786 lines
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786 lines
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9 months ago
% sphinx.sty
% Adapted from the old python.sty, mostly written by Fred Drake,
% by Georg Brandl.
\ProvidesPackage{sphinx}[2022/06/30 v5.1.0 LaTeX package (Sphinx markup)]
% provides \ltx@ifundefined
% (many packages load ltxcmds: graphicx does for pdftex and lualatex but
% not xelatex, and anyhow kvoptions does, but it may be needed in future to
% use \sphinxdeprecationwarning earlier, and it needs \ltx@ifundefined)
%% for deprecation warnings
\newcommand\sphinxdeprecationwarning[4]{% #1 the deprecated macro or name,
% #2 = when deprecated, #3 = when removed, #4 = additional info
\global\expandafter\let\csname sphinx_depr_\spx@tempa\endcsname\spx@tempa
\sphinxdeprecatedmacro\csname sphinx_depr_\spx@tempa\endcsname
\PackageWarningNoLine{sphinx}{^^J**** SPHINX DEPRECATION WARNING:^^J
\@spaces- is deprecated at Sphinx #2^^J
\@spaces- and removed at Sphinx #3.^^J
}{% warning already emitted (at end of latex log), don't repeat
% We generally first handle options then load packages, but we need
% \definecolor from xcolor/color to handle the options.
% MEMO: xcolor \fcolorbox coloured boxes render better in some PDF viewers
% than with color package \fcolorbox. Since 1.6.3, Sphinx uses only its own
% custom variant of \fcolorbox when handling verbatim code. Currently (last
% checked at 5.0.0) \fcolorbox is used for admonitions (sphinxheavybox)
% and appears also in Pygmentize output mark-up.
% the \colorlet of xcolor (if at all loaded) is overkill for our use case
{\expandafter\let\csname\@backslashchar color@#1\expandafter\endcsname
\csname\@backslashchar color@#2\endcsname }
% Handle options via "kvoptions" (later loaded by hyperref anyhow)
\SetupKeyvalOptions{prefix=spx@opt@} % use \spx@opt@ prefix
% Sphinx legacy text layout: 1in margins on all four sides
% Japanese standard document classes handle \mag in a special way
\DeclareStringOption[\inv@mag in]{hmargin}
\DeclareStringOption[\inv@mag in]{vmargin}
\DeclareStringOption[.5\dimexpr\inv@mag in\relax]{marginpar}
\DeclareStringOption[0]{maxlistdepth}% \newcommand*\spx@opt@maxlistdepth{0}
% \DeclareBoolOption[false]{usespart}% not used
% dimensions, we declare the \dimen registers here.
\newdimen\sphinxverbatimsep % <-- TO BE REMOVED NOT USED ANYMORE AT 5.1.0
% \DeclareStringOption is not convenient for the handling of these dimensions
% because we want to assign the values to the corresponding registers. Even if
% we added the code to the key handler it would be too late for the initial
% set-up and we would need to do initial assignments explicitly. We end up
% using \define@key directly.
% verbatim
\sphinxverbatimsep=\fboxsep % <-- TO BE REMOVED NOT USED ANYMORE AT 5.1.0
\define@key{sphinx}{verbatimsep}{\sphinxverbatimsep\dimexpr #1\relax}
\define@key{sphinx}{verbatimborder}{\sphinxverbatimborder\dimexpr #1\relax}
% parsed literal
% \textvisiblespace for compatibility with fontspec+XeTeX/LuaTeX
\DeclareStringOption % must use braces to hide the brackets
% topic boxes
% alternative names and definitions in 5.1.0 section below
\newdimen\sphinxshadowsep % <-- TO BE REMOVED NOT USED ANYMORE AT 5.1.0
\newdimen\sphinxshadowsize % <-- TO BE REMOVED NOT USED ANYMORE AT 5.1.0
\define@key{sphinx}{shadowsep}{\sphinxshadowsep\dimexpr #1\relax}%
\define@key{sphinx}{shadowsize}{\sphinxshadowsize\dimexpr #1\relax}
\sphinxshadowrule=\fboxrule % catches current value (probably 0.4pt)
\define@key{sphinx}{shadowrule}{\sphinxshadowrule\dimexpr #1\relax}
% notices/admonitions
% the dimensions for notices/admonitions are kept as macros and assigned to
% \spx@notice@border at time of use, hence \DeclareStringOption is ok for this
% footnotes
\DeclareStringOption[\mbox{ }]{AtStartFootnote}
% we need a public macro name for direct use in latex file
% no such need for this one, as it is used inside other macros
% some font styling.
% colours
% same problems as for dimensions: we want the key handler to use \definecolor.
% first, some colours with no prefix, for backwards compatibility
% now the colours defined with "sphinx" prefix in their names
% set the initial default
% set the key handler. The "value" ##1 must be acceptable by \definecolor.
% Default color chosen to be as in minted.sty LaTeX package!
% admonition boxes, "light" style
% admonition boxes, "heavy" style
% Additions at 5.1.0
% In future, an alternative user interface will perhaps be provided via
% CSS-like input in a configuration variable latex_css, and Sphinx
% will then parse it into the \sphinxsetup options described it.
% In the meantime we adopt already some CSS-like names. However,
% attention to not use these options as genuine CSS properties, only
% very limited syntax is supported.
% Future: should below all the macros holding dimensions be defined via some
% \edef and \dimexpr rather?
% Deliberately the code avoids creating (except by \let) new \dimen variables
% besides the legacy ones already defined.
% code-blocks
% currently accepts only one dimension specification
\spxdimen@pre@border\dimexpr #1\relax
\def\spx@pre@border@top {\spxdimen@pre@border}%
\let\spx@pre@border@right \spx@pre@border@top
\let\spx@pre@border@left \spx@pre@border@top
\def\spx@pre@border@top {\spxdimen@pre@border}%
\let\spx@pre@border@right \spx@pre@border@top
\let\spx@pre@border@left \spx@pre@border@top
\csname KV@sphinx@pre_border-width\endcsname
\newif\ifspx@pre@border@open % defaults to false (at least for 5.x series)
% MEMO: \sphinxverbatimsep not used anywhere anymore in the code, to be removed
\def\spx@pre@padding@top {#1}% use some pre \dimexpr expansion?
\let\spx@pre@padding@right \spx@pre@padding@top
\let\spx@pre@padding@left \spx@pre@padding@top
\edef\spx@pre@padding@top {\number\fboxsep sp}% \sphinxverbatimsep to be removed
\let\spx@pre@padding@right \spx@pre@padding@top
\let\spx@pre@padding@left \spx@pre@padding@top
\csname KV@sphinx@pre_padding\endcsname
% We do not define a new \dimen (in 5.x pre-5.1.0 dev branch there
% was a \sphinxverbatimradius when rounded boxes were first introduced,
% but we removed it).
\def\spx@pre@radius@topleft {#1}%
\let\spx@pre@radius@topright \spx@pre@radius@topleft
\let\spx@pre@radius@bottomleft \spx@pre@radius@topleft
% MEMO: keep in mind in using these macros in code elsewhere that they can
% thus be dimen registers or simply dimensional specs such as 3pt
\let\spx@pre@radius@topleft \z@
\let\spx@pre@radius@topright \z@
\let\spx@pre@radius@bottomleft \z@
% Attention only "none" or "<xoffset> <yoffset> [optional inset]", no color
\define@key{sphinx}{pre_box-shadow}{\spx@pre@box@shadow@setter #1 {} {} \@nnil}%
% TODO add parsing to fetch color... but this requires a TeX layer to convert
% color spec in CSS format to color/xcolor format
\def\spx@pre@box@shadow@setter #1 #2 #3 #4\@nnil{%
\edef\spx@pre@shadow@xoffset{\number\dimexpr#1\relax sp}%
\edef\spx@pre@shadow@yoffset{\number\dimexpr#2+\z@\relax sp}%
\spx@pre@box@shadow@setter none {} {} \@nnil
\definecolor{VerbatimBorderColor}#1% legacy colour name with no sphinx prefix
\csname KV@sphinx@pre_border-TeXcolor\endcsname
\definecolor{VerbatimColor}#1% legacy colour name with no sphinx prefix
\csname KV@sphinx@pre_background-TeXcolor\endcsname
% topics
% attention currently accepts only one dimension specification
\spxdimen@topic@border\dimexpr #1\relax
\def\spx@topic@border@top {\spxdimen@topic@border}%
\let\spx@topic@border@right \spx@topic@border@top
\let\spx@topic@border@left \spx@topic@border@top
\let\spx@topic@border@top \spxdimen@topic@border
\let\spx@topic@border@right \spx@topic@border@top
\let\spx@topic@border@left \spx@topic@border@top
\csname KV@sphinx@topic_border-width\endcsname
\newif\ifspx@topic@border@open % defaults to false (legacy)
% MEMO: \sphinxshadowsep not used anywhere anymore in code base and to be removed
\def\spx@topic@padding@top {#1}%
\let\spx@topic@padding@right \spx@topic@padding@top
\let\spx@topic@padding@left \spx@topic@padding@top
\def\spx@topic@padding@top {5pt}% no usage anymore of \sphinxshadowsep dimen register
\let\spx@topic@padding@right \spx@topic@padding@top
\let\spx@topic@padding@left \spx@topic@padding@top
\csname KV@sphinx@topic_padding\endcsname
\def\spx@topic@radius@topleft {#1}%
\let\spx@topic@radius@topright \spx@topic@radius@topleft
\let\spx@topic@radius@bottomleft \spx@topic@radius@topleft
\let\spx@topic@radius@topleft \z@
\let\spx@topic@radius@topright \z@
\let\spx@topic@radius@bottomleft \z@
% Attention only "none" or "<xoffset> <yoffset> [optional inset]", no color
\define@key{sphinx}{div.topic_box-shadow}{\spx@topic@box@shadow@setter #1 {} {} \@nnil}%
\def\spx@topic@box@shadow@setter #1 #2 #3 #4\@nnil{%
\edef\spx@topic@shadow@xoffset{\number\dimexpr#1\relax sp}%
\edef\spx@topic@shadow@yoffset{\number\dimexpr#2+\z@\relax sp}%
\spx@topic@box@shadow@setter 4pt 4pt {} \@nnil
% Suport for legacy shadowsize, the \sphinxshadowsize \dimen register
% is not used anymore and should not even be allocated in future
\edef\spx@topic@shadow@xoffset{\number\dimexpr#1\relax sp}%
% warning, caution, attention, danger, error
% MEMO: the diverging naming of first one is conditioned at this time by the fact
% that sphinxnotice environment must work both for these admonitions and the
% note, tip etc... ones
\csname spx@opt@#1border\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@border@top\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@border@right\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@border@bottom\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@border@left\expandafter\endcsname
\csname ifspx@#1@border@open\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@border@opentrue\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@border@openfalse\endcsname
\def\spx@tempb #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{%
\expandafter\let\csname KV@sphinx@#9border\expandafter\endcsname
\csname KV@sphinx@div.#9_border-width\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@padding\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@padding@top\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@padding@right\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@padding@bottom\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@padding@left\expandafter\endcsname
% MEMO: this is to keep same behaviour as prior to 5.1.0 for which
% no key to set padding adjusted and border+padding was kept constant
\csname spx@opt@#1border\endcsname
\def\spx@tempb #1#2#3#4#5#6#7{%
% MEMO: prior to 5.1.0 padding was not separately customizable
% This keeps exactly the strange behaviour as prior to 5.1.0
% which used to be hard-coded in the sphinxheavybox environment
\csname spx@#1@radius@topleft\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@radius@topright\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@radius@bottomright\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@radius@bottomleft\endcsname
\def\spx@tempb #1#2#3#4#5{%
\csname ifspx@#1@withshadow\expandafter\endcsname
\csname ifspx@#1@insetshadow\expandafter\endcsname
\csname ifspx@#1@withshadowcolor\expandafter\endcsname
\csname ifspx@#1@withbordercolor\expandafter\endcsname
\csname ifspx@#1@withbackgroundcolor\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@withshadowtrue\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@withshadowfalse\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@insetshadowtrue\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@insetshadowfalse\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@box@shadow@setter\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@box@shadow@xoffset\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@box@shadow@yoffset\endcsname
\define@key{sphinx}{div.#8_box-shadow}{#5##1 {} {} \@nnil}%
\def#5##1 ##2 ##3 ##4\@nnil{%
\else #1\edef#6{\number\dimexpr##1\relax sp}%
\edef#7{\number\dimexpr##2+\z@\relax sp}%
}#5none {} {} \@nnil
\csname spx@#1@withbordercolortrue\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@withbackgroundcolortrue\expandafter\endcsname
\csname spx@#1@withshadowcolortrue\endcsname
\expandafter\let\csname KV@sphinx@#4BorderColor\expandafter\endcsname
\csname KV@sphinx@div.#4_border-TeXcolor\endcsname
\expandafter\let\csname KV@sphinx@#4BgColor\expandafter\endcsname
\csname KV@sphinx@div.#4_background-TeXcolor\endcsname
% don't allow use of maxlistdepth via \sphinxsetup.
% FIXME: this is unrelated to an option, move this elsewhere
% To allow hyphenation of first word in narrow contexts; no option,
% customization to be done via 'preamble' key
% No need for the \hspace{0pt} trick (\hskip\z@skip) with luatex
% user interface: options can be changed midway in a document!
% flag to be set in a framed environment
% (defined here as currently needed by three sphinxlatex....sty files and
% even if not needed if such files are replaced, the definition does no harm)
% \spx@ifcaptionpackage (defined at begin document)
% is needed currently in macros from:
% sphinxlatexliterals.sty (sphinxVerbatim)
% sphinxlatextables.sty (for some macros used in the table templates)
% \sphinxcaption is mark-up injected by the tabular and tabulary templates
% it is defined in sphinxlatextables.sty
% store the original \caption macro for usage with figures inside longtable
% and tabulary cells. Make sure we get the final \caption in presence of
% caption package, whether the latter was loaded before or after sphinx.
% in presence of caption package, drop our own \sphinxcaption whose aim was to
% ensure same width of caption to all kinds of tables (tabular(y), longtable),
% because caption package has its own width (or margin) option
% pass options to hyperref; it must not have been loaded already
% pass options to geometry; it must not have been loaded already
%% COLOR (general)
% FIXME: these two should be deprecated
% FIXME: \normalcolor should be used and \py@NormalColor never defined
% FIXME: \color{TitleColor} should be used directly and \py@TitleColor
% should never get defined.
% as will be indicated below, secondary style files load some more packages
% For \text macro (sphinx.util.texescape)
% also for usage of \firstchoice@true(false) in sphinxlatexgraphics.sty
% It was passed "warn" option from latex template in case it is already loaded
% via some other package before \usepackage{sphinx} in preamble
% For the H specifier. Do not \restylefloat{figure}, it breaks Sphinx code
% for allowing figures in tables.
% For floating figures in the text. Better to load after float.
% Provides \captionof, used once by latex writer (\captionof{figure})
% Support hlist directive
% It will always be needed, so let's load it here
% This macro is possibly executed at begin document if the check
% whether radii setting options have been used turns out positive
The package pict2e is required for rounded boxes.\MessageBreak
It does not seem to be available on your system.\MessageBreak
Options for setting radii will thus be ignored}%
I issued a warning which may have gotten lost in the\MessageBreak
gigantic console output: pict2e.sty was not found,\MessageBreak
and radii setting options have been ignored}}%
% This at begin document will be executed after \spx@RequirePackage@PictIIe
% stylesheet for highlighting with pygments
% Support scopes for footnote numbering
% This is currently stepped at each input file
% We ensure \thesphinxscope expands to digits tokens, independently of language
% this is used to make reference to an explicitly numbered footnote not on same page
% #1=label of footnote text, #2=page number where footnote text was printed
\pagename\space#2, % <- space
p. #2, % <- space
\fi #1% no space
% support large numbered footnotes in minipage; but this is now obsolete
% from systematic use of savenotes environment around minipages
% This package is needed to support hyperlinked footnotes in tables and
% framed contents, and to allow code-blocks in footnotes.
% FIXME: this line should be dropped, as "9" is default anyhow.
\ifdefined\pdfcompresslevel\pdfcompresslevel = 9 \fi