Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

445 lines
14 KiB

package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
# Create the RenderWindow, Renderer and both Actors
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
# create a soccer ball
vtkPoints points
# first point repeated because polygons were 1-offset
points InsertNextPoint 0.348012 0 0.93749
points InsertNextPoint 0.348012 0 0.93749
points InsertNextPoint 0.107542 0.330979 0.93749
points InsertNextPoint -0.281548 0.204556 0.93749
points InsertNextPoint -0.281548 -0.204556 0.93749
points InsertNextPoint 0.107542 -0.330979 0.93749
points InsertNextPoint 0.694318 0 0.719669
points InsertNextPoint 0.799191 -0.327801 0.502204
points InsertNextPoint 0.965027 -0.20654 0.154057
points InsertNextPoint 0.965027 0.20654 0.154057
points InsertNextPoint 0.799191 0.327801 0.502204
points InsertNextPoint 0.214556 0.660335 0.719669
points InsertNextPoint 0.558721 0.65878 0.502204
points InsertNextPoint 0.494641 0.853971 0.154057
points InsertNextPoint 0.101778 0.981619 0.154057
points InsertNextPoint -0.0647933 0.861372 0.502204
points InsertNextPoint -0.561715 0.40811 0.719669
points InsertNextPoint -0.453883 0.734949 0.502204
points InsertNextPoint -0.659322 0.734323 0.154057
points InsertNextPoint -0.902124 0.400134 0.154057
points InsertNextPoint -0.839236 0.204556 0.502204
points InsertNextPoint -0.561715 -0.40811 0.719669
points InsertNextPoint -0.839236 -0.204556 0.502204
points InsertNextPoint -0.902124 -0.400134 0.154057
points InsertNextPoint -0.659322 -0.734323 0.154057
points InsertNextPoint -0.453883 -0.734949 0.502204
points InsertNextPoint 0.214556 -0.660335 0.719669
points InsertNextPoint -0.0647933 -0.861372 0.502204
points InsertNextPoint 0.101778 -0.981619 0.154057
points InsertNextPoint 0.494641 -0.853971 0.154057
points InsertNextPoint 0.558721 -0.65878 0.502204
points InsertNextPoint 0.902124 0.400134 -0.154057
points InsertNextPoint 0.839236 0.204556 -0.502204
points InsertNextPoint 0.561715 0.40811 -0.719669
points InsertNextPoint 0.453883 0.734949 -0.502204
points InsertNextPoint 0.659322 0.734323 -0.154057
points InsertNextPoint -0.101778 0.981619 -0.154057
points InsertNextPoint 0.0647933 0.861372 -0.502204
points InsertNextPoint -0.214556 0.660335 -0.719669
points InsertNextPoint -0.558721 0.65878 -0.502204
points InsertNextPoint -0.494641 0.853971 -0.154057
points InsertNextPoint -0.965027 0.20654 -0.154057
points InsertNextPoint -0.799191 0.327801 -0.502204
points InsertNextPoint -0.694318 0 -0.719669
points InsertNextPoint -0.799191 -0.327801 -0.502204
points InsertNextPoint -0.965027 -0.20654 -0.154057
points InsertNextPoint -0.494641 -0.853971 -0.154057
points InsertNextPoint -0.558721 -0.65878 -0.502204
points InsertNextPoint -0.214556 -0.660335 -0.719669
points InsertNextPoint 0.0647933 -0.861372 -0.502204
points InsertNextPoint -0.101778 -0.981619 -0.154057
points InsertNextPoint 0.659322 -0.734323 -0.154057
points InsertNextPoint 0.453883 -0.734949 -0.502204
points InsertNextPoint 0.561715 -0.40811 -0.719669
points InsertNextPoint 0.839236 -0.204556 -0.502204
points InsertNextPoint 0.902124 -0.400134 -0.154057
points InsertNextPoint 0.281548 -0.204556 -0.93749
points InsertNextPoint -0.107542 -0.330979 -0.93749
points InsertNextPoint -0.348012 0 -0.93749
points InsertNextPoint -0.107542 0.330979 -0.93749
points InsertNextPoint 0.281548 0.204556 -0.93749
vtkCellArray faces
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 5
faces InsertCellPoint 4
faces InsertCellPoint 3
faces InsertCellPoint 2
faces InsertCellPoint 1
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 10
faces InsertCellPoint 9
faces InsertCellPoint 8
faces InsertCellPoint 7
faces InsertCellPoint 6
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 15
faces InsertCellPoint 14
faces InsertCellPoint 13
faces InsertCellPoint 12
faces InsertCellPoint 11
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 20
faces InsertCellPoint 19
faces InsertCellPoint 18
faces InsertCellPoint 17
faces InsertCellPoint 16
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 25
faces InsertCellPoint 24
faces InsertCellPoint 23
faces InsertCellPoint 22
faces InsertCellPoint 21
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 30
faces InsertCellPoint 29
faces InsertCellPoint 28
faces InsertCellPoint 27
faces InsertCellPoint 26
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 35
faces InsertCellPoint 34
faces InsertCellPoint 33
faces InsertCellPoint 32
faces InsertCellPoint 31
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 40
faces InsertCellPoint 39
faces InsertCellPoint 38
faces InsertCellPoint 37
faces InsertCellPoint 36
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 45
faces InsertCellPoint 44
faces InsertCellPoint 43
faces InsertCellPoint 42
faces InsertCellPoint 41
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 50
faces InsertCellPoint 49
faces InsertCellPoint 48
faces InsertCellPoint 47
faces InsertCellPoint 46
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 55
faces InsertCellPoint 54
faces InsertCellPoint 53
faces InsertCellPoint 52
faces InsertCellPoint 51
faces InsertNextCell 5
faces InsertCellPoint 60
faces InsertCellPoint 59
faces InsertCellPoint 58
faces InsertCellPoint 57
faces InsertCellPoint 56
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 2
faces InsertCellPoint 11
faces InsertCellPoint 12
faces InsertCellPoint 10
faces InsertCellPoint 6
faces InsertCellPoint 1
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 3
faces InsertCellPoint 16
faces InsertCellPoint 17
faces InsertCellPoint 15
faces InsertCellPoint 11
faces InsertCellPoint 2
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 4
faces InsertCellPoint 21
faces InsertCellPoint 22
faces InsertCellPoint 20
faces InsertCellPoint 16
faces InsertCellPoint 3
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 5
faces InsertCellPoint 26
faces InsertCellPoint 27
faces InsertCellPoint 25
faces InsertCellPoint 21
faces InsertCellPoint 4
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 1
faces InsertCellPoint 6
faces InsertCellPoint 7
faces InsertCellPoint 30
faces InsertCellPoint 26
faces InsertCellPoint 5
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 12
faces InsertCellPoint 13
faces InsertCellPoint 35
faces InsertCellPoint 31
faces InsertCellPoint 9
faces InsertCellPoint 10
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 17
faces InsertCellPoint 18
faces InsertCellPoint 40
faces InsertCellPoint 36
faces InsertCellPoint 14
faces InsertCellPoint 15
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 22
faces InsertCellPoint 23
faces InsertCellPoint 45
faces InsertCellPoint 41
faces InsertCellPoint 19
faces InsertCellPoint 20
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 27
faces InsertCellPoint 28
faces InsertCellPoint 50
faces InsertCellPoint 46
faces InsertCellPoint 24
faces InsertCellPoint 25
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 7
faces InsertCellPoint 8
faces InsertCellPoint 55
faces InsertCellPoint 51
faces InsertCellPoint 29
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faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 9
faces InsertCellPoint 31
faces InsertCellPoint 32
faces InsertCellPoint 54
faces InsertCellPoint 55
faces InsertCellPoint 8
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 14
faces InsertCellPoint 36
faces InsertCellPoint 37
faces InsertCellPoint 34
faces InsertCellPoint 35
faces InsertCellPoint 13
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 19
faces InsertCellPoint 41
faces InsertCellPoint 42
faces InsertCellPoint 39
faces InsertCellPoint 40
faces InsertCellPoint 18
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 24
faces InsertCellPoint 46
faces InsertCellPoint 47
faces InsertCellPoint 44
faces InsertCellPoint 45
faces InsertCellPoint 23
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 29
faces InsertCellPoint 51
faces InsertCellPoint 52
faces InsertCellPoint 49
faces InsertCellPoint 50
faces InsertCellPoint 28
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 32
faces InsertCellPoint 33
faces InsertCellPoint 60
faces InsertCellPoint 56
faces InsertCellPoint 53
faces InsertCellPoint 54
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 37
faces InsertCellPoint 38
faces InsertCellPoint 59
faces InsertCellPoint 60
faces InsertCellPoint 33
faces InsertCellPoint 34
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 42
faces InsertCellPoint 43
faces InsertCellPoint 58
faces InsertCellPoint 59
faces InsertCellPoint 38
faces InsertCellPoint 39
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 47
faces InsertCellPoint 48
faces InsertCellPoint 57
faces InsertCellPoint 58
faces InsertCellPoint 43
faces InsertCellPoint 44
faces InsertNextCell 6
faces InsertCellPoint 52
faces InsertCellPoint 53
faces InsertCellPoint 56
faces InsertCellPoint 57
faces InsertCellPoint 48
faces InsertCellPoint 49
vtkFloatArray faceColors
faceColors InsertNextValue 1
faceColors InsertNextValue 1
faceColors InsertNextValue 1
faceColors InsertNextValue 1
faceColors InsertNextValue 1
faceColors InsertNextValue 1
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faceColors InsertNextValue 2
faceColors InsertNextValue 2
faceColors InsertNextValue 2
faceColors InsertNextValue 2
faceColors InsertNextValue 2
faceColors InsertNextValue 2
faceColors InsertNextValue 2
faceColors InsertNextValue 2
vtkFloatArray vertexColors
vertexColors InsertNextValue 2
vertexColors InsertNextValue 2
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vertexColors InsertNextValue 2
vertexColors InsertNextValue 2
vertexColors InsertNextValue 2
vertexColors InsertNextValue 2
vertexColors InsertNextValue 2
vtkPolyData model
model SetPolys faces
model SetPoints points
[model GetCellData] SetScalars faceColors
[model GetPointData] SetScalars vertexColors
vtkTextureMapToSphere ballTC
ballTC SetInput model
vtkLookupTable lut
lut SetNumberOfColors 3
lut Build
lut SetTableValue 0 0 0 0 0
lut SetTableValue 1 1 .3 .3 1
lut SetTableValue 2 .8 .8 .9 1
vtkDataSetMapper mapper
mapper SetInputConnection [ballTC GetOutputPort]
mapper SetScalarModeToUseCellData
mapper SetLookupTable lut
mapper SetScalarRange 0 2
vtkPNMReader earth
earth SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/earth.ppm"
vtkTexture texture
texture SetInputConnection [earth GetOutputPort]
vtkActor soccerBall
soccerBall SetMapper mapper
soccerBall SetTexture texture
# Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size
ren1 AddActor soccerBall
ren1 SetBackground 0.1 0.2 0.4
renWin SetSize 300 300
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] SetPosition 4.19682 4.65178 6.23545
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] SetFocalPoint 0 0 0
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] SetViewAngle 21.4286
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] SetViewUp 0.451577 -0.833646 0.317981
# render the image
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
set cam1 [ren1 GetActiveCamera]
$cam1 Zoom 1.4
ren1 ResetCameraClippingRange
iren Initialize
# prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop
wm withdraw .