This repository provides User Manual for setting up a Docker environment tailored for testing DGTD code.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

454 lines
16 KiB

9 months ago
from __future__ import annotations
import re
from os.path import abspath, relpath
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, cast
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.admonitions import BaseAdmonition
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.misc import Class
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.misc import Include as BaseInclude
from docutils.statemachine import StateMachine
from sphinx import addnodes
from import VersionChange # NoQA: F401 # for compatibility
from import StandardDomain
from sphinx.locale import _, __
from sphinx.util import docname_join, logging, url_re
from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective
from sphinx.util.matching import Matcher, patfilter
from sphinx.util.nodes import explicit_title_re
from import Sequence
from docutils.nodes import Element, Node
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.util.typing import ExtensionMetadata, OptionSpec
glob_re = re.compile(r'.*[*?\[].*')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def int_or_nothing(argument: str) -> int:
if not argument:
return 999
return int(argument)
class TocTree(SphinxDirective):
Directive to notify Sphinx about the hierarchical structure of the docs,
and to include a table-of-contents like tree in the current document.
has_content = True
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = False
option_spec = {
'maxdepth': int,
'name': directives.unchanged,
'caption': directives.unchanged_required,
'glob': directives.flag,
'hidden': directives.flag,
'includehidden': directives.flag,
'numbered': int_or_nothing,
'titlesonly': directives.flag,
'reversed': directives.flag,
def run(self) -> list[Node]:
subnode = addnodes.toctree()
subnode['parent'] = self.env.docname
# (title, ref) pairs, where ref may be a document, or an external link,
# and title may be None if the document's title is to be used
subnode['entries'] = []
subnode['includefiles'] = []
subnode['maxdepth'] = self.options.get('maxdepth', -1)
subnode['caption'] = self.options.get('caption')
subnode['glob'] = 'glob' in self.options
subnode['hidden'] = 'hidden' in self.options
subnode['includehidden'] = 'includehidden' in self.options
subnode['numbered'] = self.options.get('numbered', 0)
subnode['titlesonly'] = 'titlesonly' in self.options
wrappernode = nodes.compound(classes=['toctree-wrapper'])
ret = self.parse_content(subnode)
return ret
def parse_content(self, toctree: addnodes.toctree) -> list[Node]:
generated_docnames = frozenset(StandardDomain._virtual_doc_names)
suffixes = self.config.source_suffix
current_docname = self.env.docname
glob = toctree['glob']
# glob target documents
all_docnames = self.env.found_docs.copy() | generated_docnames
all_docnames.remove(current_docname) # remove current document
frozen_all_docnames = frozenset(all_docnames)
ret: list[Node] = []
excluded = Matcher(self.config.exclude_patterns)
for entry in self.content:
if not entry:
# look for explicit titles ("Some Title <document>")
explicit = explicit_title_re.match(entry)
url_match = url_re.match(entry) is not None
if glob and glob_re.match(entry) and not explicit and not url_match:
pat_name = docname_join(current_docname, entry)
doc_names = sorted(patfilter(all_docnames, pat_name))
for docname in doc_names:
if docname in generated_docnames:
# don't include generated documents in globs
all_docnames.remove(docname) # don't include it again
toctree['entries'].append((None, docname))
if not doc_names:
logger.warning(__("toctree glob pattern %r didn't match any documents"),
entry, location=toctree)
if explicit:
ref =
title =
docname = ref
ref = docname = entry
title = None
# remove suffixes (backwards compatibility)
for suffix in suffixes:
if docname.endswith(suffix):
docname = docname.removesuffix(suffix)
# absolutise filenames
docname = docname_join(current_docname, docname)
if url_match or ref == 'self':
toctree['entries'].append((title, ref))
if docname not in frozen_all_docnames:
if excluded(self.env.doc2path(docname, False)):
message = __('toctree contains reference to excluded document %r')
subtype = 'excluded'
message = __('toctree contains reference to nonexisting document %r')
subtype = 'not_readable'
logger.warning(message, docname, type='toc', subtype=subtype,
if docname in all_docnames:
logger.warning(__('duplicated entry found in toctree: %s'), docname,
toctree['entries'].append((title, docname))
# entries contains all entries (self references, external links etc.)
if 'reversed' in self.options:
toctree['entries'] = list(reversed(toctree['entries']))
toctree['includefiles'] = list(reversed(toctree['includefiles']))
return ret
class Author(SphinxDirective):
Directive to give the name of the author of the current document
or section. Shown in the output only if the show_authors option is on.
has_content = False
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = True
option_spec: ClassVar[OptionSpec] = {}
def run(self) -> list[Node]:
if not self.config.show_authors:
return []
para: Element = nodes.paragraph(translatable=False)
emph = nodes.emphasis()
para += emph
if == 'sectionauthor':
text = _('Section author: ')
elif == 'moduleauthor':
text = _('Module author: ')
elif == 'codeauthor':
text = _('Code author: ')
text = _('Author: ')
emph += nodes.Text(text)
inodes, messages = self.state.inline_text(self.arguments[0], self.lineno)
ret: list[Node] = [para]
ret += messages
return ret
class SeeAlso(BaseAdmonition):
An admonition mentioning things to look at as reference.
node_class = addnodes.seealso
class TabularColumns(SphinxDirective):
Directive to give an explicit tabulary column definition to LaTeX.
has_content = False
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = True
option_spec: ClassVar[OptionSpec] = {}
def run(self) -> list[Node]:
node = addnodes.tabular_col_spec()
node['spec'] = self.arguments[0]
return [node]
class Centered(SphinxDirective):
Directive to create a centered line of bold text.
has_content = False
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = True
option_spec: ClassVar[OptionSpec] = {}
def run(self) -> list[Node]:
if not self.arguments:
return []
subnode: Element = addnodes.centered()
inodes, messages = self.state.inline_text(self.arguments[0], self.lineno)
ret: list[Node] = [subnode]
ret += messages
return ret
class Acks(SphinxDirective):
Directive for a list of names.
has_content = True
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = False
option_spec: ClassVar[OptionSpec] = {}
def run(self) -> list[Node]:
node = addnodes.acks()
node.document = self.state.document
self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, node)
if len(node.children) != 1 or not isinstance(node.children[0],
logger.warning(__('.. acks content is not a list'),
location=(self.env.docname, self.lineno))
return []
return [node]
class HList(SphinxDirective):
Directive for a list that gets compacted horizontally.
has_content = True
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = False
option_spec: ClassVar[OptionSpec] = {
'columns': int,
def run(self) -> list[Node]:
ncolumns = self.options.get('columns', 2)
node = nodes.paragraph()
node.document = self.state.document
self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, node)
if len(node.children) != 1 or not isinstance(node.children[0],
logger.warning(__('.. hlist content is not a list'),
location=(self.env.docname, self.lineno))
return []
fulllist = node.children[0]
# create a hlist node where the items are distributed
npercol, nmore = divmod(len(fulllist), ncolumns)
index = 0
newnode = addnodes.hlist()
newnode['ncolumns'] = str(ncolumns)
for column in range(ncolumns):
endindex = index + ((npercol + 1) if column < nmore else npercol)
bullet_list = nodes.bullet_list()
bullet_list += fulllist.children[index:endindex]
newnode += addnodes.hlistcol('', bullet_list)
index = endindex
return [newnode]
class Only(SphinxDirective):
Directive to only include text if the given tag(s) are enabled.
has_content = True
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = True
option_spec: ClassVar[OptionSpec] = {}
def run(self) -> list[Node]:
node = addnodes.only()
node.document = self.state.document
node['expr'] = self.arguments[0]
# Same as util.nested_parse_with_titles but try to handle nested
# sections which should be raised higher up the doctree.
memo: Any = self.state.memo
surrounding_title_styles = memo.title_styles
surrounding_section_level = memo.section_level
memo.title_styles = []
memo.section_level = 0
self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset,
node, match_titles=True)
title_styles = memo.title_styles
if (not surrounding_title_styles or
not title_styles or
title_styles[0] not in surrounding_title_styles or
not self.state.parent):
# No nested sections so no special handling needed.
return [node]
# Calculate the depths of the current and nested sections.
current_depth = 0
parent = self.state.parent
while parent:
current_depth += 1
parent = parent.parent
current_depth -= 2
title_style = title_styles[0]
nested_depth = len(surrounding_title_styles)
if title_style in surrounding_title_styles:
nested_depth = surrounding_title_styles.index(title_style)
# Use these depths to determine where the nested sections should
# be placed in the doctree.
n_sects_to_raise = current_depth - nested_depth + 1
parent = cast(nodes.Element, self.state.parent)
for _i in range(n_sects_to_raise):
if parent.parent:
parent = parent.parent
return []
memo.title_styles = surrounding_title_styles
memo.section_level = surrounding_section_level
class Include(BaseInclude, SphinxDirective):
Like the standard "Include" directive, but interprets absolute paths
"correctly", i.e. relative to source directory.
def run(self) -> Sequence[Node]:
# To properly emit "include-read" events from included RST text,
# we must patch the ``StateMachine.insert_input()`` method.
# In the future, docutils will hopefully offer a way for Sphinx
# to provide the RST parser to use
# when parsing RST text that comes in via Include directive.
def _insert_input(include_lines: list[str], source: str) -> None:
# First, we need to combine the lines back into text so that
# we can send it with the include-read event.
# In docutils 0.18 and later, there are two lines at the end
# that act as markers.
# We must preserve them and leave them out of the include-read event:
text = "\n".join(include_lines[:-2])
path = Path(relpath(abspath(source), start=self.env.srcdir))
docname = self.env.docname
# Emit the "include-read" event
arg = [text]'include-read', path, docname, arg)
text = arg[0]
# Split back into lines and reattach the two marker lines
include_lines = text.splitlines() + include_lines[-2:]
# Call the parent implementation.
# Note that this snake does not eat its tail because we patch
# the *Instance* method and this call is to the *Class* method.
return StateMachine.insert_input(self.state_machine, include_lines, source)
# Only enable this patch if there are listeners for 'include-read'.
# See for details on the mypy issue
self.state_machine.insert_input = _insert_input
if self.arguments[0].startswith('<') and \
# docutils "standard" includes, do not do path processing
return super().run()
rel_filename, filename = self.env.relfn2path(self.arguments[0])
self.arguments[0] = filename
return super().run()
def setup(app: Sphinx) -> ExtensionMetadata:
directives.register_directive('toctree', TocTree)
directives.register_directive('sectionauthor', Author)
directives.register_directive('moduleauthor', Author)
directives.register_directive('codeauthor', Author)
directives.register_directive('seealso', SeeAlso)
directives.register_directive('tabularcolumns', TabularColumns)
directives.register_directive('centered', Centered)
directives.register_directive('acks', Acks)
directives.register_directive('hlist', HList)
directives.register_directive('only', Only)
directives.register_directive('include', Include)
# register the standard rst class directive under a different name
# only for backwards compatibility now
directives.register_directive('cssclass', Class)
# new standard name when default-domain with "class" is in effect
directives.register_directive('rst-class', Class)
return {
'version': 'builtin',
'parallel_read_safe': True,
'parallel_write_safe': True,