This repository provides User Manual for setting up a Docker environment tailored for testing DGTD code.
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"""The composite types for Sphinx."""
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
import types
import typing
from import Sequence
from contextvars import Context, ContextVar, Token
from struct import Struct
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ForwardRef, TypedDict, TypeVar, Union
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst.states import Inliner
import enum
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
from types import UnionType
UnionType = None
# classes that have an incorrect .__module__ attribute
Context: 'contextvars.Context', # Context.__module__ == '_contextvars'
ContextVar: 'contextvars.ContextVar', # ContextVar.__module__ == '_contextvars'
Token: 'contextvars.Token', # Token.__module__ == '_contextvars'
Struct: 'struct.Struct', # Struct.__module__ == '_struct'
# types in 'types' with <type>.__module__ == 'builtins':
types.AsyncGeneratorType: 'types.AsyncGeneratorType',
types.BuiltinFunctionType: 'types.BuiltinFunctionType',
types.BuiltinMethodType: 'types.BuiltinMethodType',
types.CellType: 'types.CellType',
types.ClassMethodDescriptorType: 'types.ClassMethodDescriptorType',
types.CodeType: 'types.CodeType',
types.CoroutineType: 'types.CoroutineType',
types.FrameType: 'types.FrameType',
types.FunctionType: 'types.FunctionType',
types.GeneratorType: 'types.GeneratorType',
types.GetSetDescriptorType: 'types.GetSetDescriptorType',
types.LambdaType: 'types.LambdaType',
types.MappingProxyType: 'types.MappingProxyType',
types.MemberDescriptorType: 'types.MemberDescriptorType',
types.MethodDescriptorType: 'types.MethodDescriptorType',
types.MethodType: 'types.MethodType',
types.MethodWrapperType: 'types.MethodWrapperType',
types.ModuleType: 'types.ModuleType',
types.TracebackType: 'types.TracebackType',
types.WrapperDescriptorType: 'types.WrapperDescriptorType',
def is_invalid_builtin_class(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check *obj* is an invalid built-in class."""
except TypeError: # unhashable type
return False
# Text like nodes which are initialized with text and rawsource
TextlikeNode = Union[nodes.Text, nodes.TextElement]
# type of None
NoneType = type(None)
# path matcher
PathMatcher = Callable[[str], bool]
# common role functions
RoleFunction = Callable[[str, str, str, int, Inliner, dict[str, Any], Sequence[str]],
tuple[list[nodes.Node], list[nodes.system_message]]]
# A option spec for directive
OptionSpec = dict[str, Callable[[str], Any]]
# title getter functions for enumerable nodes (see
TitleGetter = Callable[[nodes.Node], str]
# inventory data on memory
InventoryItem = tuple[
str, # project name
str, # project version
str, # URL
str, # display name
Inventory = dict[str, dict[str, InventoryItem]]
class ExtensionMetadata(TypedDict, total=False):
"""The metadata returned by an extension's ``setup()`` function.
See :ref:`ext-metadata`.
version: str
"""The extension version (default: ``'unknown version'``)."""
env_version: int
"""An integer that identifies the version of env data added by the extension."""
parallel_read_safe: bool
"""Indicate whether parallel reading of source files is supported
by the extension.
parallel_write_safe: bool
"""Indicate whether parallel writing of output files is supported
by the extension (default: ``True``).
_ExtensionSetupFunc = Callable[[Sphinx], ExtensionMetadata]
def get_type_hints(
obj: Any, globalns: dict[str, Any] | None = None, localns: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Return a dictionary containing type hints for a function, method, module or class
This is a simple wrapper of `typing.get_type_hints()` that does not raise an error on
from sphinx.util.inspect import safe_getattr # lazy loading
return typing.get_type_hints(obj, globalns, localns)
except NameError:
# Failed to evaluate ForwardRef (maybe TYPE_CHECKING)
return safe_getattr(obj, '__annotations__', {})
except AttributeError:
# Failed to evaluate ForwardRef (maybe not runtime checkable)
return safe_getattr(obj, '__annotations__', {})
except TypeError:
# Invalid object is given. But try to get __annotations__ as a fallback.
return safe_getattr(obj, '__annotations__', {})
except KeyError:
# a broken class found (refs:
return {}
def is_system_TypeVar(typ: Any) -> bool:
"""Check *typ* is system defined TypeVar."""
modname = getattr(typ, '__module__', '')
return modname == 'typing' and isinstance(typ, TypeVar)
def restify(cls: type | None, mode: str = 'fully-qualified-except-typing') -> str:
"""Convert python class to a reST reference.
:param mode: Specify a method how annotations will be stringified.
Show the module name and qualified name of the annotation except
the "typing" module.
Show the name of the annotation.
from sphinx.ext.autodoc.mock import ismock, ismockmodule # lazy loading
from sphinx.util import inspect # lazy loading
if mode == 'smart':
modprefix = '~'
modprefix = ''
if cls is None or cls is NoneType:
return ':py:obj:`None`'
elif cls is Ellipsis:
return '...'
elif isinstance(cls, str):
return cls
elif ismockmodule(cls):
return f':py:class:`{modprefix}{cls.__name__}`'
elif ismock(cls):
return f':py:class:`{modprefix}{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}`'
elif is_invalid_builtin_class(cls):
return f':py:class:`{modprefix}{_INVALID_BUILTIN_CLASSES[cls]}`'
elif inspect.isNewType(cls):
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10):
# newtypes have correct module info since Python 3.10+
return f':py:class:`{modprefix}{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}`'
return f':py:class:`{cls.__name__}`'
elif UnionType and isinstance(cls, UnionType):
return ' | '.join(restify(a, mode) for a in cls.__args__)
elif cls.__module__ in ('__builtin__', 'builtins'):
if hasattr(cls, '__args__'):
if not cls.__args__: # Empty tuple, list, ...
return fr':py:class:`{cls.__name__}`\ [{cls.__args__!r}]'
concatenated_args = ', '.join(restify(arg, mode) for arg in cls.__args__)
return fr':py:class:`{cls.__name__}`\ [{concatenated_args}]'
return f':py:class:`{cls.__name__}`'
elif (inspect.isgenericalias(cls)
and cls.__module__ == 'typing'
and cls.__origin__ is Union): # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return ' | '.join(restify(a, mode) for a in cls.__args__) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
elif inspect.isgenericalias(cls):
if isinstance(cls.__origin__, typing._SpecialForm): # type: ignore[attr-defined]
text = restify(cls.__origin__, mode) # type: ignore[attr-defined,arg-type]
elif getattr(cls, '_name', None):
cls_name = cls._name # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if cls.__module__ == 'typing':
text = f':py:class:`~{cls.__module__}.{cls_name}`'
text = f':py:class:`{modprefix}{cls.__module__}.{cls_name}`'
text = restify(cls.__origin__, mode) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
origin = getattr(cls, '__origin__', None)
if not hasattr(cls, '__args__'): # NoQA: SIM114
elif all(is_system_TypeVar(a) for a in cls.__args__):
# Suppress arguments if all system defined TypeVars (ex. Dict[KT, VT])
elif (cls.__module__ == 'typing'
and cls._name == 'Callable'): # type: ignore[attr-defined]
args = ', '.join(restify(a, mode) for a in cls.__args__[:-1])
text += fr"\ [[{args}], {restify(cls.__args__[-1], mode)}]"
elif cls.__module__ == 'typing' and getattr(origin, '_name', None) == 'Literal':
literal_args = []
for a in cls.__args__:
if inspect.isenumattribute(a):
literal_args.append(_format_literal_enum_arg(a, mode=mode))
text += fr"\ [{', '.join(literal_args)}]"
del literal_args
elif cls.__args__:
text += fr"\ [{', '.join(restify(a, mode) for a in cls.__args__)}]"
return text
elif isinstance(cls, typing._SpecialForm):
return f':py:obj:`~{cls.__module__}.{cls._name}`'
elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 11) and cls is typing.Any:
# handle bpo-46998
return f':py:obj:`~{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}`'
elif hasattr(cls, '__qualname__'):
if cls.__module__ == 'typing':
return f':py:class:`~{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}`'
return f':py:class:`{modprefix}{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}`'
elif isinstance(cls, ForwardRef):
return f':py:class:`{cls.__forward_arg__}`'
# not a class (ex. TypeVar)
if cls.__module__ == 'typing':
return f':py:obj:`~{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}`'
return f':py:obj:`{modprefix}{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}`'
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
return inspect.object_description(cls)
def stringify_annotation(
annotation: Any,
mode: str = 'fully-qualified-except-typing',
) -> str:
"""Stringify type annotation object.
:param annotation: The annotation to stringified.
:param mode: Specify a method how annotations will be stringified.
Show the module name and qualified name of the annotation except
the "typing" module.
Show the name of the annotation.
Show the module name and qualified name of the annotation.
from sphinx.ext.autodoc.mock import ismock, ismockmodule # lazy loading
from sphinx.util.inspect import isNewType # lazy loading
if mode not in {'fully-qualified-except-typing', 'fully-qualified', 'smart'}:
msg = ("'mode' must be one of 'fully-qualified-except-typing', "
f"'fully-qualified', or 'smart'; got {mode!r}.")
raise ValueError(msg)
if mode == 'smart':
module_prefix = '~'
module_prefix = ''
annotation_qualname = getattr(annotation, '__qualname__', '')
annotation_module = getattr(annotation, '__module__', '')
annotation_name = getattr(annotation, '__name__', '')
annotation_module_is_typing = annotation_module == 'typing'
if isinstance(annotation, str):
if annotation.startswith("'") and annotation.endswith("'"):
# might be a double Forward-ref'ed type. Go unquoting.
return annotation[1:-1]
return annotation
elif isinstance(annotation, TypeVar):
if annotation_module_is_typing and mode in {'fully-qualified-except-typing', 'smart'}:
return annotation_name
return module_prefix + f'{annotation_module}.{annotation_name}'
elif isNewType(annotation):
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10):
# newtypes have correct module info since Python 3.10+
return module_prefix + f'{annotation_module}.{annotation_name}'
return annotation_name
elif not annotation:
return repr(annotation)
elif annotation is NoneType:
return 'None'
elif ismockmodule(annotation):
return module_prefix + annotation_name
elif ismock(annotation):
return module_prefix + f'{annotation_module}.{annotation_name}'
elif is_invalid_builtin_class(annotation):
return module_prefix + _INVALID_BUILTIN_CLASSES[annotation]
elif str(annotation).startswith('typing.Annotated'): # for py310+
elif annotation_module == 'builtins' and annotation_qualname:
if (args := getattr(annotation, '__args__', None)) is not None: # PEP 585 generic
if not args: # Empty tuple, list, ...
return repr(annotation)
concatenated_args = ', '.join(stringify_annotation(arg, mode) for arg in args)
return f'{annotation_qualname}[{concatenated_args}]'
return annotation_qualname
elif annotation is Ellipsis:
return '...'
module_prefix = f'{annotation_module}.'
annotation_forward_arg = getattr(annotation, '__forward_arg__', None)
if annotation_qualname or (annotation_module_is_typing and not annotation_forward_arg):
if mode == 'smart':
module_prefix = '~' + module_prefix
if annotation_module_is_typing and mode == 'fully-qualified-except-typing':
module_prefix = ''
module_prefix = ''
if annotation_module_is_typing:
if annotation_forward_arg:
# handle ForwardRefs
qualname = annotation_forward_arg
_name = getattr(annotation, '_name', '')
if _name:
qualname = _name
elif annotation_qualname:
qualname = annotation_qualname
qualname = stringify_annotation(
annotation.__origin__, 'fully-qualified-except-typing',
).replace('typing.', '') # ex. Union
elif annotation_qualname:
qualname = annotation_qualname
elif hasattr(annotation, '__origin__'):
# instantiated generic provided by a user
qualname = stringify_annotation(annotation.__origin__, mode)
elif UnionType and isinstance(annotation, UnionType): # types.UnionType (for py3.10+)
qualname = 'types.UnionType'
# we weren't able to extract the base type, appending arguments would
# only make them appear twice
return repr(annotation)
annotation_args = getattr(annotation, '__args__', None)
if annotation_args:
if not isinstance(annotation_args, (list, tuple)):
# broken __args__ found
elif qualname in {'Optional', 'Union', 'types.UnionType'}:
return ' | '.join(stringify_annotation(a, mode) for a in annotation_args)
elif qualname == 'Callable':
args = ', '.join(stringify_annotation(a, mode) for a in annotation_args[:-1])
returns = stringify_annotation(annotation_args[-1], mode)
return f'{module_prefix}Callable[[{args}], {returns}]'
elif qualname == 'Literal':
from sphinx.util.inspect import isenumattribute # lazy loading
def format_literal_arg(arg: Any) -> str:
if isenumattribute(arg):
enumcls = arg.__class__
if mode == 'smart':
# MyEnum.member
return f'{enumcls.__qualname__}.{}'
# module.MyEnum.member
return f'{enumcls.__module__}.{enumcls.__qualname__}.{}'
return repr(arg)
args = ', '.join(map(format_literal_arg, annotation_args))
return f'{module_prefix}Literal[{args}]'
elif str(annotation).startswith('typing.Annotated'): # for py39+
return stringify_annotation(annotation_args[0], mode)
elif all(is_system_TypeVar(a) for a in annotation_args):
# Suppress arguments if all system defined TypeVars (ex. Dict[KT, VT])
return module_prefix + qualname
args = ', '.join(stringify_annotation(a, mode) for a in annotation_args)
return f'{module_prefix}{qualname}[{args}]'
return module_prefix + qualname
def _format_literal_enum_arg(arg: enum.Enum, /, *, mode: str) -> str:
enum_cls = arg.__class__
if mode == 'smart' or enum_cls.__module__ == 'typing':
return f':py:attr:`~{enum_cls.__module__}.{enum_cls.__qualname__}.{}`'
return f':py:attr:`{enum_cls.__module__}.{enum_cls.__qualname__}.{}`'
# deprecated name -> (object to return, canonical path or empty string, removal version)
_DEPRECATED_OBJECTS: dict[str, tuple[Any, str, tuple[int, int]]] = {
'stringify': (stringify_annotation, 'sphinx.util.typing.stringify_annotation', (8, 0)),
def __getattr__(name: str) -> Any:
if name not in _DEPRECATED_OBJECTS:
msg = f'module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}'
raise AttributeError(msg)
from sphinx.deprecation import _deprecation_warning
deprecated_object, canonical_name, remove = _DEPRECATED_OBJECTS[name]
_deprecation_warning(__name__, name, canonical_name, remove=remove)
return deprecated_object