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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkImageReslice.h,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// .NAME vtkImageReslice - Reslices a volume along a new set of axes.
// .SECTION Description
// vtkImageReslice is the swiss-army-knife of image geometry filters:
// It can permute, rotate, flip, scale, resample, deform, and pad image
// data in any combination with reasonably high efficiency. Simple
// operations such as permutation, resampling and padding are done
// with similar efficiently to the specialized vtkImagePermute,
// vtkImageResample, and vtkImagePad filters. There are a number of
// tasks that vtkImageReslice is well suited for:
// <p>1) Application of simple rotations, scales, and translations to
// an image. It is often a good idea to use vtkImageChangeInformation
// to center the image first, so that scales and rotations occur around
// the center rather than around the lower-left corner of the image.
// <p>2) Resampling of one data set to match the voxel sampling of
// a second data set via the SetInformationInput() method, e.g. for
// the purpose of comparing two images or combining two images.
// A transformation, either linear or nonlinear, can be applied
// at the same time via the SetResliceTransform method if the two
// images are not in the same coordinate space.
// <p>3) Extraction of slices from an image volume. The most convenient
// way to do this is to use SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines() to
// specify the orientation of the slice. The direction cosines give
// the x, y, and z axes for the output volume. The method
// SetOutputDimensionality(2) is used to specify that want to output a
// slice rather than a volume. The SetResliceAxesOrigin() command is
// used to provide an (x,y,z) point that the slice will pass through.
// You can use both the ResliceAxes and the ResliceTransform at the
// same time, in order to extract slices from a volume that you have
// applied a transformation to.
// .SECTION Caveats
// This filter is very inefficient if the output X dimension is 1.
// .SECTION see also
// vtkAbstractTransform vtkMatrix4x4
#ifndef __vtkImageReslice_h
#define __vtkImageReslice_h
#include "vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm.h"
// interpolation mode constants
class vtkImageData;
class vtkAbstractTransform;
class vtkMatrix4x4;
class vtkImageStencilData;
class VTK_IMAGING_EXPORT vtkImageReslice : public vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm
static vtkImageReslice *New();
vtkTypeRevisionMacro(vtkImageReslice, vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm);
virtual void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
// Description:
// This method is used to set up the axes for the output voxels.
// The output Spacing, Origin, and Extent specify the locations
// of the voxels within the coordinate system defined by the axes.
// The ResliceAxes are used most often to permute the data, e.g.
// to extract ZY or XZ slices of a volume as 2D XY images.
// <p>The first column of the matrix specifies the x-axis
// vector (the fourth element must be set to zero), the second
// column specifies the y-axis, and the third column the
// z-axis. The fourth column is the origin of the
// axes (the fourth element must be set to one).
// <p>An alternative to SetResliceAxes() is to use
// SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines() to set the directions of the
// axes and SetResliceAxesOrigin() to set the origin of the axes.
virtual void SetResliceAxes(vtkMatrix4x4*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(ResliceAxes, vtkMatrix4x4);
// Description:
// Specify the direction cosines for the ResliceAxes (i.e. the
// first three elements of each of the first three columns of
// the ResliceAxes matrix). This will modify the current
// ResliceAxes matrix, or create a new matrix if none exists.
void SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(double x0, double x1, double x2,
double y0, double y1, double y2,
double z0, double z1, double z2);
void SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(const double x[3],
const double y[3],
const double z[3]) {
this->SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(x[0], x[1], x[2],
y[0], y[1], y[2],
z[0], z[1], z[2]); };
void SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(const double xyz[9]) {
this->SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2],
xyz[3], xyz[4], xyz[5],
xyz[6], xyz[7], xyz[8]); };
void GetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(double x[3], double y[3], double z[3]);
void GetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(double xyz[9]) {
this->GetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(&xyz[0], &xyz[3], &xyz[6]); };
double *GetResliceAxesDirectionCosines() {
return this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines; };
// Description:
// Specify the origin for the ResliceAxes (i.e. the first three
// elements of the final column of the ResliceAxes matrix).
// This will modify the current ResliceAxes matrix, or create
// new matrix if none exists.
void SetResliceAxesOrigin(double x, double y, double z);
void SetResliceAxesOrigin(const double xyz[3]) {
this->SetResliceAxesOrigin(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); };
void GetResliceAxesOrigin(double xyz[3]);
double *GetResliceAxesOrigin() {
return this->ResliceAxesOrigin; };
// Description:
// Set a transform to be applied to the resampling grid that has
// been defined via the ResliceAxes and the output Origin, Spacing
// and Extent. Note that applying a transform to the resampling
// grid (which lies in the output coordinate system) is
// equivalent to applying the inverse of that transform to
// the input volume. Nonlinear transforms such as vtkGridTransform
// and vtkThinPlateSplineTransform can be used here.
virtual void SetResliceTransform(vtkAbstractTransform*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(ResliceTransform, vtkAbstractTransform);
// Description:
// Set a vtkImageData from which the default Spacing, Origin,
// and WholeExtent of the output will be copied. The spacing,
// origin, and extent will be permuted according to the
// ResliceAxes. Any values set via SetOutputSpacing,
// SetOutputOrigin, and SetOutputExtent will override these
// values. By default, the Spacing, Origin, and WholeExtent
// of the Input are used.
virtual void SetInformationInput(vtkImageData*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(InformationInput, vtkImageData);
// Description:
// Specify whether to transform the spacing, origin and extent
// of the Input (or the InformationInput) according to the
// direction cosines and origin of the ResliceAxes before applying
// them as the default output spacing, origin and extent
// (default: On).
vtkSetMacro(TransformInputSampling, int);
vtkBooleanMacro(TransformInputSampling, int);
vtkGetMacro(TransformInputSampling, int);
// Description:
// Turn this on if you want to guarantee that the extent of the
// output will be large enough to ensure that none of the
// data will be cropped (default: Off).
vtkSetMacro(AutoCropOutput, int);
vtkBooleanMacro(AutoCropOutput, int);
vtkGetMacro(AutoCropOutput, int);
// Description:
// Turn on wrap-pad feature (default: Off).
vtkSetMacro(Wrap, int);
vtkGetMacro(Wrap, int);
vtkBooleanMacro(Wrap, int);
// Description:
// Turn on mirror-pad feature (default: Off).
// This will override the wrap-pad.
vtkSetMacro(Mirror, int);
vtkGetMacro(Mirror, int);
vtkBooleanMacro(Mirror, int);
// Description:
// Extend the apparent input border by a half voxel (default: On).
// This changes how interpolation is handled at the borders of the
// input image: if the center of an output voxel is beyond the edge
// of the input image, but is within a half voxel width of the edge
// (using the input voxel width), then the value of the output voxel
// is calculated as if the input's edge voxels were duplicated past
// the edges of the input.
// This has no effect if Mirror or Wrap are on.
vtkSetMacro(Border, int);
vtkGetMacro(Border, int);
vtkBooleanMacro(Border, int);
// Description:
// Set interpolation mode (default: nearest neighbor).
vtkSetMacro(InterpolationMode, int);
vtkGetMacro(InterpolationMode, int);
void SetInterpolationModeToNearestNeighbor() {
this->SetInterpolationMode(VTK_RESLICE_NEAREST); };
void SetInterpolationModeToLinear() {
this->SetInterpolationMode(VTK_RESLICE_LINEAR); };
void SetInterpolationModeToCubic() {
this->SetInterpolationMode(VTK_RESLICE_CUBIC); };
const char *GetInterpolationModeAsString();
// Description:
// Turn on and off optimizations (default on, they should only be
// turned off for testing purposes).
vtkSetMacro(Optimization, int);
vtkGetMacro(Optimization, int);
vtkBooleanMacro(Optimization, int);
// Description:
// Set the background color (for multi-component images).
vtkSetVector4Macro(BackgroundColor, double);
vtkGetVector4Macro(BackgroundColor, double);
// Description:
// Set background grey level (for single-component images).
void SetBackgroundLevel(double v) { this->SetBackgroundColor(v,v,v,v); };
double GetBackgroundLevel() { return this->GetBackgroundColor()[0]; };
// Description:
// Set the voxel spacing for the output data. The default output
// spacing is the input spacing permuted through the ResliceAxes.
vtkSetVector3Macro(OutputSpacing, double);
vtkGetVector3Macro(OutputSpacing, double);
void SetOutputSpacingToDefault() {
// Description:
// Set the origin for the output data. The default output origin
// is the input origin permuted through the ResliceAxes.
vtkSetVector3Macro(OutputOrigin, double);
vtkGetVector3Macro(OutputOrigin, double);
void SetOutputOriginToDefault() {
// Description:
// Set the extent for the output data. The default output extent
// is the input extent permuted through the ResliceAxes.
vtkSetVector6Macro(OutputExtent, int);
vtkGetVector6Macro(OutputExtent, int);
void SetOutputExtentToDefault() {
this->SetOutputExtent(VTK_INT_MIN, VTK_INT_MAX,
// Description:
// Force the dimensionality of the output to either 1, 2,
// 3 or 0 (default: 3). If the dimensionality is 2D, then
// the Z extent of the output is forced to (0,0) and the Z
// origin of the output is forced to 0.0 (i.e. the output
// extent is confined to the xy plane). If the dimensionality
// is 1D, the output extent is confined to the x axis.
// For 0D, the output extent consists of a single voxel at
// (0,0,0).
vtkSetMacro(OutputDimensionality, int);
vtkGetMacro(OutputDimensionality, int);
// Description:
// When determining the modified time of the filter,
// this check the modified time of the transform and matrix.
unsigned long int GetMTime();
// Description:
// Convenient methods for switching between nearest-neighbor and linear
// interpolation.
// InterpolateOn() is equivalent to SetInterpolationModeToLinear() and
// InterpolateOff() is equivalent to SetInterpolationModeToNearestNeighbor().
// You should not use these methods if you use the SetInterpolationMode
// methods.
void SetInterpolate(int t) {
if (t && !this->GetInterpolate()) {
this->SetInterpolationModeToLinear(); }
else if (!t && this->GetInterpolate()) {
this->SetInterpolationModeToNearestNeighbor(); } };
void InterpolateOn() {
this->SetInterpolate(1); };
void InterpolateOff() {
this->SetInterpolate(0); };
int GetInterpolate() {
return (this->GetInterpolationMode() != VTK_RESLICE_NEAREST); };
// Description:
// Use a stencil to limit the calculations to a specific region of
// the output. Portions of the output that are 'outside' the stencil
// will be cleared to the background color.
void SetStencil(vtkImageStencilData *stencil);
vtkImageStencilData *GetStencil();
vtkMatrix4x4 *ResliceAxes;
double ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[9];
double ResliceAxesOrigin[3];
vtkAbstractTransform *ResliceTransform;
vtkImageData *InformationInput;
int Wrap;
int Mirror;
int Border;
int InterpolationMode;
int Optimization;
double BackgroundColor[4];
double OutputOrigin[3];
double OutputSpacing[3];
int OutputExtent[6];
int OutputDimensionality;
int TransformInputSampling;
int AutoCropOutput;
int HitInputExtent;
vtkMatrix4x4 *IndexMatrix;
vtkAbstractTransform *OptimizedTransform;
void GetAutoCroppedOutputBounds(vtkInformation *inInfo, double bounds[6]);
virtual int RequestInformation(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **,
vtkInformationVector *);
virtual int RequestUpdateExtent(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **,
vtkInformationVector *);
virtual void ThreadedRequestData(vtkInformation *request,
vtkInformationVector **inputVector,
vtkInformationVector *outputVector,
vtkImageData ***inData,
vtkImageData **outData, int ext[6], int id);
virtual int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info);
vtkMatrix4x4 *GetIndexMatrix(vtkInformation *inInfo,
vtkInformation *outInfo);
vtkAbstractTransform *GetOptimizedTransform() {
return this->OptimizedTransform; };
vtkImageReslice(const vtkImageReslice&); // Not implemented.
void operator=(const vtkImageReslice&); // Not implemented.
inline const char *vtkImageReslice::GetInterpolationModeAsString()
switch (this->InterpolationMode)
return "NearestNeighbor";
return "Linear";
return "Cubic";
return "";