54 lines
1.2 KiB
54 lines
1.2 KiB
package require vtk
# A script to test the stencil filter.
# removes all but a sphere.
vtkPNGReader reader
reader SetDataSpacing 0.8 0.8 1.5
reader SetDataOrigin 0.0 0.0 0.0
reader SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/fullhead15.png"
vtkSphere sphere
sphere SetCenter 128 128 0
sphere SetRadius 80
vtkImplicitFunctionToImageStencil functionToStencil
functionToStencil SetInput sphere
# test manual updating of stencil
set stencilOriginal [functionToStencil GetOutput]
$stencilOriginal SetSpacing 0.8 0.8 1.5
$stencilOriginal SetOrigin 0.0 0.0 0.0
$stencilOriginal SetUpdateExtent 0 255 0 255 0 0
$stencilOriginal Update
# test making a copying of the stencil (for coverage)
set stencilCopy [$stencilOriginal NewInstance]
$stencilCopy DeepCopy $stencilOriginal
vtkImageShiftScale shiftScale
shiftScale SetInputConnection [reader GetOutputPort]
shiftScale SetScale 0.2
vtkImageStencil stencil
stencil SetInputConnection [reader GetOutputPort]
stencil SetBackgroundInput [shiftScale GetOutput]
stencil SetStencil $stencilCopy
$stencilCopy UnRegister reader
vtkImageViewer viewer
viewer SetInputConnection [stencil GetOutputPort]
viewer SetZSlice 0
viewer SetColorWindow 2000
viewer SetColorLevel 1000
viewer Render