This repository provides User Manual for setting up a Docker environment tailored for testing DGTD code.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

301 lines
10 KiB

"""Utility functions for Sphinx."""
from __future__ import annotations
import hashlib
import os
import posixpath
import re
from importlib import import_module
from os import path
from typing import IO, Any
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, quote_plus, urlencode, urlsplit, urlunsplit
from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError, FiletypeNotFoundError
from sphinx.locale import __
from sphinx.util import display as _display
from sphinx.util import exceptions as _exceptions
from sphinx.util import http_date as _http_date
from sphinx.util import index_entries as _index_entries
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util import osutil as _osutil
from sphinx.util.console import strip_colors # NoQA: F401
from sphinx.util.matching import patfilter # NoQA: F401
from sphinx.util.nodes import ( # NoQA: F401
# import other utilities; partly for backwards compatibility, so don't
# prune unused ones indiscriminately
from sphinx.util.osutil import ( # NoQA: F401
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Generally useful regular expressions.
ws_re: re.Pattern[str] = re.compile(r'\s+')
url_re: re.Pattern[str] = re.compile(r'(?P<schema>.+)://.*')
# High-level utility functions.
def docname_join(basedocname: str, docname: str) -> str:
return posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join('/' + basedocname, '..', docname))[1:]
def get_filetype(source_suffix: dict[str, str], filename: str) -> str:
for suffix, filetype in source_suffix.items():
if filename.endswith(suffix):
# If default filetype (None), considered as restructuredtext.
return filetype or 'restructuredtext'
raise FiletypeNotFoundError
class FilenameUniqDict(dict):
A dictionary that automatically generates unique names for its keys,
interpreted as filenames, and keeps track of a set of docnames they
appear in. Used for images and downloadable files in the environment.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._existing: set[str] = set()
def add_file(self, docname: str, newfile: str) -> str:
if newfile in self:
return self[newfile][1]
uniquename = path.basename(newfile)
base, ext = path.splitext(uniquename)
i = 0
while uniquename in self._existing:
i += 1
uniquename = f'{base}{i}{ext}'
self[newfile] = ({docname}, uniquename)
return uniquename
def purge_doc(self, docname: str) -> None:
for filename, (docs, unique) in list(self.items()):
if not docs:
del self[filename]
def merge_other(self, docnames: set[str], other: dict[str, tuple[set[str], Any]]) -> None:
for filename, (docs, _unique) in other.items():
for doc in docs & set(docnames):
self.add_file(doc, filename)
def __getstate__(self) -> set[str]:
return self._existing
def __setstate__(self, state: set[str]) -> None:
self._existing = state
def _md5(data: bytes = b'', **_kw: Any) -> hashlib._Hash:
"""Deprecated wrapper around hashlib.md5
To be removed in Sphinx 9.0
return hashlib.md5(data, usedforsecurity=False)
def _sha1(data: bytes = b'', **_kw: Any) -> hashlib._Hash:
"""Deprecated wrapper around hashlib.sha1
To be removed in Sphinx 9.0
return hashlib.sha1(data, usedforsecurity=False)
class DownloadFiles(dict):
"""A special dictionary for download files.
.. important:: This class would be refactored in nearly future.
Hence don't hack this directly.
def add_file(self, docname: str, filename: str) -> str:
if filename not in self:
digest = hashlib.md5(filename.encode(), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
dest = f'{digest}/{os.path.basename(filename)}'
self[filename] = (set(), dest)
return self[filename][1]
def purge_doc(self, docname: str) -> None:
for filename, (docs, _dest) in list(self.items()):
if not docs:
del self[filename]
def merge_other(self, docnames: set[str], other: dict[str, tuple[set[str], Any]]) -> None:
for filename, (docs, _dest) in other.items():
for docname in docs & set(docnames):
self.add_file(docname, filename)
# a regex to recognize coding cookies
_coding_re = re.compile(r'coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)')
class UnicodeDecodeErrorHandler:
"""Custom error handler for open() that warns and replaces."""
def __init__(self, docname: str) -> None:
self.docname = docname
def __call__(self, error: UnicodeDecodeError) -> tuple[str, int]:
linestart = error.object.rfind(b'\n', 0, error.start)
lineend = error.object.find(b'\n', error.start)
if lineend == -1:
lineend = len(error.object)
lineno = error.object.count(b'\n', 0, error.start) + 1
logger.warning(__('undecodable source characters, replacing with "?": %r'),
(error.object[linestart + 1:error.start] + b'>>>' +
error.object[error.start:error.end] + b'<<<' +
location=(self.docname, lineno))
return ('?', error.end)
# Low-level utility functions and classes.
class Tee:
File-like object writing to two streams.
def __init__(self, stream1: IO, stream2: IO) -> None:
self.stream1 = stream1
self.stream2 = stream2
def write(self, text: str) -> None:
def flush(self) -> None:
if hasattr(self.stream1, 'flush'):
if hasattr(self.stream2, 'flush'):
def parselinenos(spec: str, total: int) -> list[int]:
"""Parse a line number spec (such as "1,2,4-6") and return a list of
wanted line numbers.
items = []
parts = spec.split(',')
for part in parts:
begend = part.strip().split('-')
if begend == ['', '']:
raise ValueError
if len(begend) == 1:
items.append(int(begend[0]) - 1)
elif len(begend) == 2:
start = int(begend[0] or 1) # left half open (cf. -10)
end = int(begend[1] or max(start, total)) # right half open (cf. 10-)
if start > end: # invalid range (cf. 10-1)
raise ValueError
items.extend(range(start - 1, end))
raise ValueError
except ValueError as exc:
msg = f'invalid line number spec: {spec!r}'
raise ValueError(msg) from exc
return items
def import_object(objname: str, source: str | None = None) -> Any:
"""Import python object by qualname."""
objpath = objname.split('.')
modname = objpath.pop(0)
obj = import_module(modname)
for name in objpath:
modname += '.' + name
obj = getattr(obj, name)
except AttributeError:
obj = import_module(modname)
return obj
except (AttributeError, ImportError) as exc:
if source:
raise ExtensionError('Could not import %s (needed for %s)' %
(objname, source), exc) from exc
raise ExtensionError('Could not import %s' % objname, exc) from exc
def encode_uri(uri: str) -> str:
split = list(urlsplit(uri))
split[1] = split[1].encode('idna').decode('ascii')
split[2] = quote_plus(split[2].encode(), '/')
query = [(q, v.encode()) for (q, v) in parse_qsl(split[3])]
split[3] = urlencode(query)
return urlunsplit(split)
def isurl(url: str) -> bool:
"""Check *url* is URL or not."""
return bool(url) and '://' in url
def _xml_name_checker() -> re.Pattern[str]:
# to prevent import cycles
from import _XML_NAME_PATTERN
# deprecated name -> (object to return, canonical path or empty string)
_DEPRECATED_OBJECTS: dict[str, tuple[Any, str] | tuple[Any, str, tuple[int, int]]] = {
'path_stabilize': (_osutil.path_stabilize, 'sphinx.util.osutil.path_stabilize'),
'display_chunk': (_display.display_chunk, 'sphinx.util.display.display_chunk'),
'status_iterator': (_display.status_iterator, 'sphinx.util.display.status_iterator'),
'SkipProgressMessage': (_display.SkipProgressMessage,
'progress_message': (_display.progress_message, 'sphinx.util.display.progress_message'),
'epoch_to_rfc1123': (_http_date.epoch_to_rfc1123, 'sphinx.http_date.epoch_to_rfc1123'),
'rfc1123_to_epoch': (_http_date.rfc1123_to_epoch, 'sphinx.http_date.rfc1123_to_epoch'),
'save_traceback': (_exceptions.save_traceback, 'sphinx.exceptions.save_traceback'),
'format_exception_cut_frames': (_exceptions.format_exception_cut_frames,
'xmlname_checker': (_xml_name_checker, ''),
'split_index_msg': (_index_entries.split_index_msg,
'split_into': (_index_entries.split_index_msg, 'sphinx.util.index_entries.split_into'),
'md5': (_md5, ''),
'sha1': (_sha1, ''),
def __getattr__(name: str) -> Any:
if name not in _DEPRECATED_OBJECTS:
msg = f'module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}'
raise AttributeError(msg)
from sphinx.deprecation import _deprecation_warning
deprecated_object, canonical_name = info[:2]
remove = info[2] if len(info) == 3 else (8, 0)
_deprecation_warning(__name__, name, canonical_name, remove=remove)
return deprecated_object