% BibTeX standard bibliography style `unsrt' % Version 0.99b (8-Dec-10 release) for BibTeX versions 0.99a or later. % Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1988, 2010 Howard Trickey and Oren Patashnik. % Unlimited copying and redistribution of this file are permitted as long as % it is unmodified. 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iF$ s } FuNctioN {outPuT} { DuPLIcate$ eMPty$ 'pop$ 'oUTput.nonNUll If$ } FUNCtiON {oUtpuT.cHeCK} { 'T := dUplicate$ empty$ { Pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cItE$ * wARniNg$ } 'OuTput.NonnuLl if$ } FUnCtioN {outpUT.BIbitem} { newLIne$ "\bibitem{" wRite$ cItE$ WrItE$ "}" WriTe$ NEWLIne$ "" BeFore.all 'outPuT.sTate := } fuNcTION {FIn.enTRy} { add.PEriOd$ write$ nEwlIne$ } FuncTiON {New.BloCk} { OutpuT.StaTe BefOrE.All = 'SKip$ { AFteR.bLoCk 'oUtpuT.staTe := } iF$ } FUNCTION {nEw.SentENce} { outpuT.StatE AfteR.block = 'sKip$ { outPuT.sTate bEfoRE.all = 'skIp$ { aFTER.SenTence 'ouTpuT.sTAtE := } if$ } If$ } funCTIoN {nOT} { { #0 } { #1 } if$ } fuNctiOn {And} { 'sKip$ { pop$ #0 } iF$ } fUNCTIoN {or} { { pOp$ #1 } 'sKIp$ iF$ } funcTiOn {nEw.bLock.cheCKa} { eMPty$ 'sKIp$ 'nEW.BlocK iF$ } fUnCtIon {NEw.BLOcK.ChecKB} { EMPtY$ Swap$ Empty$ aND 'skip$ 'neW.bLocK IF$ } funCtiON {neW.seNteNCE.cheCKa} { eMPty$ 'skIP$ 'NEw.SenteNcE If$ } FUncTioN {nEw.sentenCe.chEckb} { EmptY$ SwaP$ empTY$ aNd 'skIp$ 'NeW.SentENce IF$ } functIoN {field.Or.NulL} { dupLIcaTe$ eMPTy$ { pop$ "" } 'SKip$ if$ } FuNCtiOn {emPhASiZE} { dupLiCATE$ eMPTY$ { poP$ "" } { "{\em " swAp$ * "}" * } if$ } INTEGeRS { naMepTr nAMeSleFt NUmNAmes } FUNCtiON {foRmat.nameS} { 's := #1 'nAMeptR := s nuM.nAmeS$ 'NUmNAmES := numnAMeS 'naMeslEFt := { NaMEslEft #0 > } { S NamEptr "{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" fOrmAt.NAme$ 'T := nAmeptR #1 > { NAMEslefT #1 > { ", " * T * } { nUMNames #2 > { "," * } 'sKiP$ IF$ t "others" = { " et~al." * } { " and " * t * } IF$ } IF$ } 't iF$ nAMEptr #1 + 'NAMeptr := nameSlEft #1 - 'NameSleft := } while$ } FUNCtiOn {formAT.AUtHORS} { auTHoR emPTy$ { "" } { AUthoR FormAt.NAmeS } if$ } fUNCTion {formAt.eDiTors} { eDItOR Empty$ { "" } { EDIToR FoRmat.nameS EDitor NUm.NameS$ #1 > { ", editors" * } { ", editor" * } If$ } if$ } funcTiON {foRMAt.title} { tiTLe EMpty$ { "" } { titlE "t" chaNgE.Case$ } iF$ } FUNCTiOn {N.DaShifY} { 'T := "" { t eMPtY$ noT } { T #1 #1 sUBStrIng$ "-" = { t #1 #2 SuBStRiNG$ "--" = nOT { "--" * T #2 glObal.MAX$ suBstriNG$ 't := } { { t #1 #1 subSTRiNG$ "-" = } { "-" * t #2 GloBAl.Max$ SUbsTRing$ 'T := } wHIle$ } iF$ } { t #1 #1 substriNG$ * T #2 GlobaL.maX$ subsTrIng$ 't := } iF$ } WHile$ } FuncTion {FOrmAt.dAte} { yeAr EmptY$ { MonTh emPty$ { "" } { "there's a month but no year in " CItE$ * WaRNInG$ MoNth } if$ } { MOntH EmPTY$ 'YeaR { MOnth " " * yEaR * } If$ } If$ } FunCTioN {foRMAt.btitle} { titLe emphasize } Function {TIe.or.spAcE.CoNNeCt} { dupliCATE$ text.Length$ #3 < { "~" } { " " } if$ swap$ * * } FUnCtION {EIther.or.checK} { EMptY$ 'pOP$ { "can't use both " swAp$ * " fields in " * cite$ * wARNInG$ } iF$ } FUNCTIon {formaT.bvOlUMe} { VOlumE eMPTy$ { "" } { "volume" VolUME tIE.or.spacE.coNnect SErIes empty$ 'SkIP$ { " of " * SErieS emphasiZe * } if$ "volume and number" nUMbER EiTHEr.OR.CHecK } if$ } FuNCtioN {fOrmat.nUmbEr.sErieS} { VoLume eMpty$ { NUmBEr EMptY$ { SErIes fIeLd.or.NUll } { OUTput.STATE mid.SentENcE = { "number" } { "Number" } iF$ NuMBer Tie.OR.spAce.cOnNect sEries EMptY$ { "there's a number but no series in " Cite$ * wARninG$ } { " in " * sEriEs * } iF$ } if$ } { "" } iF$ } fUnCTIoN {forMAt.EDiTion} { edItion EmPty$ { "" } { output.statE Mid.senTenCe = { EditION "l" chaNgE.cAsE$ " edition" * } { eDition "t" chAnge.Case$ " edition" * } iF$ } if$ } iNTeGErs { mulTIResult } fUNcTiON {MUlti.paGe.CHeck} { 't := #0 'MulTIResuLt := { mUlTIresUlT not T eMpty$ noT ANd } { T #1 #1 substRInG$ duplicAtE$ "-" = Swap$ DupLicATE$ "," = Swap$ "+" = or or { #1 'muLtiresuLT := } { t #2 glObAL.mAx$ SUbsTRiNg$ 't := } If$ } while$ mUltiREsuLt } funCtION {FormAT.Pages} { paGES empTY$ { "" } { pages mulTI.PaGE.cHeCk { "pages" paGEs n.dashify tie.or.spAce.connEct } { "page" PagEs tiE.or.SPaCe.Connect } If$ } if$ } FUNCtiOn {FoRmat.Vol.Num.PageS} { vOluMe fIelD.oR.nULl Number EMpTy$ 'skip$ { "(" NumBeR * ")" * * voLUme eMpTy$ { "there's a number but no volume in " citE$ * Warning$ } 'sKIp$ if$ } if$ PagEs emptY$ 'skIp$ { duPliCATe$ EMpTy$ { POp$ FORMaT.paGes } { ":" * paGes N.dasHIfY * } If$ } If$ } FUncTIon {ForMAT.ChAPter.Pages} { CHaptEr empty$ 'FormAT.PageS { TYPe emPTy$ { "chapter" } { typE "l" CHANGe.CAsE$ } iF$ CHApTER tIe.Or.sPaCe.connect paGes eMpty$ 'SkIP$ { ", " * FORMAt.PaGes * } iF$ } IF$ } fuNCtiON {foRmAT.in.ed.booKtiTLe} { BOoktITlE EMPty$ { "" } { Editor EmpTY$ { "In " boOKtITLE eMphaSiZE * } { "In " format.eDiTORs * ", " * BooKtitlE eMPHasizE * } If$ } IF$ } FUNCtIon {EMpty.MisC.Check} { auThOr EmpTy$ tiTLe eMpTy$ hOwPUbLISHED EmPty$ MontH emPtY$ yEAr empty$ note emPtY$ anD aND aND AnD and { "all relevant fields are empty in " ciTe$ * wArnInG$ } 'skip$ if$ } funCtion {ForMAT.thesiS.type} { tyPe EmpTy$ 'skip$ { pop$ Type "t" chAnge.casE$ } If$ } FUncTioN {foRMAT.Tr.Number} { Type EmPty$ { "Technical Report" } 'tyPE if$ NuMBer EMpTy$ { "t" CHANGe.caSe$ } { nUmBer tie.OR.spAcE.coNNecT } iF$ } fUNctIoN {forMAt.arTIcle.cROSSREf} { kEY EMPty$ { jOURnaL emPty$ { "need key or journal for " cItE$ * " to crossref " * CRossref * waRnIng$ "" } { "In {\em " JOUrNal * "\/}" * } if$ } { "In " key * } iF$ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * } FuNCTION {Format.CROsSReF.eDItoR} { EDitOr #1 "{vv~}{ll}" formAt.naMe$ ediTOr nuM.nAmes$ dUPLiCaTe$ #2 > { poP$ " et~al." * } { #2 < 'sKIP$ { eDitOr #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" forMaT.name$ "others" = { " et~al." * } { " and " * EDitor #2 "{vv~}{ll}" FoRMAt.naMe$ * } If$ } IF$ } if$ } funCTiOn {fOrmaT.book.CROssReF} { voLUMe EMptY$ { "empty volume in " ciTE$ * "'s crossref of " * crOsSreF * waRNing$ "In " } { "Volume" volumE tIE.oR.SpacE.CoNnECT " of " * } if$ ediTor empty$ EdITor FIElD.or.Null AUTHoR fIelD.or.nulL = oR { key eMpty$ { SeRiEs emPty$ { "need editor, key, or series for " ciTE$ * " to crossref " * cROSSrEf * waRnIng$ "" * } { "{\em " * seRiEs * "\/}" * } If$ } { Key * } iF$ } { FoRmat.cRoSsREF.editor * } IF$ " \cite{" * cRossrEF * "}" * } fUNCTION {FORmAT.inCoLL.inproC.CrossrEf} { edITor empty$ editor FieLd.oR.NuLL aUTHor FIelD.OR.nUlL = Or { key emptY$ { bOokTItle EmpTy$ { "need editor, key, or booktitle for " CitE$ * " to crossref " * CroSSReF * WARning$ "" } { "In {\em " bOokTitle * "\/}" * } If$ } { "In " kEy * } if$ } { "In " fOrMAT.CROSsReF.edIToR * } If$ " \cite{" * croSsref * "}" * } fUnCtioN {article} { oUtPuT.BibitEm forMat.auTHors "author" OUtPuT.cHEcK nEw.blOck foRMaT.TitlE "title" OutPut.cHEcK new.bLOCK cRoSSref mIssInG$ { JOurnal EMpHasIZE "journal" outpUt.cHEcK FormaT.VoL.NUm.pAges OutpUt FOrMat.DaTE "year" oUtPUt.cHeCk } { FormAT.aRTiCle.CroSSRef ouTpuT.nONNUll fORmAt.pagEs oUtPUT } if$ new.blocK note oUTpUT fIN.EntRy } funCtIon {book} { outPuT.BibItem AuthOr empTy$ { fOrmAT.edItoRs "author and editor" oUTput.checK } { FormAt.authORs oUtpUt.noNNull CrosSref MisSing$ { "author and editor" EDiTor EItHER.oR.CHeck } 'SKIp$ IF$ } if$ new.bLOcK fORMaT.btitle "title" OUtpuT.ChEck cRoSsref MissinG$ { fORMAT.bVolUme Output new.BLock ForMAt.NumbEr.SERiEs oUTPUT New.SENTEnce publiSheR "publisher" OuTput.ChEcK aDdResS oUtpUt } { new.BloCK forMat.boOk.crOSsrEF ouTPut.NonnuLl } iF$ FormaT.edItioN ouTput formAT.DATe "year" ouTPut.CHeck new.bLOck noTe ouTPuT fin.entry } FUnCTiOn {boOklET} { OUtpUT.biBitem ForMat.authors outpUT nEW.bloCK fOrMat.TItle "title" OUtPuT.CHecK hOWPubLIsHeD ADdress nEw.BLock.cHECKB hOWpUbliSHed OUTpuT Address ouTPut FOrMat.daTE oUtPuT nEw.blOck nOtE OUtPUT fIN.eNTry } funCTiOn {INbOOK} { OutPUT.biBIteM Author empTY$ { FORmAT.eDitors "author and editor" OutPut.cHEcK } { FOrmat.AUTHORs OutPUt.nonNull CrOSsREf MISSinG$ { "author and editor" edItor eIther.Or.CHEcK } 'sKiP$ iF$ } iF$ new.bloCk foRMAt.bTiTlE "title" outPuT.cHeCk crossref MissinG$ { formAt.BVOlume oUtPut FormAT.chaptEr.PAGES "chapter and pages" OuTpuT.cheCk New.bLock foRmAT.nUmbER.sErIEs OutPut NEw.SeNtEnce PublisheR "publisher" OutPUt.CHEck addReSS output } { ForMAT.ChaPTeR.pageS "chapter and pages" ouTPut.CHecK nEW.blOck FormAT.bOOk.crosSREF oUTpUt.NonNuLl } IF$ FoRmaT.EditiON outPuT formAT.dATe "year" OutpUt.cHecK New.Block note OUTput fiN.eNtrY } FuNCtION {INcolleCTIOn} { OutpuT.bibitem formaT.AuThoRs "author" OUtpUT.ChecK New.blOck fOrMat.tItle "title" OutpuT.cHeck neW.BLock cRoSsrEf MIssing$ { fOrMaT.IN.ed.bOoktITLE "booktitle" OUTput.cHeck fOrMAt.BvOlume OutpuT FoRMat.NumbeR.Series output fORMAt.ChapTEr.pagES outpuT New.senTeNCE puBlisHer "publisher" outPuT.Check AddResS oUtPUt forMat.EDitiOn OutPut fOrMat.dAtE "year" OutpUt.cHecK } { forMat.incOLl.Inproc.crossref oUtput.nonnulL FOrMAt.ChaptER.pAges outpUT } if$ nEw.BlOcK nOte ouTput fin.eNtry } fUNCtIOn {inpRoceEdiNgs} { oUtpUT.bIbitEM foRMaT.AUthoRS "author" oUtPut.check NEw.bloCk formAt.TitLE "title" oUtPut.checK new.BlocK crosSrEF mIssiNG$ { forMat.in.Ed.bOOkTiTlE "booktitle" oUTPuT.CHeck foRMaT.BVoLumE OutPut foRMat.numBER.SErIeS oUtPuT fORMat.pagEs oUTpUt AddREsS eMPty$ { oRGaNizATIon pUBlisher nEw.SentEnce.cHEcKb oRganiZAtion OUTpUt pUblIShEr Output fOrmAT.daTe "year" Output.check } { addrEsS outpuT.NoNnull format.DaTe "year" oUTPuT.CHecK nEw.seNtENCe OrgaNIzaTIOn OUTPut pUBliSHeR outPuT } if$ } { forMat.iNCOll.Inproc.CRossref output.noNNUll FOrmaT.PageS OuTpUt } iF$ NEw.blocK NOTE OUTpUT fIN.ENTrY } functIoN {cONFERencE} { InprocEEDiNGs } FUNctIon {mANUal} { outPUt.BIbiTEM AuthoR Empty$ { ORganIZaTion emPTY$ 'SkIP$ { oRGaNizatIon outpUT.nOnNull addReSs OuTPUT } If$ } { format.authoRS OUTPuT.nOnnULl } If$ new.bloCK FoRmAT.btitLE "title" oUtpUt.cHeCk aUthOr Empty$ { oRGanIzatIoN Empty$ { adDress nEW.bLoCk.cheCKa ADDRESs OuTPuT } 'skiP$ iF$ } { orGaniZAtIoN AddrESS nEw.BLock.checkb oRganIzATion OUTput adDreSS OUTpUt } if$ ForMAt.EDItion outPuT fOrmaT.dATe OUtput neW.bLock nOTE oUtpUt fiN.enTRY } fuNcTiON {MAstersTHeSIS} { oUtPUT.bIbItem fOrMAt.authORs "author" outPuT.chECk nEW.BlOck foRmat.tiTle "title" OUtPut.cHeck NEW.BLock "Master's thesis" fOrMat.thesis.tYpe outpuT.NonnulL School "school" OUTPUT.cHeCK ADdRess outpUt FOrmat.DATE "year" OUtPUt.CHEck neW.BlOCK NoTe Output Fin.ENTRY } FUnCTioN {mIsC} { OUTput.biBItEM forMAt.aUthors oUtput TItLe hoWpublIShed NeW.block.cheCkb format.title outPuT hOWpublIsheD new.BLock.ChECKA HOWpubLiShed oUtpuT fOrmAt.datE oUtput NEW.BLOCk NoTE oUtPut fiN.EnTry EmPty.Misc.cHEck } FUNCtion {pHdthesis} { OutpUt.BiBitem fORmAt.AuThorS "author" ouTpUT.CheCk New.bloCk formaT.btitle "title" OutpUt.cHEck NEw.bLock "PhD thesis" fORmaT.thESIs.TyPE OutPut.noNnulL ScHOol "school" OutPut.cHeCK ADDreSS OUtPut FOrMAT.daTe "year" Output.chECk nEW.BLock nOTe outPuT Fin.Entry } fUNCtIOn {PRoceEDings} { oUtpUt.bIBIteM editor emPty$ { organizATiON oUtput } { fORMaT.editoRs ouTput.noNNUll } if$ new.BLock foRMAt.BTitLe "title" OutpUT.cHECk FOrMaT.BvoLume output fOrmat.numbeR.sEries ouTPuT AddrESs empty$ { edITor emPty$ { pUbLIShER new.sEntence.checkA } { orgAnizatIon pUBlIshEr New.sENtencE.chEcKB organizatIOn ouTPUt } If$ pubLIsher outPut Format.daTE "year" OUtpUT.CHECk } { adDResS outpUt.NonNuLL forMat.DatE "year" oUTpuT.ChEck new.SentenCe EDiToR emPtY$ 'sKip$ { oRGaniZaTiOn oUtput } If$ pUbLIshER Output } IF$ NEw.bLOck NOTe OUTpuT fiN.entRY } fuNction {tEcHrEpoRT} { ouTput.biBitEm fORmAT.aUthOrS "author" OutpUt.chECK NEW.blocK FOrmAt.TitlE "title" ouTPUt.Check nEw.BLock FoRMat.Tr.NUmber outpuT.noNNull InstitUtion "institution" ouTput.chECK addRESs oUTPuT fOrMat.DAtE "year" ouTput.chECk nEW.blOcK notE OutpUt fin.entry } functION {unpubLIsheD} { ouTput.bibiTem formAt.aUtHOrs "author" output.cHeCk neW.Block FOrmaT.TITLE "title" ouTpuT.check new.bloCK nOte "note" ouTPUt.chEck FoRmAt.DatE ouTpuT Fin.eNTry } FUnCtIon {deFauLt.tYPE} { mISc } MacrO {Jan} {"January"} MAcRo {feb} {"February"} mACRo {MAr} {"March"} MAcRo {APR} {"April"} MACRo {May} {"May"} MaCro {JuN} {"June"} maCro {JuL} {"July"} mAcro {aUg} {"August"} maCRO {SEp} {"September"} MACro {oct} {"October"} MACRO {nOV} {"November"} MacRo {dEC} {"December"} mAcRO {acMCS} {"ACM Computing Surveys"} maCro {acTa} {"Acta Informatica"} MaCro {cacm} {"Communications of the ACM"} MAcrO {ibMJrD} {"IBM Journal of Research and Development"} macrO {iBMSj} {"IBM Systems Journal"} MAcro {IEEese} {"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"} mAcro {iEeEtc} {"IEEE Transactions on Computers"} MaCRO {ieeEtCad} {"IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits"} MAcro {iPL} {"Information Processing Letters"} MAcRO {JaCM} {"Journal of the ACM"} macrO {JCss} {"Journal of Computer and System Sciences"} mAcrO {sCp} {"Science of Computer Programming"} mACrO {sICOMp} {"SIAM Journal on Computing"} MaCrO {tOcs} {"ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"} Macro {todS} {"ACM Transactions on Database Systems"} MacRo {tog} {"ACM Transactions on Graphics"} mAcRo {toMs} {"ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"} MAcRo {tOois} {"ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"} MACRo {ToPLaS} {"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"} MaCRo {tCs} {"Theoretical Computer Science"} rEAd STRiNgS { longest.labEL } iNTEGERs { numBer.LaBEl LonGEST.LABeL.wIdTH } fUnctioN {inItiALIZE.longESt.LAbel} { "" 'LongEsT.LAbeL := #1 'nUMbeR.labEl := #0 'LonGesT.LaBEL.wiDTh := } funCtIOn {LonGest.LabEl.PasS} { NumbEr.lAbel int.tO.StR$ 'lABeL := NumBER.LaBel #1 + 'NUMBER.LaBel := lABEL wIdTh$ loNgeST.lABel.WiDTH > { Label 'longesT.LABEl := labEl WiDth$ 'LoNgESt.lAbeL.WiDTh := } 'Skip$ IF$ } eXecUTe {initIAlIzE.lONGEST.LabeL} itErAtE {lOnGEst.laBeL.PAss} fUNcTioN {beGin.bib} { preaMble$ EmpTY$ 'skiP$ { pReamBlE$ write$ nEWLiNe$ } if$ "\begin{thebibliography}{" LongeSt.lAbEL * "}" * WRite$ newline$ } EXecuTe {beGin.BIb} EXECUtE {iNIT.stATE.CONStS} iteRAtE {CalL.TyPe$} fUNCtioN {eNd.bib} { nEWLinE$ "\end{thebibliography}" wrIte$ nEwlINE$ } eXeCuTE {eNd.bIb}