%%% pybtex example file \begin{thebibliography}{Вик77} \bibitem[dL06]{test-booklet} First~Middle de~Last, Jr. \newblock Just a booklet. \newblock Published by Foo, Moscow, January 2006. \bibitem[Jac33]{test-inbook} P\'eter Jackson. \newblock {\em Some Title}, pages 44--59. \newblock Number~3 in Some series. Some Publisher, second edition, 1933. \bibitem[Len14]{inbook-editor} Vladimir~Ilyich Lenin, editor. \newblock {\em Lesbian Nurses}, chapter~8. \newblock Yale University Press, 1914. \bibitem[LR97]{ruckenstein-diffusion} Hongquin Liu and Eli Ruckenstein. \newblock Predicting the diffusion coefficient in supercritical fluids. \newblock {\em Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.}, 36:888--895, 1997. \bibitem[Вик77]{viktorov-metodoj} Михаил~Маркович Викторов. \newblock {\em Методы вычисления физико-химических величин и прикладные расчёты}. \newblock Л.: <<Химия>>, 1977. \end{thebibliography}