"""Toctree adapter for sphinx.environment.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TypeVar from docutils import nodes from docutils.nodes import Element, Node from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.locale import __ from sphinx.util import logging, url_re from sphinx.util.matching import Matcher from sphinx.util.nodes import _only_node_keep_children, clean_astext if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections.abc import Iterable, Set from sphinx.builders import Builder from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment from sphinx.util.tags import Tags logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def note_toctree(env: BuildEnvironment, docname: str, toctreenode: addnodes.toctree) -> None: """Note a TOC tree directive in a document and gather information about file relations from it. """ if toctreenode['glob']: env.glob_toctrees.add(docname) if toctreenode.get('numbered'): env.numbered_toctrees.add(docname) include_files = toctreenode['includefiles'] for include_file in include_files: # note that if the included file is rebuilt, this one must be # too (since the TOC of the included file could have changed) env.files_to_rebuild.setdefault(include_file, set()).add(docname) env.toctree_includes.setdefault(docname, []).extend(include_files) def document_toc(env: BuildEnvironment, docname: str, tags: Tags) -> Node: """Get the (local) table of contents for a document. Note that this is only the sections within the document. For a ToC tree that shows the document's place in the ToC structure, use `get_toctree_for`. """ tocdepth = env.metadata[docname].get('tocdepth', 0) try: toc = _toctree_copy(env.tocs[docname], 2, tocdepth, False, tags) except KeyError: # the document does not exist any more: # return a dummy node that renders to nothing return nodes.paragraph() for node in toc.findall(nodes.reference): node['refuri'] = node['anchorname'] or '#' return toc def global_toctree_for_doc( env: BuildEnvironment, docname: str, builder: Builder, collapse: bool = False, includehidden: bool = True, maxdepth: int = 0, titles_only: bool = False, ) -> Element | None: """Get the global ToC tree at a given document. This gives the global ToC, with all ancestors and their siblings. """ resolved = ( _resolve_toctree( env, docname, builder, toctree_node, prune=True, maxdepth=int(maxdepth), titles_only=titles_only, collapse=collapse, includehidden=includehidden, ) for toctree_node in env.master_doctree.findall(addnodes.toctree) ) toctrees = [ toctree for toctree in resolved if toctree is not None ] if not toctrees: return None result = toctrees[0] for toctree in toctrees[1:]: result.extend(toctree.children) return result def _resolve_toctree( env: BuildEnvironment, docname: str, builder: Builder, toctree: addnodes.toctree, *, prune: bool = True, maxdepth: int = 0, titles_only: bool = False, collapse: bool = False, includehidden: bool = False, ) -> Element | None: """Resolve a *toctree* node into individual bullet lists with titles as items, returning None (if no containing titles are found) or a new node. If *prune* is True, the tree is pruned to *maxdepth*, or if that is 0, to the value of the *maxdepth* option on the *toctree* node. If *titles_only* is True, only toplevel document titles will be in the resulting tree. If *collapse* is True, all branches not containing docname will be collapsed. """ if toctree.get('hidden', False) and not includehidden: return None # For reading the following two helper function, it is useful to keep # in mind the node structure of a toctree (using HTML-like node names # for brevity): # #
# # The transformation is made in two passes in order to avoid # interactions between marking and pruning the tree (see bug #1046). toctree_ancestors = _get_toctree_ancestors(env.toctree_includes, docname) included = Matcher(env.config.include_patterns) excluded = Matcher(env.config.exclude_patterns) maxdepth = maxdepth or toctree.get('maxdepth', -1) if not titles_only and toctree.get('titlesonly', False): titles_only = True if not includehidden and toctree.get('includehidden', False): includehidden = True tocentries = _entries_from_toctree( env, prune, titles_only, collapse, includehidden, builder.tags, toctree_ancestors, included, excluded, toctree, [], ) if not tocentries: return None newnode = addnodes.compact_paragraph('', '') if caption := toctree.attributes.get('caption'): caption_node = nodes.title(caption, '', *[nodes.Text(caption)]) caption_node.line = toctree.line caption_node.source = toctree.source caption_node.rawsource = toctree['rawcaption'] if hasattr(toctree, 'uid'): # move uid to caption_node to translate it caption_node.uid = toctree.uid # type: ignore[attr-defined] del toctree.uid newnode.append(caption_node) newnode.extend(tocentries) newnode['toctree'] = True # prune the tree to maxdepth, also set toc depth and current classes _toctree_add_classes(newnode, 1, docname) newnode = _toctree_copy(newnode, 1, maxdepth if prune else 0, collapse, builder.tags) if isinstance(newnode[-1], nodes.Element) and len(newnode[-1]) == 0: # No titles found return None # set the target paths in the toctrees (they are not known at TOC # generation time) for refnode in newnode.findall(nodes.reference): if url_re.match(refnode['refuri']) is None: rel_uri = builder.get_relative_uri(docname, refnode['refuri']) refnode['refuri'] = rel_uri + refnode['anchorname'] return newnode def _entries_from_toctree( env: BuildEnvironment, prune: bool, titles_only: bool, collapse: bool, includehidden: bool, tags: Tags, toctree_ancestors: Set[str], included: Matcher, excluded: Matcher, toctreenode: addnodes.toctree, parents: list[str], subtree: bool = False, ) -> list[Element]: """Return TOC entries for a toctree node.""" entries: list[Element] = [] for (title, ref) in toctreenode['entries']: try: toc, refdoc = _toctree_entry( title, ref, env, prune, collapse, tags, toctree_ancestors, included, excluded, toctreenode, parents, ) except LookupError: continue # children of toc are: # - list_item + compact_paragraph + (reference and subtoc) # - only + subtoc # - toctree children: Iterable[nodes.Element] = toc.children # type: ignore[assignment] # if titles_only is given, only keep the main title and # sub-toctrees if titles_only: # delete everything but the toplevel title(s) # and toctrees for top_level in children: # nodes with length 1 don't have any children anyway if len(top_level) > 1: if subtrees := list(top_level.findall(addnodes.toctree)): top_level[1][:] = subtrees # type: ignore[index] else: top_level.pop(1) # resolve all sub-toctrees for sub_toc_node in list(toc.findall(addnodes.toctree)): if sub_toc_node.get('hidden', False) and not includehidden: continue for i, entry in enumerate( _entries_from_toctree( env, prune, titles_only, collapse, includehidden, tags, toctree_ancestors, included, excluded, sub_toc_node, [refdoc, *parents], subtree=True, ), start=sub_toc_node.parent.index(sub_toc_node) + 1, ): sub_toc_node.parent.insert(i, entry) sub_toc_node.parent.remove(sub_toc_node) entries.extend(children) if not subtree: ret = nodes.bullet_list() ret += entries return [ret] return entries def _toctree_entry( title: str, ref: str, env: BuildEnvironment, prune: bool, collapse: bool, tags: Tags, toctree_ancestors: Set[str], included: Matcher, excluded: Matcher, toctreenode: addnodes.toctree, parents: list[str], ) -> tuple[Element, str]: from sphinx.domains.std import StandardDomain try: refdoc = '' if url_re.match(ref): toc = _toctree_url_entry(title, ref) elif ref == 'self': toc = _toctree_self_entry(title, toctreenode['parent'], env.titles) elif ref in StandardDomain._virtual_doc_names: toc = _toctree_generated_entry(title, ref) else: if ref in parents: logger.warning(__('circular toctree references ' 'detected, ignoring: %s <- %s'), ref, ' <- '.join(parents), location=ref, type='toc', subtype='circular') msg = 'circular reference' raise LookupError(msg) toc, refdoc = _toctree_standard_entry( title, ref, env.metadata[ref].get('tocdepth', 0), env.tocs[ref], toctree_ancestors, prune, collapse, tags, ) if not toc.children: # empty toc means: no titles will show up in the toctree logger.warning(__('toctree contains reference to document %r that ' "doesn't have a title: no link will be generated"), ref, location=toctreenode) except KeyError: # this is raised if the included file does not exist ref_path = env.doc2path(ref, False) if excluded(ref_path): message = __('toctree contains reference to excluded document %r') elif not included(ref_path): message = __('toctree contains reference to non-included document %r') else: message = __('toctree contains reference to nonexisting document %r') logger.warning(message, ref, location=toctreenode) raise return toc, refdoc def _toctree_url_entry(title: str, ref: str) -> nodes.bullet_list: if title is None: title = ref reference = nodes.reference('', '', internal=False, refuri=ref, anchorname='', *[nodes.Text(title)]) para = addnodes.compact_paragraph('', '', reference) item = nodes.list_item('', para) toc = nodes.bullet_list('', item) return toc def _toctree_self_entry( title: str, ref: str, titles: dict[str, nodes.title], ) -> nodes.bullet_list: # 'self' refers to the document from which this # toctree originates if not title: title = clean_astext(titles[ref]) reference = nodes.reference('', '', internal=True, refuri=ref, anchorname='', *[nodes.Text(title)]) para = addnodes.compact_paragraph('', '', reference) item = nodes.list_item('', para) # don't show subitems toc = nodes.bullet_list('', item) return toc def _toctree_generated_entry(title: str, ref: str) -> nodes.bullet_list: from sphinx.domains.std import StandardDomain docname, sectionname = StandardDomain._virtual_doc_names[ref] if not title: title = sectionname reference = nodes.reference('', title, internal=True, refuri=docname, anchorname='') para = addnodes.compact_paragraph('', '', reference) item = nodes.list_item('', para) # don't show subitems toc = nodes.bullet_list('', item) return toc def _toctree_standard_entry( title: str, ref: str, maxdepth: int, toc: nodes.bullet_list, toctree_ancestors: Set[str], prune: bool, collapse: bool, tags: Tags, ) -> tuple[nodes.bullet_list, str]: refdoc = ref if ref in toctree_ancestors and (not prune or maxdepth <= 0): toc = toc.deepcopy() else: toc = _toctree_copy(toc, 2, maxdepth, collapse, tags) if title and toc.children and len(toc.children) == 1: child = toc.children[0] for refnode in child.findall(nodes.reference): if refnode['refuri'] == ref and not refnode['anchorname']: refnode.children[:] = [nodes.Text(title)] return toc, refdoc def _toctree_add_classes(node: Element, depth: int, docname: str) -> None: """Add 'toctree-l%d' and 'current' classes to the toctree.""" for subnode in node.children: if isinstance(subnode, (addnodes.compact_paragraph, nodes.list_item)): # forand