# Copyright (c) 2006-2021 Andrey Golovizin # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """BibTeX-like name formatting. >>> name = 'Charles Louis Xavier Joseph de la Vallee Poussin' >>> print(format_name(name, '{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, f.}')) de~la Vallee~Poussin, C.~L. X.~J. >>> name = 'abc' >>> print(format_name(name, '{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, f.}')) abc >>> name = 'Jean-Pierre Hansen' >>> print(format_name(name, '{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}')) Jean-Pierre Hansen >>> print(format_name(name, '{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}')) J.-P. Hansen >>> name = 'F. Phidias Phony-Baloney' >>> print(format_name(name, '{v{}}{l}')) P.-B >>> print(format_name(name, '{v{}}{l.}')) P.-B. >>> print(format_name(name, '{v{}}{l{}}')) PB """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from pybtex.bibtex.utils import bibtex_abbreviate, bibtex_len from pybtex.database import Person from pybtex.scanner import ( Literal, Pattern, PrematureEOF, PybtexSyntaxError, Scanner ) class BibTeXNameFormatError(Exception): pass class Text(object): def __init__(self, text): self.text = text def __repr__(self): return u'{0}({1})'.format(type(self).__name__, repr(self.text)) def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) == type(other) and self.text == other.text def format(self, person): return self.text def to_python(self): return repr(self.text) class NamePart(object): def __init__(self, format_list): pre_text, format_chars, self.delimiter, post_text = format_list if not format_chars and pre_text and not post_text: post_text = pre_text pre_text = '' if post_text.endswith('~~'): self.tie = '~~' elif post_text.endswith('~'): self.tie = '~' else: self.tie = None self.pre_text = pre_text self.post_text = post_text.rstrip('~') if not format_chars: self.format_char = '' self.abbreviate = False else: l = len(format_chars) if l == 1: self.abbreviate = True elif l == 2 and format_chars[0] == format_chars[1]: self.abbreviate = False else: raise BibTeXNameFormatError('invalid format string') self.format_char = format_chars[0] def __repr__(self): format_chars = self.format_char * (1 if self.abbreviate else 2) format_list = [self.pre_text, format_chars, self.delimiter, self.post_text] return u'{0}({1})'.format(type(self).__name__, repr(format_list)) def __eq__(self, other): return ( type(self) == type(other) and self.pre_text == other.pre_text and self.format_char == other.format_char and self.abbreviate == other.abbreviate and self.delimiter == other.delimiter and self.post_text == other.post_text ) types = { 'f': 'bibtex_first', 'l': 'last', 'v': 'prelast', 'j': 'lineage' } def format(self, person): names = person.get_part(self.types[self.format_char]) if self.format_char else [] if self.format_char and not names: return '' if self.abbreviate: names = [bibtex_abbreviate(name, self.delimiter) for name in names] if self.delimiter is None: if self.abbreviate: names = join(names, '.~', '. ') else: names = join(names) else: names = self.delimiter.join(names) formatted_part = self.pre_text + names + self.post_text if self.tie == '~': discretionary = tie_or_space(formatted_part) elif self.tie == '~~': discretionary = '~' else: discretionary = '' return formatted_part + discretionary def to_python(self): from pybtex.style.names import name_part class NamePart(object): def __init__(self, part, abbr=False): self.part = part self.abbr = abbr def __repr__(self): abbr = 'abbr' if self.abbr else '' return 'person.%s(%s)' % (self.part, abbr) kwargs = {} if self.pre_text: kwargs['before'] = self.pre_text if self.tie: kwargs['tie'] = True return repr(name_part(**kwargs) [ NamePart(self.types[self.format_char], self.abbreviate) ]) class NameFormat(object): """ BibTeX name format string. >>> f = NameFormat('{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}') >>> f.parts == [ ... NamePart(['', 'ff', None, '']), ... NamePart(['', 'vv', None, '']), ... NamePart(['', 'll', None, '']), ... NamePart([', ', 'jj', None, '']) ... ] True >>> f = NameFormat('{{ }ff~{ }}{vv~{- Test text here -}~}{ll}{, jj}') >>> f.parts == [ ... NamePart(['{ }', 'ff', None, '~{ }']), ... NamePart(['', 'vv', None, '~{- Test text here -}']), ... NamePart(['', 'll', None, '']), ... NamePart([u', ', 'jj', None, '']) ... ] True >>> f = NameFormat('abc def {f~} xyz {f}?') >>> f.parts == [ ... Text('abc def '), ... NamePart(['', 'f', None, '']), ... Text(' xyz '), ... NamePart(['', 'f', None, '']), ... Text('?'), ... ] True >>> f = NameFormat('{{abc}{def}ff~{xyz}{#@$}}') >>> f.parts == [NamePart(['{abc}{def}', 'ff', None, '~{xyz}{#@$}'])] True >>> f = NameFormat('{{abc}{def}ff{xyz}{#@${}{sdf}}}') >>> f.parts == [NamePart(['{abc}{def}', 'ff', 'xyz', '{#@${}{sdf}}'])] True >>> f = NameFormat('{f.~}') >>> f.parts == [NamePart(['', 'f', None, '.'])] True >>> f = NameFormat('{f~.}') >>> f.parts == [NamePart(['', 'f', None, '~.'])] True >>> f = NameFormat('{f{.}~}') >>> f.parts == [NamePart(['', 'f', '.', ''])] True """ def __init__(self, format): self.format_string = format self.parts = list(NameFormatParser(format).parse()) def format(self, name): person = Person(name) return ''.join(part.format(person) for part in self.parts) def to_python(self): """Convert BibTeX name format to Python (inexactly).""" parts = ',\n'.join(' ' * 8 + part.to_python() for part in self.parts) comment = ' ' * 4 + ( '"""Format names similarly to %s in BibTeX."""' % self.format_string ) body = ' ' * 4 + 'return join [\n%s,\n]' % parts return '\n'.join([ 'def format_names(person, abbr=False):', comment, body, ]) enough_chars = 3 def tie_or_space(word, tie='~', space = ' '): if bibtex_len(word) < enough_chars: return tie else: return space def join(words, tie='~', space=' '): """Join some words, inserting ties (~) when nessessary. Ties are inserted: - after the first word, if it is short - before the last word Otherwise space is inserted. Should produce the same oubput as BibTeX. >>> print(join(['a', 'long', 'long', 'road'])) a~long long~road >>> print(join(['very', 'long', 'phrase'])) very long~phrase """ if len(words) <= 2: return tie.join(words) else: return (words[0] + tie_or_space(words[0], tie, space) + space.join(words[1:-1]) + tie + words[-1]) def format_name(name, format): return NameFormat(format).format(name) class UnbalancedBraceError(PybtexSyntaxError): def __init__(self, parser): message = u'name format string "{0}" has unbalanced braces'.format(parser.text) super(UnbalancedBraceError, self).__init__(message, parser) class NameFormatParser(Scanner): LBRACE = Literal(u'{') RBRACE = Literal(u'}') TEXT = Pattern(r'[^{}]+', 'text') NON_LETTERS = Pattern(r'[^{}\w]|\d+', 'non-letter characters', flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) FORMAT_CHARS = Pattern(r'[^\W\d_]+', 'format chars', flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) lineno = None def parse(self): while True: try: result = self.parse_toplevel() yield result except EOFError: break def parse_toplevel(self): token = self.required([self.TEXT, self.LBRACE, self.RBRACE], allow_eof=True) if token.pattern is self.TEXT: return Text(token.value) elif token.pattern is self.LBRACE: return NamePart(self.parse_name_part()) elif token.pattern is self.RBRACE: raise UnbalancedBraceError(self) def parse_braced_string(self): while True: try: token = self.required([self.TEXT, self.RBRACE, self.LBRACE]) except PrematureEOF: raise UnbalancedBraceError(self) if token.pattern is self.TEXT: yield token.value elif token.pattern is self.RBRACE: break elif token.pattern is self.LBRACE: yield u'{{{0}}}'.format(''.join(self.parse_braced_string())) else: raise ValueError(token) def parse_name_part(self): verbatim_prefix = [] format_chars = None verbatim_postfix = [] verbatim = verbatim_prefix delimiter = None def check_format_chars(value): value = value.lower() if ( format_chars is not None or len(value) not in [1, 2] or value[0] != value[-1] or value[0] not in 'flvj' ): raise PybtexSyntaxError(u'name format string "{0}" has illegal brace-level-1 letters: {1}'.format(self.text, token.value), self) while True: try: token = self.required([self.LBRACE, self.NON_LETTERS, self.FORMAT_CHARS, self.RBRACE]) except PrematureEOF: raise UnbalancedBraceError(self) if token.pattern is self.LBRACE: verbatim.append(u'{{{0}}}'.format(''.join(self.parse_braced_string()))) elif token.pattern is self.FORMAT_CHARS: check_format_chars(token.value) format_chars = token.value verbatim = verbatim_postfix if self.optional([self.LBRACE]): delimiter = ''.join(self.parse_braced_string()) elif token.pattern is self.NON_LETTERS: verbatim.append(token.value) elif token.pattern is self.RBRACE: return ''.join(verbatim_prefix), format_chars, delimiter, ''.join(verbatim_postfix) else: raise ValueError(token) def eat_whitespace(self): pass