123 lines
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123 lines
4.4 KiB
9 months ago
% change this info string if making any custom modification
\ProvidesFile{sphinxlatexnumfig.sty}[2021/01/27 numbering]
% Requires: remreset (old LaTeX only)
% relates to numfig and numfig_secnum_depth configuration variables
% LaTeX 2018-04-01 and later provides \@removefromreset
{}% avoid warning
% Everything is delayed to \begin{document} to allow hyperref patches into
% \newcounter to solve duplicate label problems for internal hyperlinks to
% code listings (literalblock counter). User or extension re-definitions of
% \theliteralblock, et al., thus have also to be delayed. (changed at 3.5.0)
\def\thetable {\arabic{table}}%
% \ifspx@opt@usespart % <-- LaTeX writer could pass such a 'usespart' boolean
% % as sphinx.sty package option
% If document uses \part, (triggered in Sphinx by latex_toplevel_sectioning)
% LaTeX core per default does not reset chapter or section
% counters at each part.
% But if we modify this, we need to redefine \thechapter, \thesection to
% include the part number and this will cause problems in table of contents
% because of too wide numbering. Simplest is to do nothing.
% \fi
}% end of big \AtBeginDocument