% change this info string if making any custom modification
\ProvidesPackage{sphinxpackageboxes}[2022/07/04 v5.1.0 advanced colored boxes]
% Optionally executes \RequirePackage for:
% - pict2e.  Ideally we would like to use the v0.4a 2020/08/16 release of this
%   package as it allows dimensional arguments to its \moveto, \lineto, etc...
%   Or we could use extra package "picture".  We opt for custom wrappers
%   \spx@moveto, \spx@lineto, ..., working with old versions.

% Provides box registers \spx@tempboxa, \spx@tempboxb usable in other places

% Internal dimens, conditionals, and colour parameters to be configured
% by callers in "setup" macros
\newdimen\spx@boxes@radius@topleft % only circular arcs, x-radius same as y-radius
% These colours have to be defined appropriately by the callers:
% spx@boxes@bordercolor
% spx@boxes@backgroundcolor
% spx@boxes@shadowcolor

% - \spx@boxes@fcolorbox (4 padding parameters, 4 border widths, 2 shadow widths,
%   and three colours: background, border and shadow; same as in CSS styling)
% - \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@insetshadow (same as in CSS styling)
% - \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rounded: rounded corners using the picture environment
%   and pict2e package for its low-weight interface to PDF graphics operations

% MEMO: we have also successfully tested usage of tcolorbox.sty (its \tcbox) but
% decided to use pict2e.sty for the following reasons:
% 1- PDF build was observed to be an order of magnitude faster,
% 2- the boxes we can do with pict2e appear to be fancy enough,
%    almost matching what one can see in HTML renderings,
% 2- orders of magnitude smaller dependency (tcolorbox uses the pgf TeX
%    framework), although on Ubuntu it seems texlive-pictures is
%    needed which also contains the whole of pgf/TikZ... so this point
%    is a bit moot...

% For code-blocks, attachements of caption and continuation hints are done
% exactly as prior to extension of Sphinx via this package, whether the box
% has straight or rounded corners.  The vertical space occupied is the same,
% if nothing else is changed (perhaps in future the title itself could be also
% rendered in a rounded box?)

%//// \spx@boxes@fcolorbox
% This box will have the same baseline as its argument (which is typeset in
% horizontal mode).  It takes into account four border widths parameters, four
% padding parameters, two shadow widths (each possibly negative), and three
% colors: background, border and shadow.  Its boundary box takes into account
% all of shadow, border and padding.  It is up to the caller to take steps for
% the shadow (and perhaps also border, and padding) to go into margin or stay
% inside the text area, in collaboration with framed.sty.  In usage as a
% "FrameCommand" with framed.sty, the argument will already be a collection
% of TeX boxes (and interline glues).
% The customization of the various parameters are under responsability of
% the caller, before exapnsion of \spx@boxes@fcolorbox.
% An extra hook is provided:
% The parameters are interpreted as they would as CSS properties.
% For inset shadows see separate \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@insetshadow.

  % reserve space to shadow if on left
  % draw background and move back to reference point
  % draw shadow and move back to reference point
               }% end of \vbox, attention it will have zero depth if yoffset>0
         }% end of \hbox, attention its depth is only yoffset if yoffset>0
       }% end of \vbox
  \fi % end of shadow drawing, and we are back to horizontal reference point
       }% attention this box has zero depth due to \hrule at bottom
  % step back to horizontal reference point
  % end of border drawing
  % adjust the total depth to include the bottom shadow
  % include lateral shadow in total width

%//// \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@insetshadow
% The parameters are interpreted as in CSS styling.
  % draw background and move back to reference point
  % draw shadow and move back to reference point
% We deliberately draw shadow partially under an area later covered by frame
% with the idea to avoid anti-aliasing problems but in fact this may be a bad
% idea with border is thin.
% This may need some extra testing with PDF viewers... reports welcome!
               }% end of \vbox, attention it will have zero depth if yoffset<0
         }% end of \hbox, attention its depth is only |yoffset| if yoffset<0
  \fi % end of inset shadow drawing, and we are back to horizontal reference point
       }% attention this box has zero depth due to \hrule at bottom
  % step back to horizontal reference point
  % end of border drawing

% \spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rounded
% Various radii but only one border-width parameter.
% Shadow too.

% wrappers for pict2e usage if old
% Better not to copy over 2020 pict2e definitions in case
% something internal changes
% However our wrappers will work ONLY with dimensional inputs
% No need to pre-expand the arguments
% Braces in case the expression uses parentheses
% attention here the [N] becomes mandatory

% This macro will when executed in a picture environment prepare a path which
% is both used for filling backround color and stroking border
% The coordinate origin in the LaTeX picture environment will be at half the
% border width (d/2, d/2), d = constant border width
  \spx@moveto(\spx@boxes@radius@bottomleft,\z@)% \z@ not 0 as our \spx@moveto is quite dumb
}% end of definition of \spx@boxes@borderpath
}% end of definition of \spx@boxes@borderpath@opentop
}% end of definition of \spx@boxes@borderpath@openbottom
}% end of definition of \spx@boxes@borderpath@openboth

\long\def\spx@boxes@fcolorbox@rounded #1{%
   % reserve space to shadow if on left
     % adjust vertical bbox
      % \strip@pt\dimexpr to work around "old" LaTeX picture limitation
      % (we could use the "picture" package, this would add another dependency)
                   \color{white}% or rather try to use page color?
% even with \spx@boxes@border set to 0pt as done if verbatimwithframe=false
% stroke will produce a visible contour, so we exclude doing it in that case
                    \else \spx@boxes@borderpath@opentop
   \end{picture}}% end of picture \hbox in \vbox
   % back-up vertically for outputting the contents
     % adjust vertical bbox
   }% end of \vbox
  % include lateral shadow in total width
  }% end of \hbox
