Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.

32 lines
757 B

package require vtk
# This script shows how to use vtkImageEuclideanDistance
# Image pipeline
vtkPNGReader reader
reader SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/fullhead15.png"
vtkImageCast cast
cast SetOutputScalarTypeToShort
cast SetInputConnection [reader GetOutputPort]
vtkImageThreshold thresh
thresh SetInputConnection [cast GetOutputPort]
thresh ThresholdByUpper 2000.0
thresh SetInValue 0
thresh SetOutValue 200
thresh ReleaseDataFlagOff
vtkImageEuclideanDistance dist
dist SetInputConnection [thresh GetOutputPort]
dist SetAlgorithmToSaito
vtkImageViewer viewer
viewer SetInputConnection [dist GetOutputPort]
viewer SetColorWindow 117
viewer SetColorLevel 43
viewer Render
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] WindowLevelInterface.tcl]