sy2, sz1, sz2;
int x, y, z;
for ( k = 0; k < fullDim[2]; k++ )
sz1 = (k < 1)?(0):(static_cast<int>((k-1)/4));
sz2 = static_cast<int>((k )/4);
sz2 = ( k == fullDim[2]-1 )?(sz1):(sz2);
unsigned char *dptr = this->GradientMagnitude[k];
for ( j = 0; j < fullDim[1]; j++ )
sy1 = (j < 1)?(0):(static_cast<int>((j-1)/4));
sy2 = static_cast<int>((j )/4);
sy2 = ( j == fullDim[1]-1 )?(sy1):(sy2);
for ( i = 0; i < fullDim[0]; i++ )
sx1 = (i < 1)?(0):(static_cast<int>((i-1)/4));
sx2 = static_cast<int>((i )/4);
sx2 = ( i == fullDim[0]-1 )?(sx1):(sx2);
for ( c = 0; c < smallDim[3]; c++ )
unsigned char val;
val = *dptr;
for ( z = sz1; z <= sz2; z++ )
for ( y = sy1; y <= sy2; y++ )
for ( x = sx1; x <= sx2; x++ )
unsigned short *tmpPtr = this->MinMaxVolume +
3*( z*smallDim[0]*smallDim[1]*smallDim[3] +
y*smallDim[0]*smallDim[3] +
x*smallDim[3] + c);
// Need to keep track of max gradient magnitude in upper
// eight bits. No need to preserve lower eight (the flag)
// since we will be recomputing this.
tmpPtr[2] = (val>(tmpPtr[2]>>8))?(val<<8):(tmpPtr[2]);
// This method should be called after UpdateColorTables since it
// relies on some information (shift and scale) computed in that method,
// as well as the last built time for the color tables.
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::UpdateMinMaxVolume( vtkVolume *vol )
int i, j, k, c;
// A three bit variable:
// first bit indicates need to update flags
// second bit indicates need to update scalars
// third bit indicates need to update gradient magnitudes
int needToUpdate = 0;
// Get the image data
vtkImageData *input = this->GetInput();
// We'll need this info later
int components = input->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetNumberOfComponents();
int independent = vol->GetProperty()->GetIndependentComponents();
int dim[3];
input->GetDimensions( dim );
// Has the data itself changed?
if ( input != this->SavedMinMaxInput ||
input->GetMTime() > this->SavedMinMaxBuildTime.GetMTime() )
needToUpdate |= 0x03;
// Do the gradient magnitudes need to be filled in?
if ( this->GradientOpacityRequired &&
( needToUpdate&0x02 ||
this->SavedGradientsMTime.GetMTime() >
this->SavedMinMaxBuildTime.GetMTime() ) )
needToUpdate |= 0x05;
// Have the parameters changed which means the flags need
// to be recomputed. Actually, we could be checking just
// a subset of these parameters (we don't need to recompute
// the flags if the colors change, but unless these seems
// like a significant performance problem, I'd rather not
// complicate the code)
if ( !(needToUpdate&0x01) &&
this->SavedParametersMTime.GetMTime() >
this->SavedMinMaxFlagTime.GetMTime() )
needToUpdate |= 0x01;
if ( !needToUpdate )
// Regenerate the min max values if necessary
if ( needToUpdate&0x02 )
// How big should the min/max volume be?
int targetSize[4];
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
// We group four cells (which require 5 samples) into one element in the min/max tree
targetSize[i] =
(dim[i] < 2) ? (1) : ( 1 + static_cast<int>((dim[i] - 2)/4));
// This fourth dimension is the number of independent components for which we
// need to keep track of min/max
targetSize[3] = (independent)?(components):(1);
if ( this->MinMaxVolumeSize[0] != targetSize[0] ||
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[1] != targetSize[1] ||
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[2] != targetSize[2] ||
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[3] != targetSize[3] )
delete [] this->MinMaxVolume;
// One entry for min, one for max, one shared by max gradient
// magnitude, and a flag set based on opacity transfer functions
this->MinMaxVolume = new unsigned short [3 * ( targetSize[0] *
targetSize[1] *
targetSize[2] *
targetSize[3] ) ];
// Don't really do anything about it - but reporting this error may
// save some debugging time later...
if ( !this->MinMaxVolume )
vtkErrorMacro( "Problem allocating min/max volume" );
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[0] = 0;
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[1] = 0;
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[2] = 0;
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[3] = 0;
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[0] = targetSize[0];
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[1] = targetSize[1];
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[2] = targetSize[2];
this->MinMaxVolumeSize[3] = targetSize[3];
// Initialize the structure
unsigned short *tmpPtr = this->MinMaxVolume;
for ( i = 0; i < targetSize[0] * targetSize[1] * targetSize[2]; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < targetSize[3]; j++ )
*(tmpPtr++) = 0xffff; // Min Scalar
*(tmpPtr++) = 0; // Max Scalar
*(tmpPtr++) = 0; // Max Gradient Magnitude and
} // Flag computed from transfer functions
// Now put the scalar data values into the structure
int scalarType = input->GetScalarType();
void *dataPtr = input->GetScalarPointer();
switch ( scalarType )
(VTK_TT *)(dataPtr), this->MinMaxVolume, dim, targetSize,
independent, components, this->TableShift, this->TableScale) );
this->SavedMinMaxInput = input;
if ( needToUpdate&0x04 )
// Now put the gradient magnitude values into the structure
this->FillInMaxGradientMagnitudes( dim, this->MinMaxVolumeSize );
// It is OK to use this same variable for scalars and gradient magnitudes - either
// we just rebuilt the min max volume from the scalars, or the MTime on the input
// is already less than this build time so updating it again won't matter for
// future checks
// Update the flags now
unsigned short *minNonZeroScalarIndex = new unsigned short [this->MinMaxVolumeSize[3]];
for ( c = 0; c < this->MinMaxVolumeSize[3]; c++ )
for ( i = 0; i < this->TableSize[c]; i++ )
if ( this->ScalarOpacityTable[c][i] )
minNonZeroScalarIndex[c] = i;
unsigned char *minNonZeroGradientMagnitudeIndex = new unsigned char [this->MinMaxVolumeSize[3]];
for ( c = 0; c < this->MinMaxVolumeSize[3]; c++ )
for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
if ( this->GradientOpacityTable[c][i] )
minNonZeroGradientMagnitudeIndex[c] = i;
unsigned short *tmpPtr = this->MinMaxVolume;
int zero = 0;
int nonZero = 0;
for ( k = 0; k < this->MinMaxVolumeSize[2]; k++ )
for ( j = 0; j < this->MinMaxVolumeSize[1]; j++ )
for ( i = 0; i < this->MinMaxVolumeSize[0]; i++ )
for ( c = 0; c < this->MinMaxVolumeSize[3]; c++ )
// We definite have 0 opacity because our maximum scalar value in
// this region is below the minimum scalar value with non-zero opacity
// for this component
if ( tmpPtr[1] < minNonZeroScalarIndex[c] )
tmpPtr[2] &= 0xff00;
// We have 0 opacity because we are using gradient magnitudes and
// the maximum gradient magnitude in this area is below the minimum
// gradient magnitude with non-zero opacity for this component
else if ( this->GradientOpacityRequired &&
(tmpPtr[2]>>8) < minNonZeroGradientMagnitudeIndex[c] )
tmpPtr[2] &= 0xff00;
// We definitely have non-zero opacity because our minimum scalar
// value is lower than our first scalar with non-zero opacity, and
// the maximum scalar value is greater than this threshold - so
// we must encounter scalars with opacity in between
else if ( tmpPtr[0] < minNonZeroScalarIndex[c] )
tmpPtr[2] &= 0xff00;
tmpPtr[2] |= 0x0001;
// We have to search between min scalar value and the
// max scalar stored in the minmax volume to look for non-zero
// opacity since both values must be above our first non-zero
// threshold so we don't have information in this area
int loop;
for ( loop = tmpPtr[0]; loop <= tmpPtr[1]; loop++ )
if ( this->ScalarOpacityTable[c][loop] )
if ( loop <= tmpPtr[1] )
tmpPtr[2] &= 0xff00;
tmpPtr[2] |= 0x0001;
tmpPtr[2] &= 0xff00;
tmpPtr += 3;
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::UpdateCroppingRegions()
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
this->FixedPointCroppingRegionPlanes[i] =
this->ToFixedPointPosition( this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[i] );
// This is the initialization that should be done once per image
// The render has been broken into several parts to support AMR
// volume rendering. Basically, this is done by having the AMR
// mapper call the PerImageInitialization once, then the
// PerVolumeInitialization once for each volume in the hierarchical
// structure. Finally, the AMR mapper divides all the volumes
// into subvolumes in order to render everything in a back-to-front
// order. The PerSubVolumeInitialization is called for each subvolume,
// then the RenderSubVolume is called. Finally, the DisplayImage method
// is called to map the image onto the screen. When this class is used
// directly as the mapper, the Render method calls these initialization
// methods and the RenderSubVolumeMethod. The AMR mapper will set the
// multiRender flag to 1 indicating that the PerImageInitialization
// should fully polulate the RayCastImage class based on the
// origin, spacing, and extent passed in. This will result in computing
// some things twice - once for the "full" volume (the extent bounding
// all volumes in the hierarchy), then once for each volume in the
// hierarchy. This does not make sense when rendering just a single
// volume so the multiRender flag indicates whether to do this
// computation here or skip it for later.
int vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::PerImageInitialization( vtkRenderer *ren,
vtkVolume *vol,
int multiRender,
double inputOrigin[3],
double inputSpacing[3],
int inputExtent[6] )
// Save this so that we can restore it if the image is cancelled
this->OldImageSampleDistance = this->ImageSampleDistance;
this->OldSampleDistance = this->SampleDistance;
// If we are automatically adjusting the size to achieve a desired frame
// rate, then do that adjustment here. Base the new image sample distance
// on the previous one and the previous render time. Don't let
// the adjusted image sample distance be less than the minimum image sample
// distance or more than the maximum image sample distance.
if ( this->AutoAdjustSampleDistances )
this->ImageSampleDistance =
this->ComputeRequiredImageSampleDistance( vol->GetAllocatedRenderTime(), ren, vol );
// If this is an interactive render (faster than 1 frame per second) then we'll
// increase the sample distance along the ray to improve performance
if ( vol->GetAllocatedRenderTime() < 1.0 )
this->SampleDistance = this->InteractiveSampleDistance;
// Pass the ImageSampleDistance on the RayCastImage
this->RayCastImage->SetImageSampleDistance( this->ImageSampleDistance );
// The full image fills the viewport. First, compute the actual viewport
// size, then divide by the ImageSampleDistance to find the full image
// size in pixels
int width, height;
ren->GetTiledSize(&width, &height);
static_cast<int>(height/this->ImageSampleDistance) );
if ( multiRender )
this->ComputeMatrices( inputOrigin,
ren, vol );
if ( !this->ComputeRowBounds( ren, 1, 0, inputExtent ) )
return 0;
return 1;
// This is the initialization that should be done once per volume
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::PerVolumeInitialization( vtkRenderer *ren, vtkVolume *vol )
// This is the input of this mapper
vtkImageData *input = this->GetInput();
// make sure that we have scalar input and update the scalar input
if ( input == NULL )
vtkErrorMacro(<< "No Input!");
// Compute some matrices from voxels to view and vice versa based
// on the whole input
double inputSpacing[3];
double inputOrigin[3];
int inputExtent[6];
input->GetSpacing( inputSpacing );
input->GetOrigin( inputOrigin );
input->GetExtent( inputExtent );
this->ComputeMatrices( inputOrigin,
ren, vol );
this->RenderWindow = ren->GetRenderWindow();
this->Volume = vol;
this->UpdateColorTable( vol );
this->UpdateGradients( vol );
this->UpdateShadingTable( ren, vol );
this->UpdateMinMaxVolume( vol );
// This is the initialization that should be done once per subvolume
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::PerSubVolumeInitialization( vtkRenderer *ren, vtkVolume *vol, int multiRender )
// Compute row bounds. This will also compute the size of the image to
// render, allocate the space if necessary, and clear the image where
// required. If no rays need to be cast, restore the old image sample
// distance and return
int inputExtent[6];
vtkImageData *input = this->GetInput();
input->GetExtent( inputExtent );
// If this is part of a multirender (AMR volume rendering) then
// the image parameters have already been computed and we can skip
// that. In all cases we need to compute the row bounds so pass in
// a 1 for that flag
int imageFlag = (multiRender)?(0):(1);
if ( !this->ComputeRowBounds( ren, imageFlag, 1, inputExtent ) )
// If this is part of a multiRender, then we've already captured the z buffer,
// otherwise we need to do it here
if ( !multiRender )
this->CaptureZBuffer( ren );
this->InitializeRayInfo( vol );
// This is the render method for the subvolume
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::RenderSubVolume()
// Set the number of threads to use for ray casting,
// then set the execution method and do it.
this->Threader->SetSingleMethod( FixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper_CastRays,
(void *)this);
// This method displays the image that has been created
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::DisplayRenderedImage( vtkRenderer *ren,
vtkVolume *vol )
float depth;
if ( this->IntermixIntersectingGeometry )
depth = this->MinimumViewDistance;
depth = -1;
RenderTexture( vol, ren,
depth );
// This method should be called when the render is aborted to restore previous values.
// Otherwise, the old time is still stored, with the newly computed sample distances,
// and that will cause problems on the next render.
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::AbortRender()
// Restore values
this->ImageSampleDistance = this->OldImageSampleDistance;
this->SampleDistance = this->OldSampleDistance;
// Capture the ZBuffer to use for intermixing with opaque geometry
// that has already been rendered
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::CaptureZBuffer( vtkRenderer *ren )
// How big is the viewport in pixels?
double *viewport = ren->GetViewport();
int *renWinSize = ren->GetRenderWindow()->GetSize();
// Do we need to capture the z buffer to intermix intersecting
// geometry? If so, do it here
if ( this->IntermixIntersectingGeometry &&
ren->GetNumberOfPropsRendered() )
int x1, x2, y1, y2;
// turn ImageOrigin into (x1,y1) in window (not viewport!)
// coordinates.
int imageOrigin[2];
int imageInUseSize[2];
this->RayCastImage->GetImageOrigin( imageOrigin );
this->RayCastImage->GetImageInUseSize( imageInUseSize );
x1 = static_cast<int> (
viewport[0] * static_cast<float>(renWinSize[0]) +
static_cast<float>(imageOrigin[0]) * this->ImageSampleDistance );
y1 = static_cast<int> (
viewport[1] * static_cast<float>(renWinSize[1]) +
static_cast<float>(imageOrigin[1]) * this->ImageSampleDistance);
int zbufferSize[2];
int zbufferOrigin[2];
// compute z buffer size
zbufferSize[0] = static_cast<int>(
static_cast<float>(imageInUseSize[0]) * this->ImageSampleDistance);
zbufferSize[1] = static_cast<int>(
static_cast<float>(imageInUseSize[1]) * this->ImageSampleDistance);
// Use the size to compute (x2,y2) in window coordinates
x2 = x1 + zbufferSize[0] - 1;
y2 = y1 + zbufferSize[1] - 1;
// This is the z buffer origin (in viewport coordinates)
zbufferOrigin[0] = static_cast<int>(
static_cast<float>(imageOrigin[0]) * this->ImageSampleDistance);
zbufferOrigin[1] = static_cast<int>(
static_cast<float>(imageOrigin[1]) * this->ImageSampleDistance);
this->RayCastImage->SetZBufferSize( zbufferSize );
this->RayCastImage->SetZBufferOrigin( zbufferOrigin );
// Capture the z buffer
ren->GetRenderWindow()->GetZbufferData( x1, y1, x2, y2,
this->RayCastImage->GetZBuffer() );
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::Render( vtkRenderer *ren, vtkVolume *vol )
// Since we are passing in a value of 0 for the multiRender flag
// (this is a single render pass - not part of a multipass AMR render)
// then we know the origin, spacing, and extent values will not
// be used so just initialize everything to 0. No need to check
// the return value of the PerImageInitialization method - since this
// is not a multirender it will always return 1.
double dummyOrigin[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
double dummySpacing[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
int dummyExtent[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
this->PerImageInitialization( ren, vol, 0,
dummyExtent );
this->PerVolumeInitialization( ren, vol );
if ( this->RenderWindow->CheckAbortStatus() )
this->PerSubVolumeInitialization( ren, vol, 0 );
if ( this->RenderWindow->CheckAbortStatus() )
if ( this->RenderWindow->CheckAbortStatus() )
this->DisplayRenderedImage( ren, vol );
this->TimeToDraw = this->Timer->GetElapsedTime();
// If we've increased the sample distance, account for that in the stored time. Since we
// don't get linear performance improvement, use a factor of .66
this->StoreRenderTime( ren, vol,
this->TimeToDraw *
this->ImageSampleDistance *
this->ImageSampleDistance *
( 1.0 + 0.66*
(this->SampleDistance - this->OldSampleDistance) /
this->OldSampleDistance ) );
this->SampleDistance = this->OldSampleDistance;
VTK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE FixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper_CastRays( void *arg )
// Get the info out of the input structure
int threadID = ((vtkMultiThreader::ThreadInfo *)(arg))->ThreadID;
int threadCount = ((vtkMultiThreader::ThreadInfo *)(arg))->NumberOfThreads;
vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper *me = (vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper *)(((vtkMultiThreader::ThreadInfo *)arg)->UserData);
if ( !me )
vtkGenericWarningMacro("Irrecoverable error: no mapper specified");
vtkVolume *vol = me->GetVolume();
if ( me->GetBlendMode() == vtkVolumeMapper::MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND )
me->GetMIPHelper()->GenerateImage( threadID, threadCount, vol, me );
if ( me->GetShadingRequired() == 0 )
if ( me->GetGradientOpacityRequired() == 0 )
me->GetCompositeHelper()->GenerateImage( threadID, threadCount, vol, me );
me->GetCompositeGOHelper()->GenerateImage( threadID, threadCount, vol, me );
if ( me->GetGradientOpacityRequired() == 0 )
me->GetCompositeShadeHelper()->GenerateImage( threadID, threadCount, vol, me );
me->GetCompositeGOShadeHelper()->GenerateImage( threadID, threadCount, vol, me );
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::ComputeRayInfo( int x, int y, unsigned int pos[3],
unsigned int dir[3],
unsigned int *numSteps )
float viewRay[3];
float rayDirection[3];
float rayStart[4], rayEnd[4];
int imageViewportSize[2];
int imageOrigin[2];
this->RayCastImage->GetImageViewportSize( imageViewportSize );
this->RayCastImage->GetImageOrigin( imageOrigin );
float offsetX = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(imageViewportSize[0]);
float offsetY = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(imageViewportSize[1]);
// compute the view point y value for this row. Do this by
// taking our pixel position, adding the image origin then dividing
// by the full image size to get a number from 0 to 1-1/fullSize. Then,
// multiply by two and subtract one to get a number from
// -1 to 1 - 2/fullSize. Then add offsetX (which is 1/fullSize) to
// center it.
viewRay[1] = ((static_cast<float>(y) +
static_cast<float>(imageOrigin[1])) /
imageViewportSize[1]) * 2.0 - 1.0 + offsetY;
// compute the view point x value for this pixel. Do this by
// taking our pixel position, adding the image origin then dividing
// by the full image size to get a number from 0 to 1-1/fullSize. Then,
// multiply by two and subtract one to get a number from
// -1 to 1 - 2/fullSize. Then add offsetX (which is 1/fullSize) to
// center it.
viewRay[0] = ((static_cast<float>(x) +
static_cast<float>(imageOrigin[0])) /
imageViewportSize[0]) * 2.0 - 1.0 + offsetX;
// Now transform this point with a z value of 0 for the ray start, and
// a z value of 1 for the ray end. This corresponds to the near and far
// plane locations. If IntermixIntersectingGeometry is on, then use
// the zbuffer value instead of 1.0
viewRay[2] = 0.0;
vtkVRCMultiplyPointMacro( viewRay, rayStart,
this->ViewToVoxelsArray );
viewRay[2] = this->RayCastImage->GetZBufferValue(x,y);
vtkVRCMultiplyPointMacro( viewRay, rayEnd,
this->ViewToVoxelsArray );
rayDirection[0] = rayEnd[0] - rayStart[0];
rayDirection[1] = rayEnd[1] - rayStart[1];
rayDirection[2] = rayEnd[2] - rayStart[2];
float originalRayStart[3];
originalRayStart[0] = rayStart[0];
originalRayStart[1] = rayStart[1];
originalRayStart[2] = rayStart[2];
// Initialize with 0, fill in with actual number of steps
// if necessary
*numSteps = 0;
if ( this->ClipRayAgainstVolume( rayStart,
this->CroppingBounds ) &&
( this->NumTransformedClippingPlanes == 0 ||
this->ClipRayAgainstClippingPlanes( rayStart,
this->TransformedClippingPlanes ) ) )
double worldRayDirection[3];
worldRayDirection[0] = rayDirection[0]*this->SavedSpacing[0];
worldRayDirection[1] = rayDirection[1]*this->SavedSpacing[1];
worldRayDirection[2] = rayDirection[2]*this->SavedSpacing[2];
double worldLength =
vtkMath::Normalize( worldRayDirection ) / this->SampleDistance;
rayDirection[0] /= worldLength;
rayDirection[1] /= worldLength;
rayDirection[2] /= worldLength;
float diff[3];
diff[0] = (rayStart[0] - originalRayStart[0])*((rayDirection[0]<0)?(-1):(1));
diff[1] = (rayStart[1] - originalRayStart[1])*((rayDirection[1]<0)?(-1):(1));
diff[2] = (rayStart[2] - originalRayStart[2])*((rayDirection[2]<0)?(-1):(1));
int steps = -1;
if ( diff[0] >= diff[1] && diff[0] >= diff[2] && rayDirection[0])
steps = 1 + static_cast<int>( diff[0] /
((rayDirection[0]<0)?(-rayDirection[0]):(rayDirection[0])) );
if ( diff[1] >= diff[0] && diff[1] >= diff[2] && rayDirection[2])
steps = 1 + static_cast<int>( diff[1] /
((rayDirection[1]<0)?(-rayDirection[1]):(rayDirection[1])) );
if ( diff[2] >= diff[0] && diff[2] >= diff[1] && rayDirection[2])
steps = 1 + static_cast<int>( diff[2] /
((rayDirection[2]<0)?(-rayDirection[2]):(rayDirection[2])) );
if ( steps > 0 )
rayStart[0] = originalRayStart[0] + steps*rayDirection[0];
rayStart[1] = originalRayStart[1] + steps*rayDirection[1];
rayStart[2] = originalRayStart[2] + steps*rayDirection[2];
if ( rayStart[0] > 0.0 && rayStart[1] > 0.0 && rayStart[2] > 0.0 )
pos[0] = this->ToFixedPointPosition(rayStart[0]);
pos[1] = this->ToFixedPointPosition(rayStart[1]);
pos[2] = this->ToFixedPointPosition(rayStart[2]);
dir[0] = this->ToFixedPointDirection(rayDirection[0]);
dir[1] = this->ToFixedPointDirection(rayDirection[1]);
dir[2] = this->ToFixedPointDirection(rayDirection[2]);
int stepLoop;
int stepsValid = 0;
unsigned int currSteps;
for ( stepLoop = 0; stepLoop < 3; stepLoop++ )
if ( !( dir[stepLoop]&0x7fffffff ) )
unsigned int endVal = this->ToFixedPointPosition(rayEnd[stepLoop]);
if ( dir[stepLoop]&0x80000000 )
if ( endVal > pos[stepLoop] )
currSteps = static_cast<unsigned int>(
1 + (endVal - pos[stepLoop])/(dir[stepLoop]&0x7fffffff));
currSteps = 0;
if ( pos[stepLoop] > endVal )
currSteps = 1 + (pos[stepLoop]- endVal)/dir[stepLoop];
currSteps = 0;
if ( !stepsValid || currSteps < *numSteps )
*numSteps = currSteps;
stepsValid = 1;
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::InitializeRayInfo( vtkVolume *vol )
if ( !vol )
// Copy the viewToVoxels matrix to 16 floats
int i, j;
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
this->ViewToVoxelsArray[j*4+i] =
// Copy the worldToVoxels matrix to 16 floats
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
this->WorldToVoxelsArray[j*4+i] =
// Copy the voxelsToWorld matrix to 16 floats
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
this->VoxelsToWorldArray[j*4+i] =
int dim[3];
this->CroppingBounds[0] = this->CroppingBounds[2] = this->CroppingBounds[4] = 0.0;
this->CroppingBounds[1] = dim[0]-1;
this->CroppingBounds[3] = dim[1]-1;
this->CroppingBounds[5] = dim[2]-1;
// Do some initialization of the clipping planes
this->NumTransformedClippingPlanes = (this->ClippingPlanes)?(this->ClippingPlanes->GetNumberOfItems()):(0);
// Clear out old clipping planes
delete [] this->TransformedClippingPlanes;
this->TransformedClippingPlanes = NULL;
// Do we have any clipping planes
if ( this->NumTransformedClippingPlanes > 0 )
// Allocate some space to store the plane equations
this->TransformedClippingPlanes = new float [4*this->NumTransformedClippingPlanes];
// loop through all the clipping planes
for ( i = 0; i < this->NumTransformedClippingPlanes; i++ )
// Convert plane into voxel coordinate system
double worldNormal[3], worldOrigin[3];
double inputOrigin[4];
vtkPlane *onePlane = (vtkPlane *)this->ClippingPlanes->GetItemAsObject(i);
float *planePtr = this->TransformedClippingPlanes + 4*i;
vtkVRCMultiplyNormalMacro( worldNormal,
this->VoxelsToWorldArray );
vtkVRCMultiplyPointMacro( worldOrigin, inputOrigin,
this->WorldToVoxelsArray );
float t = sqrt( planePtr[0]*planePtr[0] +
planePtr[1]*planePtr[1] +
planePtr[2]*planePtr[2] );
if ( t )
planePtr[0] /= t;
planePtr[1] /= t;
planePtr[2] /= t;
planePtr[3] = -(planePtr[0]*inputOrigin[0] +
planePtr[1]*inputOrigin[1] +
// If we have a simple crop box then we can tighten the bounds
if ( this->Cropping && this->CroppingRegionFlags == 0x2000 )
this->CroppingBounds[0] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[0];
this->CroppingBounds[1] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[1];
this->CroppingBounds[2] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[2];
this->CroppingBounds[3] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[3];
this->CroppingBounds[4] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[4];
this->CroppingBounds[5] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[5];
this->CroppingBounds[0] = (this->CroppingBounds[0] < 0)?(0):(this->CroppingBounds[0]);
this->CroppingBounds[0] = (this->CroppingBounds[0] > dim[0]-1)?(dim[0]-1):(this->CroppingBounds[0]);
this->CroppingBounds[1] = (this->CroppingBounds[1] < 0)?(0):(this->CroppingBounds[1]);
this->CroppingBounds[1] = (this->CroppingBounds[1] > dim[0]-1)?(dim[0]-1):(this->CroppingBounds[1]);
this->CroppingBounds[2] = (this->CroppingBounds[2] < 0)?(0):(this->CroppingBounds[2]);
this->CroppingBounds[2] = (this->CroppingBounds[2] > dim[1]-1)?(dim[1]-1):(this->CroppingBounds[2]);
this->CroppingBounds[3] = (this->CroppingBounds[3] < 0)?(0):(this->CroppingBounds[3]);
this->CroppingBounds[3] = (this->CroppingBounds[3] > dim[1]-1)?(dim[1]-1):(this->CroppingBounds[3]);
this->CroppingBounds[4] = (this->CroppingBounds[4] < 0)?(0):(this->CroppingBounds[4]);
this->CroppingBounds[4] = (this->CroppingBounds[4] > dim[2]-1)?(dim[2]-1):(this->CroppingBounds[4]);
this->CroppingBounds[5] = (this->CroppingBounds[5] < 0)?(0):(this->CroppingBounds[5]);
this->CroppingBounds[5] = (this->CroppingBounds[5] > dim[2]-1)?(dim[2]-1):(this->CroppingBounds[5]);
// Save spacing because for some reason this call is really really slow!
// Return 0 if our volume is outside the view frustum, 1 if it
// is in the view frustum.
int vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::ComputeRowBounds(vtkRenderer *ren,
int imageFlag,
int rowBoundsFlag,
int inputExtent[6] )
float voxelPoint[3];
float viewPoint[8][4];
int i, j, k;
unsigned short *ucptr;
float minX, minY, maxX, maxY, minZ, maxZ;
minX = 1.0;
minY = 1.0;
maxX = -1.0;
maxY = -1.0;
minZ = 1.0;
maxZ = 0.0;
float bounds[6];
int dim[3];
dim[0] = inputExtent[1] - inputExtent[0] + 1;
dim[1] = inputExtent[3] - inputExtent[2] + 1;
dim[2] = inputExtent[5] - inputExtent[4] + 1;
bounds[0] = bounds[2] = bounds[4] = 0.0;
bounds[1] = static_cast<float>(dim[0]-1);
bounds[3] = static_cast<float>(dim[1]-1);
bounds[5] = static_cast<float>(dim[2]-1);
int insideFlag = 0;
double camPos[4];
ren->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition( camPos );
camPos[3] = 1.0;
this->WorldToVoxelsMatrix->MultiplyPoint( camPos, camPos );
if ( camPos[3] )
camPos[0] /= camPos[3];
camPos[1] /= camPos[3];
camPos[2] /= camPos[3];
// If we have a simple crop box then we can tighten the bounds
if ( this->Cropping && this->CroppingRegionFlags == 0x2000 )
bounds[0] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[0];
bounds[1] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[1];
bounds[2] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[2];
bounds[3] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[3];
bounds[4] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[4];
bounds[5] = this->VoxelCroppingRegionPlanes[5];
if ( camPos[0] >= bounds[0] &&
camPos[0] <= bounds[1] &&
camPos[1] >= bounds[2] &&
camPos[1] <= bounds[3] &&
camPos[2] >= bounds[4] &&
camPos[2] <= bounds[5] )
insideFlag = 1;
// Copy the voxelsToView matrix to 16 floats
float voxelsToViewMatrix[16];
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
voxelsToViewMatrix[j*4+i] =
// Convert the voxel bounds to view coordinates to find out the
// size and location of the image we need to generate.
int idx = 0;
if ( insideFlag )
minX = -1.0;
maxX = 1.0;
minY = -1.0;
maxY = 1.0;
minZ = 0.001;
maxZ = 0.001;
for ( k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
voxelPoint[2] = bounds[4+k];
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
voxelPoint[1] = bounds[2+j];
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
voxelPoint[0] = bounds[i];
vtkVRCMultiplyPointMacro( voxelPoint, viewPoint[idx],
voxelsToViewMatrix );
minX = (viewPoint[idx][0]<minX)?(viewPoint[idx][0]):(minX);
minY = (viewPoint[idx][1]<minY)?(viewPoint[idx][1]):(minY);
maxX = (viewPoint[idx][0]>maxX)?(viewPoint[idx][0]):(maxX);
maxY = (viewPoint[idx][1]>maxY)?(viewPoint[idx][1]):(maxY);
minZ = (viewPoint[idx][2]<minZ)?(viewPoint[idx][2]):(minZ);
maxZ = (viewPoint[idx][2]>maxZ)?(viewPoint[idx][2]):(maxZ);
if ( minZ < 0.001 || maxZ > 0.9999 )
minX = -1.0;
maxX = 1.0;
minY = -1.0;
maxY = 1.0;
insideFlag = 1;
this->MinimumViewDistance =
int imageViewportSize[2];
int imageOrigin[2];
int imageMemorySize[2];
int imageInUseSize[2];
this->RayCastImage->GetImageViewportSize( imageViewportSize );
this->RayCastImage->GetImageOrigin( imageOrigin );
this->RayCastImage->GetImageMemorySize( imageMemorySize );
// We have min/max values from -1.0 to 1.0 now - we want to convert
// these to pixel locations. Give a couple of pixels of breathing room
// on each side if possible
minX = ( minX + 1.0 ) * 0.5 * imageViewportSize[0] - 2;
minY = ( minY + 1.0 ) * 0.5 * imageViewportSize[1] - 2;
maxX = ( maxX + 1.0 ) * 0.5 * imageViewportSize[0] + 2;
maxY = ( maxY + 1.0 ) * 0.5 * imageViewportSize[1] + 2;
// If we are outside the view frustum return 0 - there is no need
// to render anything
if ( ( minX < 0 && maxX < 0 ) ||
( minY < 0 && maxY < 0 ) ||
( minX > imageViewportSize[0]-1 &&
maxX > imageViewportSize[0]-1 ) ||
( minX > imageViewportSize[0]-1 &&
maxX > imageViewportSize[0]-1 ) )
return 0;
int oldImageMemorySize[2];
oldImageMemorySize[0] = imageMemorySize[0];
oldImageMemorySize[1] = imageMemorySize[1];
// Check the bounds - the volume might project outside of the
// viewing box / frustum so clip it if necessary
minX = (minX<0)?(0):(minX);
minY = (minY<0)?(0):(minY);
maxX = (maxX>imageViewportSize[0]-1)?
maxY = (maxY>imageViewportSize[1]-1)?
// Create the new image, and set its size and position
imageInUseSize[0] = static_cast<int>(maxX - minX + 1.0);
imageInUseSize[1] = static_cast<int>(maxY - minY + 1.0);
// What is a power of 2 size big enough to fit this image?
imageMemorySize[0] = 32;
imageMemorySize[1] = 32;
while ( imageMemorySize[0] < imageInUseSize[0] )
imageMemorySize[0] *= 2;
while ( imageMemorySize[1] < imageInUseSize[1] )
imageMemorySize[1] *= 2;
imageOrigin[0] = static_cast<int>(minX);
imageOrigin[1] = static_cast<int>(minY);
// If the old image size is much too big (more than twice in
// either direction) then set the old width to 0 which will
// cause the image to be recreated
if ( oldImageMemorySize[0] > 4*imageMemorySize[0] ||
oldImageMemorySize[1] > 4*imageMemorySize[1] )
oldImageMemorySize[0] = 0;
// If the old image is big enough (but not too big - we handled
// that above) then we'll bump up our required size to the
// previous one. This will keep us from thrashing.
if ( oldImageMemorySize[0] >= imageMemorySize[0] &&
oldImageMemorySize[1] >= imageMemorySize[1] )
imageMemorySize[0] = oldImageMemorySize[0];
imageMemorySize[1] = oldImageMemorySize[1];
if ( imageFlag )
this->RayCastImage->SetImageOrigin( imageOrigin );
this->RayCastImage->SetImageMemorySize( imageMemorySize );
this->RayCastImage->SetImageInUseSize( imageInUseSize );
// Do we already have a texture big enough? If not, create a new one and
// clear it.
if ( imageMemorySize[0] > oldImageMemorySize[0] ||
imageMemorySize[1] > oldImageMemorySize[1] )
delete [] this->RowBounds;
delete [] this->OldRowBounds;
if ( rowBoundsFlag )
// Create the row bounds array. This will store the start / stop pixel
// for each row. This helps eleminate work in areas outside the bounding
// hexahedron since a bounding box is not very tight. We keep the old ones
// too to help with only clearing where required
this->RowBounds = new int [2*imageMemorySize[1]];
this->OldRowBounds = new int [2*imageMemorySize[1]];
for ( i = 0; i < imageMemorySize[1]; i++ )
this->RowBounds[i*2] = imageMemorySize[0];
this->RowBounds[i*2+1] = -1;
this->OldRowBounds[i*2] = imageMemorySize[0];
this->OldRowBounds[i*2+1] = -1;
if ( !rowBoundsFlag )
return 1;
// Swap the row bounds
int *tmpptr;
tmpptr = this->RowBounds;
this->RowBounds = this->OldRowBounds;
this->OldRowBounds = tmpptr;
// If we are inside the volume our row bounds indicate every ray must be
// cast - we don't need to intersect with the 12 lines
if ( insideFlag )
for ( j = 0; j < imageInUseSize[1]; j++ )
this->RowBounds[j*2] = 0;
this->RowBounds[j*2+1] = imageInUseSize[0] - 1;
// create an array of lines where the y value of the first vertex is less
// than or equal to the y value of the second vertex. There are 12 lines,
// each containing x1, y1, x2, y2 values.
float lines[12][4];
float x1, y1, x2, y2;
int xlow, xhigh;
int lineIndex[12][2] = {{0,1}, {2,3}, {4,5}, {6,7},
{0,2}, {1,3} ,{4,6}, {5,7},
{0,4}, {1,5}, {2,6}, {3,7}};
for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
x1 = (viewPoint[lineIndex[i][0]][0]+1.0) *
0.5*imageViewportSize[0] - imageOrigin[0];
y1 = (viewPoint[lineIndex[i][0]][1]+1.0) *
0.5*imageViewportSize[1] - imageOrigin[1];
x2 = (viewPoint[lineIndex[i][1]][0]+1.0) *
0.5*imageViewportSize[0] - imageOrigin[0];
y2 = (viewPoint[lineIndex[i][1]][1]+1.0) *
0.5*imageViewportSize[1] - imageOrigin[1];
if ( y1 < y2 )
lines[i][0] = x1;
lines[i][1] = y1;
lines[i][2] = x2;
lines[i][3] = y2;
lines[i][0] = x2;
lines[i][1] = y2;
lines[i][2] = x1;
lines[i][3] = y1;
// Now for each row in the image, find out the start / stop pixel
// If min > max, then no intersection occurred
for ( j = 0; j < imageInUseSize[1]; j++ )
this->RowBounds[j*2] = imageMemorySize[0];
this->RowBounds[j*2+1] = -1;
for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
if ( j >= lines[i][1] && j <= lines[i][3] &&
( lines[i][1] != lines[i][3] ) )
x1 = lines[i][0] +
(static_cast<float>(j) - lines[i][1])/(lines[i][3] - lines[i][1]) *
(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0] );
xlow = static_cast<int>(x1 + 1.5);
xhigh = static_cast<int>(x1 - 1.0);
xlow = (xlow<0)?(0):(xlow);
xlow = (xlow>imageInUseSize[0]-1)?
xhigh = (xhigh<0)?(0):(xhigh);
xhigh = (xhigh>imageInUseSize[0]-1)?(
if ( xlow < this->RowBounds[j*2] )
this->RowBounds[j*2] = xlow;
if ( xhigh > this->RowBounds[j*2+1] )
this->RowBounds[j*2+1] = xhigh;
// If they are the same this is either a point on the cube or
// all lines were out of bounds (all on one side or the other)
// It is safe to ignore the point (since the ray isn't likely
// to travel through it enough to actually take a sample) and it
// must be ignored in the case where all lines are out of range
if ( this->RowBounds[j*2] == this->RowBounds[j*2+1] )
this->RowBounds[j*2] = imageMemorySize[0];
this->RowBounds[j*2+1] = -1;
for ( j = imageInUseSize[1]; j < imageMemorySize[1]; j++ )
this->RowBounds[j*2] = imageMemorySize[0];
this->RowBounds[j*2+1] = -1;
unsigned short *image = this->RayCastImage->GetImage();
for ( j = 0; j < imageMemorySize[1]; j++ )
if ( j%64 == 1 && this->RenderWindow->CheckAbortStatus() )
return 0;
// New bounds are not overlapping with old bounds - clear between
// old bounds only
if ( this->RowBounds[j*2+1] < this->OldRowBounds[j*2] ||
this->RowBounds[j*2] > this->OldRowBounds[j*2+1] )
ucptr = image + 4*( j*imageMemorySize[0] +
this->OldRowBounds[j*2] );
for ( i = 0;
i <= (this->OldRowBounds[j*2+1] - this->OldRowBounds[j*2]);
i++ )
*(ucptr++) = 0;
*(ucptr++) = 0;
*(ucptr++) = 0;
*(ucptr++) = 0;
// New bounds do overlap with old bounds
// Clear from old min to new min
ucptr = image + 4*( j*imageMemorySize[0] +
this->OldRowBounds[j*2] );
for ( i = 0;
i < (this->RowBounds[j*2] - this->OldRowBounds[j*2]);
i++ )
*(ucptr++) = 0;
*(ucptr++) = 0;
*(ucptr++) = 0;
*(ucptr++) = 0;
// Clear from new max to old max
ucptr = image + 4*( j*imageMemorySize[0] +
this->RowBounds[j*2+1]+1 );
for ( i = 0;
i < (this->OldRowBounds[j*2+1] - this->RowBounds[j*2+1]);
i++ )
*(ucptr++) = 0;
*(ucptr++) = 0;
*(ucptr++) = 0;
*(ucptr++) = 0;
return 1;
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::ComputeMatrices( double inputOrigin[3],
double inputSpacing[3],
int inputExtent[6],
vtkRenderer *ren,
vtkVolume *vol )
// Get the camera from the renderer
vtkCamera *cam = ren->GetActiveCamera();
// Get the aspect ratio from the renderer. This is needed for the
// computation of the perspective matrix
double *aspect = ren->GetAspect();
// Keep track of the projection matrix - we'll need it in a couple of places
// Get the projection matrix. The method is called perspective, but
// the matrix is valid for perspective and parallel viewing transforms.
// Don't replace this with the GetCompositePerspectiveTransformMatrix
// because that turns off stereo rendering!!!
0.0, 1.0 ));
// Compute the origin of the extent the volume origin is at voxel (0,0,0)
// but we want to consider (0,0,0) in voxels to be at
// (inputExtent[0], inputExtent[2], inputExtent[4]).
double extentOrigin[3];
extentOrigin[0] = inputOrigin[0] + inputExtent[0]*inputSpacing[0];
extentOrigin[1] = inputOrigin[1] + inputExtent[2]*inputSpacing[1];
extentOrigin[2] = inputOrigin[2] + inputExtent[4]*inputSpacing[2];
// Get the volume matrix. This is a volume to world matrix right now.
// We'll need to invert it, translate by the origin and scale by the
// spacing to change it to a world to voxels matrix.
this->VolumeMatrix->DeepCopy( vol->GetMatrix() );
this->VoxelsToViewTransform->SetMatrix( this->VolumeMatrix );
// Create a transform that will account for the scaling and translation of
// the scalar data. The is the volume to voxels matrix.
extentOrigin[2] );
this->VoxelsTransform->Scale( inputSpacing[0],
inputSpacing[2] );
// Now concatenate the volume's matrix with this scalar data matrix
this->VoxelsToViewTransform->Concatenate( this->VoxelsTransform->GetMatrix() );
// Now we actually have the world to voxels matrix - copy it out
this->WorldToVoxelsMatrix->DeepCopy( this->VoxelsToViewTransform->GetMatrix() );
// We also want to invert this to get voxels to world
this->VoxelsToWorldMatrix->DeepCopy( this->VoxelsToViewTransform->GetMatrix() );
// Compute the voxels to view transform by concatenating the
// voxels to world matrix with the projection matrix (world to view)
this->VoxelsToViewTransform->Concatenate( this->PerspectiveMatrix );
this->VoxelsToViewMatrix->DeepCopy( this->VoxelsToViewTransform->GetMatrix() );
this->ViewToVoxelsMatrix->DeepCopy( this->VoxelsToViewMatrix );
int vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::ClipRayAgainstClippingPlanes( float rayStart[3],
float rayEnd[3],
int numClippingPlanes,
float *clippingPlanes )
float *planePtr;
int i;
float t, point[3], dp;
float rayDir[3];
rayDir[0] = rayEnd[0] - rayStart[0];
rayDir[1] = rayEnd[1] - rayStart[1];
rayDir[2] = rayEnd[2] - rayStart[2];
// loop through all the clipping planes
for ( i = 0; i < numClippingPlanes; i++ )
planePtr = clippingPlanes + 4*i;
dp =
planePtr[0]*rayDir[0] +
planePtr[1]*rayDir[1] +
if ( dp != 0.0 )
t =
-( planePtr[0]*rayStart[0] +
planePtr[1]*rayStart[1] +
planePtr[2]*rayStart[2] + planePtr[3]) / dp;
if ( t > 0.0 && t < 1.0 )
point[0] = rayStart[0] + t*rayDir[0];
point[1] = rayStart[1] + t*rayDir[1];
point[2] = rayStart[2] + t*rayDir[2];
if ( dp > 0.0 )
rayStart[0] = point[0];
rayStart[1] = point[1];
rayStart[2] = point[2];
rayEnd[0] = point[0];
rayEnd[1] = point[1];
rayEnd[2] = point[2];
rayDir[0] = rayEnd[0] - rayStart[0];
rayDir[1] = rayEnd[1] - rayStart[1];
rayDir[2] = rayEnd[2] - rayStart[2];
// If the clipping plane is outside the ray segment, then
// figure out if that means the ray segment goes to zero (if so
// return 0) or doesn't affect it (if so do nothing)
if ( dp >= 0.0 && t >= 1.0 )
return 0;
if ( dp <= 0.0 && t <= 0.0 )
return 0;
return 1;
int vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::ClipRayAgainstVolume( float rayStart[3],
float rayEnd[3],
float rayDirection[3],
double bounds[6] )
int loop;
float diff;
float t;
if ( rayStart[0] >= bounds[1] ||
rayStart[1] >= bounds[3] ||
rayStart[2] >= bounds[5] ||
rayStart[0] < bounds[0] ||
rayStart[1] < bounds[2] ||
rayStart[2] < bounds[4] )
for ( loop = 0; loop < 3; loop++ )
diff = 0;
if ( rayStart[loop] < (bounds[2*loop]+0.01) )
diff = (bounds[2*loop]+0.01) - rayStart[loop];
else if ( rayStart[loop] > (bounds[2*loop+1]-0.01) )
diff = (bounds[2*loop+1]-0.01) - rayStart[loop];
if ( diff )
if ( rayDirection[loop] != 0.0 )
t = diff / rayDirection[loop];
t = -1.0;
if ( t > 0.0 )
rayStart[0] += rayDirection[0] * t;
rayStart[1] += rayDirection[1] * t;
rayStart[2] += rayDirection[2] * t;
// If the voxel still isn't inside the volume, then this ray
// doesn't really intersect the volume
if ( rayStart[0] >= bounds[1] ||
rayStart[1] >= bounds[3] ||
rayStart[2] >= bounds[5] ||
rayStart[0] < bounds[0] ||
rayStart[1] < bounds[2] ||
rayStart[2] < bounds[4] )
return 0;
// The ray does intersect the volume, and we have a starting
// position that is inside the volume
if ( rayEnd[0] >= bounds[1] ||
rayEnd[1] >= bounds[3] ||
rayEnd[2] >= bounds[5] ||
rayEnd[0] < bounds[0] ||
rayEnd[1] < bounds[2] ||
rayEnd[2] < bounds[4] )
for ( loop = 0; loop < 3; loop++ )
diff = 0;
if ( rayEnd[loop] < (bounds[2*loop]+0.01) )
diff = (bounds[2*loop]+0.01) - rayEnd[loop];
else if ( rayEnd[loop] > (bounds[2*loop+1]-0.01) )
diff = (bounds[2*loop+1]-0.01) - rayEnd[loop];
if ( diff )
if ( rayDirection[loop] != 0.0 )
t = diff / rayDirection[loop];
t = 1.0;
if ( t < 0.0 )
rayEnd[0] += rayDirection[0] * t;
rayEnd[1] += rayDirection[1] * t;
rayEnd[2] += rayDirection[2] * t;
// To be absolutely certain our ray remains inside the volume,
// recompute the ray direction (since it has changed - it is not
// normalized and therefore changes when start/end change) and move
// the start/end points in by 1/1000th of the distance.
float offset;
offset = (rayEnd[0] - rayStart[0])*0.001;
rayStart[0] += offset;
rayEnd[0] -= offset;
offset = (rayEnd[1] - rayStart[1])*0.001;
rayStart[1] += offset;
rayEnd[1] -= offset;
offset = (rayEnd[2] - rayStart[2])*0.001;
rayStart[2] += offset;
rayEnd[2] -= offset;
if ( rayEnd[0] >= bounds[1] ||
rayEnd[1] >= bounds[3] ||
rayEnd[2] >= bounds[5] ||
rayEnd[0] < bounds[0] ||
rayEnd[1] < bounds[2] ||
rayEnd[2] < bounds[4] )
return 0;
if ( (rayEnd[0]-rayStart[0])*rayDirection[0] < 0.0 ||
(rayEnd[1]-rayStart[1])*rayDirection[1] < 0.0 ||
(rayEnd[2]-rayStart[2])*rayDirection[2] < 0.0 )
return 0;
return 1;
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::ComputeGradients( vtkVolume *vol )
vtkImageData *input = this->GetInput();
void *dataPtr = input->GetScalarPointer();
int scalarType = input->GetScalarType();
int components = input->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetNumberOfComponents();
int independent = vol->GetProperty()->GetIndependentComponents();
int dim[3];
double spacing[3];
// Find the scalar range
double scalarRange[4][2];
int c;
for ( c = 0; c < components; c++ )
input->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetRange(scalarRange[c], c);
int sliceSize = dim[0]*dim[1]*((independent)?(components):(1));
int numSlices = dim[2];
int i;
// Delete the prior gradient normal information
if ( this->GradientNormal )
// Contiguous? Delete in one chunk otherwise delete slice by slice
if ( this->ContiguousGradientNormal )
delete [] this->ContiguousGradientNormal;
this->ContiguousGradientNormal = NULL;
for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfGradientSlices; i++ )
delete [] this->GradientNormal[i];
delete [] this->GradientNormal;
this->GradientNormal = NULL;
// Delete the prior gradient magnitude information
if ( this->GradientMagnitude )
// Contiguous? Delete in one chunk otherwise delete slice by slice
if ( this->ContiguousGradientMagnitude )
delete [] this->ContiguousGradientMagnitude;
this->ContiguousGradientMagnitude = NULL;
for ( i = 0; i < this->NumberOfGradientSlices; i++ )
delete [] this->GradientMagnitude[i];
delete [] this->GradientMagnitude;
this->GradientMagnitude = NULL;
this->NumberOfGradientSlices = numSlices;
this->GradientNormal = new unsigned short *[numSlices];
this->GradientMagnitude = new unsigned char *[numSlices];
// first, attempt contiguous memory. If this fails, then go
// for non-contiguous
this->ContiguousGradientNormal = new unsigned short [numSlices * sliceSize];
this->ContiguousGradientMagnitude = new unsigned char [numSlices * sliceSize];
if ( this->ContiguousGradientNormal )
// We were able to allocate contiguous space - we just need to set the
// slice pointers here
for ( i = 0; i < numSlices; i++ )
this->GradientNormal[i] = this->ContiguousGradientNormal + i*sliceSize;
// We were not able to allocate contigous space - allocate it slice by slice
for ( i = 0; i < numSlices; i++ )
this->GradientNormal[i] = new unsigned short [sliceSize];
if ( this->ContiguousGradientMagnitude )
// We were able to allocate contiguous space - we just need to set the
// slice pointers here
for ( i = 0; i < numSlices; i++ )
this->GradientMagnitude[i] = this->ContiguousGradientMagnitude + i*sliceSize;
// We were not able to allocate contigous space - allocate it slice by slice
for ( i = 0; i < numSlices; i++ )
this->GradientMagnitude[i] = new unsigned char [sliceSize];
switch ( scalarType )
(VTK_TT *)(dataPtr), dim, spacing, components,
independent, scalarRange,
this) );
int vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::UpdateShadingTable( vtkRenderer *ren,
vtkVolume *vol )
if ( this->ShadingRequired == 0 )
return 0;
// How many components?
int components = this->GetInput()->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetNumberOfComponents();
int c;
for ( c = 0; c < ((vol->GetProperty()->GetIndependentComponents())?(components):(1)); c++ )
this->GradientShader->SetActiveComponent( c );
this->GradientShader->UpdateShadingTable( ren, vol, this->GradientEstimator );
float *r = this->GradientShader->GetRedDiffuseShadingTable(vol);
float *g = this->GradientShader->GetGreenDiffuseShadingTable(vol);
float *b = this->GradientShader->GetBlueDiffuseShadingTable(vol);
float *rptr = r;
float *gptr = g;
float *bptr = b;
unsigned short *tablePtr = this->DiffuseShadingTable[c];
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < this->DirectionEncoder->GetNumberOfEncodedDirections(); i++ )
*(tablePtr++) = static_cast<unsigned short>((*(rptr++))*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
*(tablePtr++) = static_cast<unsigned short>((*(gptr++))*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
*(tablePtr++) = static_cast<unsigned short>((*(bptr++))*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
r = this->GradientShader->GetRedSpecularShadingTable(vol);
g = this->GradientShader->GetGreenSpecularShadingTable(vol);
b = this->GradientShader->GetBlueSpecularShadingTable(vol);
rptr = r;
gptr = g;
bptr = b;
tablePtr = this->SpecularShadingTable[c];
for ( i = 0; i < this->DirectionEncoder->GetNumberOfEncodedDirections(); i++ )
*(tablePtr++) = static_cast<unsigned short>((*(rptr++))*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
*(tablePtr++) = static_cast<unsigned short>((*(gptr++))*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
*(tablePtr++) = static_cast<unsigned short>((*(bptr++))*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
return 1;
int vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::UpdateGradients( vtkVolume *vol )
int needToUpdate = 0;
this->GradientOpacityRequired = 0;
this->ShadingRequired = 0;
// Get the image data
vtkImageData *input = this->GetInput();
if ( vol->GetProperty()->GetShade() )
needToUpdate = 1;
this->ShadingRequired = 1;
for ( int c = 0; c < input->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetNumberOfComponents(); c++ )
vtkPiecewiseFunction *f = vol->GetProperty()->GetGradientOpacity(c);
if ( strcmp(f->GetType(), "Constant") || f->GetValue(0.0) != 1.0 )
needToUpdate = 1;
this->GradientOpacityRequired = 1;
if ( !needToUpdate )
return 0;
// Check if the input has changed
if ( input == this->SavedGradientsInput &&
input->GetMTime() < this->SavedGradientsMTime.GetMTime() )
return 0;
this->ComputeGradients( vol );
// Time to save the input used to update the tabes
this->SavedGradientsInput = this->GetInput();
return 1;
int vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::UpdateColorTable( vtkVolume *vol )
int needToUpdate = 0;
// Get the image data
vtkImageData *input = this->GetInput();
// Has the data itself changed?
if ( input != this->SavedParametersInput ||
input->GetMTime() > this->SavedParametersMTime.GetMTime() )
needToUpdate = 1;
// What is the blending mode?
int blendMode = this->GetBlendMode();
if ( blendMode != this->SavedBlendMode )
needToUpdate = 1;
// How many components?
int components = input->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetNumberOfComponents();
// Has the sample distance changed?
if ( this->SavedSampleDistance != this->SampleDistance )
needToUpdate = 1;
vtkColorTransferFunction *rgbFunc[4];
vtkPiecewiseFunction *grayFunc[4];
vtkPiecewiseFunction *scalarOpacityFunc[4];
vtkPiecewiseFunction *gradientOpacityFunc[4];
int colorChannels[4];
float scalarOpacityDistance[4];
int c;
for ( c = 0; c < ((vol->GetProperty()->GetIndependentComponents())?(components):(1)); c++ )
colorChannels[c] = vol->GetProperty()->GetColorChannels(c);
if ( colorChannels[c] == 1 )
rgbFunc[c] = NULL;
grayFunc[c] = vol->GetProperty()->GetGrayTransferFunction(c);
rgbFunc[c] = vol->GetProperty()->GetRGBTransferFunction(c);
grayFunc[c] = NULL;
scalarOpacityFunc[c] = vol->GetProperty()->GetScalarOpacity(c);
gradientOpacityFunc[c] = vol->GetProperty()->GetGradientOpacity(c);
scalarOpacityDistance[c] = vol->GetProperty()->GetScalarOpacityUnitDistance(c);
// Has the number of color channels changed?
if ( this->SavedColorChannels[c] != colorChannels[c] )
needToUpdate = 1;
// Has the color transfer function changed in some way,
// and we are using it?
if ( colorChannels[c] == 3 )
if ( this->SavedRGBFunction[c] != rgbFunc[c] ||
this->SavedParametersMTime.GetMTime() < rgbFunc[c]->GetMTime() )
needToUpdate = 1;
// Has the gray transfer function changed in some way,
// and we are using it?
if ( colorChannels[c] == 1 )
if ( this->SavedGrayFunction[c] != grayFunc[c] ||
this->SavedParametersMTime.GetMTime() < grayFunc[c]->GetMTime() )
needToUpdate = 1;
// Has the scalar opacity transfer function changed in some way?
if ( this->SavedScalarOpacityFunction[c] != scalarOpacityFunc[c] ||
this->SavedParametersMTime.GetMTime() < scalarOpacityFunc[c]->GetMTime() )
needToUpdate = 1;
// Has the gradient opacity transfer function changed in some way?
if ( this->SavedGradientOpacityFunction[c] != gradientOpacityFunc[c] ||
this->SavedParametersMTime.GetMTime() < gradientOpacityFunc[c]->GetMTime() )
needToUpdate = 1;
// Has the distance over which the scalar opacity function is defined changed?
if ( this->SavedScalarOpacityDistance[c] != scalarOpacityDistance[c] )
needToUpdate = 1;
// If we have not found any need to update, return now
if ( !needToUpdate )
return 0;
for ( c = 0; c < ((vol->GetProperty()->GetIndependentComponents())?(components):(1)); c++ )
this->SavedRGBFunction[c] = rgbFunc[c];
this->SavedGrayFunction[c] = grayFunc[c];
this->SavedScalarOpacityFunction[c] = scalarOpacityFunc[c];
this->SavedGradientOpacityFunction[c] = gradientOpacityFunc[c];
this->SavedColorChannels[c] = colorChannels[c];
this->SavedScalarOpacityDistance[c] = scalarOpacityDistance[c];
this->SavedSampleDistance = this->SampleDistance;
this->SavedBlendMode = blendMode;
this->SavedParametersInput = input;
int scalarType = input->GetScalarType();
int i;
float tmpArray[3*32768];
// Find the scalar range
double scalarRange[4][2];
for ( c = 0; c < components; c++ )
input->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetRange(scalarRange[c], c);
// Is the difference between max and min less than 32768? If so, and if
// the data is not of float or double type, use a simple offset mapping.
// If the difference between max and min is 32768 or greater, or the data
// is of type float or double, we must use an offset / scaling mapping.
// In this case, the array size will be 32768 - we need to figure out the
// offset and scale factor.
float offset;
float scale;
int arraySizeNeeded;
if ( scalarType == VTK_FLOAT ||
scalarType == VTK_DOUBLE ||
scalarRange[c][1] - scalarRange[c][0] > 32767 )
arraySizeNeeded = 32768;
offset = -scalarRange[c][0];
if ( scalarRange[c][1] - scalarRange[c][0] )
scale = 32767.0 / (scalarRange[c][1] - scalarRange[c][0]);
scale = 1.0;
arraySizeNeeded = (int)(scalarRange[c][1] - scalarRange[c][0] + 1);
offset = -scalarRange[c][0];
scale = 1.0;
this->TableSize[c] = arraySizeNeeded;
this->TableShift[c] = offset;
this->TableScale[c] = scale;
if ( vol->GetProperty()->GetIndependentComponents() )
for ( c = 0; c < components; c++ )
// Sample the transfer functions between the min and max.
if ( colorChannels[c] == 1 )
float tmpArray2[32768];
grayFunc[c]->GetTable( scalarRange[c][0], scalarRange[c][1],
this->TableSize[c], tmpArray2 );
for ( int index = 0; index < this->TableSize[c]; index++ )
tmpArray[3*index ] = tmpArray2[index];
tmpArray[3*index+1] = tmpArray2[index];
tmpArray[3*index+2] = tmpArray2[index];
rgbFunc[c]->GetTable( scalarRange[c][0], scalarRange[c][1],
this->TableSize[c], tmpArray );
// Convert color to short format
for ( i = 0; i < this->TableSize[c]; i++ )
this->ColorTable[c][3*i ] =
static_cast<unsigned short>(tmpArray[3*i ]*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
this->ColorTable[c][3*i+1] =
static_cast<unsigned short>(tmpArray[3*i+1]*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
this->ColorTable[c][3*i+2] =
static_cast<unsigned short>(tmpArray[3*i+2]*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
scalarOpacityFunc[c]->GetTable( scalarRange[c][0], scalarRange[c][1],
this->TableSize[c], tmpArray );
// Correct the opacity array for the spacing between the planes if we are
// using a composite blending operation
if ( this->BlendMode == vtkVolumeMapper::COMPOSITE_BLEND )
float *ptr = tmpArray;
double factor = this->SampleDistance / vol->GetProperty()->GetScalarOpacityUnitDistance(c);
for ( i = 0; i < this->TableSize[c]; i++ )
if ( *ptr > 0.0001 )
*ptr = 1.0-pow((double)(1.0-(*ptr)),factor);
// Convert tables to short format
for ( i = 0; i < this->TableSize[c]; i++ )
this->ScalarOpacityTable[c][i] =
static_cast<unsigned short>(tmpArray[i]*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
if ( scalarRange[c][1] - scalarRange[c][0] )
gradientOpacityFunc[c]->GetTable( 0,
(scalarRange[c][1] - scalarRange[c][0])*0.25,
256, tmpArray );
for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
this->GradientOpacityTable[c][i] =
static_cast<unsigned short>(tmpArray[i]*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
this->GradientOpacityTable[c][i] = 0x0000;
if ( components == 2 )
// Sample the transfer functions between the min and max.
if ( colorChannels[0] == 1 )
float tmpArray2[32768];
grayFunc[0]->GetTable( scalarRange[0][0], scalarRange[0][1],
this->TableSize[0], tmpArray2 );
for ( int index = 0; index < this->TableSize[0]; index++ )
tmpArray[3*index ] = tmpArray2[index];
tmpArray[3*index+1] = tmpArray2[index];
tmpArray[3*index+2] = tmpArray2[index];
rgbFunc[0]->GetTable( scalarRange[0][0], scalarRange[0][1],
this->TableSize[0], tmpArray );
// Convert color to short format
for ( i = 0; i < this->TableSize[0]; i++ )
this->ColorTable[0][3*i ] =
static_cast<unsigned short>(tmpArray[3*i ]*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
this->ColorTable[0][3*i+1] =
static_cast<unsigned short>(tmpArray[3*i+1]*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
this->ColorTable[0][3*i+2] =
static_cast<unsigned short>(tmpArray[3*i+2]*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
// The opacity table is indexed with the last component
scalarOpacityFunc[0]->GetTable( scalarRange[components-1][0], scalarRange[components-1][1],
this->TableSize[components-1], tmpArray );
// Correct the opacity array for the spacing between the planes if we are
// using a composite blending operation
if ( this->BlendMode == vtkVolumeMapper::COMPOSITE_BLEND )
float *ptr = tmpArray;
double factor =
this->SampleDistance / vol->GetProperty()->GetScalarOpacityUnitDistance();
for ( i = 0; i < this->TableSize[components-1]; i++ )
if ( *ptr > 0.0001 )
*ptr = 1.0-pow((double)(1.0-(*ptr)),factor);
// Convert tables to short format
for ( i = 0; i < this->TableSize[components-1]; i++ )
this->ScalarOpacityTable[0][i] =
static_cast<unsigned short>(tmpArray[i]*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
if ( scalarRange[components-1][1] - scalarRange[components-1][0] )
gradientOpacityFunc[0]->GetTable( 0,
(scalarRange[components-1][1] -
256, tmpArray );
for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
this->GradientOpacityTable[0][i] =
static_cast<unsigned short>(tmpArray[i]*VTKKW_FP_SCALE + 0.5);
for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
this->GradientOpacityTable[0][i] = 0x0000;
return 1;
int vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::ShouldUseNearestNeighborInterpolation( vtkVolume *vol )
// return ( this->UseShortCuts ||
// vol->GetProperty()->GetInterpolationType() == VTK_NEAREST_INTERPOLATION );
return ( vol->GetProperty()->GetInterpolationType() == VTK_NEAREST_INTERPOLATION );
// Print method for vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper
void vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
os << indent << "Sample Distance: " << this->SampleDistance << endl;
os << indent << "Interactive Sample Distance: "
<< this->InteractiveSampleDistance << endl;
os << indent << "Image Sample Distance: "
<< this->ImageSampleDistance << endl;
os << indent << "Minimum Image Sample Distance: "
<< this->MinimumImageSampleDistance << endl;
os << indent << "Maximum Image Sample Distance: "
<< this->MaximumImageSampleDistance << endl;
os << indent << "Auto Adjust Sample Distances: "
<< this->AutoAdjustSampleDistances << endl;
os << indent << "Intermix Intersecting Geometry: "
<< (this->IntermixIntersectingGeometry ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
os << indent << "ShadingRequired: " << this->ShadingRequired << endl;
os << indent << "GradientOpacityRequired: " << this->GradientOpacityRequired
<< endl;
if ( this->RayCastImage )
os << indent << "Ray Cast Image:\n";
os << indent << "Ray Cast Image: (none)\n";
os << indent << "RenderWindow: " << this->RenderWindow << endl;
os << indent << "CompositeHelper: " << this->CompositeHelper << endl;
os << indent << "CompositeShadeHelper: " << this->CompositeShadeHelper
<< endl;
os << indent << "CompositeGOHelper: " << this->CompositeGOHelper << endl;
os << indent << "CompositeGOShadeHelper: " << this->CompositeGOShadeHelper
<< endl;
os << indent << "MIPHelper: " << this->MIPHelper << endl;
os << indent << "TableShift: " << this->TableShift[0] << " "
<< this->TableShift[1] << " " << this->TableShift[2] << " "
<< this->TableShift[3] << endl;
os << indent << "TableScale: " << this->TableScale[0] << " "
<< this->TableScale[1] << " " << this->TableScale[2] << " "
<< this->TableScale[3] << endl;