@preamble{"%%% pybtex example file"} @article{ruckenstein-diffusion, author = "Liu, Hongquin and Ruckenstein, Eli", language = "english", title = "Predicting the Diffusion Coefficient in Supercritical Fluids", journal = "Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.", volume = "36", year = "1997", pages = "888-895" } @book{viktorov-metodoj, author = "Викторов, Михаил Маркович", publisher = "Л.: <<Химия>>", title = "Методы вычисления физико-химических величин и прикладные расчёты", language = "russian", year = "1977", isbn = "000-0000000000", } @inbook{test-inbook, author = "Jackson, P\'eter", publisher = "Some Publisher", language = "english", title = "Some Title", series = "Some series", booktitle = "Some Good Book", number = "3", edition = "Second", year = "1933", pages = "44--59", url = "https://example.com/Peter%20Jackson.html" } @INBOOK{inbook-editor, editor = "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin", title = "Lesbian Nurses", publisher = "Yale University Press", year = "1914", chapter = "8", } @booklet{test-booklet, author = "de Last, Jr., First Middle", language = "english", title = "Just a booklet", year = "2006", month = "January", address = "Moscow", howpublished = "Published by Foo" }