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9 months ago
[2022/02/12 v4.5.0 Sphinx custom footnotehyper package (Sphinx team)]
%% Package: sphinxpackagefootnote
%% Version: based on footnotehyper.sty 2021/02/04 v1.1d
%% License: the one applying to Sphinx
% Provides support for footnote mark-up from Sphinx latex writer:
% - "footnote" and "footnotetext" environments allowing verbatim material
% - "savenotes" environment for wrapping environments, such as for tables
% which have problems with LaTeX footnotes
% - hyperlinks
% Sphinx uses exclusively this mark-up for footnotes:
% - \begin{footnote}[N]
% - \begin{footnotetext}[N]
% - \sphinxfootnotemark[N]
% where N is a number.
%% Some small differences from upstream footnotehyper.sty:
%% - a tabulary compatibility layer (partial but enough for Sphinx),
%% - usage of \spx@opt@BeforeFootnote
%% - usage of \sphinxunactivateextrasandspace from sphinx.sty,
%% - \sphinxlongtablepatch
%% Starting with Sphinx v4.5.0, inherited footnotehyper macros for
%% footnote/footnotetext receive some Sphinx specific extras to
%% implement "intelligent" footnote marks checking page numbers.
%% All footnotes output from Sphinx are hyperlinked. With "savenotes"
%% footnotes may appear on page distinct from footnote mark, the latter
%% will indicate page number of the footnote.
\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{sphinxpackagefootnote}{Option `\CurrentOption' is unknown}}%
\newtoks\FNH@toks % 1.1c
\AtBeginDocument {%
\let\FNH@latex@footnote \footnote
\let\FNH@H@@footnotetext \@footnotetext
\let\FNH@H@@mpfootnotetext \@mpfootnotetext
\let\spewnotes \FNH@spewnotes
\let\footnote \FNH@footnote
\let\footnotetext \FNH@footnotetext
\let\endfootnote \FNH@endfntext
% always True branch taken with Sphinx
\def\FNH@fntext #1{%
% these two lines modified for Sphinx (tabulary compatibility):
{\ifx\equation$\expandafter\@gobbletwo\fi #1}%$
\protected@edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@\@mpfn\endcsname\@thefnmark}%
\let\@footnotetext \FNH@hyper@fntext
\let\@mpfootnotetext \FNH@hyper@fntext
\def\FNH@spewnotes {%
\def\FNH@footnote@envname {footnote}%
% this line added for Sphinx:
% this line added for Sphinx (footnotes in parsed literal blocks):
\catcode13=5 \sphinxunactivateextrasandspace
\FNH@footnoteenv@i %]
% This legacy code from LaTeX core restricts #1 to be digits only
% This limitation could be lifted but legacy Sphinx anyhow obeys it
\csname c@\@mpfn\endcsname #1\relax
% -- Sphinx specific:
% currently commented out due to
% Memo: memoir class detection of successive footnote marks (to separate them
% by commas) is broken by \refstepcounter and also by \label, and some
% mitigation such as in \sphinxfootref would be needed
% \global\let\spx@saved@thefnmark\@thefnmark
% % this is done to access robustly the page number where footnote mark is
% \refstepcounter{sphinxfootnotemark}\label{footnotemark.\thesphinxfootnotemark}%
% % if possible, compare page numbers of mark and footnote to define \@thefnmark
% \ltx@ifundefined{r@\thesphinxscope.footnote.#1}%
% {}% one more latex run is needed
% {\sphinx@xdef@thefnmark{#1}}% check of page numbers possible
% --
% -- Sphinx specific:
% we need to reset \@thefnmark as it is used by \FNH@startfntext via
% \FNH@startnote to set \@currentlabel which will be used by \label
% currently commented out (see above)
% \global\let\@thefnmark\spx@saved@thefnmark
% --
% -- again Sphinx specific
% \@currentlabel as needed by \label got set by \FNH@startnote
% insert this at start of footnote text then the label will allow
% to robustly know on which page the footnote text ends up
% currently only of use for extra footnote marks so in case footnote multiply referred
\FNH@footnotetextenv@i %]
\csname c@\@mpfn\endcsname #1\relax
% -- Sphinx specific addition
\def\FNH@endfntext {%
\FNH@endfntext@fntext {\unvbox\z@}%
\iftrue\csname if#1\endcsname\csname fi\endcsname\expandafter\@firstoftwo
\else\csname fi\endcsname\expandafter\@secondoftwo
\@makefntextTH{} % space as in french.ldf
\@makefntextFB{} % space as in french.ldf
\@makefntextORI{}% no space as in french.ldf
\long\def\FNH@check@a #11.2!3?4,#2\FNH@@@#3{%
\edef\FNH@temp{\noexpand\FNH@checkagain@a ##1\string{1.2!3?4,\string}}%
\def\FNH@check@b #1\relax{%
\def\FNH@check@c #11.2!3?4,#2#3\relax{%
% slight reformulation for Sphinx
{Footnotes will be sub-optimal, sorry. This is due to the document class or^^J
some package modifying macro \string\@makefntext.^^J
You can try to report this incompatibility at^^J with this info:}%
% this macro from original footnote.sty is not used anymore by Sphinx
% but for simplicity sake let's just keep it as is
\def\FNH@msne@i #1{%
\expandafter\let\csname FNH$#1\expandafter\endcsname %$
\csname #1\endcsname
\expandafter\let\csname endFNH$#1\expandafter\endcsname %$
\csname end#1\endcsname
\expandafter\edef\csname end#1\endcsname{%
\expandafter\noexpand\csname end#2\endcsname
% some extras for Sphinx :
% \sphinxfootnotemark:
% - if in section titles will auto-remove itself from TOC
\def\sphinxfootnotemark [#1]%
% - compares page number of footnote mark versus the one of footnote text
\csname r@\thesphinxscope.footnote.#1\endcsname\relax
\csname r@footnotemark.\thesphinxfootnotemark\endcsname\thepage\relax
% the macro \sphinxthefootnotemark is in sphinx.sty
\def\sphinx@footref@get #1#2#3#4#5\relax{%
\def\spx@footrefpage {#2}%
\def\spx@footrefHref {#4}%
\def\sphinx@footmark@getpage #1#2#3\relax{%
\protected\def\sphinxfootref#1{% #1 always is explicit number in Sphinx
% each of \refstepcounter and \label interferes with memoir class detection
% of successive footnote marks, so we move them to inside \@makefnmark
{\gdef\@thefnmark{?}% on first LaTeX run
{\sphinx@xdef@thefnmark{#1}% also defines \spx@footrefHref
\def\@makefnmark{% will be used by \H@@footnotemark
% let hyperref less complain
\pdfstringdefDisableCommands{\def\sphinxfootnotemark [#1]{}}%
% to obtain hyperlinked footnotes in longtable environment we must replace
% hyperref's patch of longtable's patch of \@footnotetext by our own
% this *requires* longtable to be used always wrapped in savenotes environment
%% End of file `sphinxpackagefootnote.sty'.