Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.

66 lines
1.7 KiB

package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
# Image pipeline
vtkRenderWindow imgWin
vtkImageCanvasSource2D image1
image1 SetNumberOfScalarComponents 3
image1 SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar
image1 SetExtent 0 79 0 79 0 0
image1 SetDrawColor 255 255 0
image1 FillBox 0 79 0 79
vtkImageCanvasSource2D image2
image2 SetNumberOfScalarComponents 3
image2 SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar
image2 SetExtent 0 79 0 79 0 0
image2 SetDrawColor 0 255 255
image2 FillBox 0 79 0 79
vtkImageMapper mapper
mapper SetInputConnection [image1 GetOutputPort]
mapper SetColorWindow 255
mapper SetColorLevel 127.5
vtkActor2D actor
actor SetMapper mapper
vtkRenderer imager
imager AddActor2D actor
imgWin AddRenderer imager
set wipes "Quad Horizontal Vertical LowerLeft LowerRight UpperLeft UpperRight"
foreach wipe $wipes {
vtkImageRectilinearWipe wiper${wipe}
wiper${wipe} SetInput 0 [image1 GetOutput]
wiper${wipe} SetInput 1 [image2 GetOutput]
wiper${wipe} SetPosition 20 20
wiper${wipe} SetWipeTo${wipe}
vtkImageMapper mapper${wipe}
mapper${wipe} SetInputConnection [wiper${wipe} GetOutputPort]
mapper${wipe} SetColorWindow 255
mapper${wipe} SetColorLevel 127.5
vtkActor2D actor${wipe}
actor${wipe} SetMapper mapper${wipe}
vtkRenderer imager${wipe}
imager${wipe} AddActor2D actor${wipe}
imgWin AddRenderer imager${wipe}
imagerQuad SetViewport 0 .5 .25 1
imagerHorizontal SetViewport .25 .5 .5 1
imagerVertical SetViewport .5 .5 .75 1
imagerLowerLeft SetViewport .75 .5 1 1
imagerLowerRight SetViewport 0 0 .25 .5
imagerUpperLeft SetViewport .25 0 .5 .5
imagerUpperRight SetViewport .5 0 .75 .5
imager SetViewport .75 0 1 .5
imgWin SetSize 400 200
imgWin Render
wm withdraw .