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9 months ago
% change this info string if making any custom modification
\ProvidesFile{sphinxlatextables.sty}[2021/01/27 tables]%
% Provides support for this output mark-up from Sphinx latex writer
% and table templates:
% - the tabulary and longtable environments from the eponymous packages
% - the varwidth environment
% - the >{} etc mark-up possible in tabularcolumns is from array package
% which is loaded by longtable and tabulary
% - \X, \Y, T column types; others (L, C, R, J) are from tabulary package
% - \sphinxaftertopcaption
% - \sphinxatlongtableend
% - \sphinxatlongtablestart
% - \sphinxattableend
% - \sphinxattablestart
% - \sphinxcapstartof
% - \sphinxcolwidth
% - \sphinxlongtablecapskipadjust
% - \sphinxmultirow
% - \sphinxstartmulticolumn
% - \sphinxstopmulticolumn
% - \sphinxtablestrut
% - \sphinxthecaptionisattop
% - \sphinxthelongtablecaptionisattop
% Executes \RequirePackage for:
% - tabulary
% - longtable
% - varwidth
% Extends tabulary and longtable via patches and custom macros to support
% merged cells possibly containing code-blocks in complex tables
% tabulary has a bug with its re-definition of \multicolumn in its first pass
% which is not \long. But now Sphinx does not use LaTeX's \multicolumn but its
% own macro. Hence we don't even need to patch tabulary. See
% sphinxpackagemulticell.sty
% X or S (Sphinx) may have meanings if some table package is loaded hence
% \X was chosen to avoid possibility of conflict
% using here T (for Tabulary) feels less of a problem than the X could be
% For tables allowing pagebreaks
% User interface to set-up whitespace before and after tables:
\newcommand*\sphinxtablepre {0pt}%
% Space from caption baseline to top of table or frame of literal-block
% as one can not use \baselineskip from inside longtable (it is zero there)
% we need \sphinxbaselineskip, which defaults to \baselineskip
% The following is to ensure that, whether tabular(y) or longtable:
% - if a caption is on top of table:
% a) the space between its last baseline and the top rule of table is
% exactly \sphinxbelowcaptionspace
% b) the space from last baseline of previous text to first baseline of
% caption is exactly \parskip+\baselineskip+ height of a strut.
% c) the caption text will wrap at width \LTcapwidth (4in)
% - make sure this works also if "caption" package is loaded by user
% (with its width or margin option taking place of \LTcapwidth role)
% TODO: obtain same for caption of literal block: a) & c) DONE, b) TO BE DONE
% To modify space below such top caption, adjust \sphinxbelowcaptionspace
% To add or remove space above such top caption, adjust \sphinxtablepre:
% notice that \abovecaptionskip, \belowcaptionskip, \LTpre are **ignored**
% A. Table with longtable
\vskip\dimexpr\sphinxtablepre\relax % adjust vertical position
\vbox{}% get correct baseline from above
\LTpre\z@skip\LTpost\z@skip % set to zero longtable's own skips
% Compatibility with caption package
% Achieves exactly \sphinxbelowcaptionspace below longtable caption
\def\sphinxatlongtableend{\@nobreakfalse % latex3/latex2e#173
% B. Table with tabular or tabulary
% This is used by tabular and tabulary templates
\vbox{}% force baselineskip for good positioning by capstart of hyperanchor
% hyperref puts the anchor 6pt above this baseline; in case of caption
% this baseline will be \ht\strutbox above first baseline of caption
% move back vertically, as tabular (or its caption) will compensate
\def\sphinxthecaptionisattop{% locate it after \sphinxcapstartof
\vskip\baselineskip\vskip\parskip % undo those from \sphinxcapstartof
\vskip-\belowcaptionskip % anticipate caption package skip
% caption package uses a \vbox, not a \vtop, so "single line" case
% gives different result from "multi-line" without this:
\def\sphinxthecaptionisatbottom{% (not finalized; for template usage)
% The aim of \sphinxcaption is to apply to tabular(y) the maximal width
% of caption as done by longtable
% don't exceed linewidth for the caption width
% longtable ignores \abovecaptionskip/\belowcaptionskip, so do the same here
\abovecaptionskip\sphinxabovecaptionskip % \z@skip
\belowcaptionskip\sphinxbelowcaptionskip % \z@skip
\def\sphinxabovecaptionskip{\z@skip}% Do not use! Flagged for removal
\def\sphinxbelowcaptionskip{\z@skip}% Do not use! Flagged for removal
% This wrapper of \abovecaptionskip is used in sphinxVerbatim for top
% caption, and with another value in sphinxVerbatimintable
% TODO: To unify space above caption of a code-block with the one above
% caption of a table/longtable, \abovecaptionskip must not be used
% This auxiliary will get renamed and receive a different meaning
% in future.
% Achieve \sphinxbelowcaptionspace below a caption located above a tabular
% or a tabulary
% varwidth is crucial for our handling of general contents in merged cells
% but addition of a compatibility patch with hyperref is needed
% (tested with varwidth v 0.92 Mar 2009)
\AtBeginDocument {%
\let\noexpand\Hy@raisedlink\noexpand\@vwid@Hy@raisedlink % HYPERREF !
% standard LaTeX's \multicolumn
% 1. does not allow verbatim contents,
% 2. interacts very poorly with tabulary.
% It is needed to write own macros for Sphinx: to allow code-blocks in merged
% cells rendered by tabular/longtable, and to allow multi-column cells with
% paragraphs to be taken into account sanely by tabulary algorithm for column
% widths.
% This requires quite a bit of hacking. First, in Sphinx, the multi-column
% contents will *always* be wrapped in a varwidth environment. The issue
% becomes to pass it the correct target width. We must trick tabulary into
% believing the multicolumn is simply separate columns, else tabulary does not
% incorporate the contents in its algorithm. But then we must clear the
% vertical rules...
% configuration of tabulary
\setlength{\tymin}{3\fontcharwd\font`0 }% minimal width of "squeezed" columns
\setlength{\tymax}{10000pt}% allow enough room for paragraphs to "compete"
% we need access to tabulary's final computed width. \@tempdima is too volatile
% to hope it has kept tabulary's value when \sphinxcolwidth needs it.
% next hack is needed only if user has set latex_use_latex_multicolumn to True:
% it fixes tabulary's bug with \multicolumn defined "short" in first pass. (if
% upstream tabulary adds a \long, our extra one causes no harm)
\def\sphinx@tempa #1\def\multicolumn#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9\sphinx@tempa
% TN. 1: as \omit is never executed, Sphinx multicolumn does not need to worry
% like standard multicolumn about |l| vs l|. On the other hand it assumes
% columns are separated by a | ... (if not it will add extraneous
% \arrayrulewidth space for each column separation in its estimate of available
% width).
% TN. 1b: as Sphinx multicolumn uses neither \omit nor \span, it can not
% (easily) get rid of extra macros from >{...} or <{...} between columns. At
% least, it has been made compatible with colortbl's \columncolor.
% TN. 2: tabulary's second pass is handled like tabular/longtable's single
% pass, with the difference that we hacked \TY@final to set in
% \sphinx@TY@tablewidth the final target width as computed by tabulary. This is
% needed only to handle columns with a "horizontal" specifier: "p" type columns
% (inclusive of tabulary's LJRC) holds the target column width in the
% \linewidth dimension.
% TN. 3: use of \begin{sphinxmulticolumn}...\end{sphinxmulticolumn} mark-up
% would need some hacking around the fact that groups can not span across table
% cells (the code does inserts & tokens, see TN1b). It was decided to keep it
% simple with \sphinxstartmulticolumn...\sphinxstopmulticolumn.
% MEMO about nesting: if sphinxmulticolumn is encountered in a nested tabular
% inside a tabulary it will think to be at top level in the tabulary. But
% Sphinx generates no nested tables, and if some LaTeX macro uses internally a
% tabular this will not have a \sphinxstartmulticolumn within it!
\ifx\equation$% $ tabulary's first pass
\else % either not tabulary or tabulary's second pass
\ifx\equation$% $ tabulary's first pass
\else % either not tabulary or tabulary's second pass
% use \gdef always to avoid stack space build up
\def\sphinx@TYI@stop@multicolumn{\egroup % varwidth was used with \tymax
\xdef\sphinx@tempb{\the\dimexpr\wd\z@/\sphinx@tempa}% per column width
\def\sphinx@TYI@multispan #1{%
\kern\sphinx@tempb\ignorespaces % the per column occupied width
\ifnum#1>\@ne % repeat, taking into account subtleties of TeX's & ...
% Now the branch handling either the second pass of tabulary or the single pass
% of tabular/longtable. This is the delicate part where we gather the
% dimensions from the p columns either set-up by tabulary or by user p column
% or Sphinx \X, \Y columns. The difficulty is that to get the said width, the
% template must be inserted (other hacks would be horribly complicated except
% if we rewrote crucial parts of LaTeX's \@array !) and we can not do
% \omit\span like standard \multicolumn's easy approach. Thus we must cancel
% the \vrule separators. Also, perhaps the column specifier is of the l, c, r
% type, then we attempt an ad hoc rescue to give varwidth a reasonable target
% width.
\def\sphinx@multispan #1{%
\fi {#1}%
\def\sphinx@multispan@next #1{%
% trick to recognize L, C, R, J or p, m, b type columns
% if in an l, r, c type column, try and hope for the best
% hack the \vline and the colortbl macros
% repeat
% packages like colortbl add group levels, we need to "climb back up" to be
% able to hack the \vline and also the colortbl inserted tokens. This creates
% empty space whether or not the columns were | separated:
% It turns out \CT@row@color is not expanded contrarily to \CT@column@color
% during LaTeX+colortbl preamble preparation, hence it would be possible for
% \sphinx@CT@setup to discard only the column color and choose to obey or not
% row color and cell color. It would even be possible to propagate cell color
% to row color for the duration of the Sphinx multicolumn... the (provisional?)
% choice has been made to cancel the colortbl colours for the multicolumn
% duration.
\def\sphinx@CT@setup #1\endgroup{\endgroup}% hack to remove colour commands
% first, trace back our steps horizontally
% and now we set the final computed width for the varwidth environment
% we need to remove colour set-up also for last cell of the multi-column
% this dimension will always be used for varwidth, and serves as maximum
% width when cells are merged either via multirow or multicolumn or both,
% as always their contents is wrapped in varwidth environment.
\ifnum#1>\@ne % multi-column (and possibly also multi-row)
% we wrote our own multicolumn code especially to handle that (and allow
% verbatim contents)
\tymax % first pass of tabulary (cf MEMO above regarding nesting)
\else % the \@gobble thing is for compatibility with standard \multicolumn
\else % single column multirow
\ifx\TY@final\@undefined % not a tabulary.
% in a p{..} type column, \linewidth is the target box width
% l, c, r columns. Do our best.
\else % in tabulary
\ifx\equation$%$% first pass
\tymax % it is set to a big value so that paragraphs can express themselves
% second pass.
\linewidth % in a L, R, C, J column or a p, \X, \Y ...
% we have hacked \TY@final to put in \sphinx@TY@tablewidth the table width
% fallback default in case user has set latex_use_latex_multicolumn to True:
% \sphinxcolwidth will use this only inside LaTeX's standard \multicolumn
\def\sphinx@multiwidth #1#2{\dimexpr % #1 to gobble the \@gobble (!)
% --- MULTIROW ---
% standard \multirow
% 1. does not allow verbatim contents,
% 2. does not allow blank lines in its argument,
% 3. its * specifier means to typeset "horizontally" which is very
% bad for paragraph content. 2016 version has = specifier but it
% must be used with p type columns only, else results are bad,
% 4. it requires manual intervention if the contents is too long to fit
% in the asked-for number of rows.
% 5. colour panels (either from \rowcolor or \columncolor) will hide
% the bottom part of multirow text, hence manual tuning is needed
% to put the multirow insertion at the _bottom_.
% The Sphinx solution consists in always having contents wrapped
% in a varwidth environment so that it makes sense to estimate how many
% lines it will occupy, and then ensure by insertion of suitable struts
% that the table rows have the needed height. The needed mark-up is done
% by LaTeX writer, which has its own id for the merged cells.
% The colour issue is solved by clearing colour panels in all cells,
% whether or not the multirow is single-column or multi-column.
% In passing we obtain baseline alignements across rows (only if
% \arraystretch is 1, as LaTeX's does not obey \arraystretch in "p"
% multi-line contents, only first and last line...)
% TODO: examine the situation with \arraystretch > 1. The \extrarowheight
% is hopeless for multirow anyhow, it makes baseline alignment strictly
% impossible.
% #1 = nb of spanned rows, #2 = Sphinx id of "cell", #3 = contents
% but let's fetch #3 in a way allowing verbatim contents !
\def\sphinx@multirow {%
\def\sphinx@@multirow {%
% The contents, which is a varwidth environment, has been captured in
% \box0 (a \hbox).
% We have with \sphinx@cellid an assigned unique id. The goal is to give
% about the same height to all the involved rows.
% For this Sphinx will insert a \sphinxtablestrut{cell_id} mark-up
% in LaTeX file and the expansion of the latter will do the suitable thing.
\count@=\dimen@ % type conversion dim -> int
\divide\count@\count\tw@ % TeX division truncates
% 1300sp is about 0.02pt. For comparison a rule default width is 0.4pt.
% (note that if \count@ holds 0, surely \dimen@>1300sp)
\ifdim\dimen@>1300sp \advance\count@\@ne \fi
% now \count@ holds the count L of needed "lines"
% and \sphinx@nbofrows holds the number N of rows
% we have L >= 1 and N >= 1
% if L is a multiple of N, ... clear what to do !
% else write L = qN + r, 1 <= r < N and we will
% arrange for each row to have enough space for:
% q+1 "lines" in each of the first r rows
% q "lines" in each of the (N-r) bottom rows
% for a total of (q+1) * r + q * (N-r) = q * N + r = L
% It is possible that q == 0.
% the TeX division truncates
\count4\count\tw@ % q
\advance\count@-\count\tw@ % r
\expandafter\xdef\csname sphinx@tablestrut_\sphinx@cellid\endcsname
% this will use the real height if it is >\ht\@arstrutbox
\endgroup % group was opened in \sphinxmultirow
% #1 is a "cell_id", i.e. the id of a merged group of table cells
\csname sphinx@tablestrut_#1\endcsname
% LaTeX typesets the table row by row, hence each execution can do
% an update for the next row.
% #1 = q, #2 = (initially) r, #3 = cell_id, q+1 lines in first r rows
% if #2 = 0, create space for max(q,1) table lines
% if #2 > 0, create space for q+1 lines and decrement #2
% next row will be with a #2 decremented by one
\expandafter\xdef\csname sphinx@tablestrut_#3\endcsname
% we need this to avoid colour panels hiding bottom parts of multirow text