This repository provides User Manual for setting up a Docker environment tailored for testing DGTD code.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

508 lines
22 KiB

8 months ago
from __future__ import annotations
import ast
import functools
import operator
import token
from collections import deque
from inspect import Parameter
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from docutils import nodes
from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.addnodes import desc_signature, pending_xref, pending_xref_condition
from sphinx.pycode.parser import Token, TokenProcessor
from sphinx.util.inspect import signature_from_str
from import Iterable, Iterator
from docutils.nodes import Element, Node
from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
def parse_reftarget(reftarget: str, suppress_prefix: bool = False,
) -> tuple[str, str, str, bool]:
"""Parse a type string and return (reftype, reftarget, title, refspecific flag)"""
refspecific = False
if reftarget.startswith('.'):
reftarget = reftarget[1:]
title = reftarget
refspecific = True
elif reftarget.startswith('~'):
reftarget = reftarget[1:]
title = reftarget.split('.')[-1]
elif suppress_prefix:
title = reftarget.split('.')[-1]
elif reftarget.startswith('typing.'):
title = reftarget[7:]
title = reftarget
if reftarget == 'None' or reftarget.startswith('typing.'):
# typing module provides non-class types. Obj reference is good to refer them.
reftype = 'obj'
reftype = 'class'
return reftype, reftarget, title, refspecific
def type_to_xref(target: str, env: BuildEnvironment, *,
suppress_prefix: bool = False) -> addnodes.pending_xref:
"""Convert a type string to a cross reference node."""
if env:
kwargs = {'py:module': env.ref_context.get('py:module'),
'py:class': env.ref_context.get('py:class')}
kwargs = {}
reftype, target, title, refspecific = parse_reftarget(target, suppress_prefix)
if env.config.python_use_unqualified_type_names:
# Note: It would be better to use qualname to describe the object to support support
# nested classes. But python domain can't access the real python object because this
# module should work not-dynamically.
shortname = title.split('.')[-1]
contnodes: list[Node] = [pending_xref_condition('', shortname, condition='resolved'),
pending_xref_condition('', title, condition='*')]
contnodes = [nodes.Text(title)]
return pending_xref('', *contnodes,
refdomain='py', reftype=reftype, reftarget=target,
refspecific=refspecific, **kwargs)
def _parse_annotation(annotation: str, env: BuildEnvironment) -> list[Node]:
"""Parse type annotation."""
short_literals = env.config.python_display_short_literal_types
def unparse(node: ast.AST) -> list[Node]:
if isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
return [nodes.Text(f"{unparse(node.value)[0]}.{node.attr}")]
if isinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
result: list[Node] = unparse(node.left)
return result
if isinstance(node, ast.BitOr):
return [addnodes.desc_sig_space(),
addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', '|'),
if isinstance(node, ast.Constant):
if node.value is Ellipsis:
return [addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', "...")]
if isinstance(node.value, bool):
return [addnodes.desc_sig_keyword('', repr(node.value))]
if isinstance(node.value, int):
return [addnodes.desc_sig_literal_number('', repr(node.value))]
if isinstance(node.value, str):
return [addnodes.desc_sig_literal_string('', repr(node.value))]
# handles None, which is further handled by type_to_xref later
# and fallback for other types that should be converted
return [nodes.Text(repr(node.value))]
if isinstance(node, ast.Expr):
return unparse(node.value)
if isinstance(node, ast.Invert):
return [addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', '~')]
if isinstance(node, ast.USub):
return [addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', '-')]
if isinstance(node, ast.List):
result = [addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', '[')]
if node.elts:
# check if there are elements in node.elts to only pop the
# last element of result if the for-loop was run at least
# once
for elem in node.elts:
result.append(addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', ','))
result.append(addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', ']'))
return result
if isinstance(node, ast.Module):
return functools.reduce(operator.iadd, (unparse(e) for e in node.body), [])
if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
return [nodes.Text(]
if isinstance(node, ast.Subscript):
if getattr(node.value, 'id', '') in {'Optional', 'Union'}:
return _unparse_pep_604_annotation(node)
if short_literals and getattr(node.value, 'id', '') == 'Literal':
return _unparse_pep_604_annotation(node)
result = unparse(node.value)
result.append(addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', '['))
result.append(addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', ']'))
# Wrap the Text nodes inside brackets by literal node if the subscript is a Literal
if result[0] in ('Literal', 'typing.Literal'):
for i, subnode in enumerate(result[1:], start=1):
if isinstance(subnode, nodes.Text):
result[i] = nodes.literal('', '', subnode)
return result
if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp):
return unparse(node.op) + unparse(node.operand)
if isinstance(node, ast.Tuple):
if node.elts:
result = []
for elem in node.elts:
result.append(addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', ','))
result = [addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', '('),
addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', ')')]
return result
raise SyntaxError # unsupported syntax
def _unparse_pep_604_annotation(node: ast.Subscript) -> list[Node]:
subscript = node.slice
flattened: list[Node] = []
if isinstance(subscript, ast.Tuple):
for elt in subscript.elts[1:]:
# e.g. a Union[] inside an Optional[]
if getattr(node.value, 'id', '') == 'Optional':
return flattened
tree = ast.parse(annotation, type_comments=True)
result: list[Node] = []
for node in unparse(tree):
if isinstance(node, nodes.literal):
elif isinstance(node, nodes.Text) and node.strip():
if (result and isinstance(result[-1], addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation) and
result[-1].astext() == '~'):
result.append(type_to_xref(str(node), env, suppress_prefix=True))
result.append(type_to_xref(str(node), env))
return result
except SyntaxError:
return [type_to_xref(annotation, env)]
class _TypeParameterListParser(TokenProcessor):
def __init__(self, sig: str) -> None:
signature = sig.replace('\n', '').strip()
# Each item is a tuple (name, kind, default, annotation) mimicking
# ``inspect.Parameter`` to allow default values on VAR_POSITIONAL
# or VAR_KEYWORD parameters.
self.type_params: list[tuple[str, int, Any, Any]] = []
def fetch_type_param_spec(self) -> list[Token]:
tokens = []
while current := self.fetch_token():
for ldelim, rdelim in ('(', ')'), ('{', '}'), ('[', ']'):
if current == [token.OP, ldelim]:
tokens += self.fetch_until([token.OP, rdelim])
if current == token.INDENT:
tokens += self.fetch_until(token.DEDENT)
elif current.match(
[token.OP, ':'], [token.OP, '='], [token.OP, ',']):
return tokens
def parse(self) -> None:
while current := self.fetch_token():
if current == token.NAME:
tp_name = current.value.strip()
if self.previous and self.previous.match([token.OP, '*'], [token.OP, '**']):
if self.previous == [token.OP, '*']:
tp_kind = Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL
tp_kind = Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD # type: ignore[assignment]
tp_kind = Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD # type: ignore[assignment]
tp_ann: Any = Parameter.empty
tp_default: Any = Parameter.empty
current = self.fetch_token()
if current and current.match([token.OP, ':'], [token.OP, '=']):
if current == [token.OP, ':']:
tokens = self.fetch_type_param_spec()
tp_ann = self._build_identifier(tokens)
if self.current and self.current == [token.OP, '=']:
tokens = self.fetch_type_param_spec()
tp_default = self._build_identifier(tokens)
if tp_kind != Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD and tp_ann != Parameter.empty:
msg = ('type parameter bound or constraint is not allowed '
f'for {tp_kind.description} parameters')
raise SyntaxError(msg)
type_param = (tp_name, tp_kind, tp_default, tp_ann)
def _build_identifier(self, tokens: list[Token]) -> str:
from itertools import chain, islice
def triplewise(iterable: Iterable[Token]) -> Iterator[tuple[Token, ...]]:
# sliding_window('ABCDEFG', 4) --> ABCD BCDE CDEF DEFG
it = iter(iterable)
window = deque(islice(it, 3), maxlen=3)
if len(window) == 3:
yield tuple(window)
for x in it:
yield tuple(window)
idents: list[str] = []
tokens: Iterable[Token] = iter(tokens) # type: ignore[no-redef]
# do not format opening brackets
for tok in tokens:
if not tok.match([token.OP, '('], [token.OP, '['], [token.OP, '{']):
# check if the first non-delimiter character is an unpack operator
is_unpack_operator = tok.match([token.OP, '*'], [token.OP, ['**']])
idents.append(self._pformat_token(tok, native=is_unpack_operator))
# check the remaining tokens
stop = Token(token.ENDMARKER, '', (-1, -1), (-1, -1), '<sentinel>')
is_unpack_operator = False
for tok, op, after in triplewise(chain(tokens, [stop, stop])):
ident = self._pformat_token(tok, native=is_unpack_operator)
# determine if the next token is an unpack operator depending
# on the left and right hand side of the operator symbol
is_unpack_operator = (
op.match([token.OP, '*'], [token.OP, '**']) and not (
tok.match(token.NAME, token.NUMBER, token.STRING,
[token.OP, ')'], [token.OP, ']'], [token.OP, '}'])
and after.match(token.NAME, token.NUMBER, token.STRING,
[token.OP, '('], [token.OP, '['], [token.OP, '{'])
return ''.join(idents).strip()
def _pformat_token(self, tok: Token, native: bool = False) -> str:
if native:
return tok.value
if tok.match(token.NEWLINE, token.ENDMARKER):
return ''
if tok.match([token.OP, ':'], [token.OP, ','], [token.OP, '#']):
return f'{tok.value} '
# Arithmetic operators are allowed because PEP 695 specifies the
# default type parameter to be *any* expression (so "T1 << T2" is
# allowed if it makes sense). The caller is responsible to ensure
# that a multiplication operator ("*") is not to be confused with
# an unpack operator (which will not be surrounded by spaces).
# The operators are ordered according to how likely they are to
# be used and for (possible) future implementations (e.g., "&" for
# an intersection type).
if tok.match(
# Most likely operators to appear
[token.OP, '='], [token.OP, '|'],
# Type composition (future compatibility)
[token.OP, '&'], [token.OP, '^'], [token.OP, '<'], [token.OP, '>'],
# Unlikely type composition
[token.OP, '+'], [token.OP, '-'], [token.OP, '*'], [token.OP, '**'],
# Unlikely operators but included for completeness
[token.OP, '@'], [token.OP, '/'], [token.OP, '//'], [token.OP, '%'],
[token.OP, '<<'], [token.OP, '>>'], [token.OP, '>>>'],
[token.OP, '<='], [token.OP, '>='], [token.OP, '=='], [token.OP, '!='],
return f' {tok.value} '
return tok.value
def _parse_type_list(
tp_list: str, env: BuildEnvironment,
multi_line_parameter_list: bool = False,
) -> addnodes.desc_type_parameter_list:
"""Parse a list of type parameters according to PEP 695."""
type_params = addnodes.desc_type_parameter_list(tp_list)
type_params['multi_line_parameter_list'] = multi_line_parameter_list
# formal parameter names are interpreted as type parameter names and
# type annotations are interpreted as type parameter bound or constraints
parser = _TypeParameterListParser(tp_list)
for (tp_name, tp_kind, tp_default, tp_ann) in parser.type_params:
# no positional-only or keyword-only allowed in a type parameters list
if tp_kind in {Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY}:
msg = ('positional-only or keyword-only parameters '
'are prohibited in type parameter lists')
raise SyntaxError(msg)
node = addnodes.desc_type_parameter()
if tp_kind == Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
node += addnodes.desc_sig_operator('', '*')
elif tp_kind == Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
node += addnodes.desc_sig_operator('', '**')
node += addnodes.desc_sig_name('', tp_name)
if tp_ann is not Parameter.empty:
annotation = _parse_annotation(tp_ann, env)
if not annotation:
node += addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', ':')
node += addnodes.desc_sig_space()
type_ann_expr = addnodes.desc_sig_name('', '',
*annotation) # type: ignore[arg-type]
# a type bound is ``T: U`` whereas type constraints
# must be enclosed with parentheses. ``T: (U, V)``
if tp_ann.startswith('(') and tp_ann.endswith(')'):
type_ann_text = type_ann_expr.astext()
if type_ann_text.startswith('(') and type_ann_text.endswith(')'):
node += type_ann_expr
# surrounding braces are lost when using _parse_annotation()
node += addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', '(')
node += type_ann_expr # type constraint
node += addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', ')')
node += type_ann_expr # type bound
if tp_default is not Parameter.empty:
# Always surround '=' with spaces, even if there is no annotation
node += addnodes.desc_sig_space()
node += addnodes.desc_sig_operator('', '=')
node += addnodes.desc_sig_space()
node += nodes.inline('', tp_default,
type_params += node
return type_params
def _parse_arglist(
arglist: str, env: BuildEnvironment, multi_line_parameter_list: bool = False,
) -> addnodes.desc_parameterlist:
"""Parse a list of arguments using AST parser"""
params = addnodes.desc_parameterlist(arglist)
params['multi_line_parameter_list'] = multi_line_parameter_list
sig = signature_from_str('(%s)' % arglist)
last_kind = None
for param in sig.parameters.values():
if param.kind != param.POSITIONAL_ONLY and last_kind == param.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
# PEP-570: Separator for Positional Only Parameter: /
params += addnodes.desc_parameter('', '', addnodes.desc_sig_operator('', '/'))
if param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY and last_kind in (param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD,
# PEP-3102: Separator for Keyword Only Parameter: *
params += addnodes.desc_parameter('', '', addnodes.desc_sig_operator('', '*'))
node = addnodes.desc_parameter()
if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
node += addnodes.desc_sig_operator('', '*')
node += addnodes.desc_sig_name('',
elif param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
node += addnodes.desc_sig_operator('', '**')
node += addnodes.desc_sig_name('',
node += addnodes.desc_sig_name('',
if param.annotation is not param.empty:
children = _parse_annotation(param.annotation, env)
node += addnodes.desc_sig_punctuation('', ':')
node += addnodes.desc_sig_space()
node += addnodes.desc_sig_name('', '', *children) # type: ignore[arg-type]
if param.default is not param.empty:
if param.annotation is not param.empty:
node += addnodes.desc_sig_space()
node += addnodes.desc_sig_operator('', '=')
node += addnodes.desc_sig_space()
node += addnodes.desc_sig_operator('', '=')
node += nodes.inline('', param.default, classes=['default_value'],
params += node
last_kind = param.kind
if last_kind == Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
# PEP-570: Separator for Positional Only Parameter: /
params += addnodes.desc_parameter('', '', addnodes.desc_sig_operator('', '/'))
return params
def _pseudo_parse_arglist(
signode: desc_signature, arglist: str, multi_line_parameter_list: bool = False,
) -> None:
""""Parse" a list of arguments separated by commas.
Arguments can have "optional" annotations given by enclosing them in
brackets. Currently, this will split at any comma, even if it's inside a
string literal (e.g. default argument value).
paramlist = addnodes.desc_parameterlist()
paramlist['multi_line_parameter_list'] = multi_line_parameter_list
stack: list[Element] = [paramlist]
for argument in arglist.split(','):
argument = argument.strip()
ends_open = ends_close = 0
while argument.startswith('['):
stack[-2] += stack[-1]
argument = argument[1:].strip()
while argument.startswith(']'):
argument = argument[1:].strip()
while argument.endswith(']') and not argument.endswith('[]'):
ends_close += 1
argument = argument[:-1].strip()
while argument.endswith('['):
ends_open += 1
argument = argument[:-1].strip()
if argument:
stack[-1] += addnodes.desc_parameter(
'', '', addnodes.desc_sig_name(argument, argument))
while ends_open:
stack[-2] += stack[-1]
ends_open -= 1
while ends_close:
ends_close -= 1
if len(stack) != 1:
raise IndexError
except IndexError:
# if there are too few or too many elements on the stack, just give up
# and treat the whole argument list as one argument, discarding the
# already partially populated paramlist node
paramlist = addnodes.desc_parameterlist()
paramlist += addnodes.desc_parameter(arglist, arglist)
signode += paramlist
signode += paramlist