Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
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# append multiple displaced spheres into an RGB image.
package require vtk
# Image pipeline
vtkRenderWindow imgWin
set logics "And Or Xor Nand Nor Not"
set types "Float Double UnsignedInt UnsignedLong UnsignedShort UnsignedChar"
set i 0
foreach operator $logics {
set ScalarType [lindex $types $i]
vtkImageEllipsoidSource sphere1${operator}
sphere1${operator} SetCenter 95 100 0
sphere1${operator} SetRadius 70 70 70
sphere1${operator} SetOutputScalarTypeTo${ScalarType}
vtkImageEllipsoidSource sphere2${operator}
sphere2${operator} SetCenter 161 100 0
sphere2${operator} SetRadius 70 70 70
sphere2${operator} SetOutputScalarTypeTo${ScalarType}
vtkImageLogic logic${operator}
logic${operator} SetInput1 [sphere1${operator} GetOutput]
logic${operator} SetInput2 [sphere2${operator} GetOutput]
logic${operator} SetOutputTrueValue 150
logic${operator} SetOperationTo${operator}
vtkImageMapper mapper${operator}
mapper${operator} SetInputConnection [logic${operator} GetOutputPort]
mapper${operator} SetColorWindow 255
mapper${operator} SetColorLevel 127.5
vtkActor2D actor${operator}
actor${operator} SetMapper mapper${operator}
vtkRenderer imager${operator}
imager${operator} AddActor2D actor${operator}
imgWin AddRenderer imager${operator}
incr i
imagerAnd SetViewport 0 .5 .33 1
imagerOr SetViewport .33 .5 .66 1
imagerXor SetViewport .66 .5 1 1
imagerNand SetViewport 0 0 .33 .5
imagerNor SetViewport .33 0 .66 .5
imagerNot SetViewport .66 0 1 .5
imgWin SetSize 768 512
imgWin Render
wm withdraw .