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110 lines
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110 lines
2.8 KiB
package require vtk
# This script blends images that consist of float data
vtkRenderWindow imgWin
imgWin SetSize 512 256
# Image pipeline
vtkTIFFReader inputImage
inputImage SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/beach.tif"
vtkBMPReader inputImage2
inputImage2 SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/masonry.bmp"
# shrink the images to a reasonable size
vtkImageShrink3D shrink1
shrink1 SetInputConnection [inputImage GetOutputPort]
shrink1 SetShrinkFactors 2 2 1
vtkImageShrink3D shrink2
shrink2 SetInputConnection [inputImage2 GetOutputPort]
shrink2 SetShrinkFactors 2 2 1
vtkImageShiftScale color
color SetOutputScalarTypeToFloat
color SetShift 0
color SetScale [expr 1.0/255]
color SetInputConnection [shrink1 GetOutputPort]
vtkImageShiftScale backgroundColor
backgroundColor SetOutputScalarTypeToFloat
backgroundColor SetShift 0
backgroundColor SetScale [expr 1.0/255]
backgroundColor SetInputConnection [shrink2 GetOutputPort]
# create a greyscale version
vtkImageLuminance luminance
luminance SetInputConnection [color GetOutputPort]
vtkImageLuminance backgroundLuminance
backgroundLuminance SetInputConnection [backgroundColor GetOutputPort]
# create an alpha mask
vtkImageThreshold alpha
alpha SetInputConnection [luminance GetOutputPort]
alpha ThresholdByLower 0.9
alpha SetInValue 1.0
alpha SetOutValue 0.0
# make luminanceAlpha and colorAlpha versions
vtkImageAppendComponents luminanceAlpha
luminanceAlpha AddInput [luminance GetOutput]
luminanceAlpha AddInput [alpha GetOutput]
vtkImageAppendComponents colorAlpha
colorAlpha AddInput [color GetOutput]
colorAlpha AddInput [alpha GetOutput]
set foregrounds "luminance luminanceAlpha color colorAlpha"
set backgrounds "backgroundColor backgroundLuminance"
set column 1
set row 1
set deltaX [expr 1.0/4.0]
set deltaY [expr 1.0/2.0]
foreach background $backgrounds {
foreach foreground $foregrounds {
vtkImageBlend blend${row}${column}
blend${row}${column} AddInput [$background GetOutput]
if { $background == "backgroundColor" || $foreground == "luminance" || $foreground == "luminanceAlpha" } {
blend${row}${column} AddInput [$foreground GetOutput]
blend${row}${column} SetOpacity 1 0.8
vtkImageMapper mapper${row}${column}
mapper${row}${column} SetInputConnection [blend${row}${column} GetOutputPort]
mapper${row}${column} SetColorWindow 1.0
mapper${row}${column} SetColorLevel 0.5
vtkActor2D actor${row}${column}
actor${row}${column} SetMapper mapper${row}${column}
vtkRenderer imager${row}${column}
imager${row}${column} AddActor2D actor${row}${column}
imager${row}${column} SetViewport [expr ($column - 1) * $deltaX] [expr ($row - 1) * $deltaY] [expr $column * $deltaX] [expr $row * $deltaY]
imgWin AddRenderer imager${row}${column}
incr column
incr row
set column 1
imgWin Render
wm withdraw .