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9 months ago
% change this info string if making any custom modification
\ProvidesFile{sphinxlatexliterals.sty}[2023/04/01 code-blocks and parsed literals]
% Provides support for this output mark-up from Sphinx latex writer:
% - macros:
% - \sphinxLiteralBlockLabel
% - \sphinxSetupCaptionForVerbatim
% - \sphinxSetupCodeBlockInFootnote
% - \sphinxhref
% - \sphinxnolinkurl
% - \sphinxresetverbatimhllines
% - \sphinxunactivateextrasandspace
% - \sphinxupquote
% - \sphinxurl
% - environments:
% - sphinxVerbatim
% - sphinxVerbatimintable
% - sphinxalltt
% Dependency:
% - hyperref (for \phantomsection and \capstart) (loaded later)
% Executes \RequirePackage for:
% - framed
% - fancyvrb
% - alltt
% - upquote
% - needspace
% - sphinxpackageboxes
% also in sphinxlatexadmonitions.sty:
% This is a workaround to a "feature" of French lists, when literal block
% follows immediately; usable generally (does only \par then), a priori...
\ifvmode\ifdim\lastskip<\z@ \vskip\parskip\fi\else\par\fi
% For framing allowing pagebreaks
% For source code
% MEMO: fancyvrb is used mainly to
% 1- control horizontal and vertical spacing
% 2- optional line numbering
% 3- optional line emphasizing
% 4- while still allowing expansion of Pygments latex mark-up
% Other aspects such as framing, caption handling, codeline wrapping are
% added on top of it. We should stop using fancyvrb and implement
% 1, 2, 3, 4 by own Sphinx fully native Verbatim. This would greatly simplify
% in particular wrapping long code lines in a way allowing page breaks.
% For parsed-literal blocks.
% Display "real" single quotes in literal blocks.
% Skip to next page if not enough space at bottom
% Based on use of "fancyvrb.sty"'s Verbatim.
% - with framing allowing page breaks ("framed.sty")
% - with breaking of long lines (exploits Pygments mark-up),
% - with possibly of a top caption, non-separable by pagebreak.
% - and usable inside tables or footnotes ("sphinxpackagefootnote.sty").
% for emphasizing lines
\define@key{FV}{hllines}{\def\sphinx@verbatim@checkifhl##1{\in@{, ##1,}{#1}}}
% sphinxVerbatim must be usable by third party without requiring hllines set-up
% Prior to Sphinx 1.5, \Verbatim and \endVerbatim were modified by Sphinx.
% The aliases defined here are used in sphinxVerbatim environment and can
% serve as hook-points with no need to modify \Verbatim itself.
\let\OriginalVerbatim \Verbatim
% for captions of literal blocks
% at start of caption title
% this will be overwritten in document preamble by Babel translation
\newcommand*{\literalblockname}{Listing }
% file extension needed for \caption's good functioning, the file is created
% only if a \listof{literalblock}{foo} command is encountered, which is
% analogous to \listoffigures, but for the code listings (foo = chosen title.)
% if forced use of minipage encapsulation is needed (e.g. table cells)
\newif\ifsphinxverbatimwithminipage \sphinxverbatimwithminipagefalse
% Framing macro for use with framed.sty's \FrameCommand
% MEMO: the sophisticated code in \spx@fcolorbox/\spx@CustomFBox
% is here for good reasons
% - be responsive to indented list environments in the manner of
% the "framed" (\fbox) and "shaded" (\colorbox) environments of
% framed.sty; indeed code here is an evolution related to \fcolorbox
% - attach non-detachable continuation hints above/below frame
% - draw the frame and fill the background color in a manner avoiding
% problems in some pdf viewers
% - do background coloring differently from color.sty/xcolor.sty macros
% (even core internal ones) to work around issues at page breaks
% as the framed contents are split into chunks with possibly unpaired
% "color push" or "color pop"
% About the produced output:
% - it obeys current indentation,
% - frame with 4 padding parameters and 4 border-width parameters
% - the contents use the full available text width, limited by indentation,
% - #1 = will be typeset above frame, in a non detachable way,
% - #2 = will be typeset below frame, in a non detachable way,
% - #3 = will be typeset within the frame.
% #1 and #2 are expected to be already typeset \hbox'es.
% #3 are the contents, and in the context of usage of fancyvrb+framed,
% it will arrive here already transformed into horizontal boxes,
% interline penalties and glues.
\long\def\spx@verb@FrameCommand #1#2#3{%
% The \spx@verb@boxes@fcolorbox@setup MUST have been executed beforehand.
% These \hskips are for fancyvrb.sty measuring and will make the
% framing "adapt" to an indented context.
\spx@verb@fcolorbox {#1}{#2}{#3}%
\hskip-\linewidth \hskip-\@totalleftmargin \hskip\columnwidth
\long\def\spx@verb@fcolorbox #1#2#3{%
% The \spx@verb@boxes@fcolorbox@setup MUST have been executed beforehand.
% MEMO: in the context of framed.sty this will always expand inside some
% \hbox isolated from other code, so we can use \box\z@, \box\tw@,...
% with no need of extra group.
% MEMO: this code was originally using \color@b@x but the latter has
% problematic features regarding color in a context like here where #3
% may contain an unbalanced "color push".
+\spx@boxes@border@right\relax sp}%
\vbox{#1% continuation hint attached above frame, uses \spx@verb@fcolorbox@width@sp
% the boxes@fcolorbox constructs an \hbox with bbox containing the border
% \spx@verb@boxes@fcolorbox@setup MUST have been executed beforehand.
% This \nointerlineskip to maintain legacy spacing when a \hrule was
% formerly last prior item in vertical list. TODO: remove this at 6.0.0 ?
#2% continuation hint attached below frame, uses \spx@verb@fcolorbox@width@sp
}% end of \vbox
\def\spx@verb@fcolorbox@put@c#1{% hide width from framed.sty measuring
\def\spx@verb@fcolorbox@put@r#1{% right align with contents, width hidden
\def\spx@verb@fcolorbox@put@l#1{% left align with contents, width hidden
\csname spx@verb@fcolorbox@put@\spx@opt@verbatimcontinuedalign\endcsname
\csname spx@verb@fcolorbox@put@\spx@opt@verbatimcontinuesalign\endcsname
% Defaults are redefined in document preamble according to language
\newcommand*\literalblockcontinuedname{continued from previous page}%
\newcommand*\literalblockcontinuesname{continues on next page}%
% Prepares usage of \spx@boxes@fcolorbox
% Extras to remap legacy color names VerbatimBorderColor and VerbatimColor
% to a common naming scheme with admonitions (and topic directive), as
% expected by \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@setup from sphinxpackageboxes.sty.
% This VerbatimShadowColor is not a legacy name nor user documented but is
% an outcome of sphinx.sty batch definitions for CSS option support.
% MEMO: rounded corners still make sense in presence of a background
% color, so we do not force the fcolorbox@rectangle here
% For linebreaks inside Verbatim environment from package fancyvrb.
\newcommand*\sphinxafterbreak {\copy\sphinxcontinuationbox}
% Take advantage of the already applied Pygments mark-up to insert
% potential linebreaks for TeX processing.
% {, <, #, %, $, ' and ": go to next line.
% _, }, ^, &, >, -, ~, and \: stay at end of broken line.
% Use of \textquotesingle for straight quote.
% FIXME: convert this to package options ?
\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksbeforelist {%
\do\PYGZob\{\do\PYGZlt\<\do\PYGZsh\#\do\PYGZpc\%% {, <, #, %,
\do\PYGZdl\$\do\PYGZdq\"% $, "
{\discretionary{}{\sphinxafterbreak\textquotesingle}{\textquotesingle}}% '
\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksafterlist {%
\do\PYGZus\_\do\PYGZcb\}\do\PYGZca\^\do\PYGZam\&% _, }, ^, &,
\do\PYGZgt\>\do\PYGZhy\-\do\PYGZti\~% >, -, ~
\do\PYGZbs\\% \
\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksatspecials {%
\def\sphinx@verbatim@nolig@list {\do \`}%
% Some characters . , ; ? ! / are neither pygmentized nor "tex-escaped".
% This macro makes them "active" and they will insert potential linebreaks.
% Not compatible with math mode (cf \sphinxunactivateextras, which uses
% these lists to make sure activated characters get de-activated).
\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksbeforeactivelist {}% none
\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksafteractivelist {\do\.\do\,\do\;\do\?\do\!\do\/}
\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksviaactive {%
% If the linebreak is at a space, the latter will be displayed as visible
% space at end of first line, and a continuation symbol starts next line.
\def\spx@verbatim@space {%
% if the available space on page is less than \literalblockneedspace, insert pagebreak
% The title (caption) is specified from outside as macro \sphinxVerbatimTitle.
% \sphinxVerbatimTitle is reset to empty after each use of Verbatim.
\newcommand*\sphinxVerbatimTitle {}
% This box to typeset the caption before framed.sty multiple passes for framing.
% This box to measure contents if nested as inner \MakeFramed requires then
% minipage encapsulation but too long contents then break outer \MakeFramed
% Holder macro for labels of literal blocks. Set-up by LaTeX writer.
\newcommand*\sphinxLiteralBlockLabel {}
\newcommand*\sphinxSetupCaptionForVerbatim [1]
% insert a \label via \sphinxLiteralBlockLabel
% reset to normal the color for the literal block caption
{\py@NormalColor\sphinxcaption{\sphinxLiteralBlockLabel #1}}%
\newcommand*\sphinxSetupCodeBlockInFootnote {%
\sphinxverbatimwithminipagetrue % reduces vertical spaces
% we counteract (this is in a group) the \@normalsize from \caption
% serves to implement line highlighting
% This is morally a \colorbox (with a \fboxsep which would be 0pt)
% but some issues of potential colour disappearance at pagebreaks
% require workaround such as the one done here.
% MEMO: usage of original \colorbox would insert a \set@color here
% and this then places a "color pop" at the end of the \box\z@.
% But this could pair erroneously with an unmatched "color push"
% as #1 is maybe only a part (already hboxed) of a codeline
% if (default) verbatimwrapslines=true
% (cf \spx@verb@@PreProcessLine; refs: #8686)
% MEMO: formerly we did something with \fboxsep in relation to the LaTeX
% bug graphics/4524 for \colorbox, but as we don't use \colorbox...
% MEMO: \colorbox would lead to \color{sphinxVerbatimHighlightColor}
% plus \color@block, which results in doubled (a color.sty feature)
% color command send to device driver and more importantly has
% a "color pop" which will be after \box\z@. We avoid that for reasons
% mentioned above.
% will only set \current@color and delay the \set@color to \color@block
% as this all happens inside fancyvrb nested \hbox'es.
% will use \current@color and pop it **before** \box\z@
% we added a group only for \FV@RightListNumber not be influenced by the
% \current@color, if \fvset has been used to set numbers to the right.
% MEMO: fancyvrb has options obeytabs and tabsize. Anyhow tab characters
% do not make it to the tex file, they have been converted to spaces earlier.
% But, if this was not the case, the support would be implemented here via
% \newcommand\sphinxVerbatimFormatLine[1]{\FV@ObeyTabs{\strut #1}}%
% MEMO: if verbatimwrapslines is set to true (default) the #1 above is
% simply \box\spx@tempboxb, from the next two macros.
% The next two macros are a deep hack of fancyvrb.sty core line processing in
% order to wrap too long lines, either at spaces and natural break-points,
% (soft wrap) or optionally at any character (hard wrap). This requires deep
% hack to work around the \hbox'es wrappers of fancyvrb.sty as they would
% prevent page breaks. Formerly Sphinx obtained wrapping by inserting the
% material into a vertical box (which was later again boxed -- twice -- by
% fancyvrb thinking it was a single line...) but this was incompatible with
% allowing page breaks (refs: #8686).
% We use core TeX techniques to pre-process a paragraph then recover its
% constituents lines (as boxes, not as tokens) and hand them over to original
% fancyvrb line process. It is mandatory to update \FV@ProcessLine and
% \@tempboxa globally to get fancyvrb internals into working to our
% satisfaction.
% This will get disrupted if anything adding vertical penalties or glues
% is activated via some \vadjust from inside the Pygmentized code lines.
% This will replace fancyvrb's \FV@@PreProcessLine
% Instead of boxing \FV@Line (which contains the Pygmentized line tokens), we
% first typeset it in a vertical box of the suitable width (taking into
% account nested lists) to activate the TeX built-in paragraph builder, then
% we recover individual lines as horizontal boxes and feed them to fancyvrb
% native line processing (which may add line numbers). The interline
% penalties and vertical glue to maintain baseline distance will be added
% again by this process so in recursive \spx@verb@@ProcessLines which starts
% from bottom and makes its way up to first part of the wrapped line we do not
% need to worry about them. An additional initial measuring step is needed if
% user issued verbatimforcewraps=true, which elaborates on the same technique.
% If hard wraps get activated, they get implemented via hacked \PYG macros.
% MEMO: \everypar{} was issued earlier (and due to \@setminipage
% would have been only \@minipagefalse\everypar{} otherwise).
% MEMO: fancyvrb has options obeytabs and tabsize. Anyhow tab characters
% do not make it to the tex file, they have been converted to spaces earlier.
% But, if this was not the case, the support would be implemented here via
% \FV@ObeyTabs{\strut\spx@verb@FV@Line\strut}%
% And one would need a similar change in the measuring phase done by
% \spx@verb@DecideIfWillDoForceWrap
% MEMO: since LaTeX 2021-06-01, there might be some hooks executed at
% start and end of paragraphs (in future: PDF tagging), but we need an
% explicit \par here for that. Else the kernel hooks at start of paragraph
% are executed but not the ones at its end.
% The normal line wrapping allows breaks at spaces and ascii non
% letters, non digits. The \raggedright above means there will be
% an overfilled line only if some non-breakable "word" was
% encountered, which is longer than a line (it is moved always to
% be on its own on a new line).
% The "forced" line wrapping will parse the tokens to add potential
% breakpoints at each character. As some strings are highlighted,
% we have to apply the highlighting character per character, which
% requires to manipulate the output of the Pygments LaTeXFormatter.
% Doing this at latex level is complicated. The contents should
% be as expected: i.e. some active characters from
% \sphinxbreaksviaactive, some Pygments character escapes such as
% \PYGZdl{}, and the highlighting \PYG macro with always 2
% arguments. No other macros should be there, except perhaps
% zero-parameter macros. In particular:
% - the texcomments Pygments option must be set to False
% With pdflatex, Unicode input gives multi-bytes characters
% where the first byte is active. We support the "utf8" macros
% only. "utf8x" is not supported.
% The highlighting macro \PYG will be applied character per
% character. Highlighting via a colored background gives thus a
% chain of small colored boxes which may cause some artefact in
% some pdf viewers. Can't do anything here if we do want the line
% break to be possible.
% First a measurement step is done of what would the standard line
% wrapping give (i.e line breaks only at spaces and non-letter,
% non-digit ascii characters), cf TeX by Topic for the basic
% dissecting technique: TeX unfortunately when building a vertical
% box does not store in an accessible way what was the maximal
% line-width during paragraph building.
% MEMO: in future use perhaps rather \RawNoindent/\RawParEnd, but
% ltpara (LaTeX 2021-06-01) is not yet in final form (June 2022).
% Avoid LaTeX 2021 alteration of \@@par which potentially could break our
% measurement step (typically if the para/after hook is configured to use
% \vspace). Of course, breakage could happen only from user or package
% adding things to basic Sphinx latex. And perhaps spring LaTeX 2021 will
% provide a non-hooked \@@par, but this should work anyway and can't be
% beaten for speed.
% We could use \@ifl@t@r\fmtversion{2020/02/02}{use \tex_par:D}{use \@@par}.
{\let\spx@par\@@par}% \@@par is then expected to be TeX's original \par
{\expandafter\let\expandafter\spx@par\csname tex_par:D\endcsname}
% More hesitation for avoiding the at-start-of-par hooks for our
% measurement : 1. with old LaTeX, we can not avoid hooks from everyhook
% or similar packages, 2. and perhaps the hooks add stuff which we should
% actually measure. Ideally, hooks are for inserting things in margin
% which do not change spacing. Most everything else in fact should not be
% executed in our scratch box for measurement, such as counter stepping.
{\expandafter\let\expandafter\spx@everypar\csname tex_everypar:D\endcsname}
% If the max width exceeds the linewidth by more than verbatimmaxoverfull
% character widths, or if the min width plus verbatimmaxunderfull character
% widths is inferior to linewidth, then we apply the "force wrapping" with
% potential line break at each character, else we don't.
\dimexpr\linewidth+\spx@opt@verbatimmaxoverfull\fontcharwd\font`X \relax
% The \expandafter is due to \spx@verb@wrapPYG requiring to "see" the TeX tokens
% from the pygmentize output.
\dimexpr\linewidth-\spx@opt@verbatimmaxunderfull\fontcharwd\font`X \relax
% auxiliary paragraph dissector to get max and min widths
% but minwidth must not take into account the last line
\def\spx@verb@getwidths {%
\xdef\spx@verb@maxwidth{\number\wd\spx@tempboxb sp}%
\def\spx@verb@getwidths@loop {%
\xdef\spx@verb@maxwidth{\number\wd\spx@tempboxb sp}%
\xdef\spx@verb@minwidth{\number\wd\spx@tempboxb sp}%
% auxiliary macros to implement "cut long line even in middle of word"
\catcode`Z=3 % safe delimiter
% Let's recognize active characters. We don't support utf8x only utf8.
% And here #1 should not have picked up (non empty) braced contents
\ifcat\noexpand~\noexpand#1\relax% active character
\else % non-active character, control sequence such as \PYGZdl, or empty
\fi {#1}%
% Let's hope expansion of active character does not really require arguments,
% as we certainly don't want to go into expanding upfront token stream anyway.
\long\def\spx@verb@wrapPYG@one #1{#1\futurelet\spx@nexttoken\spx@verb@wrapPYG@i}%
\long\def\spx@verb@wrapPYG@two #1#2{#1#2\futurelet\spx@nexttoken\spx@verb@wrapPYG@i}%
\long\def\spx@verb@wrapPYG@three #1#2#3{#1#2#3\futurelet\spx@nexttoken\spx@verb@wrapPYG@i}%
\long\def\spx@verb@wrapPYG@four #1#2#3#4{#1#2#3#4\futurelet\spx@nexttoken\spx@verb@wrapPYG@i}%
% Replace \PYG by itself applied one character at a time! This way breakpoints
% can be inserted.
\def\spx@verb@wrapPYG@PYG@onebyone#1#2#3{% #1 = \PYG, #2 = highlight spec, #3 = tokens
\ifcat\noexpand~\noexpand#1\relax% active character
\else % non-active character, control sequence such as \PYGZdl, or empty
\fi {#1}%
% Let's hope expansion of active character does not really require arguments,
% as we certainly don't want to go into expanding upfront token stream anyway.
\catcode`Z 11 %
\sbox\sphinxcontinuationbox {\spx@opt@verbatimcontinued}%
\sbox\sphinxvisiblespacebox {\spx@opt@verbatimvisiblespace}%
% first, let's check if there is a caption
% there was no caption. Check if nevertheless a label was set.
% we require some space to be sure hyperlink target from \phantomsection
% will not be separated from upcoming verbatim by a page break
\if t\spx@opt@literalblockcappos
% if no frame (code-blocks inside table cells), remove
% the top padding (better visually)
% but we must now check if there is a background color
% MEMO: "fcolorbox@setup" will have been done by time of use
% caption package adds \abovecaptionskip vspace, remove it
% but we must now check if there is a background color
% MEMO: "fcolorbox@setup" will have been done by time of use
% \sphinxVerbatimTitle must reset color
% caption package may detect wrongly if top or bottom, so we help it
% the "FrameCommand"'s are also responsible to attach the "Title".
\let\FrameCommand \sphinxVerbatim@FrameCommand
% those will also check status of the pre_box-decoration-break option
\let\MidFrameCommand \sphinxVerbatim@MidFrameCommand
\let\LastFrameCommand \sphinxVerbatim@LastFrameCommand
% initialization for \spx@boxes@fcolorbox from sphinxpackageboxes.sty
% it will take into account status of verbatimwithframe Boolean
% deep hack into fancyvrb's internal processing of input lines
% space character will allow line breaks
% allow breaks at special characters using \PYG... macros.
% breaks at punctuation characters . , ; ? ! and / (needs catcode activation)
% workaround to fancyvrb's check of current list depth
\def\@toodeep {\advance\@listdepth\@ne}%
% The list environment is needed to control perfectly the vertical space.
% Note: \OuterFrameSep used by framed.sty is later set to \topsep hence 0pt.
% - if caption: distance from last text baseline to caption baseline is
% A+(B-F)+\ht\strutbox, A = \abovecaptionskip (default 10pt), B =
% \baselineskip, F is the framed.sty \FrameHeightAdjust macro, default 6pt.
% Formula valid for F < 10pt.
% - distance of baseline of caption to top of frame is like for tables:
% \sphinxbelowcaptionspace (=0.5\baselineskip)
% - if no caption: distance of last text baseline to code frame is S+(B-F),
% with S = \sphinxverbatimtopskip (=\smallskip)
% - and distance from bottom of frame to next text baseline is
% \baselineskip+\parskip.
% The \trivlist is used to avoid possible "too deeply nested" error.
\itemsep \z@skip
\topsep \z@skip
\partopsep \z@skip
% trivlist will set \parsep to \parskip (which itself is set to zero above)
% \leftmargin will be set to zero by trivlist
\parindent \z@% becomes \itemindent. Default zero, but perhaps overwritten.
% use bulk of minipage paragraph shape restores (this is needed
% in indented contexts, at least for some)
\textwidth\hsize \columnwidth\hsize \@totalleftmargin\z@
\leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \@rightskip\z@skip
\MakeFramed {% adapted over from framed.sty's snugshade environment
% For grid placement from \strut's in \FancyVerbFormatLine
% active comma should not be overwritten by \@noligs
\let\verbatim@nolig@list \sphinx@verbatim@nolig@list
% optimization: as codelines will be handled inside boxes, \everypar is
% never reset, and it issues \@minipagefalse repeatedly (from \@setminipage).
% As fancyvrb Verbatim will do \@minipagefalse itself, let's simplify things.
\color@begingroup % protect against color leaks (upstream framed.sty bug)
\ifspx@pre@withtextcolor\color{VerbatimTextColor}\fi % mostly shadowed by
% Pygments highlighting anyhow
% will fetch its optional arguments if any
\color@endgroup % matches the \color@begingroup
\egroup % finish \sphinxVerbatim@ContentsBox vbox
\nobreak % update page totals
% MEMO (2022/07/09, while preparing 5.1.0 LaTeX CSS-style sphinxsetup options)
% This test will systematically cause to abandon framing if the code-block
% is near bottom of a warning-type notice which TeX has not yet decided whether
% it fits on current page and which is near bottom of page. Indeed the
% \pagetotal will already be very near \pagegoal. This is probably a not
% intended behaviour, and perhaps the whole thing should be removed? Indeed
% the result is surprising then because the notice will be split, code-block
% will be on page 2 and will have no background-color, no border.
% 6.2.0 uses here the dimen registers from sphinxpackageboxes.sty,
% they got setup by \spx@verb@boxes@fcolorbox@setup
\ifspx@opt@verbatimwithframe \spx@boxes@border@top+
% try to account for external frame parameters
% MEMO: this is because the sphinxheavybox (for warning admonitions)
% environment sets \FrameSep and \FrameRule
% TODO: fix this bad implicit dependency
% Usage here of 2 baseline distances is empirical.
% In border case where code-block fits barely in remaining space,
% it gets framed and looks good but the outer frame may continue
% on top of next page and give (if no contents after code-block)
% an empty framed line, as testing showed.
% now add all to accumulated page totals and compare to \pagegoal
% long contents: do not \MakeFramed. Do make a caption (either before or
% after) if title exists. Continuation hints across pagebreaks dropped.
% FIXME? a bottom caption may end up isolated at top of next page
% (no problem with a top caption, which is default)
% short enough contents: use \MakeFramed. As it is nested, this requires
% minipage encapsulation.
\MakeFramed {% Use it now with the fetched contents
% the \@minipagefalse is superfluous, actually.
\else % non-nested \MakeFramed
\par\unskip\@minipagefalse\endMakeFramed % from framed.sty snugshade
\newenvironment {sphinxVerbatimNoFrame}
\newenvironment {sphinxVerbatimintable}
{% don't use a frame if in a table cell
% the literal block caption uses \sphinxcaption which is wrapper of \caption,
% but \caption must be modified because longtable redefines it to work only
% for the own table caption, and tabulary has multiple passes
% reduce above caption skip
% allow long lines to wrap like they do in code-blocks
% this should be kept in sync with definitions in sphinx.util.texescape
\def\do##1##2% put potential break point before character
\do\{\{\do\textless\<\do\#\#\do\%\%\do\$\$% {, <, #, %, $
\def\do##1##2% put potential break point after character
\do\_\_\do\}\}\do\textasciicircum\^\do\&\&% _, }, ^, &,
\do\textgreater\>\do\textasciitilde\~% >, ~
\do\textbackslash\\% \
\sphinxbreaksviaactive % by default handles . , ; ? ! /
\lccode`\~`\~ %
% update \dospecials as it is used by \url
% but deactivation will already have been done hence this is unneeded:
% \expandafter\def\expandafter\dospecials\expandafter{\dospecials
% \sphinxbreaksbeforeactivelist\sphinxbreaksafteractivelist\do\-}%
\lccode`~32 \lowercase{\let~}\spx@verbatim@space\lccode`\~`\~
% the \catcode13=5\relax (deactivate end of input lines) is left to callers
% alltt uses a monospace font and linebreaks at dashes (which are escaped
% to \sphinxhyphen{} which expands to -\kern\z@) are inhibited with pdflatex.
% Not with xelatex (cf \defaultfontfeatures in latex writer), so:
% now for the modified alltt environment
{% at start of next line to workaround Emacs/AUCTeX issue with this file
\sbox\sphinxcontinuationbox {\spx@opt@verbatimcontinued}%
\sbox\sphinxvisiblespacebox {\spx@opt@verbatimvisiblespace}%
% alltt takes care of the ' as derivative ("prime") in math mode
\catcode`\<=12\catcode`\>=12\catcode`\^=7\catcode`\_=8 }%
% not sure if displayed math (align,...) can end up in parsed-literal, anyway
\catcode13=5 \sphinxunactivateextrasandspace
\catcode`\<=12\catcode`\>=12\catcode`\^=7\catcode`\_=8 }%
\fi }
% Protect \href's first argument in contexts such as sphinxalltt (or
% \sphinxcode). Sphinx uses \#, \%, \& ... always inside \sphinxhref.
\sphinxunactivateextrasandspace % never do \scantokens with active space!
% for the \endlinechar business,
\endlinechar\m@ne\everyeof{{\endlinechar13 #2}}% keep catcode regime for #2
\scantokens{\href{#1}}% normalise it for #1 during \href expansion
% Same for \url. And also \nolinkurl for coherence.
\sphinxunactivateextrasandspace\everyeof{}% (<- precaution for \scantokens)
% \sphinxupquote
% to obtain straight quotes we execute \@noligs as patched by upquote, and
% \scantokens is needed in cases where it would be too late for the macro to
% first set catcodes and then fetch its argument. We also make the contents
% breakable at non-escaped . , ; ? ! / using \sphinxbreaksviaactive,
% and also at \ character (which is escaped to \textbackslash{}).
% - is escaped to \sphinxhyphen{} and this default ensures no linebreak
% behaviour (also with a non monospace font, or with xelatex)
% the macro must be protected if it ends up used in moving arguments,
% in 'alltt' \@noligs is done already, and the \scantokens must be avoided.
% break at . , ; ? ! /
% break also at \
% by default, no continuation symbol on next line but may be added
% do not overwrite the comma set-up
% fix a space-gobbling issue due to LaTeX's original \do@noligs
% TODO: using \@noligs as patched by upquote.sty is now unneeded because
% either ` and ' are escaped (non-unicode engines) or they don't build
% ligatures (unicode engines). Thus remove this and unify handling of `, <, >,
% ' and - with the characters . , ; ? ! / as handled via
% \sphinxbreaksviaactive.
% Hence \sphinx@do@noligs will be removed, or rather replaced with code
% inserting discretionaries, as they allow a continuation symbol on start of
% next line to achieve common design with code-blocks.
% TODO: do the above TODO!
% Extend \sphinxunactivateextras for \sphinxhref as the latter may
% actually be in the scope of \sphinxupquote and does a \scantokens
% of its own.
\@noligs\endlinechar\m@ne\everyeof{}% (<- in case inside \sphinxhref)
\fi {{#1}}}}% extra brace pair to fix end-space gobbling issue...
\def\sphinx@do@noligs #1{\catcode`#1\active\begingroup\lccode`\~`#1\relax
\lowercase{\endgroup\def~{\leavevmode\kern\z@\char`#1 }}}
\def\sphinx@literal@nolig@list {\do\`\do\<\do\>\do\'\do\-}%