This repository provides User Manual for setting up a Docker environment tailored for testing DGTD code.
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8 months ago
Lexers for the JSLT language
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2024 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, combined, words
from pygments.token import Comment, Keyword, Name, Number, Operator, \
Punctuation, String, Whitespace
__all__ = ['JSLTLexer']
_WORD_END = r'(?=[^0-9A-Z_a-z-])'
class JSLTLexer(RegexLexer):
For JSLT source.
name = 'JSLT'
url = ''
filenames = ['*.jslt']
aliases = ['jslt']
mimetypes = ['text/x-jslt']
version_added = '2.10'
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'[\t\n\f\r ]+', Whitespace),
(r'//.*(\n|\Z)', Comment.Single),
(r'-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)', Number.Integer),
(r'-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(.[0-9]+a)?([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)', Number.Float),
(r'"([^"\\]|\\.)*"', String.Double),
(r'[(),:\[\]{}]', Punctuation),
(r'(!=|[<=>]=?)', Operator),
(r'[*+/|-]', Operator),
(r'\.', Operator),
(words(('import',), suffix=_WORD_END), Keyword.Namespace, combined('import-path', 'whitespace')),
(words(('as',), suffix=_WORD_END), Keyword.Namespace, combined('import-alias', 'whitespace')),
(words(('let',), suffix=_WORD_END), Keyword.Declaration, combined('constant', 'whitespace')),
(words(('def',), suffix=_WORD_END), Keyword.Declaration, combined('function', 'whitespace')),
(words(('false', 'null', 'true'), suffix=_WORD_END), Keyword.Constant),
(words(('else', 'for', 'if'), suffix=_WORD_END), Keyword),
(words(('and', 'or'), suffix=_WORD_END), Operator.Word),
'all', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'capture', 'ceiling',
'contains', 'ends-with', 'error', 'flatten', 'floor',
'format-time', 'from-json', 'get-key', 'hash-int', 'index-of',
'is-array', 'is-boolean', 'is-decimal', 'is-integer',
'is-number', 'is-object', 'is-string', 'join', 'lowercase',
'max', 'min', 'mod', 'not', 'now', 'number', 'parse-time',
'parse-url', 'random', 'replace', 'round', 'sha256-hex', 'size',
'split', 'starts-with', 'string', 'sum', 'test', 'to-json',
'trim', 'uppercase', 'zip', 'zip-with-index', 'fallback'), suffix=_WORD_END),
(r'[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z-]*:[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z-]*', Name.Function),
(r'[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z-]*', Name),
(r'\$[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z-]*', Name.Variable),
'constant': [
(r'[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z-]*', Name.Variable, 'root'),
'function': [
(r'[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z-]*', Name.Function, combined('function-parameter-list', 'whitespace')),
'function-parameter-list': [
(r'\(', Punctuation, combined('function-parameters', 'whitespace')),
'function-parameters': [
(r',', Punctuation),
(r'\)', Punctuation, 'root'),
(r'[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z-]*', Name.Variable),
'import-path': [
(r'"([^"]|\\.)*"', String.Symbol, 'root'),
'import-alias': [
(r'[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z-]*', Name.Namespace, 'root'),
'string': [
(r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
(r'\\.', String.Escape),
'whitespace': [
(r'[\t\n\f\r ]+', Whitespace),
(r'//.*(\n|\Z)', Comment.Single),