% Copyright (C) 1988, 2010 Oren Patashnik. % Unlimited copying and redistribution of this file are permitted if it % is unmodified. Modifications (and their redistribution) are also % permitted, as long as the resulting file is renamed. @preamBle{ "\newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} " # "\newcommand{\printfirst}[2]{#1} " # "\newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} " # "\newcommand{\switchargs}[2]{#2#1} " } @ArTIclE{arTicLe-MiniMAl, AuTHoR = {L[eslie] A. Aamport}, TiTLe = {The Gnats and Gnus Document Preparation System}, jouRnaL = {\mbox{G-Animal's} Journal}, Year = 1986, } @ArTiCLe{artIclE-fulL, AUThOr = {L[eslie] A. Aamport}, titlE = {The Gnats and Gnus Document Preparation System}, journal = {\mbox{G-Animal's} Journal}, yEaR = 1986, VOlUMe = 41, nUMber = 7, pagEs = "73+", mONth = Jul, nOte = "This is a full ARTICLE entry", } ThE key field is hERE TO OvErRIdE The kEY fiELD iN The jOURNaL BeING CrOSS rEferEnCeD (so is ThE nOTE fiEld, In aDditioN to Its ImPaRTiNg inFoRmAtioN). @ARTiClE{aRtIcLE-crOssREf, CROsSREF = {WHOLE-JOURNAL}, kEy = "", author = {L[eslie] A. Aamport}, title = {The Gnats and Gnus Document Preparation System}, pAgeS = "73+", NOte = "This is a cross-referencing ARTICLE entry", } @aRtIcLe{WholE-journAl, kEy = "GAJ", JourNal = {\mbox{G-Animal's} Journal}, yeAr = 1986, vOluME = 41, numbEr = 7, mOnTh = jUl, note = {The entire issue is devoted to gnats and gnus (this entry is a cross-referenced ARTICLE (journal))}, } @InBOoK{iNbOOk-MiNiMal, authOr = "Donald E. Knuth", titLe = "Fundamental Algorithms", PUBLishEr = "Addison-Wesley", YeAR = "{\noopsort{1973b}}1973", ChApter = "1.2", } @inBOOk{iNbOok-full, AUthOR = "Donald E. Knuth", tiTLe = "Fundamental Algorithms", VolUMe = 1, serIEs = "The Art of Computer Programming", pubLisher = "Addison-Wesley", addResS = "Reading, Massachusetts", eDiTiOn = "Second", mONth = "10~" # jaN, yeaR = "{\noopsort{1973b}}1973", type = "Section", ChapteR = "1.2", paGES = "10--119", noTe = "This is a full INBOOK entry", } @iNBOOk{inBoOk-cRossRef, cRossrEf = "whole-set", Title = "Fundamental Algorithms", vOluMe = 1, serIEs = "The Art of Computer Programming", EdITioN = "Second", year = "{\noopsort{1973b}}1973", TYpE = "Section", CHAPtEr = "1.2", NOTE = "This is a cross-referencing INBOOK entry", } @BOok{Book-minimal, aUthOr = "Donald E. Knuth", TitlE = "Seminumerical Algorithms", pUbLIsheR = "Addison-Wesley", yeAr = "{\noopsort{1973c}}1981", } @BOoK{boOK-Full, AuThor = "Donald E. Knuth", tiTLE = "Seminumerical Algorithms", volumE = 2, Series = "The Art of Computer Programming", pUbLIshEr = "Addison-Wesley", AddresS = "Reading, Massachusetts", eDitioN = "Second", MOnTh = "10~" # jAn, year = "{\noopsort{1973c}}1981", noTe = "This is a full BOOK entry", } @boOK{bOOk-CroSsref, CROsSRef = "whole-set", titLE = "Seminumerical Algorithms", VOLume = 2, serIEs = "The Art of Computer Programming", EDITIon = "Second", yeAR = "{\noopsort{1973c}}1981", nOTE = "This is a cross-referencing BOOK entry", } @BOok{Whole-SEt, AUThOR = "Donald E. Knuth", PublisheR = "Addison-Wesley", TitLe = "The Art of Computer Programming", SerIes = "Four volumes", yEaR = "{\noopsort{1973a}}{\switchargs{--90}{1968}}", nOte = "Seven volumes planned (this is a cross-referenced set of BOOKs)", } @bOoklET{BoOkleT-minImAl, keY = "Kn{\printfirst{v}{1987}}", tiTle = "The Programming of Computer Art", } @BoOKLEt{booKLeT-fuLl, autHoR = "Jill C. Knvth", title = "The Programming of Computer Art", HowpUBlisHED = "Vernier Art Center", aDdreSs = "Stanford, California", Month = fEb, YeaR = 1988, nOte = "This is a full BOOKLET entry", } @IncOLLecTiOn{iNcoLLEcTIOn-MiniMal, AutHor = "Daniel D. Lincoll", TiTLE = "Semigroups of Recurrences", boOktItLE = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization", pUblisHer = "Academic Press", YEar = 1977, } @INCoLlecTiON{iNcoLlection-FUll, author = "Daniel D. Lincoll", TitlE = "Semigroups of Recurrences", editoR = "David J. Lipcoll and D. H. Lawrie and A. H. Sameh", booktiTlE = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization", nUmbER = 23, sErIeS = "Fast Computers", cHapTEr = 3, tyPe = "Part", pagEs = "179--183", PubLishEr = "Academic Press", aDDreSS = "New York", eDition = "Third", monTh = SeP, yeAr = 1977, noTe = "This is a full INCOLLECTION entry", } @InCollectiOn{inCoLlectIon-CroSsRef, CroSSREF = "whole-collection", AUthOR = "Daniel D. Lincoll", tiTlE = "Semigroups of Recurrences", PAGes = "179--183", note = "This is a cross-referencing INCOLLECTION entry", } @bOok{whOle-CoLlECTion, EdITor = "David J. Lipcoll and D. H. Lawrie and A. H. Sameh", TItle = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization", bOoktitLE = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization", nUmBer = 23, seRies = "Fast Computers", pUblIShER = "Academic Press", aDdRESs = "New York", ediTION = "Third", Month = SeP, YeaR = 1977, nOte = "This is a cross-referenced BOOK (collection) entry", } @MAnUAl{MaNuAl-MInImal, keY = "Manmaker", titLe = "The Definitive Computer Manual", } @mAnuaL{manual-Full, AuThOr = "Larry Manmaker", tiTle = "The Definitive Computer Manual", orGanizatioN = "Chips-R-Us", AdDReSS = "Silicon Valley", ediTIoN = "Silver", MoNth = aPr # "-" # May, YEaR = 1986, nOte = "This is a full MANUAL entry", } @MasteRsThesIs{MAstersThesIs-miNImAl, author = "{\'{E}}douard Masterly", titLE = "Mastering Thesis Writing", schOoL = "Stanford University", yeaR = 1988, } @MaSteRSTHesiS{MasterSTheSIs-FULL, aUtHOr = "{\'{E}}douard Masterly", TiTle = "Mastering Thesis Writing", ScHoOL = "Stanford University", TYPe = "Master's project", adDreSS = "English Department", month = juN # "-" # aUg, yeAr = 1988, NOte = "This is a full MASTERSTHESIS entry", } @miSC{misc-mINiMAl, KEy = "Missilany", nOte = "This is a minimal MISC entry", } @Misc{MIsc-fuLl, AuThOr = "Joe-Bob Missilany", tITle = "Handing out random pamphlets in airports", howpuBLiShED = "Handed out at O'Hare", MONtH = ocT, yeaR = 1984, nOtE = "This is a full MISC entry", } @StRING{SToC-Key = "OX{\singleletter{stoc}}"} @stRInG{acm = "The OX Association for Computing Machinery"} @STrinG{Stoc = " Symposium on the Theory of Computing"} @iNProcEedInGS{iNPRoCEEdinGs-MiNIMaL, AUThoR = "Alfred V. Oaho and Jeffrey D. Ullman and Mihalis Yannakakis", titLe = "On Notions of Information Transfer in {VLSI} Circuits", BooktItlE = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM" # sToC, YeAR = 1983, } @inproCEeDINgs{inprocEEdIngS-FUlL, aUtHOr = "Alfred V. Oaho and Jeffrey D. Ullman and Mihalis Yannakakis", title = "On Notions of Information Transfer in {VLSI} Circuits", eDItoR = "Wizard V. Oz and Mihalis Yannakakis", BOOktiTLE = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM" # StOc, NUMBer = 17, sERiEs = "All ACM Conferences", pages = "133--139", mONTh = mAr, yeAr = 1983, ADDREsS = "Boston", orgAnIZatIon = acm, publISHER = "Academic Press", nOte = "This is a full INPROCEDINGS entry", } @iNprOcEediNGs{InproceedINgS-cROssrEf, cROSSrEF = "whole-proceedings", aUtHOR = "Alfred V. Oaho and Jeffrey D. Ullman and Mihalis Yannakakis", titLE = "On Notions of Information Transfer in {VLSI} Circuits", ORgaNiZAtioN = "", PaGEs = "133--139", NOte = "This is a cross-referencing INPROCEEDINGS entry", } @pROceEDingS{ProCEEDInGs-miNIMAl, kEy = sTOC-key, TitLe = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual" # STOC, YEAR = 1983, } @pRocEEDiNgS{pRoceedINGS-fuLl, editOr = "Wizard V. Oz and Mihalis Yannakakis", tiTLe = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual" # stOC, NUMBeR = 17, SeRieS = "All ACM Conferences", monTH = MaR, YEAr = 1983, adDress = "Boston", OrgAnizaTIoN = ACM, puBliShEr = "Academic Press", notE = "This is a full PROCEEDINGS entry", } @PRoCeEDINGs{whole-PrOCeEdIngs, key = sTOC-keY, oRGaNIzAtIoN = aCm, TitlE = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual" # sToc, ADDrEss = "Boston", yEAr = 1983, BOoktiTLe = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM" # Stoc, NOte = "This is a cross-referenced PROCEEDINGS", } @PhDthEsIs{phdtHESIs-mInimAl, AUThOR = "F. Phidias Phony-Baloney", tItle = "Fighting Fire with Fire: Festooning {F}rench Phrases", SChOOl = "Fanstord University", yeaR = 1988, } @PHdthesIs{phdtHESIs-full, autHoR = "F. Phidias Phony-Baloney", tiTlE = "Fighting Fire with Fire: Festooning {F}rench Phrases", sCHool = "Fanstord University", TYpE = "{PhD} Dissertation", AddReSs = "Department of French", mOnTH = juN # "-" # Aug, yEAR = 1988, NOtE = "This is a full PHDTHESIS entry", } @TecHrEpORT{tEchrEport-miNIMAl, aUthoR = "Tom Terrific", tITlE = "An {$O(n \log n / \! \log\log n)$} Sorting Algorithm", iNstitutIon = "Fanstord University", yeAR = 1988, } @TeCHrEPOrT{TEChreport-fUll, aUtHOr = "Tom T{\'{e}}rrific", tiTlE = "An {$O(n \log n / \! \log\log n)$} Sorting Algorithm", inSTiTUTion = "Fanstord University", typE = "Wishful Research Result", NUmBeR = "7", AdDrEsS = "Computer Science Department, Fanstord, California", month = oCT, YeAR = 1988, NOtE = "This is a full TECHREPORT entry", } @UnpUBlisHeD{uNpubLiSHed-minIMal, aUtHOr = "Ulrich {\"{U}}nderwood and Ned {\~N}et and Paul {\={P}}ot", TitLE = "Lower Bounds for Wishful Research Results", note = "Talk at Fanstord University (this is a minimal UNPUBLISHED entry)", } @uNpublISHed{unpubLIshEd-fulL, aUtHor = "Ulrich {\"{U}}nderwood and Ned {\~N}et and Paul {\={P}}ot", TitlE = "Lower Bounds for Wishful Research Results", month = nOv # ", " # dec, yEar = 1988, nOTe = "Talk at Fanstord University (this is a full UNPUBLISHED entry)", } @misC{ranDom-note-cRoSsREf, Key = {Volume-2}, noTE = "Volume~2 is listed under Knuth \cite{book-full}" }