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# This little example shows how a cursor can be created in
# image viewers, and renderers. The standard TkImageViewerWidget and
# TkRenderWidget bindings are used. There is a new binding:
# middle button in the image viewer sets the position of the cursor.
# First we include the VTK Tcl packages which will make available
# all of the vtk commands to Tcl
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
# Global values
set CURSOR_X 20
set CURSOR_Y 20
set CURSOR_Z 20
# Pipeline stuff
vtkSLCReader reader
reader SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/neghip.slc"
# Cursor stuff
vtkImageMagnify magnify
magnify SetInputConnection [reader GetOutputPort]
magnify SetMagnificationFactors $IMAGE_MAG_X $IMAGE_MAG_Y $IMAGE_MAG_Z
vtkImageCursor3D image_cursor
image_cursor SetInputConnection [magnify GetOutputPort]
image_cursor SetCursorPosition \
[expr $CURSOR_X * $IMAGE_MAG_X] \
[expr $CURSOR_Y * $IMAGE_MAG_Y] \
image_cursor SetCursorValue 255
image_cursor SetCursorRadius [expr 50 * $IMAGE_MAG_X]
vtkAxes axes
axes SymmetricOn
axes SetScaleFactor 50.0
vtkPolyDataMapper axes_mapper
axes_mapper SetInputConnection [axes GetOutputPort]
vtkActor axesActor
axesActor SetMapper axes_mapper
[axesActor GetProperty] SetAmbient 0.5
# Image viewer stuff
vtkImageViewer viewer
viewer SetInputConnection [image_cursor GetOutputPort]
viewer SetZSlice [expr $CURSOR_Z * $IMAGE_MAG_Z]
viewer SetColorWindow 256
viewer SetColorLevel 128
proc viewer_down {viewer} {
viewer_set_z_slice $viewer [expr [$viewer GetZSlice] - 1]
proc viewer_up {viewer} {
viewer_set_z_slice $viewer [expr [$viewer GetZSlice] + 1]
proc viewer_set_z_slice {viewer z} {
global slice_label
$viewer SetZSlice $z
$slice_label configure -text "slice: $z"
$viewer Render
# Create transfer functions for opacity and color
vtkPiecewiseFunction opacity_transfer_function
opacity_transfer_function AddPoint 20 0.0
opacity_transfer_function AddPoint 255 0.2
vtkColorTransferFunction color_transfer_function
color_transfer_function AddRGBPoint 0 0 0 0
color_transfer_function AddRGBPoint 64 1 0 0
color_transfer_function AddRGBPoint 128 0 0 1
color_transfer_function AddRGBPoint 192 0 1 0
color_transfer_function AddRGBPoint 255 0 .2 0
# Create properties, mappers, volume actors, and ray cast function
vtkVolumeProperty volume_property
volume_property SetColor color_transfer_function
volume_property SetScalarOpacity opacity_transfer_function
vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction composite_function
vtkVolumeRayCastMapper volume_mapper
volume_mapper SetInputConnection [reader GetOutputPort]
volume_mapper SetVolumeRayCastFunction composite_function
vtkVolume volume
volume SetMapper volume_mapper
volume SetProperty volume_property
# Create outline
vtkOutlineFilter outline
outline SetInputConnection [reader GetOutputPort]
vtkPolyDataMapper outline_mapper
outline_mapper SetInputConnection [outline GetOutputPort]
vtkActor outlineActor
outlineActor SetMapper outline_mapper
eval [outlineActor GetProperty] SetColor 1 1 1
# Create the renderer
vtkRenderer ren1
ren1 AddActor axesActor
ren1 AddVolume volume
ren1 SetBackground 0.1 0.2 0.4
vtkRenderWindow renWin2
renWin2 AddRenderer ren1
renWin2 SetSize 256 256
# Create the GUI: two renderer widgets and a quit button
wm withdraw .
toplevel .top
# Set the window manager (wm command) so that it registers a
# command to handle the WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocal request. This
# request is triggered when the widget is closed using the standard
# window manager icons or buttons. In this case the exit callback
# will be called and it will free up any objects we created then exit
# the application.
wm protocol .top WM_DELETE_WINDOW ::vtk::cb_exit
# Help label, frame and quit button
set help_label [label \
-text "MiddleMouse (or shift-LeftMouse) in image viewer to place cursor"]
set display_frame [frame .top.f1]
set quit_button [button .top.btn \
-text Quit \
-command ::vtk::cb_exit]
# Pack the GUI
pack $help_label
pack $display_frame \
-fill both -expand t
pack $quit_button \
-fill x
# Create the viewer widget
set viewer_frame [frame $display_frame.vFm]
pack $viewer_frame \
-padx 3 -pady 3 \
-side left -anchor n \
-fill both -expand f
set viewer_widget [vtkTkImageViewerWidget $viewer_frame.v \
-width 264 \
-height 264 \
-iv viewer]
set viewer_controls [frame $viewer_frame.c]
pack $viewer_widget $viewer_controls \
-side top -anchor n \
-fill both -expand f
set down_button [button $viewer_controls.down \
-text "Down" \
-command [list viewer_down viewer]]
set up_button [button $viewer_controls.up \
-text "Up" \
-command [list viewer_up viewer]]
set slice_label [label $viewer_controls.slice \
-text "slice: [expr $CURSOR_Z * $IMAGE_MAG_Z]"]
pack $down_button $up_button $slice_label \
-side left \
-expand t -fill both
# Create the render widget
set renderer_frame [frame $display_frame.rFm]
pack $renderer_frame \
-padx 3 -pady 3 \
-side left -anchor n \
-fill both -expand t
set render_widget [vtkTkRenderWidget $renderer_frame.r \
-width 264 \
-height 264 \
-rw renWin2]
pack $render_widget \
-side top -anchor n \
-expand t -fill both
# Bindings
::vtk::bind_tk_imageviewer_widget $viewer_widget
$viewer_widget Render
::vtk::bind_tk_render_widget $render_widget
[[[$render_widget GetRenderWindow] GetInteractor] GetInteractorStyle] SetCurrentStyleToTrackballCamera
$render_widget Render
# Lets add an extra binding of the middle button in the image viewer
# to set the cursor location
bind $viewer_widget <Button-2> {SetCursorFromViewer %x %y}
bind $viewer_widget <Shift-Button-1> {SetCursorFromViewer %x %y}
# Supporting procedures
proc SetCursorFromViewer {x y} {
global viewer_widget
# we have to flip y axis because tk uses upper right origin.
set height [lindex [$viewer_widget configure -height] 4]
set y [expr $height - $y]
set z [viewer GetZSlice]
SetCursor [expr $x / $IMAGE_MAG_X] [expr $y / $IMAGE_MAG_Y] \
[expr $z / $IMAGE_MAG_Z]
proc SetCursor {x y z} {
set CURSOR_X $x
set CURSOR_Y $y
set CURSOR_Z $z
image_cursor SetCursorPosition [expr $CURSOR_X * $IMAGE_MAG_X] \
viewer Render
renWin2 Render