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# a generic interactor for tcl and vtk
catch {unset vtkInteract.bold}
catch {unset vtkInteract.normal}
catch {unset vtkInteract.tagcount}
set vtkInteractBold "-background #43ce80 -foreground #221133 -relief raised -borderwidth 1"
set vtkInteractNormal "-background #dddddd -foreground #221133 -relief flat"
set vtkInteractTagcount 1
set vtkInteractCommandList ""
set vtkInteractCommandIndex 0
proc vtkInteract {} {
global vtkInteractCommandList vtkInteractCommandIndex
global vtkInteractTagcount
proc dovtk {s w} {
global vtkInteractBold vtkInteractNormal vtkInteractTagcount
global vtkInteractCommandList vtkInteractCommandIndex
set tag [append tagnum $vtkInteractTagcount]
set vtkInteractCommandIndex $vtkInteractTagcount
incr vtkInteractTagcount 1
.vtkInteract.display.text configure -state normal
.vtkInteract.display.text insert end $s $tag
set vtkInteractCommandList [linsert $vtkInteractCommandList end $s]
eval .vtkInteract.display.text tag configure $tag $vtkInteractNormal
.vtkInteract.display.text tag bind $tag <Any-Enter> \
".vtkInteract.display.text tag configure $tag $vtkInteractBold"
.vtkInteract.display.text tag bind $tag <Any-Leave> \
".vtkInteract.display.text tag configure $tag $vtkInteractNormal"
.vtkInteract.display.text tag bind $tag <1> "dovtk [list $s] .vtkInteract"
.vtkInteract.display.text insert end \n;
.vtkInteract.display.text insert end [uplevel 1 $s]
.vtkInteract.display.text insert end \n\n
.vtkInteract.display.text configure -state disabled
.vtkInteract.display.text yview end
catch {destroy .vtkInteract}
toplevel .vtkInteract -bg #bbbbbb
wm title .vtkInteract "vtk Interactor"
wm iconname .vtkInteract "vtk"
frame .vtkInteract.buttons -bg #bbbbbb
pack .vtkInteract.buttons -side bottom -fill both -expand 0 -pady 2m
button .vtkInteract.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss \
-command "wm withdraw .vtkInteract" \
-bg #bbbbbb -fg #221133 -activebackground #cccccc -activeforeground #221133
pack .vtkInteract.buttons.dismiss -side left -expand 1 -fill x
frame .vtkInteract.file -bg #bbbbbb
label .vtkInteract.file.label -text "Command:" -width 10 -anchor w \
-bg #bbbbbb -fg #221133
entry .vtkInteract.file.entry -width 40 \
-bg #dddddd -fg #221133 -highlightthickness 1 -highlightcolor #221133
bind .vtkInteract.file.entry <Return> {
dovtk [%W get] .vtkInteract; %W delete 0 end
pack .vtkInteract.file.label -side left
pack .vtkInteract.file.entry -side left -expand 1 -fill x
frame .vtkInteract.display -bg #bbbbbb
text .vtkInteract.display.text -yscrollcommand ".vtkInteract.display.scroll set" \
-setgrid true -width 60 -height 8 -wrap word -bg #dddddd -fg #331144 \
-state disabled
scrollbar .vtkInteract.display.scroll \
-command ".vtkInteract.display.text yview" -bg #bbbbbb \
-troughcolor #bbbbbb -activebackground #cccccc -highlightthickness 0
pack .vtkInteract.display.text -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack .vtkInteract.display.scroll -side left -expand 0 -fill y
pack .vtkInteract.display -side bottom -expand 1 -fill both
pack .vtkInteract.file -pady 3m -padx 2m -side bottom -fill x
set vtkInteractCommandIndex 0
bind .vtkInteract <Down> {
if { $vtkInteractCommandIndex < [expr $vtkInteractTagcount - 1] } {
incr vtkInteractCommandIndex
set command_string [lindex $vtkInteractCommandList $vtkInteractCommandIndex]
.vtkInteract.file.entry delete 0 end
.vtkInteract.file.entry insert end $command_string
} elseif { $vtkInteractCommandIndex == [expr $vtkInteractTagcount - 1] } {
.vtkInteract.file.entry delete 0 end
bind .vtkInteract <Up> {
if { $vtkInteractCommandIndex > 0 } {
set vtkInteractCommandIndex [expr $vtkInteractCommandIndex - 1]
set command_string [lindex $vtkInteractCommandList $vtkInteractCommandIndex]
.vtkInteract.file.entry delete 0 end
.vtkInteract.file.entry insert end $command_string
wm withdraw .vtkInteract