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9 months ago
"""Theming support for HTML builders."""
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = ('Theme', 'HTMLThemeFactory')
import configparser
import contextlib
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from os import path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from zipfile import ZipFile
from sphinx import package_dir
from sphinx.config import check_confval_types as _config_post_init
from sphinx.errors import ThemeError
from sphinx.locale import __
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util.osutil import ensuredir
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
import tomllib
import tomli as tomllib
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
from importlib.metadata import entry_points
from importlib_metadata import entry_points
from import Callable
from typing import TypedDict
from typing_extensions import Required
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
class _ThemeToml(TypedDict, total=False):
theme: Required[_ThemeTomlTheme]
options: dict[str, str]
class _ThemeTomlTheme(TypedDict, total=False):
inherit: Required[str]
stylesheets: list[str]
sidebars: list[str]
pygments_style: _ThemeTomlThemePygments
class _ThemeTomlThemePygments(TypedDict, total=False):
default: str
dark: str
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_NO_DEFAULT = object()
_THEME_TOML = 'theme.toml'
_THEME_CONF = 'theme.conf'
class Theme:
"""A Theme is a set of HTML templates and configurations.
This class supports both theme directory and theme archive (zipped theme).
def __init__(
name: str,
configs: dict[str, _ConfigFile],
paths: list[str],
tmp_dirs: list[str],
) -> None: = name
self._dirs = tuple(paths)
self._tmp_dirs = tmp_dirs
options: dict[str, Any] = {}
self.stylesheets: tuple[str, ...] = ()
self.sidebar_templates: tuple[str, ...] = ()
self.pygments_style_default: str | None = None
self.pygments_style_dark: str | None = None
for config in reversed(configs.values()):
options |= config.options
if config.stylesheets is not None:
self.stylesheets = config.stylesheets
if config.sidebar_templates is not None:
self.sidebar_templates = config.sidebar_templates
if config.pygments_style_default is not None:
self.pygments_style_default = config.pygments_style_default
if config.pygments_style_dark is not None:
self.pygments_style_dark = config.pygments_style_dark
self._options = options
def get_theme_dirs(self) -> list[str]:
"""Return a list of theme directories, beginning with this theme's,
then the base theme's, then that one's base theme's, etc.
return list(self._dirs)
def get_config(self, section: str, name: str, default: Any = _NO_DEFAULT) -> Any:
"""Return the value for a theme configuration setting, searching the
base theme chain.
if section == 'theme':
if name == 'stylesheet':
value = ', '.join(self.stylesheets) or default
elif name == 'sidebars':
value = ', '.join(self.sidebar_templates) or default
elif name == 'pygments_style':
value = self.pygments_style_default or default
elif name == 'pygments_dark_style':
value = self.pygments_style_dark or default
value = default
elif section == 'options':
value = self._options.get(name, default)
# For backwards compatibility when attempting to read a value
# from an unsupported configuration section.
# xref: RemovedInSphinx80Warning
msg = __(
'Theme configuration sections other than [theme] and [options] '
'are not supported, returning the default value instead '
'(tried to get a value from %r)'
) % section)
value = default
if value is _NO_DEFAULT:
msg = __('setting %s.%s occurs in none of the searched theme configs') % (
raise ThemeError(msg)
return value
def get_options(self, overrides: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Return a dictionary of theme options and their values."""
if overrides is None:
overrides = {}
options = self._options.copy()
for option, value in overrides.items():
if option not in options:
logger.warning(__('unsupported theme option %r given') % option)
options[option] = value
return options
def _cleanup(self) -> None:
"""Remove temporary directories."""
for tmp_dir in self._tmp_dirs:
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
class HTMLThemeFactory:
"""A factory class for HTML Themes."""
def __init__(self, app: Sphinx) -> None:
self._app = app
self._themes = app.registry.html_themes
self._entry_point_themes: dict[str, Callable[[], None]] = {}
if getattr(app.config, 'html_theme_path', None):
def _load_builtin_themes(self) -> None:
"""Load built-in themes."""
themes = self._find_themes(path.join(package_dir, 'themes'))
for name, theme in themes.items():
self._themes[name] = theme
def _load_additional_themes(self, theme_paths: str) -> None:
"""Load additional themes placed at specified directories."""
for theme_path in theme_paths:
abs_theme_path = path.abspath(path.join(self._app.confdir, theme_path))
themes = self._find_themes(abs_theme_path)
for name, theme in themes.items():
self._themes[name] = theme
def _load_entry_point_themes(self) -> None:
"""Try to load a theme with the specified name.
This uses the ``sphinx.html_themes`` entry point from package metadata.
for entry_point in entry_points(group='sphinx.html_themes'):
if in self._themes:
continue # don't overwrite loaded themes
def _load_theme_closure(
# bind variables in the function definition
app: Sphinx = self._app,
theme_module: str = entry_point.module,
) -> None:
_config_post_init(app, app.config)
self._entry_point_themes[] = _load_theme_closure
def _find_themes(theme_path: str) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Search themes from specified directory."""
themes: dict[str, str] = {}
if not path.isdir(theme_path):
return themes
for entry in os.listdir(theme_path):
pathname = path.join(theme_path, entry)
if path.isfile(pathname) and entry.lower().endswith('.zip'):
if _is_archived_theme(pathname):
name = entry[:-4]
themes[name] = pathname
'file %r on theme path is not a valid '
'zipfile or contains no theme'
toml_path = path.join(pathname, _THEME_TOML)
conf_path = path.join(pathname, _THEME_CONF)
if path.isfile(toml_path) or path.isfile(conf_path):
themes[entry] = pathname
return themes
def create(self, name: str) -> Theme:
"""Create an instance of theme."""
if name in self._entry_point_themes:
# Load a deferred theme from an entry point
entry_point_loader = self._entry_point_themes[name]
if name not in self._themes:
raise ThemeError(__('no theme named %r found (missing theme.toml?)') % name)
themes, theme_dirs, tmp_dirs = _load_theme_with_ancestors(
return Theme(name, configs=themes, paths=theme_dirs, tmp_dirs=tmp_dirs)
def _is_archived_theme(filename: str, /) -> bool:
"""Check whether the specified file is an archived theme file or not."""
with ZipFile(filename) as f:
namelist = frozenset(f.namelist())
return _THEME_TOML in namelist or _THEME_CONF in namelist
except Exception:
return False
def _load_theme_with_ancestors(
name: str,
theme_paths: dict[str, str],
entry_point_themes: dict[str, Callable[[], None]],
) -> tuple[dict[str, _ConfigFile], list[str], list[str]]:
themes: dict[str, _ConfigFile] = {}
theme_dirs: list[str] = []
tmp_dirs: list[str] = []
# having 10+ theme ancestors is ludicrous
for _ in range(10):
inherit, theme_dir, tmp_dir, config = _load_theme(name, theme_paths[name])
if tmp_dir is not None:
themes[name] = config
if inherit == 'none':
if inherit in themes:
msg = __('The %r theme has circular inheritance') % name
raise ThemeError(msg)
if inherit in entry_point_themes and inherit not in theme_paths:
# Load a deferred theme from an entry point
entry_point_loader = entry_point_themes[inherit]
if inherit not in theme_paths:
msg = __(
'The %r theme inherits from %r, which is not a loaded theme. '
'Loaded themes are: %s'
) % (name, inherit, ', '.join(sorted(theme_paths)))
raise ThemeError(msg)
name = inherit
msg = __('The %r theme has too many ancestors') % name
raise ThemeError(msg)
return themes, theme_dirs, tmp_dirs
def _load_theme(name: str, theme_path: str, /) -> tuple[str, str, str | None, _ConfigFile]:
if path.isdir(theme_path):
# already a directory, do nothing
tmp_dir = None
theme_dir = theme_path
# extract the theme to a temp directory
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('sxt')
theme_dir = path.join(tmp_dir, name)
_extract_zip(theme_path, theme_dir)
if path.isfile(toml_path := path.join(theme_dir, _THEME_TOML)):
_cfg_table = _load_theme_toml(toml_path)
inherit = _validate_theme_toml(_cfg_table, name)
config = _convert_theme_toml(_cfg_table)
elif path.isfile(conf_path := path.join(theme_dir, _THEME_CONF)):
_cfg_parser = _load_theme_conf(conf_path)
inherit = _validate_theme_conf(_cfg_parser, name)
config = _convert_theme_conf(_cfg_parser)
raise ThemeError(__('no theme configuration file found in %r') % theme_dir)
return inherit, theme_dir, tmp_dir, config
def _extract_zip(filename: str, target_dir: str, /) -> None:
"""Extract zip file to target directory."""
with ZipFile(filename) as archive:
for name in archive.namelist():
if name.endswith('/'):
entry = path.join(target_dir, name)
with open(path.join(entry), 'wb') as fp:
def _load_theme_toml(config_file_path: str, /) -> _ThemeToml:
with open(config_file_path, encoding='utf-8') as f:
config_text =
c = tomllib.loads(config_text)
return {s: c[s] for s in ('theme', 'options') if s in c} # type: ignore[return-value]
def _validate_theme_toml(cfg: _ThemeToml, name: str) -> str:
if 'theme' not in cfg:
msg = __('theme %r doesn\'t have the "theme" table') % name
raise ThemeError(msg)
theme = cfg['theme']
if not isinstance(theme, dict):
msg = __('The %r theme "[theme]" table is not a table') % name
raise ThemeError(msg)
inherit = theme.get('inherit', '')
if not inherit:
msg = __('The %r theme must define the "theme.inherit" setting') % name
raise ThemeError(msg)
if 'options' in cfg:
if not isinstance(cfg['options'], dict):
msg = __('The %r theme "[options]" table is not a table') % name
raise ThemeError(msg)
return inherit
def _convert_theme_toml(cfg: _ThemeToml, /) -> _ConfigFile:
theme = cfg['theme']
if 'stylesheets' in theme:
stylesheets: tuple[str, ...] | None = tuple(theme['stylesheets'])
stylesheets = None
if 'sidebars' in theme:
sidebar_templates: tuple[str, ...] | None = tuple(theme['sidebars'])
sidebar_templates = None
pygments_table = theme.get('pygments_style', {})
if isinstance(pygments_table, str):
hint = f'pygments_style = {{ default = "{pygments_table}" }}'
msg = __('The "theme.pygments_style" setting must be a table. Hint: "%s"') % hint
raise ThemeError(msg)
pygments_style_default: str | None = pygments_table.get('default')
pygments_style_dark: str | None = pygments_table.get('dark')
return _ConfigFile(
options=cfg.get('options', {}),
def _load_theme_conf(config_file_path: str, /) -> configparser.RawConfigParser:
c = configparser.RawConfigParser(), encoding='utf-8')
return c
def _validate_theme_conf(cfg: configparser.RawConfigParser, name: str) -> str:
if not cfg.has_section('theme'):
raise ThemeError(__('theme %r doesn\'t have the "theme" table') % name)
if inherit := cfg.get('theme', 'inherit', fallback=None):
return inherit
msg = __('The %r theme must define the "theme.inherit" setting') % name
raise ThemeError(msg)
def _convert_theme_conf(cfg: configparser.RawConfigParser, /) -> _ConfigFile:
if stylesheet := cfg.get('theme', 'stylesheet', fallback=''):
stylesheets: tuple[str, ...] | None = tuple(map(str.strip, stylesheet.split(',')))
stylesheets = None
if sidebar := cfg.get('theme', 'sidebars', fallback=''):
sidebar_templates: tuple[str, ...] | None = tuple(map(str.strip, sidebar.split(',')))
sidebar_templates = None
pygments_style_default: str | None = cfg.get('theme', 'pygments_style', fallback=None)
pygments_style_dark: str | None = cfg.get('theme', 'pygments_dark_style', fallback=None)
options = dict(cfg.items('options')) if cfg.has_section('options') else {}
return _ConfigFile(
class _ConfigFile:
__slots__ = (
def __init__(
stylesheets: tuple[str, ...] | None,
sidebar_templates: tuple[str, ...] | None,
pygments_style_default: str | None,
pygments_style_dark: str | None,
options: dict[str, str],
) -> None:
self.stylesheets: tuple[str, ...] | None = stylesheets
self.sidebar_templates: tuple[str, ...] | None = sidebar_templates
self.pygments_style_default: str | None = pygments_style_default
self.pygments_style_dark: str | None = pygments_style_dark
self.options: dict[str, str] = options.copy()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f'stylesheets={self.stylesheets!r}, '
f'sidebar_templates={self.sidebar_templates!r}, '
f'pygments_style_default={self.pygments_style_default!r}, '
f'pygments_style_dark={self.pygments_style_dark!r}, '
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, _ConfigFile):
return (
self.stylesheets == other.stylesheets
and self.sidebar_templates == other.sidebar_templates
and self.pygments_style_default == other.pygments_style_default
and self.pygments_style_dark == other.pygments_style_dark
and self.options == other.options
return NotImplemented
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash((
def _migrate_conf_to_toml(argv: list[str]) -> int:
if argv[:1] != ['conf_to_toml']:
raise SystemExit(0)
argv = argv[1:]
if len(argv) != 1:
print('Usage: python -m sphinx.theming conf_to_toml <theme path>') # NoQA: T201
raise SystemExit(1)
theme_dir = path.realpath(argv[0])
conf_path = path.join(theme_dir, _THEME_CONF)
if not path.isdir(theme_dir) or not path.isfile(conf_path):
print( # NoQA: T201
f'{theme_dir!r} must be a path to a theme directory containing a "theme.conf" file'
return 1
_cfg_parser = _load_theme_conf(conf_path)
if not _cfg_parser.has_section('theme'):
print('The "theme" table is missing.') # NoQA: T201
return 1
inherit = _cfg_parser.get('theme', 'inherit', fallback=None)
if not inherit:
print('The "theme.inherit" setting is missing.') # NoQA: T201
return 1
toml_lines = [
f'inherit = "{inherit}"',
stylesheet = _cfg_parser.get('theme', 'stylesheet', fallback=...)
if stylesheet == '':
toml_lines.append('stylesheets = []')
elif stylesheet is not ...:
toml_lines.append('stylesheets = [')
toml_lines.extend(f' "{s}",' for s in map(str.strip, stylesheet.split(',')))
sidebar = _cfg_parser.get('theme', 'sidebars', fallback=...)
if sidebar == '':
toml_lines.append('sidebars = []')
elif sidebar is not ...:
toml_lines.append('sidebars = [')
toml_lines += [f' "{s}",' for s in map(str.strip, sidebar.split(','))]
styles = []
default = _cfg_parser.get('theme', 'pygments_style', fallback=...)
if default is not ...:
styles.append(f'default = "{default}"')
dark = _cfg_parser.get('theme', 'pygments_dark_style', fallback=...)
if dark is not ...:
styles.append(f'dark = "{dark}"')
if styles:
toml_lines.append('pygments_style = { ' + ', '.join(styles) + ' }')
if _cfg_parser.has_section('options'):
toml_lines += [
f'{key} = "{d}"'
for key, default in _cfg_parser.items('options')
if (d := default.replace('"', r'\"')) or True
toml_path = path.join(theme_dir, _THEME_TOML)
with open(toml_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write('\n'.join(toml_lines) + '\n')
print(f'Written converted settings to {toml_path!r}') # NoQA: T201
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
raise SystemExit(_migrate_conf_to_toml(sys.argv[1:]))